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* lame utility library include file
* Copyright (c) 1999 Albert L Faber
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef LAME_UTIL_H
#define LAME_UTIL_H
#ifdef HUGE_VAL /* math.h already seen? */
#ifndef fabs
#define fabs(x) ((double)((x) < 0? -(x): (x)))
* Global Include Files
#include "machine.h"
#include "encoder.h"
#include "lame.h"
#include "lame-analysis.h"
#include "id3tag.h"
* Global Definitions
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (!FALSE)
#ifdef UINT_MAX
# define MAX_U_32_NUM UINT_MAX
# define MAX_U_32_NUM 0xFFFFFFFF
#ifndef PI
# ifdef M_PI
# define PI M_PI
# else
# define PI 3.14159265358979323846
# endif
#ifdef M_LN2
# define LOG2 M_LN2
# define LOG2 0.69314718055994530942
#ifdef M_LN10
# define LOG10 M_LN10
# define LOG10 2.30258509299404568402
#ifdef M_SQRT2
# define SQRT2 M_SQRT2
# define SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880
#define HAN_SIZE 512
#define CRC16_POLYNOMIAL 0x8005
#define MAX_BITS 4095
/* "bit_stream.h" Definitions */
#define Min(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define Max(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
* Global Type Definitions
/* "bit_stream.h" Type Definitions */
typedef struct bit_stream_struc {
unsigned char *buf; /* bit stream buffer */
int buf_size; /* size of buffer (in number of bytes) */
int totbit; /* bit counter of bit stream */
int buf_byte_idx; /* pointer to top byte in buffer */
int buf_bit_idx; /* pointer to top bit of top byte in buffer */
/* format of file in rd mode (BINARY/ASCII) */
} Bit_stream_struc;
#include "l3side.h"
/* variables used for --nspsytune */
typedef struct {
int use; /* indicates the use of exp_nspsytune */
int safejoint; /* safe joint stereo mode */
FLOAT last_en_subshort[4][9];
FLOAT last_attack_intensity[4][9];
FLOAT last_thm[4][SBMAX_s][3];
int last_attacks[4][3];
FLOAT pe_l[4],pe_s[4];
FLOAT pefirbuf[19];
FLOAT bass,alto,treble;
} nsPsy_t;
typedef struct
int sum; // what we have seen so far
int seen; // how many frames we have seen in this chunk
int want; // how many frames we want to collect into one chunk
int pos; // actual position in our bag
int size; // size of our bag
int *bag; // pointer to our bag
} VBR_seek_info_t;
* ATH related stuff, if something new ATH related has to be added,
* please plugg it here into the ATH_t struct
typedef struct
int use_adjust; // do we want to use the auto adjustment yes/no
FLOAT8 adjust; // lowering based on peak volume, 1 = no lowering
FLOAT8 adjust_limit; // limit for dynamic ATH adjust
FLOAT8 decay; // determined to lower x dB each second
FLOAT8 l[SBMAX_l]; // ATH for sfbs in long blocks
FLOAT8 s[SBMAX_s]; // ATH for sfbs in short blocks
FLOAT8 cb[CBANDS]; // ATH for convolution bands
} ATH_t;
/* Guest structure, only temporarly here */
typedef enum {
coding_MPEG_Layer_1 = 1,
coding_MPEG_Layer_2 = 2,
coding_MPEG_Layer_3 = 3,
coding_MPEG_AAC = 4,
coding_Ogg_Vorbis = 5,
coding_MPEG_plus = 6
} coding_t;
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2
typedef struct {
unsigned long Class_ID; /* Class ID to recognize a resample_t
object */
long double sample_freq_in; /* Input sample frequency in Hz */
long double sample_freq_out; /* requested Output sample frequency in Hz */
float lowpass_freq; /* lowpass frequency, this is the -6 dB
point */
int scale_in; /* the resampling is actually done by
scale_out: */
int scale_out; /* frequency is
samplefreq_in * scale_out / scal */
int taps; /* number of taps for every FIR resample
filter */
sample_t** fir; /* the FIR resample filters:
fir [scale_out] [taps */
void* firfree; /* start address of the alloced memory for
fir, */
unsigned char* src_step;
sample_t* in_old [MAX_CHANNELS];
// uint64_t sample_count [MAX_CHANNELS];
unsigned fir_stepper [MAX_CHANNELS];
int inp_stepper [MAX_CHANNELS];
} resample_t;
typedef struct {
* internal variables NOT set by calling program, and should not be *
* modified by the calling program *
* Some remarks to the Class_ID field:
* The Class ID is an Identifier for a pointer to this struct.
* It is very unlikely that a pointer to lame_global_flags has the same 32 bits
* in it's structure (large and other special properties, for instance prime).
* To test that the structure is right and initialized, use:
* if ( gfc -> Class_ID == LAME_ID ) ...
* Other remark:
* If you set a flag to 0 for uninit data and 1 for init data, the right test
* should be "if (flag == 1)" and NOT "if (flag)". Unintended modification
* of this element will be otherwise misinterpreted as an init.
