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/***** spin: pangen5.c *****/

/* Copyright (c) 1999-2003 by Lucent Technologies, Bell Laboratories.     */
/* All Rights Reserved.  This software is for educational purposes only.  */
/* No guarantee whatsoever is expressed or implied by the distribution of */
/* this code.  Permission is given to distribute this code provided that  */
/* this introductory message is not removed and no monies are exchanged.  */
/* Software written by Gerard J. Holzmann.  For tool documentation see:   */
/*                                          */
/* Send all bug-reports and/or questions to:            */

#include "spin.h"
#include ""

typedef struct BuildStack {
        FSM_trans *t;
        struct BuildStack *nxt;
} BuildStack;

extern ProcList *rdy;
extern int verbose, eventmapnr, claimnr, rvopt, export_ast, u_sync;
extern Element *Al_El;

static FSM_state *fsm_free;
static FSM_trans *trans_free;
static BuildStack *bs, *bf;
static int max_st_id;
static int cur_st_id;
int o_max;
FSM_state *fsm;
FSM_state **fsm_tbl;
FSM_use   *use_free;

static void ana_seq(Sequence *);
static void ana_stmnt(FSM_trans *, Lextok *, int);

extern void AST_slice(void);
extern void AST_store(ProcList *, int);
extern int  has_global(Lextok *);
extern void exit(int);

static void
{       FSM_state *f;
        max_st_id += 2;
        /* fprintf(stderr, "omax %d, max=%d\n", o_max, max_st_id); */
        if (o_max < max_st_id)
        {       o_max = max_st_id;
                fsm_tbl = (FSM_state **) emalloc(max_st_id * sizeof(FSM_state *));
        } else
                memset((char *)fsm_tbl, 0, max_st_id * sizeof(FSM_state *));
        cur_st_id = max_st_id;
        max_st_id = 0;

        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)
                fsm_tbl[f->from] = f;

static int
FSM_DFS(int from, FSM_use *u)
{       FSM_state *f;
        FSM_trans *t;
        FSM_use *v;
        int n;

        if (from == 0)
                return 1;

        f = fsm_tbl[from];

        if (!f)
        {       printf("cannot find state %d\n", from);
                fatal("fsm_dfs: cannot happen\n", (char *) 0);

        if (f->seen)
                return 1;
        f->seen = 1;

        for (t = f->t; t; t = t->nxt)
                for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
                for (v = t->Val[n]; v; v = v->nxt)
                        if (u->var == v->var)
                                return n;       /* a read or write */

                if (!FSM_DFS(t->to, u))
                        return 0;
        return 1;

static void
{       int i;

        for (i = 0; i < cur_st_id; i++)
                if (fsm_tbl[i])
                        fsm_tbl[i]->seen = 0;

static int
good_dead(Element *e, FSM_use *u)
        switch (u->special) {
        case 2: /* ok if it's a receive */
                if (e->n->ntyp == ASGN
                &&  e->n->rgt->ntyp == CONST
                &&  e->n->rgt->val == 0)
                        return 0;
        case 1: /* must be able to use oval */
                if (e->n->ntyp != 'c'
                &&  e->n->ntyp != 'r')
                        return 0;       /* can't really happen */
        return 1;

#if 0
static int howdeep = 0;

static int
eligible(FSM_trans *v)
{       Element *el = ZE;
        Lextok  *lt = ZN;

        if (v) el = v->step;
        if (el) lt = v->step->n;

        if (!lt                         /* dead end */
        ||  v->nxt                      /* has alternatives */
        ||  el->esc                     /* has an escape */
        ||  (el->status&CHECK2)         /* remotely referenced */
        ||  lt->ntyp == ATOMIC
        ||  lt->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC      /* used for inlines -- should be able to handle this */
        ||  lt->ntyp == IF
        ||  lt->ntyp == C_CODE
        ||  lt->ntyp == C_EXPR
        ||  has_lab(el, 0)              /* any label at all */

        ||  lt->ntyp == DO
        ||  lt->ntyp == UNLESS
        ||  lt->ntyp == D_STEP
        ||  lt->ntyp == ELSE
        ||  lt->ntyp == '@'
        ||  lt->ntyp == 'c'
        ||  lt->ntyp == 'r'
        ||  lt->ntyp == 's')
                return 0;

