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* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#if !defined(lint) && defined(DOSCCS)
static char *sccsid = "@(#)ex_vput.c 7.4.1 (2.11BSD GTE) 12/9/94";
#include "ex.h"
#include "ex_tty.h"
#include "ex_vis.h"
* Deal with the screen, clearing, cursor positioning, putting characters
* into the screen image, and deleting characters.
* Really hard stuff here is utilizing insert character operations
* on intelligent terminals which differs widely from terminal to terminal.
#ifdef ADEBUG
if (trace)
tfixnl(), fprintf(trace, "------\nvclear\n");
tputs(CL, LINES, putch);
destcol = 0;
outcol = 0;
destline = 0;
outline = 0;
if (inopen)
vclrbyte(vtube0, WCOLS * (WECHO - ZERO + 1));
* Clear memory.
vclrbyte(cp, i)
register char *cp;
register int i;
if (i > 0)
*cp++ = 0;
while (--i != 0);
* Clear a physical display line, high level.
vclrlin(l, tp)
int l;
line *tp;
vigoto(l, 0);
if ((hold & HOLDAT) == 0)
putchar(tp > dol ? '~' : '@');
if (state == HARDOPEN)
* Clear to the end of the current physical line
register int i, j;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp;
register short *tp;
if (destcol == WCOLS)
destline += destcol / WCOLS;
destcol %= WCOLS;
if (destline < 0 || destline > WECHO)
error("Internal error: vclreol");
i = WCOLS - destcol;
tp = vtube[destline] + destcol;
if (CE) {
if (IN && *tp || !ateopr()) {
vputp(CE, 1);
vclrbyte(tp, i);
if (*tp == 0)
while (i > 0 && (j = *tp & (QUOTE|TRIM))) {
if ((j != ' ' && (j & QUOTE) == 0)
#ifdef ISO
|| (j & QUOTE && !niso(j))
) {
destcol = WCOLS - i;
vputchar(' ');
--i, *tp++ = 0;
* Clear the echo line.
* If didphys then its been cleared physically (as
* a side effect of a clear to end of display, e.g.)
* so just do it logically.
* If work here is being held off, just remember, in
* heldech, if work needs to be done, don't do anything.
bool didphys;
if (Peekkey == ATTN)
if (hold & HOLDECH) {
heldech = !didphys;
if (!didphys && (CD || CE)) {
* If display is retained below, then MUST use CD or CE
* since we don't really know whats out there.
* Vigoto might decide (incorrectly) to do nothing.
if (DB) {
vgoto(WECHO, 0);
vputp(CD ? CD : CE, 1);
} else {
if (XT) {
* This code basically handles the t1061
* where positioning at (0, 0) won't work
* because the terminal won't let you put
* the cursor on it's magic cookie.
* Should probably be XS above, or even a
* new X? glitch, but right now t1061 is the
* only terminal with XT.
vgoto(WECHO, 0);
vputp(DL, 1);
} else {
vigoto(WECHO, 0);
splitw = 0;
didphys = 1;
if (didphys)
vclrbyte(vtube[WECHO], WCOLS);
heldech = 0;
* Fix the echo area for use, setting
* the state variable splitw so we wont rollup
* when we move the cursor there.
if (state != VISUAL && state != CRTOPEN) {
vcnt = 0;
vgoto(WECHO, 0); flusho();
* Put the cursor ``before'' cp.
register char *cp;
if (cp <= linebuf)
vgotoCL(value(NUMBER) << 3);
vgotoCL(column(cp - 1) - 1);
* Put the cursor ``at'' cp.
register char *cp;
if (cp <= linebuf && linebuf[0] == 0)
vgotoCL(value(NUMBER) << 3);
vgotoCL(column(cp - 1));
* Put the cursor ``after'' cp.
register char *cp;
* Fix the cursor to be positioned in the correct place
* to accept a command.
