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/* avoid name conflicts */
#define accept pm_accept
#define listen pm_listen
#define sleep ksleep
#define wakeup kwakeup
#ifdef strtod
#undef strtod
#define strtod fmtstrtod
/* conflicts on some os's */
#define encrypt libencrypt
#define decrypt libdecrypt
#define oserror liboserror
#define clone libclone
#define atexit libatexit
#define log2 liblog2
#define log liblog
#define reboot libreboot
#define strtoll libstrtoll
#undef timeradd
#define timeradd xtimeradd
#define nil ((void*)0)
typedef unsigned char p9_uchar;
typedef unsigned int p9_uint;
typedef unsigned int p9_ulong;
typedef int p9_long;
typedef signed char p9_schar;
typedef unsigned short p9_ushort;
typedef unsigned int Rune;
typedef unsigned int p9_u32int;
typedef p9_u32int mpdigit;
/* make sure we don't conflict with predefined types */
#define schar p9_schar
#define uchar p9_uchar
#define ushort p9_ushort
#define uint p9_uint
#define u32int p9_u32int
/* #define long int rather than p9_long so that "unsigned long" is valid */
#define long int
#define ulong p9_ulong
#define vlong p9_vlong
#define uvlong p9_uvlong
#define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
#define SET(x) ((x)=0)
#define USED(x) if(x);else
UTFmax = 4, /* maximum bytes per rune */
Runesync = 0x80, /* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */
Runeself = 0x80, /* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
Runeerror = 0xFFFD, /* decoding error in UTF */
Runemax = 0x10FFFF, /* 21-bit rune */
Runemask = 0x1FFFFF, /* bits used by runes (see grep) */
* new rune routines
extern int runetochar(char*, Rune*);
extern int chartorune(Rune*, char*);
extern int runelen(long);
extern int fullrune(char*, int);
extern int wstrtoutf(char*, Rune*, int);
extern int wstrutflen(Rune*);
* rune routines from converted str routines
extern long utflen(char*);
extern char* utfrune(char*, long);
extern char* utfrrune(char*, long);
* Syscall data structures
#define MORDER 0x0003 /* mask for bits defining order of mounting */
#define MREPL 0x0000 /* mount replaces object */
#define MBEFORE 0x0001 /* mount goes before others in union directory */
#define MAFTER 0x0002 /* mount goes after others in union directory */
#define MCREATE 0x0004 /* permit creation in mounted directory */
#define MCACHE 0x0010 /* cache some data */
#define MMASK 0x0017 /* all bits on */
#define OREAD 0 /* open for read */
#define OWRITE 1 /* write */
#define ORDWR 2 /* read and write */
#define OEXEC 3 /* execute, == read but check execute permission */
#define OTRUNC 16 /* or'ed in (except for exec), truncate file first */
#define OCEXEC 32 /* or'ed in, close on exec */
#define ORCLOSE 64 /* or'ed in, remove on close */
#define OEXCL 0x1000 /* or'ed in, exclusive create */
#define NCONT 0 /* continue after note */
#define NDFLT 1 /* terminate after note */
#define NSAVE 2 /* clear note but hold state */
#define NRSTR 3 /* restore saved state */
#define ERRMAX 128 /* max length of error string */
#define KNAMELEN 28 /* max length of name held in kernel */
/* bits in Qid.type */
#define QTDIR 0x80 /* type bit for directories */
#define QTAPPEND 0x40 /* type bit for append only files */
#define QTEXCL 0x20 /* type bit for exclusive use files */
#define QTMOUNT 0x10 /* type bit for mounted channel */
#define QTAUTH 0x08 /* type bit for authentication file */
#define QTFILE 0x00 /* plain file */
/* bits in Dir.mode */
#define DMDIR 0x80000000 /* mode bit for directories */
#define DMAPPEND 0x40000000 /* mode bit for append only files */
#define DMEXCL 0x20000000 /* mode bit for exclusive use files */
#define DMMOUNT 0x10000000 /* mode bit for mounted channel */
#define DMAUTH 0x08000000 /* mode bit for authentication files */
#define DMREAD 0x4 /* mode bit for read permission */
#define DMWRITE 0x2 /* mode bit for write permission */
#define DMEXEC 0x1 /* mode bit for execute permission */