        if (!(el->status&(2|4)))        /* not atomic */
        {       int unsafe = (el->status&I_GLOB)?1:has_global(el->n);
                if (unsafe)
                        return 0;

        return 1;

static int
canfill_in(FSM_trans *v)
{       Element *el = v->step;
        Lextok  *lt = v->step->n;

        if (!lt                         /* dead end */
        ||  v->nxt                      /* has alternatives */
        ||  el->esc                     /* has an escape */
        ||  (el->status&CHECK2))        /* remotely referenced */
                return 0;

        if (!(el->status&(2|4))         /* not atomic */
        &&  ((el->status&I_GLOB)
        ||   has_global(el->n)))        /* and not safe */
                return 0;

        return 1;

static int
pushbuild(FSM_trans *v)
{       BuildStack *b;

        for (b = bs; b; b = b->nxt)
                if (b->t == v)
                        return 0;
        if (bf)
        {       b = bf;
                bf = bf->nxt;
        } else
                b = (BuildStack *) emalloc(sizeof(BuildStack));
        b->t = v;
        b->nxt = bs;
        bs = b;
        return 1;

static void
{       BuildStack *f;
        if (!bs)
                fatal("cannot happen, popbuild", (char *) 0);
        f = bs;
        bs = bs->nxt;
        f->nxt = bf;
        bf = f;                         /* freelist */

static int
build_step(FSM_trans *v)
{       FSM_state *f;
        Element *el;
#if 0
        Lextok  *lt = ZN;
        int     st;
        int     r;

        if (!v) return -1;

        el = v->step;
        st = v->to;

        if (!el) return -1;

        if (v->step->merge)
                return v->step->merge;  /* already done */

        if (!eligible(v))               /* non-blocking */
                return -1;

        if (!pushbuild(v))              /* cycle detected */
                return -1;              /* break cycle */

        f = fsm_tbl[st];
#if 0
        lt = v->step->n;
        if (verbose&32)
        {       if (++howdeep == 1)
                        printf("spin: %s:%d, merge:\n", lt->fn->name, lt->ln);
                printf("\t[%d] <seqno %d>\t", howdeep, el->seqno);
                comment(stdout, lt, 0);
        r = build_step(f->t);
        v->step->merge = (r == -1) ? st : r;
#if 0
        if (verbose&32)
        {       printf("        merge value: %d (st=%d,r=%d, line %d)\n",
                        v->step->merge, st, r, el->n->ln);

        return v->step->merge;

static void
FSM_MERGER(/* char *pname */ void)      /* find candidates for safely merging steps */
{       FSM_state *f, *g;
        FSM_trans *t;
        Lextok  *lt;

        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)            /* all states */
        for (t = f->t; t; t = t->nxt)           /* all edges */
        {       if (!t->step) continue;         /* happens with 'unless' */

                t->step->merge_in = f->in;      /* ?? */

                if (t->step->merge)
                lt = t->step->n;

                if (lt->ntyp == 'c'
                ||  lt->ntyp == 'r'
                ||  lt->ntyp == 's')    /* blocking stmnts */
                        continue;       /* handled in 2nd scan */

                if (!eligible(t))

                g = fsm_tbl[t->to];
                if (!g || !eligible(g->t))
#define SINGLES
#ifdef SINGLES
                        t->step->merge_single = t->to;
#if 0
                        if ((verbose&32))
                        {       printf("spin: %s:%d, merge_single:\n\t<seqno %d>\t",
                                comment(stdout, t->step->n, 0);
                        /* t is an isolated eligible step:
                         * a merge_start can connect to a proper
                         * merge chain or to a merge_single
                         * a merge chain can be preceded by
                         * a merge_start, but not by a merge_single


                (void) build_step(t);

        /* 2nd scan -- find possible merge_starts */

        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)            /* all states */
        for (t = f->t; t; t = t->nxt)           /* all edges */
        {       if (!t->step || t->step->merge)

                lt = t->step->n;
#if 0
        an rv send operation inside an atomic, *loses* atomicity
        when executed
        and should therefore never be merged with a subsequent
        statement within the atomic sequence
        the same is not true for non-rv send operations

                if (lt->ntyp == 'c'     /* potentially blocking stmnts */
                ||  lt->ntyp == 'r'
                ||  (lt->ntyp == 's' && u_sync == 0))   /* added !u_sync in 4.1.3 */
                {       if (!canfill_in(t))             /* atomic, non-global, etc. */