* Compute the column position implied by the cursor at ``nc'',
* and move the cursor there.
register char *nc;
register int col;
col = column(nc);
if (linebuf[0])
cursor = nc;
* Move the cursor invisibly, i.e. only remember to do it.
vigoto(y, x)
int y, x;
destline = y;
destcol = x;
* Move the cursor to the position implied by any previous
* vigoto (or low level hacking with destcol/destline as in readecho).
vgoto(destline, destcol);
* Goto column x of the current line.
register int x;
if (splitw)
vgoto(WECHO, x);
vgoto(LINE(vcline), x);
* Invisible goto column x of current line.
register int x;
if (splitw)
vigoto(WECHO, x);
vigoto(LINE(vcline), x);
* Move cursor to line y, column x, handling wraparound and scrolling.
vgoto(y, x)
register int y, x;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp;
register short *tp;
register int c;
* Fold the possibly too large value of x.
if (x >= WCOLS) {
y += x / WCOLS;
x %= WCOLS;
if (y < 0)
error("Internal error: vgoto");
if (outcol >= WCOLS) {
if (AM) {
outline += outcol / WCOLS;
outcol %= WCOLS;
} else
outcol = WCOLS - 1;
* In a hardcopy or glass crt open, print the stuff
* implied by a motion, or backspace.
if (state == HARDOPEN || state == ONEOPEN) {
if (y != outline)
error("Line too long for open");
if (x + 1 < outcol - x || (outcol > x && !BS))
destcol = 0, fgoto();
tp = vtube[WBOT] + outcol;
while (outcol != x)
if (outcol < x) {
if (*tp == 0)
*tp = ' ';
#ifndef ISO
c = *tp++ & TRIM;
if (niso(*tp))
c = *tp++ & TRIM;
c = *tp++;
vputc(c && (!OS || EO) ? c : ' '), outcol++;
} else {
if (BC)
vputp(BC, 0);
destcol = outcol = x;
destline = outline;
* If the destination position implies a scroll, do it.
destline = y;
if (destline > WBOT && (!splitw || destline > WECHO)) {
* If there really is a motion involved, do it.
* The check here is an optimization based on profiling.
destcol = x;
if ((destline - outline) * WCOLS != destcol - outcol) {
if (!MI)
* This is the hardest code in the editor, and deals with insert modes
* on different kinds of intelligent terminals. The complexity is due
* to the cross product of three factors:
* 1. Lines may display as more than one segment on the screen.
* 2. There are 2 kinds of intelligent terminal insert modes.
* 3. Tabs squash when you insert characters in front of them,
* in a way in which current intelligent terminals don't handle.
* The two kinds of terminals are typified by the DM2500 or HP2645 for
* one and the CONCEPT-100 or the FOX for the other.
* The first (HP2645) kind has an insert mode where the characters
* fall off the end of the line and the screen is shifted rigidly
* no matter how the display came about.
* The second (CONCEPT-100) kind comes from terminals which are designed
* for forms editing and which distinguish between blanks and ``spaces''
* on the screen, spaces being like blank, but never having had
* and data typed into that screen position (since, e.g. a clear operation
* like clear screen). On these terminals, when you insert a character,
* the characters from where you are to the end of the screen shift
* over till a ``space'' is found, and the null character there gets
* eaten up.
* The code here considers the line as consisting of several parts
* the first part is the ``doomed'' part, i.e. a part of the line
* which is being typed over. Next comes some text up to the first
* following tab. The tab is the next segment of the line, and finally
* text after the tab.
* We have to consider each of these segments and the effect of the
* insertion of a character on them. On terminals like HP2645's we
* must simulate a multi-line insert mode using the primitive one
* line insert mode. If we are inserting in front of a tab, we have
* to either delete characters from the tab or insert white space
* (when the tab reaches a new spot where it gets larger) before we
* insert the new character.
* On a terminal like a CONCEPT our strategy is to make all
* blanks be displayed, while trying to keep the screen having ``spaces''
* for portions of tabs. In this way the terminal hardward does some
* of the hacking for compression of tabs, although this tends to
* disappear as you work on the line and spaces change into blanks.
* There are a number of boundary conditions (like typing just before
* the first following tab) where we can avoid a lot of work. Most
* of them have to be dealt with explicitly because performance is
* much, much worse if we don't.
* A final thing which is hacked here is two flavors of insert mode.
* Datamedia's do this by an insert mode which you enter and leave
* and by having normal motion character operate differently in this
* mode, notably by having a newline insert a line on the screen in
* this mode. This generally means it is unsafe to move around
* the screen ignoring the fact that we are in this mode.
* This is possible on some terminals, and wins big (e.g. HP), so
* we encode this as a ``can move in insert capability'' mi,
* and terminals which have it can do insert mode with much less
* work when tabs are present following the cursor on the current line.
