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* USB Human Interaction Device: keyboard and mouse.
* If there's no usb keyboard, it tries to setup the mouse, if any.
* It should be started at boot time.
* Mouse events are converted to the format of mouse(3)'s mousein file.
* Keyboard keycodes are translated to scan codes and sent to kbin(3).
* If there is no keyboard, it tries to setup the mouse properly, else it falls
* back to boot protocol.
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include "usb.h"
#include "hid.h"
Awakemsg= 0xdeaddead,
Diemsg = 0xbeefbeef,
Dwcidle = 8,
typedef struct KDev KDev;
typedef struct Kin Kin;
struct KDev
Dev* dev; /* usb device*/
Dev* ep; /* endpoint to get events */
Kin* in; /* used to send events to kernel */
int idle; /* min time between reports (× 4ms) */
Channel*repeatc; /* only for keyboard */
int accel; /* only for mouse */
int bootp; /* has associated keyboard */
int debug;
HidRepTempl templ;
int (*ptrvals)(KDev *kd, Chain *ch, int *px, int *py, int *pb);
* Kbdin and mousein files must be shared among all instances.
struct Kin
int ref;
int fd;
char* name;
* Map for the logitech bluetooth mouse with 8 buttons and wheels.
* { ptr ->mouse}
* { 0x01, 0x01 }, // left
* { 0x04, 0x02 }, // middle
* { 0x02, 0x04 }, // right
* { 0x40, 0x08 }, // up
* { 0x80, 0x10 }, // down
* { 0x10, 0x08 }, // side up
* { 0x08, 0x10 }, // side down
* { 0x20, 0x02 }, // page
* besides wheel and regular up/down report the 4th byte as 1/-1
* key code to scan code; for the page table used by
* the logitech bluetooth keyboard.
static char sctab[256] =
[0x00] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1e, 0x30, 0x2e, 0x20,
[0x08] 0x12, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x17, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26,
[0x10] 0x32, 0x31, 0x18, 0x19, 0x10, 0x13, 0x1f, 0x14,
[0x18] 0x16, 0x2f, 0x11, 0x2d, 0x15, 0x2c, 0x2, 0x3,
[0x20] 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb,
[0x28] 0x1c, 0x1, 0xe, 0xf, 0x39, 0xc, 0xd, 0x1a,
[0x30] 0x1b, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x33, 0x34,
[0x38] 0x35, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x40,
[0x40] 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x57, 0x58, 0x63, 0x46,
[0x48] 0x77, 0x52, 0x47, 0x49, 0x53, 0x4f, 0x51, 0x4d,
[0x50] 0x4b, 0x50, 0x48, 0x45, 0x35, 0x37, 0x4a, 0x4e,
[0x58] 0x1c, 0x4f, 0x50, 0x51, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x47,
[0x60] 0x48, 0x49, 0x52, 0x53, 0x56, 0x7f, 0x74, 0x75,
[0x68] 0x55, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,
[0x70] 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0x78] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x71,
[0x80] 0x73, 0x72, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x7c, 0x0, 0x0,
[0x88] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0x90] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0x98] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xa0] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xa8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xb0] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xb8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xc0] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xc8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xd0] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xd8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xe0] 0x1d, 0x2a, 0x38, 0x7d, 0x61, 0x36, 0x64, 0x7e,
[0xe8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x73, 0x72, 0x71,
[0xf0] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
[0xf8] 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
static QLock inlck;
static Kin kbdin =
.ref = 0,
.name = "#Ι/kbin",
.fd = -1,
static Kin ptrin =
.ref = 0,
.name = "#m/mousein",
.fd = -1,
static int ptrbootpvals(KDev *kd, Chain *ch, int *px, int *py, int *pb);
static int ptrrepvals(KDev *kd, Chain *ch, int *px, int *py, int *pb);
static int
setbootproto(KDev* f, int eid, uchar *, int)
int nr, r, id;
f->ptrvals = ptrbootpvals;
r = Rh2d|Rclass|Riface;
dprint(2, "setting boot protocol\n");
id = f->dev->usb->ep[eid]->iface->id;
nr = usbcmd(f->dev, r, Setproto, Bootproto, id, nil, 0);
if(nr < 0)
return -1;
usbcmd(f->dev, r, Setidle, f->idle<<8, id, nil, 0);
return nr;
static uchar ignoredesc[128];
static int
setfirstconfig(KDev* f, int eid, uchar *desc, int descsz)
int nr, r, id, i;
dprint(2, "setting first config\n");
if(desc == nil){
descsz = sizeof ignoredesc;
desc = ignoredesc;
id = f->dev->usb->ep[eid]->iface->id;
r = Rh2d | Rstd | Rdev;
nr = usbcmd(f->dev, r, Rsetconf, 1, 0, nil, 0);
if(nr < 0)
return -1;
r = Rh2d | Rclass | Riface;
nr = usbcmd(f->dev, r, Setidle, f->idle<<8, id, nil, 0);
if(nr < 0)
return -1;
r = Rd2h | Rstd | Riface;
nr=usbcmd(f->dev, r, Rgetdesc, Dreport<<8, id, desc, descsz);
if(nr <= 0)
return -1;
fprint(2, "report descriptor:");
for(i = 0; i < nr; i++){
if(i%8 == 0)
fprint(2, "\n\t");
fprint(2, "%#2.2ux ", desc[i]);
fprint(2, "\n");
f->ptrvals = ptrrepvals;
return nr;
* Try to recover from a babble error. A port reset is the only way out.