                        g = fsm_tbl[t->to];
                        if (!g || !g->t || !g->t->step)
                        if (g->t->step->merge)
                                t->step->merge_start = g->t->step->merge;
#ifdef SINGLES
                        else if (g->t->step->merge_single)
                                t->step->merge_start = g->t->step->merge_single;
#if 0
                        if ((verbose&32)
                        && t->step->merge_start)
                        {       printf("spin: %s:%d, merge_START:\n\t<seqno %d>\t",
                                                lt->fn->name, lt->ln,
                                comment(stdout, lt, 0);

static void
{       FSM_state *f;
        FSM_trans *t;
        FSM_use *u, *v, *w;
        int n;

        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)            /* all states */
        for (t = f->t; t; t = t->nxt)           /* all edges */
        for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)                 /* reads and writes */
        for (u = t->Val[n]; u; u = u->nxt)
        {       if (!u->var->context    /* global */
                ||   u->var->type == CHAN
                ||   u->var->type == STRUCT)
                if (FSM_DFS(t->to, u))  /* cannot hit read before hitting write */
                        u->special = n+1;       /* means, reset to 0 after use */

        if (!export_ast)
        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)
        for (t = f->t; t; t = t->nxt)
        for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
        for (u = t->Val[n], w = (FSM_use *) 0; u; )
        {       if (u->special)
                {       v = u->nxt;
                        if (!w)                 /* remove from list */
                                t->Val[n] = v;
                                w->nxt = v;
#if q
                        if (verbose&32)
                        {       printf("%s : %3d:  %d -> %d \t",
                                comment(stdout, t->step->n, 0);
                                printf("\t%c%d: %s\n", n==0?'R':'L',
                                        u->special, u->var->name);
                        if (good_dead(t->step, u))
                        {       u->nxt = t->step->dead; /* insert into dead */
                                t->step->dead = u;
                        u = v;
                } else
                {       w = u;
                        u = u->nxt;
        }       }

rel_use(FSM_use *u)
        if (!u) return;
        u->var = (Symbol *) 0;
        u->special = 0;
        u->nxt = use_free;
        use_free = u;

static void
rel_trans(FSM_trans *t)
        if (!t) return;
        t->Val[0] = t->Val[1] = (FSM_use *) 0;
        t->nxt = trans_free;
        trans_free = t;

static void
rel_state(FSM_state *f)
        if (!f) return;
        f->t = (FSM_trans *) 0;
        f->nxt = fsm_free;
        fsm_free = f;

static void
        fsm = (FSM_state *) 0;

static FSM_state *
mkstate(int s)
{       FSM_state *f;

        /* fsm_tbl isn't allocated yet */
        for (f = fsm; f; f = f->nxt)
                if (f->from == s)
        if (!f)
        {       if (fsm_free)
                {       f = fsm_free;
                        memset(f, 0, sizeof(FSM_state));
                        fsm_free = fsm_free->nxt;
                } else
                        f = (FSM_state *) emalloc(sizeof(FSM_state));
                f->from = s;
                f->t = (FSM_trans *) 0;
                f->nxt = fsm;
                fsm = f;
                if (s > max_st_id)
                        max_st_id = s;
        return f;

static FSM_trans *
get_trans(int to)
{       FSM_trans *t;

        if (trans_free)
        {       t = trans_free;
                memset(t, 0, sizeof(FSM_trans));
                trans_free = trans_free->nxt;
        } else
                t = (FSM_trans *) emalloc(sizeof(FSM_trans));

        t->to = to;
        return t;

static void
FSM_EDGE(int from, int to, Element *e)
{       FSM_state *f;
        FSM_trans *t;

        f = mkstate(from);      /* find it or else make it */
        t = get_trans(to);

        t->step = e;
        t->nxt = f->t;
        f->t = t;

        f = mkstate(to);

        if (export_ast)
        {       t = get_trans(from);
                t->step = e;
                t->nxt = f->p;  /* from is a predecessor of to */
                f->p = t;

        if (t->step)
                ana_stmnt(t, t->step->n, 0);