* Routine to expand a tab, calling the normal Outchar routine
* to put out each implied character. Note that we call outchar
* with a QUOTE. We use QUOTE internally to represent a position
* which is part of the expansion of a tab.
register int i = tabcol(destcol, value(TABSTOP)) - destcol;
while (--i);
* Variables for insert mode.
int linend; /* The column position of end of line */
int tabstart; /* Column of start of first following tab */
int tabend; /* Column of end of following tabs */
int tabsize; /* Size of the following tabs */
int tabslack; /* Number of ``spaces'' in following tabs */
int inssiz; /* Number of characters to be inserted */
int inscol; /* Column where insertion is taking place */
int shft; /* Amount tab expansion shifted rest of line */
int slakused; /* This much of tabslack will be used up */
* This routine MUST be called before insert mode is run,
* and brings all segments of the current line to the top
* of the screen image buffer so it is easier for us to
* maniuplate them.
register int i;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *cp = vtube0;
register short *cp = vtube0;
for (i = 0; i < DEPTH(vcline); i++) {
vmaktop(LINE(vcline) + i, cp);
cp += WCOLS;
vmaktop(p, cp)
register int p;
#ifndef BIT8
char *cp;
short *cp;
register int i;
char temp[TUBECOLS];
if (p < 0 || vtube[p] == cp)
for (i = ZERO; i <= WECHO; i++)
if (vtube[i] == cp) {
copy(temp, vtube[i], WCOLS);
copy(vtube[i], vtube[p], WCOLS);
copy(vtube[p], temp, WCOLS);
vtube[i] = vtube[p];
vtube[p] = cp;
error("Line too long");
* Insert character c at current cursor position.
* Multi-character inserts occur only as a result
* of expansion of tabs (i.e. inssize == 1 except
* for tabs) and code assumes this in several place
* to make life simpler.
int c; /* mjm: char --> int */
register int i;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp;
register short *tp;
if ((!IM || !EI) && ((hold & HOLDQIK) || !value(REDRAW) || value(SLOWOPEN))) {
* Don't want to try to use terminal
* insert mode, or to try to fake it.
* Just put the character out; the screen
* will probably be wrong but we will fix it later.
if (c == '\t') {
if (DEPTH(vcline) * WCOLS + !value(REDRAW) >
(destline - LINE(vcline)) * WCOLS + destcol)
* The next line is about to be clobbered
* make space for another segment of this line
* (on an intelligent terminal) or just remember
* that next line was clobbered (on a dumb one
* if we don't care to redraw the tail.
if (AL) {
} else {
c = LINE(vcline) + DEPTH(vcline);
if (c < LINE(vcline + 1) || c > WBOT)
i = destcol;
vinslin(c, 1, vcline);
vigoto(c, i);
* Compute the number of positions in the line image of the
* current line. This is done from the physical image
* since that is faster. Note that we have no memory
* from insertion to insertion so that routines which use
* us don't have to worry about moving the cursor around.
if (*vtube0 == 0)
linend = 0;
else {
* Search backwards for a non-null character
* from the end of the displayed line.
i = WCOLS * DEPTH(vcline);
if (i == 0)
i = WCOLS;
tp = vtube0 + i;
while (*--tp == 0)
if (--i == 0)
linend = i;
* We insert at a position based on the physical location
* of the output cursor.
inscol = destcol + (destline - LINE(vcline)) * WCOLS;
if (c == '\t') {
* Characters inserted from a tab must be
* remembered as being part of a tab, but we can't
* use QUOTE here since we really need to print blanks.
* QUOTE|' ' is the representation of this.
inssiz = tabcol(inscol, value(TABSTOP)) - inscol;
#ifndef ISO
c = ' ' | QUOTE;
c = '\a' | QUOTE;
} else
inssiz = 1;
* If the text to be inserted is less than the number
* of doomed positions, then we don't need insert mode,
* rather we can just typeover.
if (inssiz <= doomed) {
if (inscol != linend)
doomed -= inssiz;
while (--inssiz);
* Have to really do some insertion, thus
* stake out the bounds of the first following
* group of tabs, computing starting position,
* ending position, and the number of ``spaces'' therein
* so we can tell how much it will squish.
tp = vtube0 + inscol;
for (i = inscol; i < linend; i++)
#ifndef ISO
if (*tp++ & QUOTE) {
if (niso(*tp++)) {
tabstart = tabend = i;
tabslack = 0;
while (tabend < linend) {
i = *tp++;
if ((i & QUOTE) == 0)
#ifdef ISO
if (!niso(i))
if ((i & TRIM) == 0)
tabsize = tabend - tabstart;
* For HP's and DM's, e.g. tabslack has no meaning.
if (!IN)
tabslack = 0;
#ifdef IDEBUG
if (trace) {
fprintf(trace, "inscol %d, inssiz %d, tabstart %d, ",
inscol, inssiz, tabstart);
fprintf(trace, "tabend %d, tabslack %d, linend %d\n",
tabend, tabslack, linend);
* The real work begins.
slakused = 0;
shft = 0;
if (tabsize) {
* There are tabs on this line.
