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/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
 * VIM - Vi IMproved            by Bram Moolenaar
 *                              Motif support by Robert Webb
 * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.

# include <Xm/Xm.h>

# include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
# include <X11/StringDefs.h>

# include "gui_beval.h"

# ifdef VMS /* undef MIN and MAX because Intrinsic.h redefines them anyway */
#  ifdef MAX
#   undef MAX
#  endif
#  ifdef MIN
#   undef MIN
#  endif
# endif
# include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
# include <gtk/gtk.h>

# include <Types.h>
/*# include <Memory.h>*/
# include <Quickdraw.h>
# include <Fonts.h>
# include <Events.h>
# include <Menus.h>
#   include <Windows.h>
# endif
# include <Controls.h>
/*# include <TextEdit.h>*/
# include <Dialogs.h>
# include <OSUtils.h>
# include <ToolUtils.h>
# include <SegLoad.h>*/

#ifdef RISCOS
# include "gui_riscos.h"

# include <Ph.h>
# include <Pt.h>
# include "photon/PxProto.h"

 * On some systems, when we compile with the GUI, we always use it.  On Mac
 * there is no terminal version, and on Windows we can't figure out how to
 * fork one off with :gui.
#if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || (defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) && !defined(MACOS_X_UNIX))

 * On some systems scrolling needs to be done right away instead of in the
 * main loop.
#if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) || defined(HAVE_GTK2)

 * GUIs that support dropping files on a running Vim.
#if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC) \
        || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK)

 * This define makes menus always use a fontset.
 * We're not sure if this code always works, thus it can be disabled.

 * These macros convert between character row/column and pixel coordinates.
 * TEXT_X   - Convert character column into X pixel coord for drawing strings.
 * TEXT_Y   - Convert character row into Y pixel coord for drawing strings.
 * FILL_X   - Convert character column into X pixel coord for filling the area
 *              under the character.
 * FILL_Y   - Convert character row into Y pixel coord for filling the area
 *              under the character.
 * X_2_COL  - Convert X pixel coord into character column.
 * Y_2_ROW  - Convert Y pixel coord into character row.
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_W32
# define TEXT_X(col)    ((col) * gui.char_width)
# define TEXT_Y(row)    ((row) * gui.char_height + gui.char_ascent)
# define FILL_X(col)    ((col) * gui.char_width)
# define FILL_Y(row)    ((row) * gui.char_height)
# define X_2_COL(x)     ((x) / gui.char_width)
# define Y_2_ROW(y)     ((y) / gui.char_height)
# define TEXT_X(col)    ((col) * gui.char_width  + gui.border_offset)
# define FILL_X(col)    ((col) * gui.char_width  + gui.border_offset)
# define X_2_COL(x)     (((x) - gui.border_offset) / gui.char_width)
# define TEXT_Y(row)    ((row) * gui.char_height + gui.char_ascent \
                                                        + gui.border_offset)
# define FILL_Y(row)    ((row) * gui.char_height + gui.border_offset)
# define Y_2_ROW(y)     (((y) - gui.border_offset) / gui.char_height)

/* Indices for arrays of scrollbars */
#define SBAR_NONE           -1
#define SBAR_LEFT           0
#define SBAR_RIGHT          1
#define SBAR_BOTTOM         2

/* Orientations for scrollbars */
#define SBAR_VERT           0
#define SBAR_HORIZ          1

/* Default size of scrollbar */
#define SB_DEFAULT_WIDTH    16

/* Default height of the menu bar */
#define MENU_DEFAULT_HEIGHT 1           /* figure it out at runtime */

/* Flags for gui_mch_outstr_nowrap() */
#define GUI_MON_WRAP_CURSOR     0x01    /* wrap cursor at end of line */
#define GUI_MON_INVERT          0x02    /* invert the characters */
#define GUI_MON_IS_CURSOR       0x04    /* drawing cursor */
#define GUI_MON_TRS_CURSOR      0x08    /* drawing transparent cursor */
#define GUI_MON_NOCLEAR         0x10    /* don't clear selection */

/* Flags for gui_mch_draw_string() */
#define DRAW_TRANSP             0x01    /* draw with transparent bg */
#define DRAW_BOLD               0x02    /* draw bold text */
#define DRAW_UNDERL             0x04    /* draw underline text */
#define DRAW_UNDERC             0x08    /* draw undercurl text */
#if defined(RISCOS) || defined(HAVE_GTK2)
# define DRAW_ITALIC            0x10    /* draw italic text */
#define DRAW_CURSOR             0x20    /* drawing block cursor (win32) */

/* For our own tearoff menu item */
#define TEAR_STRING             "-->Detach"
#define TEAR_LEN                (9)     /* length of above string */

/* for the toolbar */
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_W16
#define TOOLBAR_BORDER_HEIGHT   12  /* room above+below buttons for MSWindows */

# define TABLINE_HEIGHT 22
# define TABLINE_HEIGHT 30

#if defined(NO_CONSOLE) || defined(FEAT_GUI_GTK) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11)
# define NO_CONSOLE_INPUT       /* use no_console_input() to check if there
                                   is no console input possible */

typedef struct GuiScrollbar
    long        ident;          /* Unique identifier for each scrollbar */
    win_T       *wp;            /* Scrollbar's window, NULL for bottom */
    int         type;           /* one of SBAR_{LEFT,RIGHT,BOTTOM} */
    long        value;          /* Represents top line number visible */
    int         pixval;         /* pixel count of value */
    long        size;           /* Size of scrollbar thumb */
    long        max;            /* Number of lines in buffer */