* BUG: we should be careful not to reset a bundle with several devices.
static void
recoverkb(KDev *f)
int i;
close(f->dev->dfd); /* it's for usbd now */
devctl(f->dev, "reset");
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
if(i == 5)
if(opendevdata(f->dev, ORDWR) >= 0){
/* TODO func pointer */
setbootproto(f, f->ep->id, nil, 0);
setfirstconfig(f, f->ep->id, nil, 0);
/* else usbd still working... */
static void
kbfatal(KDev *kd, char *sts)
Dev *dev;
if(sts != nil)
fprint(2, "kb: fatal: %s\n", sts);
fprint(2, "kb: exiting\n");
if(kd->repeatc != nil)
nbsendul(kd->repeatc, Diemsg);
dev = kd->dev;
kd->dev = nil;
if(kd->ep != nil)
kd->ep = nil;
devctl(dev, "detach");
* free(kd); done by closedev.
static int
scale(KDev *f, int x)
int sign = 1;
if(x < 0){
sign = -1;
x = -x;
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
x = 6 + (f->accel>>2);
case 5:
x = 9 + (f->accel>>1);
x *= MaxAcc;
return sign*x;
* ps2 mouse is processed mostly at interrupt time.
* for usb we do what we can.
static void
char fn[30];
int fd;
snprint(fn, sizeof fn, "/proc/%d/ctl", getpid());
fd = open(fn, OWRITE);
if(fd >= 0) {
fprint(fd, "pri 13");
static int
ptrrepvals(KDev *kd, Chain *ch, int *px, int *py, int *pb)
int i, x, y, b, c;
static char buts[] = {0x0, 0x2, 0x1};
c = ch->e / 8;
/* sometimes there is a report id, sometimes not */
if(c == kd-> + 1)
if(ch->buf[0] == kd->
ch->b += 8;
return -1;
parsereport(&kd->templ, ch);
if(kd->debug > 1)
if(c < 3)
return -1;
x = hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindX, 0);
y = hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindY, 0);
b = 0;
for(i = 0; i<sizeof buts; i++)
b |= (hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindButtons, i) & 1) << buts[i];
if(c > 3 && hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindWheel, 0) > 0) /* up */
b |= 0x08;
if(c > 3 && hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindWheel, 0) < 0) /* down */
b |= 0x10;
*px = x;
*py = y;
*pb = b;
return 0;
static int
ptrbootpvals(KDev *kd, Chain *ch, int *px, int *py, int *pb)
int b, c;
char x, y;
static char maptab[] = {0x0, 0x1, 0x4, 0x5, 0x2, 0x3, 0x6, 0x7};
c = ch->e / 8;
if(c < 3)
return -1;
x = hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindX, 0);
y = hidifcval(&kd->templ, KindY, 0);
/* no report descriptor for boot protocol */
x = ((signed char*)ch->buf)[1];
y = ((signed char*)ch->buf)[2];
b = maptab[ch->buf[0] & 0x7];
if(c > 3 && ch->buf[3] == 1) /* up */
b |= 0x08;
if(c > 3 && ch->buf[3] == 0xff) /* down */
b |= 0x10;
*px = x;
*py = y;
*pb = b;
return 0;
static void
ptrwork(void* a)
int hipri, mfd, nerrs, x, y, b, c, ptrfd;
char mbuf[80];
Chain ch;
KDev* f = a;
threadsetname("ptr %s", f->ep->dir);
hipri = nerrs = 0;
ptrfd = f->ep->dfd;
mfd = f->in->fd;
if(f->ep->maxpkt < 3 || f->ep->maxpkt > MaxChLen)
kbfatal(f, "weird mouse maxpkt");
memset(ch.buf, 0, MaxChLen);
if(f->ep == nil)
kbfatal(f, nil);
c = read(ptrfd, ch.buf, f->ep->maxpkt);
assert(f->dev != nil);
assert(f->ep != nil);
if(c < 0){
dprint(2, "kb: mouse: %s: read: %r\n", f->ep->dir);
if(++nerrs < 3){
if(c <= 0)
kbfatal(f, nil);
ch.b = 0;
ch.e = 8 * c;