* If they need to expand, then the rest of the line
* will have to be shifted over. In this case,
* we will need to make sure there are no ``spaces''
* in the rest of the line (on e.g. CONCEPT-100)
* and then grab another segment on the screen if this
* line is now deeper. We then do the shift
* implied by the insertion.
if (inssiz >= doomed + tabcol(tabstart, value(TABSTOP)) - tabstart) {
if (IN)
} else if (inssiz > doomed)
* No tabs, but line may still get deeper.
vneedpos(inssiz - doomed);
* Now put in the inserted characters.
* Now put the cursor in its final resting place.
destline = LINE(vcline);
destcol = inscol + inssiz;
* Rigidify the rest of the line after the first
* group of following tabs, typing blanks over ``spaces''.
register int col;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp = vtube0 + tabend;
register short *tp = vtube0 + tabend;
#ifdef ISO
char e;
for (col = tabend; col < linend; col++) {
#ifndef ISO
if ((*tp++ & TRIM) == 0) {
e = *tp++;
if ((e & TRIM) == 0 && niso(e)) {
#ifndef ISO
vputchar(' ' | QUOTE);
vputchar('\a' | QUOTE);
* We need cnt more positions on this line.
* Open up new space on the screen (this may in fact be a
* screen rollup).
* On a dumb terminal we may infact redisplay the rest of the
* screen here brute force to keep it pretty.
int cnt;
register int d = DEPTH(vcline);
register int rmdr = d * WCOLS - linend;
if (cnt <= rmdr - IN)
int dosync;
register int d = DEPTH(vcline);
register int e;
e = LINE(vcline) + DEPTH(vcline);
if (e < LINE(vcline + 1)) {
vigoto(e, 0);
if (e < WECHO) {
e = vglitchup(vcline, d);
vigoto(e, 0); vclreol();
if (dosync) {
int (*Ooutchar)() = Outchar;
Outchar = vputchar;
vsync(e + 1);
Outchar = Ooutchar;
} else {
vigoto(WBOT, 0);
* Do the shift of the next tabstop implied by
* insertion so it expands.
int tshft = 0;
int j;
register int i;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp = vtube0;
register char *up;
register short *tp = vtube0;
register short *up;
short oldhold = hold;
shft = value(TABSTOP);
hold |= HOLDPUPD;
if (!IM && !EI) {
* Dumb terminals are easy, we just have
* to retype the text.
vigotoCL(tabend + shft);
up = tp + tabend;
for (i = tabend; i < linend; i++)
} else if (IN) {
* CONCEPT-like terminals do most of the work for us,
* we don't have to muck with simulation of multi-line
* insert mode. Some of the shifting may come for free
* also if the tabs don't have enough slack to take up
* all the inserted characters.
i = shft;
slakused = inssiz - doomed;
if (slakused > tabslack) {
i -= slakused - tabslack;
slakused -= tabslack;
if (i > 0 && tabend != linend) {
tshft = i;
#ifndef ISO
vputchar(' ' | QUOTE);
vputchar('\a' | QUOTE);
while (--i);
} else {
* HP and Datamedia type terminals have to have multi-line
* insert faked. Hack each segment after where we are
* (going backwards to where we are.) We then can
* hack the segment where the end of the first following
* tab group is.
for (j = DEPTH(vcline) - 1; j > (tabend + shft) / WCOLS; j--) {
vgotoCL(j * WCOLS);
up = tp + j * WCOLS - shft;
i = shft;
do {
if (*up)
} while (--i);
i = shft - (inssiz - doomed);
if (i > 0) {
tabslack = inssiz - doomed;
vputchar(' ');
while (--i);
* Now do the data moving in the internal screen
* image which is common to all three cases.