#define LAME_ID 0xFFF88E3B
unsigned long Class_ID;
struct {
void (*msgf) (const char *format, va_list ap);
void (*debugf)(const char *format, va_list ap);
void (*errorf)(const char *format, va_list ap);
} report;
int lame_encode_frame_init;
int iteration_init_init;
int fill_buffer_resample_init;
int psymodel_init;
int padding; /* padding for the current frame? */
int mode_gr; /* granules per frame */
int channels_in; /* number of channels in the input data stream (PCM or decoded PCM) */
int channels_out; /* number of channels in the output data stream (not used for decoding) */
resample_t* resample_in; /* context for coding (PCM=>MP3) resampling */
resample_t* resample_out; /* context for decoding (MP3=>PCM) resampling */
long double samplefreq_in;
long double samplefreq_out;
#ifndef MFSIZE
# define MFSIZE ( 3*1152 + ENCDELAY - MDCTDELAY )
#ifdef KLEMM_44
sample_t* mfbuf [MAX_CHANNELS];
sample_t mfbuf [2] [MFSIZE];
size_t frame_size; /* size of one frame in samples per channel */
lame_global_flags* gfp; /* needed as long as the frame encoding functions must access gfp (all needed information can be added to gfc) */
coding_t coding; /* MPEG Layer 1/2/3, Ogg Vorbis, MPEG AAC, ... */
unsigned long frame_count; /* Number of frames coded, 2^32 > 3 years */
int mf_samples_to_encode;
int mf_size;
float ampl; /* amplification at the end of the current chunk (1. = 0 dB) */
float last_ampl; /* amplification at the end of the last chunk (1. = 0 dB) */
int VBR_min_bitrate; /* min bitrate index */
int VBR_max_bitrate; /* max bitrate index */
float resample_ratio; /* input_samp_rate/output_samp_rate */
int bitrate_index;
int samplerate_index;
int mode_ext;
/* lowpass and highpass filter control */
float lowpass1,lowpass2; /* normalized frequency bounds of passband */
float highpass1,highpass2; /* normalized frequency bounds of passband */
/* polyphase filter (filter_type=0) */
int lowpass_band; /* zero bands >= lowpass_band in the polyphase filterbank */
int highpass_band; /* zero bands <= highpass_band */
int lowpass_start_band; /* amplify bands between start */
int lowpass_end_band; /* and end for lowpass */
int highpass_start_band; /* amplify bands between start */
int highpass_end_band; /* and end for highpass */
int filter_type; /* 0=polyphase filter, 1= FIR filter 2=MDCT filter(bad)*/
int quantization; /* 0 = ISO formual, 1=best amplitude */
int noise_shaping; /* 0 = none
1 = ISO AAC model
2 = allow scalefac_select=1
int noise_shaping_amp; /* 0 = ISO model: amplify all distorted bands
1 = amplify only most distorted band
2 = amplify bands using?
3 = amplify bands using?
int psymodel; /* 1 = gpsycho. 0 = none */
int noise_shaping_stop; /* 0 = stop at over=0, all scalefacs amplified or
a scalefac has reached max value
1 = stop when all scalefacs amplified or
a scalefac has reached max value
2 = stop when all scalefacs amplified
int use_best_huffman; /* 0 = no. 1=outside loop 2=inside loop(slow) */
/* variables used by lame.c */
Bit_stream_struc bs;
III_side_info_t l3_side;
FLOAT8 ms_ratio[2];
/* used for padding */
int frac_SpF;
int slot_lag;
/* optional ID3 tags, used in id3tag.c */
struct id3tag_spec tag_spec;
/* variables used by quantize.c */
int OldValue[2];
int CurrentStep;
FLOAT8 decay;
FLOAT8 masking_lower;
char bv_scf[576];
int sfb21_extra; /* will be set in lame_init_params */
int is_mpeg1; /* 1 for MPEG-1, 0 for MPEG-2(.5) */
#ifndef KLEMM_44
/* variables used by util.c */
/* BPC = maximum number of filter convolution windows to precompute */
#define BPC 320
sample_t *inbuf_old [2];
sample_t *blackfilt [2*BPC+1];
FLOAT8 itime[2];
int sideinfo_len;
/* variables for newmdct.c */
FLOAT8 sb_sample[2][2][18][SBLIMIT];
FLOAT8 amp_lowpass[32];
FLOAT8 amp_highpass[32];
/* variables for bitstream.c */
/* mpeg1: buffer=511 bytes smallest frame: 96-38(sideinfo)=58
* max number of frames in reservoir: 8
* mpeg2: buffer=255 bytes. smallest frame: 24-23bytes=1
* with VBR, if you are encoding all silence, it is possible to
