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 * Changes by Gunnar Ritter, Freiburg i. Br., Germany, November 2002.
 * Sccsid @(#)regex.h   1.13 (gritter) 2/6/05
/*  UNIX(R) Regular Expresssion Library
 *  Note: Code is released under the GNU LGPL
 *  Copyright (C) 2001 Caldera International, Inc.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to:
 *        Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *        59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

/*      from unixsrc:usr/src/common/head/regex.h /main/uw7_nj/1 */

#include <sys/types.h>  /* really only want [s]size_t */

        * Official regexec() flags.
#define REG_NOTBOL      0x000001 /* start of string does not match ^ */
#define REG_NOTEOL      0x000002 /* end of string does not match $ */

        * Additional regexec() flags.
#define REG_NONEMPTY    0x000004 /* do not match empty at start of string */

        * Extensions to provide individual control over each
        * of the differences between basic and extended REs.
#define REG_OR          0x0000001 /* enable | operator */
#define REG_PLUS        0x0000002 /* enable + operator */
#define REG_QUEST       0x0000004 /* enable ? operator */
#define REG_BRACES      0x0000008 /* use {m,n} (instead of \{m,n\}) */
#define REG_PARENS      0x0000010 /* use (...) [instead of \(...\)] */
#define REG_ANCHORS     0x0000020 /* ^ and $ are anchors anywhere */
#define REG_NOBACKREF   0x0000040 /* disable \digit */
#define REG_NOAUTOQUOTE 0x0000080 /* no automatic quoting of REG_BADRPTs */

        * Official regcomp() flags.
                                REG_PARENS | REG_ANCHORS | \
                                REG_NOBACKREF | REG_NOAUTOQUOTE)
#define REG_ICASE       0x0000100 /* ignore case */
#define REG_NOSUB       0x0000200 /* only success/fail for regexec() */
#define REG_NEWLINE     0x0000400 /* take \n as line separator for ^ and $ */

        * Additional regcomp() flags.
        * Some of these assume that int is >16 bits!
        * Beware: 0x20000000 and above are used in re.h.
#define REG_ONESUB      0x0000800 /* regexec() only needs pmatch[0] */
#define REG_MTPARENFAIL 0x0001000 /* take empty \(\) or () as match failure */
#define REG_MTPARENBAD  0x0002000 /* disallow empty \(\) or () */
#define REG_BADRANGE    0x0004000 /* accept [m-a] ranges as [ma] */
#define REG_ODDRANGE    0x0008000 /* oawk oddity: [m-a] means [m] */
#define REG_SEPRANGE    0x0010000 /* disallow [a-m-z] style ranges */
#define REG_BKTQUOTE    0x0020000 /* allow \ in []s to quote \, -, ^ or ] */
#define REG_BKTEMPTY    0x0040000 /* allow empty []s (w/BKTQUOTE, BKTESCAPE) */
#define REG_ANGLES      0x0080000 /* enable \<, \> operators */
#define REG_ESCNL       0x0100000 /* take \n as newline character */
#define REG_NLALT       0x0200000 /* take newline as alternation */
#define REG_ESCSEQ      0x0400000 /* otherwise, take \ as start of C escapes */
#define REG_BKTESCAPE   0x0800000 /* allow \ in []s to quote next anything */
#define REG_NOBRACES    0x1000000 /* disable {n,m} */
#define REG_ADDITIVE    0x2000000 /* a+*b means + and * additive, ^+ is valid */
#define REG_NOI18N      0x4000000 /* disable I18N features ([::] etc.) */
#define REG_OLDESC      0x8000000 /* recognize \b \f \n \r \t \123 only */
#define REG_AVOIDNULL   0x10000000/* avoid null subexpression matches */
                                REG_PARENS | REG_ANCHORS | REG_ODDRANGE | \
                                REG_NOBACKREF | REG_ADDITIVE | REG_NOAUTOQUOTE)

        * Error return values.
#define REG_ENOSYS      (-1)    /* unsupported */
#define REG_NOMATCH     1       /* regexec() failed to match */
#define REG_BADPAT      2       /* invalid regular expression */
#define REG_ECOLLATE    3       /* invalid collating element construct */
#define REG_ECTYPE      4       /* invalid character class construct */
#define REG_EEQUIV      5       /* invalid equivalence class construct */
#define REG_EBKTCHAR    6       /* invalid character in [] construct */
#define REG_EESCAPE     7       /* trailing \ in pattern */
#define REG_ESUBREG     8       /* number in \digit invalid or in error */
#define REG_EBRACK      9       /* [] imbalance */
#define REG_EMPTYSUBBKT 10      /* empty sub-bracket construct */
#define REG_EMPTYPAREN  11      /* empty \(\) or () [REG_MTPARENBAD] */
#define REG_NOPAT       12      /* no (empty) pattern */
#define REG_EPAREN      13      /* \(\) or () imbalance */
#define REG_EBRACE      14      /* \{\} or {} imbalance */
#define REG_BADBR       15      /* contents of \{\} or {} invalid */
#define REG_ERANGE      16      /* invalid endpoint in expression */
#define REG_ESPACE      17      /* out of memory */
#define REG_BADRPT      18      /* *,+,?,\{\} or {} not after r.e. */
#define REG_BADESC      19      /* invalid escape sequence (e.g. \0) */
#define REG_ILLSEQ      20      /* illegal byte sequence */

typedef struct
        size_t          re_nsub;        /* only advertised member */
        unsigned long   re_flags;       /* augmented regcomp() flags */
        struct re_dfa_  *re_dfa;        /* DFA engine */
        struct re_nfa_  *re_nfa;        /* NFA engine */
        struct re_coll_ *re_col;        /* current collation info */
        int             re_mb_cur_max;  /* MB_CUR_MAX acceleration */
        void            *re_more;       /* just in case... */
} regex_t;

typedef ssize_t regoff_t;

typedef struct
        regoff_t        rm_so;
        regoff_t        rm_eo;
} regmatch_t;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

int     regcomp(regex_t *, const char *, int);
int     regexec(const regex_t *, const char *, size_t, regmatch_t *, int);
size_t  regerror(int, const regex_t *, char *, size_t);
void    regfree(regex_t *);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* !LIBUXRE_REGEX_H */