tp += linend;
up = tp + shft;
i = linend - tabend;
if (i > 0)
*--up = *--tp;
while (--i);
if (IN && tshft) {
i = tshft;
#ifndef ISO
*--up = ' ' | QUOTE;
*--up = '\a' | QUOTE;
while (--i);
hold = oldhold;
* Now do the insert of the characters (finally).
int c; /* mjm: char --> int */
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp, *up;
register short *tp, *up;
register int i, j;
register bool noim = 0;
int remdoom;
short oldhold = hold;
hold |= HOLDPUPD;
if (tabsize && (IM && EI) && inssiz - doomed > tabslack)
* There is a tab out there which will be affected
* by the insertion since there aren't enough doomed
* characters to take up all the insertion and we do
* have insert mode capability.
if (inscol + doomed == tabstart) {
* The end of the doomed characters sits right at the
* start of the tabs, then we don't need to use insert
* mode; unless the tab has already been expanded
* in which case we MUST use insert mode.
slakused = 0;
noim = !shft;
} else {
* The last really special case to handle is case
* where the tab is just sitting there and doesn't
* have enough slack to let the insertion take
* place without shifting the rest of the line
* over. In this case we have to go out and
* delete some characters of the tab before we start
* or the answer will be wrong, as the rest of the
* line will have been shifted. This code means
* that terminals with only insert chracter (no
* delete character) won't work correctly.
i = inssiz - doomed - tabslack - slakused;
i %= value(TABSTOP);
if (i > 0) {
for (i = inssiz - doomed - tabslack; i > 0; i--)
vputp(DC, DEPTH(vcline));
* Now put out the characters of the actual insertion.
remdoom = doomed;
for (i = inssiz; i > 0; i--) {
if (remdoom > 0) {
} else if (noim)
else if (IM && EI) {
#ifndef BIT8
if (!IM || !EI) {
* We are a dumb terminal; brute force update
* the rest of the line; this is very much an n^^2 process,
* and totally unreasonable at low speed.
* You asked for it, you get it.
tp = vtube0 + inscol + doomed;
for (i = inscol + doomed; i < tabstart; i++)
hold = oldhold;
vigotoCL(tabstart + inssiz - doomed);
for (i = tabsize - (inssiz - doomed) + shft; i > 0; i--)
#ifndef ISO
vputchar(' ' | QUOTE);
vputchar('\a' | QUOTE);
#ifndef BIT8
} else {
if (!IN) {
* On terminals without multi-line
* insert in the hardware, we must go fix the segments
* between the inserted text and the following
* tabs, if they are on different lines.
* Aaargh.
tp = vtube0;
for (j = (inscol + inssiz - 1) / WCOLS + 1;
j <= (tabstart + inssiz - doomed - 1) / WCOLS; j++) {
vgotoCL(j * WCOLS);
i = inssiz - doomed;
up = tp + j * WCOLS - i;
while (--i && *up);
} else {
* On terminals with multi line inserts,
* life is simpler, just reflect eating of
* the slack.
tp = vtube0 + tabend;
for (i = tabsize - (inssiz - doomed); i >= 0; i--) {
if ((*--tp & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == QUOTE) {
if (tabslack >= slakused)
#ifndef ISO
*tp = ' ' | QUOTE;
*tp = '\a' | QUOTE;
* Blank out the shifted positions to be tab positions.
if (shft) {
tp = vtube0 + tabend + shft;
for (i = tabsize - (inssiz - doomed) + shft; i > 0; i--)
#ifndef ISO
if ((*--tp & QUOTE) == 0)
*tp = ' ' | QUOTE;
if (*tp & QUOTE == 0
|| !niso(*tp))
*tp = '\a' | QUOTE;
#endif /* !BIT8 */
* Finally, complete the screen image update
* to reflect the insertion.
hold = oldhold;
tp = vtube0 + tabstart; up = tp + inssiz - doomed;
for (i = tabstart; i > inscol + doomed; i--)
*--up = *--tp;
for (i = inssiz; i > 0; i--)
*--up = c;
doomed = 0;
* Go into ``delete mode''. If the
* sequence which goes into delete mode
* is the same as that which goes into insert
* mode, then we are in delete mode already.
if (insmode) {
if (eq(DM, IM))
vputp(DM, 0);
* If we are coming out of delete mode, but
* delete and insert mode end with the same sequence,
* it wins to pretend we are now in insert mode,
* since we will likely want to be there again soon
* if we just moved over to delete space from part of
* a tab (above).
if (eq(DM, IM)) {
insmode = 1;
vputp(ED, 0);
* In and out of insert mode.