* have 8kbs/24khz frames with 1byte of data each, which means we need
* to buffer up to 255 headers! */
/* also, max_header_buf has to be a power of two */
#define MAX_HEADER_BUF 256
#define MAX_HEADER_LEN 40 /* max size of header is 38 */
struct {
int write_timing;
int ptr;
char buf[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
} header[MAX_HEADER_BUF];
int h_ptr;
int w_ptr;
int ancillary_flag;
/* variables for reservoir.c */
int ResvSize; /* in bits */
int ResvMax; /* in bits */
scalefac_struct scalefac_band;
/* The static variables "r", "phi_sav", "new", "old" and "oldest" have */
/* to be remembered for the unpredictability measure. For "r" and */
/* "phi_sav", the first index from the left is the channel select and */
/* the second index is the "age" of the data. */
FLOAT8 minval[CBANDS];
FLOAT8 nb_1[4][CBANDS], nb_2[4][CBANDS];
III_psy_xmin thm[4];
III_psy_xmin en[4];
/* unpredictability calculation
int cw_upper_index;
int cw_lower_index;
FLOAT ax_sav[4][2][HBLKSIZE];
FLOAT bx_sav[4][2][HBLKSIZE];
FLOAT rx_sav[4][2][HBLKSIZE];
/* fft and energy calculation */
FLOAT wsamp_L[2][BLKSIZE];
FLOAT wsamp_S[2][3][BLKSIZE_s];
FLOAT energy_s[3][HBLKSIZE_s];
FLOAT tot_ener[4];
/* fft.c */
FLOAT window[BLKSIZE], window_s[BLKSIZE_s/2];
/* Scale Factor Bands */
FLOAT8 w1_l[SBMAX_l], w2_l[SBMAX_l];
FLOAT8 w1_s[SBMAX_s], w2_s[SBMAX_s];
FLOAT8 mld_l[SBMAX_l],mld_s[SBMAX_s];
int bu_l[SBMAX_l],bo_l[SBMAX_l] ;
int bu_s[SBMAX_s],bo_s[SBMAX_s] ;
int npart_l,npart_s;
int npart_l_orig,npart_s_orig;
int s3ind[CBANDS][2];
int s3ind_s[CBANDS][2];
int numlines_s[CBANDS];
int numlines_l[CBANDS];
/* frame analyzer */
FLOAT energy_save[4][HBLKSIZE];
FLOAT8 pe_save[4];
FLOAT8 ers_save[4];
/* simple statistics */
int bitrate_stereoMode_Hist [16] [4+1];
/* ratios */
FLOAT8 pe[4];
FLOAT8 ms_ratio_s_old,ms_ratio_l_old;
FLOAT8 ms_ener_ratio_old;
/* block type */
int blocktype_old[2];
/* used by the frame analyzer */
plotting_data *pinfo;
/* CPU features */
struct {
unsigned int i387 : 1; /* FPU is a normal Intel CPU */
unsigned int MMX : 1; /* Pentium MMX, Pentium II...IV, K6, K6-2,
K6-III, Athlon */
unsigned int AMD_3DNow : 1; /* K6-2, K6-III, Athlon */
unsigned int SIMD : 1; /* Pentium III, Pentium 4 */
unsigned int SIMD2 : 1; /* Pentium 4, K8 */
} CPU_features;
/* functions to replace with CPU feature optimized versions in takehiro.c */
int (*choose_table)(const int *ix, const int *end, int *s);
nsPsy_t nsPsy; /* variables used for --nspsytune */
unsigned crcvalue;
VBR_seek_info_t VBR_seek_table; // used for Xing VBR header
ATH_t *ATH; // all ATH related stuff
} lame_internal_flags;
* Global Function Prototype Declarations
void freegfc(lame_internal_flags *gfc);
extern int BitrateIndex(int, int,int);
extern int FindNearestBitrate(int,int,int);
extern int map2MP3Frequency(int freq);
extern int SmpFrqIndex(int, int*);
extern FLOAT8 ATHformula(FLOAT8 f,lame_global_flags *gfp);
extern FLOAT8 freq2bark(FLOAT8 freq);
extern FLOAT8 freq2cbw(FLOAT8 freq);
extern void freorder(int scalefac_band[],FLOAT8 ix_orig[576]);
void disable_FPE(void);
extern void
getframebits(lame_global_flags *gfp, int *bitsPerFrame, int *mean_bits);
void fill_buffer(lame_global_flags *gfp,
sample_t *mfbuf[2],
sample_t *in_buffer[2],
int nsamples, int *n_in, int *n_out);
int fill_buffer_resample (
lame_global_flags *gfp,
sample_t* outbuf,
int desired_len,
sample_t* inbuf,
int len,
int* num_used,
int channels );
extern int has_i387 ( void );
extern int has_MMX ( void );
extern int has_3DNow ( void );
extern int has_SIMD ( void );
extern int has_SIMD2 ( void );
extern void updateStats (lame_internal_flags *gfc);
* Macros about Message Printing and Exit
extern void lame_errorf(const lame_internal_flags *gfc, const char *, ...);
extern void lame_debugf(const lame_internal_flags *gfc, const char *, ...);
extern void lame_msgf (const lame_internal_flags *gfc, const char *, ...);
#define DEBUGF lame_debugf
#define ERRORF lame_errorf
#define MSGF lame_msgf
int select_kth_int(int b[], int N, int k);
#endif /* LAME_UTIL_H */