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* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
char *copyright =
"@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\
All rights reserved.\n";
static char *sccsid = "@(#)ex.c (Berkeley) 8/12/86";
#endif not lint
#include "ex.h"
#include "ex_argv.h"
#include "ex_temp.h"
#include "ex_tty.h"
#ifdef TRACE
char tttrace[] = { '/','d','e','v','/','t','t','y','x','x',0 };
#if defined (__GLIBC__) && (__GLIBC__ >= 2)
#include <malloc.h>
* The code for ex is divided as follows:
* ex.c Entry point and routines handling interrupt, hangup
* signals; initialization code.
* ex_addr.c Address parsing routines for command mode decoding.
* Routines to set and check address ranges on commands.
* ex_cmds.c Command mode command decoding.
* ex_cmds2.c Subroutines for command decoding and processing of
* file names in the argument list. Routines to print
* messages and reset state when errors occur.
* ex_cmdsub.c Subroutines which implement command mode functions
* such as append, delete, join.
* ex_data.c Initialization of options.
* ex_get.c Command mode input routines.
* ex_io.c General input/output processing: file i/o, unix
* escapes, filtering, source commands, preserving
* and recovering.
* ex_put.c Terminal driving and optimizing routines for low-level
* output (cursor-positioning); output line formatting
* routines.
* ex_re.c Global commands, substitute, regular expression
* compilation and execution.
* ex_set.c The set command.
* ex_subr.c Loads of miscellaneous subroutines.
* ex_temp.c Editor buffer routines for main buffer and also
* for named buffers (Q registers if you will.)
* ex_tty.c Terminal dependent initializations from termcap
* data base, grabbing of tty modes (at beginning
* and after escapes).
* ex_unix.c Routines for the ! command and its variations.
* ex_v*.c Visual/open mode routines... see ex_v.c for a
* guide to the overall organization.
* Main procedure. Process arguments and then
* transfer control to the main command processing loop
* in the routine commands. We are entered as either "ex", "edit", "vi"
* or "view" and the distinction is made here. Actually, we are "vi" if
* there is a 'v' in our name, "view" is there is a 'w', and "edit" if
* there is a 'd' in our name. For edit we just diddle options;
* for vi we actually force an early visual command.
main(ac, av)
register int ac;
register char *av[];
#ifndef VMUNIX
char *erpath = EXSTRINGS;
register char *cp;
register int c;
bool recov = 0;
bool ivis;
bool itag = 0;
bool fast = 0;
extern int onemt();
#ifdef TRACE
register char *tracef;
#if defined (__GLIBC__) && (__GLIBC__ >= 2)
* Disable the use of brk() by malloc,
* it has to use mmap() instead.
mallopt(M_MMAP_THRESHOLD, 0);
* Immediately grab the tty modes so that we wont
* get messed up if an interrupt comes in quickly.
#ifndef USG3TTY
normf = tty.sg_flags;
normf = tty;
ppid = getpid();
* Defend against d's, v's, w's, and a's in directories of
* path leading to our true name.
av[0] = tailpath(av[0]);
* Figure out how we were invoked: ex, edit, vi, view.
ivis = any('v', av[0]); /* "vi" */
if (any('w', av[0])) /* "view" */
value(READONLY) = 1;
if (any('d', av[0])) { /* "edit" */
value(OPEN) = 0;
value(REPORT) = 1;
value(MAGIC) = 0;
#ifndef VMUNIX
* For debugging take files out of . if name is a.out.
if (av[0][0] == 'a')
erpath = tailpath(erpath);
* Open the error message file.
#ifndef VMUNIX
erfile = open(erpath+4, 0);
if (erfile < 0) {
erfile = open(erpath, 0);
* Initialize interrupt handling.
oldhup = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
if (oldhup == SIG_DFL)
signal(SIGHUP, onhup);
oldquit = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
ruptible = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL;
if (signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL)
signal(SIGTERM, onhup);
#ifdef SIGEMT
if (signal(SIGEMT, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL)
signal(SIGEMT, onemt);
* Process flag arguments.