typedef struct Lock
#ifdef PTHREAD
int init;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
long key;
} Lock;
typedef struct QLock
Lock lk;
struct Proc *hold;
struct Proc *first;
struct Proc *last;
} QLock;
struct Qid
uvlong path;
ulong vers;
uchar type;
} Qid;
struct Dir {
/* system-modified data */
ushort type; /* server type */
uint dev; /* server subtype */
/* file data */
Qid qid; /* unique id from server */
ulong mode; /* permissions */
ulong atime; /* last read time */
ulong mtime; /* last write time */
vlong length; /* file length */
char *name; /* last element of path */
char *uid; /* owner name */
char *gid; /* group name */
char *muid; /* last modifier name */
} Dir;
struct Waitmsg
int pid; /* of loved one */
ulong time[3]; /* of loved one & descendants */
char *msg;
} Waitmsg;
* print routines
typedef struct Fmt Fmt;
struct Fmt{
uchar runes; /* output buffer is runes or chars? */
void *start; /* of buffer */
void *to; /* current place in the buffer */
void *stop; /* end of the buffer; overwritten if flush fails */
int (*flush)(Fmt *); /* called when to == stop */
void *farg; /* to make flush a closure */
int nfmt; /* num chars formatted so far */
va_list args; /* args passed to dofmt */
int r; /* % format Rune */
int width;
int prec;
ulong flags;
FmtWidth = 1,
FmtLeft = FmtWidth << 1,
FmtPrec = FmtLeft << 1,
FmtSharp = FmtPrec << 1,
FmtSpace = FmtSharp << 1,
FmtSign = FmtSpace << 1,
FmtZero = FmtSign << 1,
FmtUnsigned = FmtZero << 1,
FmtShort = FmtUnsigned << 1,
FmtLong = FmtShort << 1,
FmtVLong = FmtLong << 1,
FmtComma = FmtVLong << 1,
FmtByte = FmtComma << 1,
FmtFlag = FmtByte << 1,
FmtLDouble = FmtFlag << 1
extern int print(char*, ...);
extern char* seprint(char*, char*, char*, ...);
extern char* vseprint(char*, char*, char*, va_list);
extern int snprint(char*, int, char*, ...);
extern int vsnprint(char*, int, char*, va_list);
extern char* smprint(char*, ...);
extern char* vsmprint(char*, va_list);
extern int sprint(char*, char*, ...);
extern int fprint(int, char*, ...);
extern int vfprint(int, char*, va_list);
extern int (*doquote)(int);
extern int runesprint(Rune*, char*, ...);
extern int runesnprint(Rune*, int, char*, ...);
extern int runevsnprint(Rune*, int, char*, va_list);
extern Rune* runeseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, ...);
extern Rune* runevseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, va_list);
extern Rune* runesmprint(char*, ...);
extern Rune* runevsmprint(char*, va_list);
extern Rune* runestrchr(Rune*, Rune);
extern long runestrlen(Rune*);
extern Rune* runestrstr(Rune*, Rune*);
extern int fmtfdinit(Fmt*, int, char*, int);
extern int fmtfdflush(Fmt*);
extern int fmtstrinit(Fmt*);
extern int fmtinstall(int, int (*)(Fmt*));
extern char* fmtstrflush(Fmt*);
extern int runefmtstrinit(Fmt*);
extern Rune* runefmtstrflush(Fmt*);
extern int encodefmt(Fmt*);
extern int fmtstrcpy(Fmt*, char*);
extern int fmtprint(Fmt*, char*, ...);
extern int fmtvprint(Fmt*, char*, va_list);
extern void* mallocz(ulong, int);
extern uintptr getcallerpc(void*);
extern char* cleanname(char*);
extern void sysfatal(char*, ...);
extern char* strecpy(char*, char*, char*);
extern int tokenize(char*, char**, int);
extern int getfields(char*, char**, int, int, char*);
extern char* utfecpy(char*, char*, char*);
extern long tas(long*);
extern void quotefmtinstall(void);
extern int dec64(uchar*, int, char*, int);
extern int enc64(char*, int, uchar*, int);
extern int dec32(uchar*, int, char*, int);
extern int enc32(char*, int, uchar*, int);
extern int enc16(char*, int, uchar*, int);
void hnputs(void *p, unsigned short v);
extern int dofmt(Fmt*, char*);
extern double __NaN(void);
extern int __isNaN(double);
extern double strtod(const char*, char**);
extern int utfnlen(char*, long);
extern double __Inf(int);
extern int __isInf(double, int);
extern int (*fmtdoquote)(int);