if(f->ptrvals(f, &ch, &x, &y, &b) < 0)
x = scale(f, x);
y = scale(f, y);
if(f->debug > 1)
fprint(2, "kb: m%11d %11d %11d\n", x, y, b);
seprint(mbuf, mbuf+sizeof(mbuf), "m%11d %11d %11d", x, y,b);
if(write(mfd, mbuf, strlen(mbuf)) < 0)
kbfatal(f, "mousein i/o");
if(hipri == 0){
hipri = 1;
static void
stoprepeat(KDev *f)
sendul(f->repeatc, Awakemsg);
static void
startrepeat(KDev *f, uchar esc1, uchar sc)
ulong c;
c = SCesc1 << 8 | (sc & 0xff);
c = sc;
sendul(f->repeatc, c);
static void
putscan(KDev *f, uchar esc, uchar sc)
int kbinfd;
uchar s[2] = {SCesc1, 0};
kbinfd = f->in->fd;
if(sc == 0x41){
f->debug += 2;
if(sc == 0x42){
f->debug = 0;
if(f->debug > 1)
fprint(2, "sc: %x %x\n", (esc? SCesc1: 0), sc);
s[1] = sc;
if(esc && sc != 0)
write(kbinfd, s, 2);
else if(sc != 0)
write(kbinfd, s+1, 1);
static void
repeatproc(void* a)
KDev *f;
Channel *repeatc;
ulong l, t, i;
uchar esc1, sc;
threadsetname("kbd repeat");
* too many jumps here.
* Rewrite instead of debug, if needed.
f = a;
repeatc = f->repeatc;
l = Awakemsg;
if(l == Diemsg)
goto Abort;
while(l == Awakemsg)
l = recvul(repeatc);
if(l == Diemsg)
goto Abort;
esc1 = l >> 8;
sc = l;
t = 160;
for(i = 0; i < t; i += 5){
if(l = nbrecvul(repeatc))
goto Repeat;
putscan(f, esc1, sc);
t = 30;
#define hasesc1(sc) ((sc) >= 0x47 || (sc) == 0x38)
static void
putmod(KDev *f, uchar mods, uchar omods, uchar mask, uchar esc, uchar sc)
/* BUG: Should be a single write */
if((mods&mask) && !(omods&mask))
putscan(f, esc, sc);
if(!(mods&mask) && (omods&mask))
putscan(f, esc, Keyup|sc);
* This routine diffs the state with the last known state
* and invents the scan codes that would have been sent
* by a non-usb keyboard in that case. This also requires supplying
* the extra esc1 byte as well as keyup flags.
* The aim is to allow future addition of other keycode pages
* for other keyboards.
static uchar
putkeys(KDev *f, uchar buf[], uchar obuf[], int n, uchar dk)
int i, j;
uchar uk;
putmod(f, buf[0], obuf[0], Mctrl, 0, SCctrl);
putmod(f, buf[0], obuf[0], (1<<Mlshift), 0, SClshift);
putmod(f, buf[0], obuf[0], (1<<Mrshift), 0, SCrshift);
putmod(f, buf[0], obuf[0], Mcompose, 0, SCcompose);
putmod(f, buf[0], obuf[0], Maltgr, 1, SCcompose);
/* Report key downs */
for(i = 2; i < n; i++){
for(j = 2; j < n; j++)
if(buf[i] == obuf[j])
if(j == n && buf[i] != 0){
dk = sctab[buf[i]];
putscan(f, hasesc1(dk), dk);
startrepeat(f, hasesc1(dk), dk);
/* Report key ups */
uk = 0;
for(i = 2; i < n; i++){
for(j = 2; j < n; j++)
if(obuf[i] == buf[j])
if(j == n && obuf[i] != 0){
uk = sctab[obuf[i]];
putscan(f, hasesc1(uk), uk|Keyup);
if(uk && (dk == 0 || dk == uk)){
dk = 0;
return dk;
static int
kbdbusy(uchar* buf, int n)
int i;
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if(buf[i] == 0 || buf[i] != buf[0])
return 0;
return 1;
static void
kbdwork(void *a)
int c, i, kbdfd, nerrs;
uchar dk, buf[64], lbuf[64];
char err[128];
KDev *f = a;
threadsetname("kbd %s", f->ep->dir);
kbdfd = f->ep->dfd;
if(f->ep->maxpkt < 3 || f->ep->maxpkt > sizeof buf)
kbfatal(f, "weird maxpkt");
f->repeatc = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0);
if(f->repeatc == nil)