#define LVAL    1
#define RVAL    0

static void
ana_var(FSM_trans *t, Lextok *now, int usage)
{       FSM_use *u, *v;

        if (!t || !now || !now->sym)

        if (now->sym->name[0] == '_'
        &&  (strcmp(now->sym->name, "_") == 0
        ||   strcmp(now->sym->name, "_pid") == 0
        ||   strcmp(now->sym->name, "_last") == 0))

        v = t->Val[usage];
        for (u = v; u; u = u->nxt)
                if (u->var == now->sym)
                        return; /* it's already there */

        if (!now->lft)
        {       /* not for array vars -- it's hard to tell statically
                   if the index would, at runtime, evaluate to the
                   same values at lval and rval references
                if (use_free)
                {       u = use_free;
                        use_free = use_free->nxt;
                } else
                        u = (FSM_use *) emalloc(sizeof(FSM_use));
                u->var = now->sym;
                u->nxt = t->Val[usage];
                t->Val[usage] = u;
        } else
                 ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);  /* index */

        if (now->sym->type == STRUCT
        &&  now->rgt
        &&  now->rgt->lft)
                ana_var(t, now->rgt->lft, usage);

static void
ana_stmnt(FSM_trans *t, Lextok *now, int usage)
{       Lextok *v;

        if (!t || !now) return;

        switch (now->ntyp) {
        case '.':
        case BREAK:
        case GOTO:
        case CONST:
        case TIMEOUT:
        case NONPROGRESS:
        case  ELSE:
        case '@':
        case 'q':
        case IF:
        case DO:
        case ATOMIC:
        case NON_ATOMIC:
        case D_STEP:
        case C_CODE:
        case C_EXPR:

        case '!':       
        case UMIN:
        case '~':
        case ENABLED:
        case PC_VAL:
        case LEN:
        case FULL:
        case EMPTY:
        case NFULL:
        case NEMPTY:
        case ASSERT:
        case 'c':
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);

        case '/':
        case '*':
        case '-':
        case '+':
        case '%':
        case '&':
        case '^':
        case '|':
        case LT:
        case GT:
        case LE:
        case GE:
        case NE:
        case EQ:
        case OR:
        case AND:
        case LSHIFT:
        case RSHIFT:
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);
                ana_stmnt(t, now->rgt, RVAL);

        case ASGN:
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, LVAL);
                ana_stmnt(t, now->rgt, RVAL);

        case PRINT:
        case RUN:
                for (v = now->lft; v; v = v->rgt)
                        ana_stmnt(t, v->lft, RVAL);

        case PRINTM:
                if (now->lft && !now->lft->ismtyp)
                        ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);

        case 's':
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);
                for (v = now->rgt; v; v = v->rgt)
                        ana_stmnt(t, v->lft, RVAL);

        case 'R':
        case 'r':
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);
                for (v = now->rgt; v; v = v->rgt)
                {       if (v->lft->ntyp == EVAL)
                                ana_stmnt(t, v->lft->lft, RVAL);
                        if (v->lft->ntyp != CONST
                        &&  now->ntyp != 'R')           /* was v->lft->ntyp */
                                ana_stmnt(t, v->lft, LVAL);

        case '?':
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft, RVAL);
                if (now->rgt)
                {       ana_stmnt(t, now->rgt->lft, RVAL);
                        ana_stmnt(t, now->rgt->rgt, RVAL);

        case NAME:
                ana_var(t, now, usage);

        case   'p':     /* remote ref */
                ana_stmnt(t, now->lft->lft, RVAL);      /* process id */
                ana_var(t, now, RVAL);
                ana_var(t, now->rgt, RVAL);

                printf("spin: %s:%d, bad node type %d (ana_stmnt)\n",
                        now->fn->name, now->ln, now->ntyp);
                fatal("aborting", (char *) 0);

ana_src(int dataflow, int merger)       /* called from main.c and guided.c */
{       ProcList *p;
        Element *e;
#if 0
        int counter = 1;
        for (p = rdy; p; p = p->nxt)

