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#include        <u.h>
#include        <libc.h>
#include        <bio.h>
#include        "sky.h"

static void     qtree_expand(Biobuf*, uchar*, int, int, uchar*);
static void     qtree_copy(uchar*, int, int, uchar*, int);
static void     qtree_bitins(uchar*, int, int, Pix*, int, int);
static void     read_bdirect(Biobuf*, Pix*, int, int, int, uchar*, int);

qtree_decode(Biobuf *infile, Pix *a, int n, int nqx, int nqy, int nbitplanes)
        int log2n, k, bit, b, nqmax;
        int nx,ny,nfx,nfy,c;
        int nqx2, nqy2;
        unsigned char *scratch;

         * log2n is log2 of max(nqx,nqy) rounded up to next power of 2
        nqmax = nqy;
        if(nqx > nqmax)
                nqmax = nqx;
        log2n = log(nqmax)/LN2+0.5;
        if (nqmax > (1<<log2n))

         * allocate scratch array for working space
        nqx2 = (nqx+1)/2;
        nqy2 = (nqy+1)/2;
        scratch = (uchar*)malloc(nqx2*nqy2);
        if(scratch == nil) {
                fprint(2, "qtree_decode: insufficient memory\n");

         * now decode each bit plane, starting at the top
         * A is assumed to be initialized to zero
        for(bit = nbitplanes-1; bit >= 0; bit--) {
                 * Was bitplane was quadtree-coded or written directly?
                b = input_nybble(infile);
                if(b == 0) {
                         * bit map was written directly
                        read_bdirect(infile, a, n, nqx, nqy, scratch, bit);
                } else
                if(b != 0xf) {
                        fprint(2, "qtree_decode: bad format code %x\n",b);
                } else {
                         * bitmap was quadtree-coded, do log2n expansions
                         * read first code

                        scratch[0] = input_huffman(infile);

                         * do log2n expansions, reading codes from file as necessary
                        nx = 1;
                        ny = 1;
                        nfx = nqx;
                        nfy = nqy;
                        c = 1<<log2n;
                        for(k = 1; k<log2n; k++) {
                                 * this somewhat cryptic code generates the sequence
                                 * n[k-1] = (n[k]+1)/2 where n[log2n]=nqx or nqy
                                c = c>>1;
                                nx = nx<<1;
                                ny = ny<<1;
                                if(nfx <= c)
                                        nfx -= c;
                                if(nfy <= c)
                                        nfy -= c;
                                qtree_expand(infile, scratch, nx, ny, scratch);

                         * copy last set of 4-bit codes to bitplane bit of array a
                        qtree_bitins(scratch, nqx, nqy, a, n, bit);

 * do one quadtree expansion step on array a[(nqx+1)/2,(nqy+1)/2]
 * results put into b[nqx,nqy] (which may be the same as a)
qtree_expand(Biobuf *infile, uchar *a, int nx, int ny, uchar *b)
        uchar *b1;

         * first copy a to b, expanding each 4-bit value
        qtree_copy(a, nx, ny, b, ny);

         * now read new 4-bit values into b for each non-zero element
        b1 = &b[nx*ny];
        while(b1 > b) {
                if(*b1 != 0)
                        *b1 = input_huffman(infile);

 * copy 4-bit values from a[(nx+1)/2,(ny+1)/2] to b[nx,ny], expanding
 * each value to 2x2 pixels
 * a,b may be same array
qtree_copy(uchar *a, int nx, int ny, uchar *b, int n)
        int i, j, k, nx2, ny2;
        int s00, s10;

         * first copy 4-bit values to b
         * start at end in case a,b are same array
        nx2 = (nx+1)/2;
        ny2 = (ny+1)/2;
        k = ny2*(nx2-1) + ny2-1;        /* k   is index of a[i,j] */
        for (i = nx2-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                s00 = 2*(n*i+ny2-1);    /* s00 is index of b[2*i,2*j] */
                for (j = ny2-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        b[s00] = a[k];
                        k -= 1;
                        s00 -= 2;

         * now expand each 2x2 block
        for(i = 0; i<nx-1; i += 2) {
                s00 = n*i;                              /* s00 is index of b[i,j] */
                s10 = s00+n;                            /* s10 is index of b[i+1,j] */
                for(j = 0; j<ny-1; j += 2) {
                        b[s10+1] =  b[s00]     & 1;
                        b[s10  ] = (b[s00]>>1) & 1;
                        b[s00+1] = (b[s00]>>2) & 1;
                        b[s00  ] = (b[s00]>>3) & 1;
                        s00 += 2;
                        s10 += 2;
                if(j < ny) {
                         * row size is odd, do last element in row
                         * s00+1, s10+1 are off edge
                        b[s10  ] = (b[s00]>>1) & 1;
                        b[s00  ] = (b[s00]>>3) & 1;
        if(i < nx) {
                 * column size is odd, do last row
                 * s10, s10+1 are off edge
                s00 = n*i;
                for (j = 0; j<ny-1; j += 2) {
                        b[s00+1] = (b[s00]>>2) & 1;
                        b[s00  ] = (b[s00]>>3) & 1;
                        s00 += 2;
                if(j < ny) {
                         * both row and column size are odd, do corner element
                         * s00+1, s10, s10+1 are off edge
                        b[s00  ] = (b[s00]>>3) & 1;

 * Copy 4-bit values from a[(nx+1)/2,(ny+1)/2] to b[nx,ny], expanding
 * each value to 2x2 pixels and inserting into bitplane BIT of B.
 * A,B may NOT be same array (it wouldn't make sense to be inserting
 * bits into the same array anyway.)
qtree_bitins(uchar *a, int nx, int ny, Pix *b, int n, int bit)
        int i, j;
        Pix *s00, *s10;
        Pix px;

         * expand each 2x2 block
        for(i=0; i<nx-1; i+=2) {
                s00 = &b[n*i];                  /* s00 is index of b[i,j] */
                s10 = s00+n;                    /* s10 is index of b[i+1,j] */
                for(j=0; j<ny-1; j+=2) {
                        px = *a++;
                        s10[1] |= ( px     & 1) << bit;
                        s10[0] |= ((px>>1) & 1) << bit;
                        s00[1] |= ((px>>2) & 1) << bit;
                        s00[0] |= ((px>>3) & 1) << bit;
                        s00 += 2;
                        s10 += 2;
                if(j < ny) {
                         * row size is odd, do last element in row
                         * s00+1, s10+1 are off edge
                        px = *a++;
                        s10[0] |= ((px>>1) & 1) << bit;
                        s00[0] |= ((px>>3) & 1) << bit;
        if(i < nx) {
                 * column size is odd, do last row
                 * s10, s10+1 are off edge
                s00 = &b[n*i];
                for(j=0; j<ny-1; j+=2) {
                        px = *a++;
                        s00[1] |= ((px>>2) & 1) << bit;
                        s00[0] |= ((px>>3) & 1) << bit;
                        s00 += 2;
                if(j < ny) {
                         * both row and column size are odd, do corner element
                         * s00+1, s10, s10+1 are off edge
                        s00[0] |= ((*a>>3) & 1) << bit;

read_bdirect(Biobuf *infile, Pix *a, int n, int nqx, int nqy, uchar *scratch, int bit)
        int i;

         * read bit image packed 4 pixels/nybble
        for(i = 0; i < ((nqx+1)/2) * ((nqy+1)/2); i++) {
                scratch[i] = input_nybble(infile);

         * insert in bitplane BIT of image A
        qtree_bitins(scratch, nqx, nqy, a, n, bit);