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#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../common/common.h"
#include "ps_include.h"

extern int curpostfontid;
extern int curfontsize;

typedef struct {long start, end;} Section;
static char *buf;

static void
copy(Biobufhdr *fin, Biobufhdr *fout, Section *s) {
        if (s->end <= s->start)
        Bseek(fin, s->start, 0);
        while (Bseek(fin, 0L, 1) < s->end && (buf=Brdline(fin, '\n')) != NULL){
                 * We have to be careful here, because % can legitimately appear
                 * in Ascii85 encodings, and must not be elided.
                 * The goal here is to make any DSC comments impotent without
                 * actually changing the behavior of the Postscript.
                 * Since stripping ``comments'' breaks Ascii85, we can instead just
                 * indent comments a space, which turns DSC comments into non-DSC comments
                 * and has no effect on binary encodings, which are whitespace-blind.
                if(buf[0] == '%')
                        Bputc(fout, ' ');
                Bwrite(fout, buf, Blinelen(fin));

 * Reads a PostScript file (*fin), and uses structuring comments to locate the
 * prologue, trailer, global definitions, and the requested page. After the whole
 * file is scanned, the  special ps_include PostScript definitions are copied to
 * *fout, followed by the prologue, global definitions, the requested page, and
 * the trailer. Before returning the initial environment (saved in PS_head) is
 * restored.
 * By default we assume the picture is 8.5 by 11 inches, but the BoundingBox
 * comment, if found, takes precedence.
/*      *fin, *fout;            /* input and output files */
/*      page_no;                /* physical page number from *fin */
/*      whiteout;               /* erase picture area */
/*      outline;                /* draw a box around it and */
/*      scaleboth;              /* scale both dimensions - if not zero */
/*      cx, cy;                 /* center of the picture and */
/*      sx, sy;                 /* its size - in current coordinates */
/*      ax, ay;                 /* left-right, up-down adjustment */
/*      rot;                    /* rotation - in clockwise degrees */

ps_include(Biobufhdr *fin, Biobufhdr *fout, int page_no, int whiteout,
        int outline, int scaleboth, double cx, double cy, double sx, double sy,
        double ax, double ay, double rot) {
        int foundpage = 0;              /* found the page when non zero */
        int foundpbox = 0;              /* found the page bounding box */
        int i;
        int maxglobal = 0;              /* the number we've got room for */
        int nglobal = 0;                /* number of global defs so far */
        char **strp;
        double llx, lly;                /* lower left and */
        double o = outline != 0;
        double s = scaleboth != 0;
        double urx, ury;                /* upper right corners - default coords */
        double w = whiteout != 0;       /* mostly for the var() macro */
        Section *global;                /* offsets for all global definitions */
        Section prolog, page, trailer;  /* prologue, page, and trailer offsets */

#define has(word)       (strncmp(buf, word, strlen(word)) == 0)
#define grab(n)         ((Section *)(nglobal \
                        ? realloc((char *)global, n*sizeof(Section)) \
                        : calloc(n, sizeof(Section))))
        global = nil;
        llx = lly = 0;          /* default BoundingBox - 8.5x11 inches */
        urx = 72 * 8.5;
        ury = 72 * 11.0;

        /* section boundaries and bounding box */

        prolog.start = prolog.end = 0;
        page.start = page.end = 0;
        trailer.start = 0;
        Bseek(fin, 0L, 0);

        while ((buf=Brdline(fin, '\n')) != NULL) {
                buf[Blinelen(fin)-1] = '\0';
                if (!has("%%"))
                else if (has("%%Page: ")) {
                        if (!foundpage)
                                page.start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                        sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
                        if (i == page_no)
                                foundpage = 1;
                        else if (foundpage && page.end <= page.start)
                                page.end = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                } else if (has("%%EndPage: ")) {
                        sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
                        if (i == page_no) {
                                foundpage = 1;
                                page.end = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                        if (!foundpage)
                                page.start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                } else if (has("%%PageBoundingBox: ")) {
                        if (i == page_no) {
                                foundpbox = 1;
                                sscanf(buf, "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
                                                &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
                } else if (has("%%BoundingBox: ")) {
                        if (!foundpbox)
                                sscanf(buf,"%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
                                                &llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
                } else if (has("%%EndProlog") || has("%%EndSetup") || has("%%EndDocumentSetup"))
                        prolog.end = page.start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                else if (has("%%Trailer"))
                        trailer.start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                else if (has("%%BeginGlobal")) {
                        if (page.end <= page.start) {
                                if (nglobal >= maxglobal) {
                                        maxglobal += 20;
                                        global = grab(maxglobal);
                                global[nglobal].start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
                } else if (has("%%EndGlobal"))
                        if (page.end <= page.start)
                                global[nglobal++].end = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
        Bseek(fin, 0L, 2);
        if (trailer.start == 0)
                trailer.start = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);
        trailer.end = Bseek(fin, 0L, 1);

        if (page.end <= page.start)
                page.end = trailer.start;

fprint(2, "prolog=(%d,%d)\n", prolog.start, prolog.end);
fprint(2, "page=(%d,%d)\n", page.start, page.end);
for(i = 0; i < nglobal; i++)
        fprint(2, "global[%d]=(%d,%d)\n", i, global[i].start, global[i].end);
fprint(2, "trailer=(%d,%d)\n", trailer.start, trailer.end);

        /* all output here */
        for (strp = PS_head; *strp != NULL; strp++)
                Bwrite(fout, *strp, strlen(*strp));

        Bprint(fout, "/llx %g def\n", llx);
        Bprint(fout, "/lly %g def\n", lly);
        Bprint(fout, "/urx %g def\n", urx);
        Bprint(fout, "/ury %g def\n", ury);
        Bprint(fout, "/w %g def\n", w);
        Bprint(fout, "/o %g def\n", o);
        Bprint(fout, "/s %g def\n", s);
        Bprint(fout, "/cx %g def\n", cx);
        Bprint(fout, "/cy %g def\n", cy);
        Bprint(fout, "/sx %g def\n", sx);
        Bprint(fout, "/sy %g def\n", sy);
        Bprint(fout, "/ax %g def\n", ax);
        Bprint(fout, "/ay %g def\n", ay);
        Bprint(fout, "/rot %g def\n", rot);

        for (strp = PS_setup; *strp != NULL; strp++)
                Bwrite(fout, *strp, strlen(*strp));

        copy(fin, fout, &prolog);
        for(i = 0; i < nglobal; i++)
                copy(fin, fout, &global[i]);
        copy(fin, fout, &page);
        copy(fin, fout, &trailer);
        for (strp = PS_tail; *strp != NULL; strp++)
                Bwrite(fout, *strp, strlen(*strp));


        /* force the program to reestablish its state */
        curpostfontid = -1;
        curfontsize = -1;