* Note that the code here demands that there be
* a string for insert mode (the null string) even
* if the terminal does all insertions a single character
* at a time, since it branches based on whether IM is null.
if (!insmode)
vputp(IM, 0);
insmode = 1;
if (insmode) {
vputp(EI, 0);
insmode = 0;
* Put the character c on the screen at the current cursor position.
* This routine handles wraparound and scrolling and understands not
* to roll when splitw is set, i.e. we are working in the echo area.
* There is a bunch of hacking here dealing with the difference between
* QUOTE, QUOTE|' ', and ' ' for CONCEPT-100 like terminals, and also
* code to deal with terminals which overstrike, including CRT's where
* you can erase overstrikes with some work. CRT's which do underlining
* implicitly which has to be erased (like CONCEPTS) are also handled.
register int c;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp;
register short *tp;
register int d;
#ifdef ISO
int e;
c &= (QUOTE|TRIM);
#ifdef TRACE
if (trace)
/* Fix problem of >79 chars on echo line. */
if (destcol >= WCOLS-1 && splitw && destline == WECHO)
if (destcol >= WCOLS) {
destline += destcol / WCOLS;
destcol %= WCOLS;
if (destline > WBOT && (!splitw || destline > WECHO))
tp = vtube[destline] + destcol;
switch (c) {
case '\t':
case ' ':
* We can get away without printing a space in a number
* of cases, but not always. We get away with doing nothing
* if we are not in insert mode, and not on a CONCEPT-100
* like terminal, and either not in hardcopy open or in hardcopy
* open on a terminal with no overstriking, provided,
* in all cases, that nothing has ever been displayed
* at this position. Ugh.
if (!insmode && !IN && (state != HARDOPEN || OS)
#ifndef ISO
&& (*tp&TRIM) == 0
&& (*tp & TRIM == 0) && (!niso(c))
) {
*tp = ' ';
goto def;
#ifdef ISO
case '\a' | QUOTE:
c = ' ';
goto def;
case QUOTE:
if (insmode) {
* When in insert mode, tabs have to expand
* to real, printed blanks.
#ifndef ISO
c = ' ' | QUOTE;
c = ' ';
goto def;
if (*tp == 0) {
* A ``space''.
if ((hold & HOLDPUPD) == 0)
*tp = QUOTE;
* A ``space'' ontop of a part of a tab.
#ifndef ISO
if (*tp & QUOTE) {
if (niso(*tp)) {
#ifndef ISO
c = ' ' | QUOTE;
c = ' ';
/* fall into ... */
#ifndef ISO
d = *tp & TRIM;
if (niso(*tp))
d = *tp & TRIM;
d = *tp;
* Now get away with doing nothing if the characters
* are the same, provided we are not in insert mode
* and if we are in hardopen, that the terminal has overstrike.
#ifndef ISO
if (d == (c & TRIM) && !insmode && (state != HARDOPEN || OS)) {
if (niso(c))
e = c & TRIM;
e = c;
if (d == e && !insmode && (state != HARDOPEN || OS)) {
if ((hold & HOLDPUPD) == 0)
*tp = c;
* Backwards looking optimization.
* The low level cursor motion routines will use
* a cursor motion right sequence to step 1 character
* right. On, e.g., a DM3025A this is 2 characters
* and printing is noticeably slower at 300 baud.
* Since the low level routines are not allowed to use
* spaces for positioning, we discover the common
* case of a single space here and force a space
* to be printed.
if (destcol == outcol + 1 && tp[-1] == ' ' && outline == destline) {
vputc(' ');
* This is an inline expansion a call to vcsync() dictated
* by high frequency in a profile.
if (outcol != destcol || outline != destline)
vgoto(destline, destcol);
* Deal with terminals which have overstrike.
* We handle erasing general overstrikes, erasing
* underlines on terminals (such as CONCEPTS) which
* do underlining correctly automatically (e.g. on nroff
* output), and remembering, in hardcopy mode,
* that we have overstruct something.
#ifndef ISO
if (!insmode && d && d != ' ' && d != (c & TRIM)) {
if (niso(c))
e = c & TRIM;
e = c;
if (!insmode && d && d != ' ' && d != e) {
if (EO && (OS || UL && (c == '_' || d == '_'))) {
vputc(' ');
outcol++, destcol++;
} else
rubble = 1;
* Unless we are just bashing characters around for
* inner working of insert mode, update the display.
if ((hold & HOLDPUPD) == 0)
*tp = c;
* In insert mode, put out the IC sequence, padded
* based on the depth of the current line.