                e = p->s->frst;
#if 0
                if (dataflow || merger)
                {       printf("spin: %d, optimizing '%s'",
                                counter++, p->n->name);
                if (dataflow)
                {       FSM_ANA();
                if (merger)
                {       FSM_MERGER(/* p->n->name */);
                        huntele(e, e->status, -1)->merge_in = 1; /* start-state */
#if 0
                if (export_ast)
                        AST_store(p, huntele(e, e->status, -1)->seqno);

        for (e = Al_El; e; e = e->Nxt)
                if (!(e->status&DONE) && (verbose&32))
                {       printf("unreachable code: ");
                        printf("%s:%3d  ", e->n->fn->name, e->n->ln);
                        comment(stdout, e->n, 0);
                e->status &= ~DONE;
        if (export_ast)
        {       AST_slice();
                alldone(0);     /* changed in 5.3.0: was exit(0) */

spit_recvs(FILE *f1, FILE *f2)  /* called from pangen2.c */
{       Element *e;
        Sequence *s;
        extern int Unique;

        fprintf(f1, "unsigned char Is_Recv[%d];\n", Unique);

        fprintf(f2, "void\nset_recvs(void)\n{\n");
        for (e = Al_El; e; e = e->Nxt)
        {       if (!e->n) continue;

                switch (e->n->ntyp) {
                case 'r':
markit:                 fprintf(f2, "\tIs_Recv[%d] = 1;\n", e->Seqno);
                case D_STEP:
                        s = e->n->sl->this;
                        switch (s->frst->n->ntyp) {
                        case DO:
                                fatal("unexpected: do at start of d_step", (char *) 0);
                        case IF: /* conservative: fall through */
                        case 'r': goto markit;
        fprintf(f2, "}\n");

        if (rvopt)
        fprintf(f2, "int\nno_recvs(int me)\n{\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   int h; uchar ot; short tt;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   Trans *t;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   for (h = BASE; h < (int) now._nr_pr; h++)\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   {       if (h == me) continue;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "           tt = (short) ((P0 *)pptr(h))->_p;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "           ot = (uchar) ((P0 *)pptr(h))->_t;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "           for (t = trans[ot][tt]; t; t = t->nxt)\n");
        fprintf(f2, "                   if (Is_Recv[t->t_id]) return 0;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   }\n");
        fprintf(f2, "   return 1;\n");
        fprintf(f2, "}\n");

static void
ana_seq(Sequence *s)
{       SeqList *h;
        Sequence *t;
        Element *e, *g;
        int From, To;

        for (e = s->frst; e; e = e->nxt)
        {       if (e->status & DONE)
                        goto checklast;

                e->status |= DONE;

                From = e->seqno;

                if (e->n->ntyp == UNLESS)
                else if (e->sub)
                {       for (h = e->sub; h; h = h->nxt)
                        {       g = huntstart(h->this->frst);
                                To = g->seqno;

                                if (g->n->ntyp != 'c'
                                ||  g->n->lft->ntyp != CONST
                                ||  g->n->lft->val != 0
                                ||  g->esc)
                                        FSM_EDGE(From, To, e);
                                /* else it's a dead link */
                        for (h = e->sub; h; h = h->nxt)
                } else if (e->n->ntyp == ATOMIC
                        ||  e->n->ntyp == D_STEP
                        ||  e->n->ntyp == NON_ATOMIC)
                        t = e->n->sl->this;
                        g = huntstart(t->frst);
                        t->last->nxt = e->nxt;
                        To = g->seqno;
                        FSM_EDGE(From, To, e);

                } else 
                {       if (e->n->ntyp == GOTO)
                        {       g = get_lab(e->n, 1);
                                g = huntele(g, e->status, -1);
                                To = g->seqno;
                        } else if (e->nxt)
                        {       g = huntele(e->nxt, e->status, -1);
                                To = g->seqno;
                        } else
                                To = 0;

                        FSM_EDGE(From, To, e);

                        if (e->esc
                        &&  e->n->ntyp != GOTO
                        &&  e->n->ntyp != '.')
                        for (h = e->esc; h; h = h->nxt)
                        {       g = huntstart(h->this->frst);
                                To = g->seqno;
                                FSM_EDGE(From, To, ZE);

checklast:      if (e == s->last)