ac--, av++;
while (ac && av[0][0] == '-') {
c = av[0][1];
if (c == 0) {
hush = 1;
value(AUTOPRINT) = 0;
} else switch (c) {
case 'R':
value(READONLY) = 1;
#ifdef TRACE
case 'T':
if (av[0][2] == 0)
tracef = "trace";
else {
tracef = tttrace;
tracef[8] = av[0][2];
if (tracef[8])
tracef[9] = av[0][3];
tracef[9] = 0;
trace = fopen(tracef, "w");
#define tracbuf NULL
if (trace == NULL)
printf("Trace create error\n");
setbuf(trace, tracbuf);
case 'l':
value(LISP) = 1;
value(SHOWMATCH) = 1;
case 'r':
case 't':
if (ac > 1 && av[1][0] != '-') {
ac--, av++;
itag = 1;
/* BUG: should check for too long tag. */
CP(lasttag, av[0]);
case 'v':
ivis = 1;
case 'w':
defwind = 0;
if (av[0][2] == 0) defwind = 3;
else for (cp = &av[0][2]; isdigit(*cp); cp++)
defwind = 10*defwind + *cp - '0';
#if 1 /* GR */
case 'V':
smerror("Unknown option %s\n", av[0]);
ac--, av++;
* Initialize end of core pointers.
* Normally we avoid breaking back to fendcore after each
* file since this can be expensive (much core-core copying).
* If your system can scatter load processes you could do
* this as ed does, saving a little core, but it will probably
* not often make much difference.
fendcore = (line *) sbrk(0);
endcore = fendcore - 2;
#ifdef SIGTSTP
if (!hush && signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_DFL)
signal(SIGTSTP, onsusp), dosusp++;
if (ac && av[0][0] == '+') {
firstpat = &av[0][1];
ac--, av++;
* If we are doing a recover and no filename
* was given, then execute an exrecover command with
* the -r option to type out the list of saved file names.
* Otherwise set the remembered file name to the first argument
* file name so the "recover" initial command will find it.
if (recov) {
if (ac == 0) {
ppid = 0;
execl(EXRECOVER, "exrecover", "-r", 0);
CP(savedfile, *av++), ac--;
* Initialize the argument list.
argv0 = av;
argc0 = ac;
args0 = av[0];
* Initialize a temporary file (buffer) and
* set up terminal environment. Read user startup commands.
if (setexit() == 0) {
intty = isatty(0);
value(PROMPT) = intty;
if (cp = getenv("SHELL"))
CP(shell, cp);
if (fast || !intty)
else {
if ((cp = getenv("TERM")) != 0 && *cp) {
if (setexit() == 0 && !fast && intty) {
if ((globp = getenv("EXINIT")) && *globp)
else {
globp = 0;
if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) != 0 && *cp) {
(void) strcat(strcpy(genbuf, cp), "/.exrc");
if (iownit(genbuf))
source(genbuf, 1);
* Allow local .exrc too. This loses if . is $HOME,
* but nobody should notice unless they do stupid things
* like putting a version command in .exrc. Besides,
* they should be using EXINIT, not .exrc, right?
if (iownit(".exrc"))
source(".exrc", 1);
init(); /* moved after prev 2 chunks to fix directory option */
* Initial processing. Handle tag, recover, and file argument
* implied next commands. If going in as 'vi', then don't do
* anything, just set initev so we will do it later (from within
* visual).
if (setexit() == 0) {
if (recov)
globp = "recover";
else if (itag)
globp = ivis ? "tag" : "tag|p";
else if (argc)
globp = "next";
if (ivis)
initev = globp;
else if (globp) {
inglobal = 1;
commands(1, 1);
inglobal = 0;
* Vi command... go into visual.
* Strange... everything in vi usually happens
* before we ever "start".
if (ivis) {
* Don't have to be upward compatible with stupidity
* of starting editing at line $.
if (dol > zero)
dot = one;
globp = "visual";
if (setexit() == 0)
commands(1, 1);
* Clear out trash in state accumulated by startup,
* and then do the main command loop for a normal edit.
* If you quit out of a 'vi' command by doing Q or ^\,
* you also fall through to here.
seenprompt = 1;
globp = 0;
initev = 0;
commands(0, 0);
* Initialization, before editing a new file.
* Main thing here is to get a new buffer (in fileinit),
* rest is peripheral state resetting.
register int i;
dot = zero = truedol = unddol = dol = fendcore;
one = zero+1;
undkind = UNDNONE;
chng = 0;
edited = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 'z'-'a'+1; i++)
names[i] = 1;
anymarks = 0;
* Return last component of unix path name p.
char *
register char *p;
register char *r;
for (r=p; *p; p++)
if (*p == '/')
r = p+1;
* Check ownership of file. Return nonzero if it exists and is owned by the
* user or the option sourceany is used
char *file;
struct stat sb;
if (stat(file, &sb) == 0 && (value(SOURCEANY) || sb.st_uid == getuid()))