* A terminal which had no real insert mode, rather
* opening a character position at a time could do this.
* Actually should use depth to end of current line
* but this rarely matters.
if (insmode)
vputp(IC, DEPTH(vcline));
#ifndef ISO
vputc(c & TRIM);
if (niso(c))
vputc(c & TRIM);
* In insert mode, IP is a post insert pad.
if (insmode)
vputp(IP, DEPTH(vcline));
destcol++, outcol++;
* CONCEPT braindamage in early models: after a wraparound
* the next newline is eaten. It's hungry so we just
* feed it now rather than worrying about it.
* Fixed to use return linefeed to work right
* on vt100/tab132 as well as concept.
if (XN && outcol % WCOLS == 0) {
* Delete display positions stcol through endcol.
* Amount of use of special terminal features here is limited.
physdc(stcol, endcol)
int stcol, endcol;
#ifndef BIT8
register char *tp, *up;
char *tpe;
register short *tp, *up;
short *tpe;
register int i;
register int nc = endcol - stcol;
#ifdef IDEBUG
if (trace)
tfixnl(), fprintf(trace, "physdc(%d, %d)\n", stcol, endcol);
if (!DC || nc <= 0)
if (IN) {
* CONCEPT-100 like terminal.
* If there are any ``spaces'' in the material to be
* deleted, then this is too hard, just retype.
up = vtube0 + stcol;
i = nc;
if ((*up++ & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == QUOTE)
while (--i);
i = 2 * nc;
if (*up == 0 || (*up++ & QUOTE) == QUOTE)
while (--i);
} else {
* HP like delete mode.
* Compute how much text we are moving over by deleting.
* If it appears to be faster to just retype
* the line, do nothing and that will be done later.
* We are assuming 2 output characters per deleted
* characters and that clear to end of line is available.
i = stcol / WCOLS;
if (i != endcol / WCOLS)
i += LINE(vcline);
stcol %= WCOLS;
endcol %= WCOLS;
up = vtube[i]; tp = up + endcol; tpe = up + WCOLS;
while (tp < tpe && *tp)
if (tp - (up + stcol) < 2 * nc)
vgoto(i, stcol);
* Go into delete mode and do the actual delete.
* Padding is on DC itself.
for (i = nc; i > 0; i--)
vputp(DC, DEPTH(vcline));
vputp(ED, 0);
* Straighten up.
* With CONCEPT like terminals, characters are pulled left
* from first following null. HP like terminals shift rest of
* this (single physical) line rigidly.
if (IN) {
up = vtube0 + stcol;
tp = vtube0 + endcol;
while (i = *tp++) {
if ((i & (QUOTE|TRIM)) == QUOTE)
*up++ = i;
*up++ = i;
while (--nc);
} else {
copy(up + stcol, up + endcol, WCOLS - endcol);
vclrbyte(tpe - nc, nc);
#ifdef TRACE
if (trubble || techoin)
fprintf(trace, "\n");
trubble = 0, techoin = 0;
register int i;
if (!trace)
fprintf(trace, "vcnt = %d, vcline = %d, vliny = ", vcnt, vcline);
for (i = 0; i <= vcnt; i++) {
fprintf(trace, "%d", LINE(i));
if (FLAGS(i) & VDIRT)
fprintf(trace, "*");
if (DEPTH(i) != 1)
fprintf(trace, "<%d>", DEPTH(i));
if (i < vcnt)
fprintf(trace, " ");
fprintf(trace, "\n");
int c; /* mjm: char --> int */
if (!techoin)
trubble = 1;
if (c == ESCAPE)
fprintf(trace, "$");
else if (c & QUOTE) /* mjm: for 3B (no sign extension) */
#ifndef ISO
fprintf(trace, "~%c", ctlof(c&TRIM));
if (niso(c))
fprintf(trace, "~%c", ctlof(c&TRIM));
fprintf(trace, "~%c", ctlof(c));
else if (c < ' ' || c == DELETE)
fprintf(trace, "^%c", ctlof(c));
fprintf(trace, "%c", c);
* Put a character with possible tracing.
int c;
#ifdef TRACE
if (trace)