kbfatal(f, "chancreate failed");
proccreate(repeatproc, f, Stack);
memset(lbuf, 0, sizeof lbuf);
dk = nerrs = 0;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf);
c = read(kbdfd, buf, f->ep->maxpkt);
assert(f->dev != nil);
assert(f->ep != nil);
if(c < 0){
rerrstr(err, sizeof(err));
fprint(2, "kb: %s: read: %s\n", f->ep->dir, err);
if(strstr(err, "babble") != 0 && ++nerrs < 3){
if(c <= 0)
kbfatal(f, nil);
if(c < 3)
if(kbdbusy(buf + 2, c - 2))
if(usbdebug > 2 || f->debug > 1){
fprint(2, "kbd mod %x: ", buf[0]);
for(i = 2; i < c; i++)
fprint(2, "kc %x ", buf[i]);
fprint(2, "\n");
dk = putkeys(f, buf, lbuf, f->ep->maxpkt, dk);
memmove(lbuf, buf, c);
nerrs = 0;
static void
freekdev(void *a)
KDev *kd;
kd = a;
if(kd->in != nil){
if(--kd->in->ref == 0){
kd->in->fd = -1;
dprint(2, "freekdev\n");
static void
kbstart(Dev *d, Ep *ep, Kin *in, void (*f)(void*), KDev *kd)
uchar desc[512];
int n, res;
if(in->fd < 0){
in->fd = open(in->name, OWRITE);
if(in->fd < 0){
fprint(2, "kb: %s: %r\n", in->name);
in->ref++; /* for kd->in = in */
d->free = freekdev;
kd->in = in;
kd->dev = d;
res = -1;
kd->ep = openep(d, ep->id);
if(kd->ep == nil){
fprint(2, "kb: %s: openep %d: %r\n", d->dir, ep->id);
if(in == &kbdin){
* DWC OTG controller misses some split transaction inputs.
* Set nonzero idle time to return more frequent reports
* of keyboard state, to avoid losing key up/down events.
n = read(d->cfd, desc, sizeof desc - 1);
if(n > 0){
desc[n] = 0;
if(strstr((char*)desc, "dwcotg") != nil)
kd->idle = Dwcidle;
res= setfirstconfig(kd, ep->id, desc, sizeof desc);
if(res > 0)
res = parsereportdesc(&kd->templ, desc, sizeof desc);
/* if we could not set the first config, we give up */
if(kd->bootp || res < 0){
kd->bootp = 1;
if(setbootproto(kd, ep->id, nil, 0) < 0){
fprint(2, "kb: %s: bootproto: %r\n", d->dir);
}else if(kd->debug)
if(opendevdata(kd->ep, OREAD) < 0){
fprint(2, "kb: %s: opendevdata: %r\n", kd->ep->dir);
kd->ep = nil;
proccreate(f, kd, Stack);
static int
werrstr("usage: usb/kb [-bdkm] [-a n] [-N nb]");
return -1;
kbmain(Dev *d, int argc, char* argv[])
int bootp, i, kena, pena, accel, devid, debug;
Ep *ep;
KDev *kd;
Usbdev *ud;
kena = pena = 1;
bootp = 0;
accel = 0;
debug = 0;
devid = d->id;
case 'a':
accel = strtol(EARGF(usage()), nil, 0);
case 'd':
case 'k':
kena = 1;
pena = 0;
case 'm':
kena = 0;
pena = 1;
case 'N':
devid = atoi(EARGF(usage())); /* ignore dev number */
case 'b':
return usage();
if(argc != 0)
return usage();
ud = d->usb;
d->aux = nil;
dprint(2, "kb: main: dev %s ref %ld\n", d->dir, d->ref);
for(i = 0; i < nelem(ud->ep); i++)
if((ep = ud->ep[i]) == nil)
else if(ep->iface->csp == KbdCSP)
bootp = 1;
for(i = 0; i < nelem(ud->ep); i++){
if((ep = ud->ep[i]) == nil)
if(kena && ep->type == Eintr && ep->dir == Ein &&
ep->iface->csp == KbdCSP){
kd = d->aux = emallocz(sizeof(KDev), 1);
kd->accel = 0;
kd->bootp = 1;
kd->debug = debug;
kbstart(d, ep, &kbdin, kbdwork, kd);
if(pena && ep->type == Eintr && ep->dir == Ein &&
ep->iface->csp == PtrCSP){
kd = d->aux = emallocz(sizeof(KDev), 1);
kd->accel = accel;
kd->bootp = bootp;
kd->debug = debug;
kbstart(d, ep, &ptrin, ptrwork, kd);
return 0;