    /* Values measured in characters: */
    int         top;            /* Top of scroll bar (chars from row 0) */
    int         height;         /* Current height of scroll bar in rows */
    int         width;          /* Current width of scroll bar in cols */
    int         status_height;  /* Height of status line */
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
    Widget      id;             /* Id of real scroll bar */
    GtkWidget *id;              /* Id of real scroll bar */
    unsigned long handler_id;   /* Id of "value_changed" signal handler */

    HWND        id;             /* Id of real scroll bar */
    int         scroll_shift;   /* The scrollbar stuff can handle only up to
                                   32767 lines.  When the file is longer,
                                   scroll_shift is set to the number of shifts
                                   to reduce the count.  */
    ControlHandle id;           /* A handle to the scrollbar */
#ifdef RISCOS
    int         id;             /* Window handle of scrollbar window */
    PtWidget_t  *id;
} scrollbar_T;

typedef long        guicolor_T; /* handle for a GUI color; for X11 this should
                                   be "Pixel", but that's an unsigned and we
                                   need a signed value */
#define INVALCOLOR (guicolor_T)-11111   /* number for invalid color; on 32 bit
                                   displays there is a tiny chance this is an
                                   actual color */

# ifdef HAVE_GTK2
  typedef PangoFontDescription  *GuiFont;       /* handle for a GUI font */
  typedef PangoFontDescription  *GuiFontset;    /* handle for a GUI fontset */
# else
  typedef GdkFont       *GuiFont;       /* handle for a GUI font */
  typedef GdkFont       *GuiFontset;    /* handle for a GUI fontset */
# endif
# define NOFONT         (GuiFont)NULL
# define NOFONTSET      (GuiFontset)NULL
  typedef char          *GuiFont;
  typedef char          *GuiFontset;
#  define NOFONT        (GuiFont)NULL
#  define NOFONTSET     (GuiFontset)NULL
# else
#  ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
  typedef XFontStruct   *GuiFont;       /* handle for a GUI font */
  typedef XFontSet      GuiFontset;     /* handle for a GUI fontset */
#   define NOFONT       (GuiFont)0
#   define NOFONTSET    (GuiFontset)0
#  else
  typedef long_u        GuiFont;        /* handle for a GUI font */
  typedef long_u        GuiFontset;     /* handle for a GUI fontset */
#   define NOFONT       (GuiFont)0
#   define NOFONTSET    (GuiFontset)0
#  endif
# endif

typedef struct Gui
    int         in_focus;           /* Vim has input focus */
    int         in_use;             /* Is the GUI being used? */
    int         starting;           /* GUI will start in a little while */
    int         shell_created;      /* Has the shell been created yet? */
    int         dying;              /* Is vim dying? Then output to terminal */
    int         dofork;             /* Use fork() when GUI is starting */
    int         dragged_sb;         /* Which scrollbar being dragged, if any? */
    win_T       *dragged_wp;        /* Which WIN's sb being dragged, if any? */
    int         pointer_hidden;     /* Is the mouse pointer hidden? */
    int         col;                /* Current cursor column in GUI display */
    int         row;                /* Current cursor row in GUI display */
    int         cursor_col;         /* Physical cursor column in GUI display */
    int         cursor_row;         /* Physical cursor row in GUI display */
    char        cursor_is_valid;    /* There is a cursor at cursor_row/col */
    int         num_cols;           /* Number of columns */
    int         num_rows;           /* Number of rows */
    int         scroll_region_top;  /* Top (first) line of scroll region */
    int         scroll_region_bot;  /* Bottom (last) line of scroll region */
    int         scroll_region_left;  /* Left (first) column of scroll region */
    int         scroll_region_right;  /* Right (last) col. of scroll region */
    int         highlight_mask;     /* Highlight attribute mask */
    int         scrollbar_width;    /* Width of vertical scrollbars */
    int         scrollbar_height;   /* Height of horizontal scrollbar */
    int         left_sbar_x;        /* Calculated x coord for left scrollbar */
    int         right_sbar_x;       /* Calculated x coord for right scrollbar */

#ifdef FEAT_MENU
# ifndef FEAT_GUI_GTK
    int         menu_height;        /* Height of the menu bar */
    int         menu_width;         /* Width of the menu bar */
# endif
    char        menu_is_active;     /* TRUE if menu is present */
    char        menu_height_fixed;  /* TRUE if menu height fixed */
# endif

    scrollbar_T bottom_sbar;        /* Bottom scrollbar */
    int         which_scrollbars[3];/* Which scrollbar boxes are active? */
    int         prev_wrap;          /* For updating the horizontal scrollbar */
    int         char_width;         /* Width of char cell in pixels */
    int         char_height;        /* Height of char cell in pixels, includes
                                       'linespace' */
    int         char_ascent;        /* Ascent of char in pixels */
    int         border_width;       /* Width of our border around text area */
    int         border_offset;      /* Total pixel offset for all borders */

    GuiFont     norm_font;          /* Normal font */
#ifndef HAVE_GTK2
    GuiFont     bold_font;          /* Bold font */
    GuiFont     ital_font;          /* Italic font */
    GuiFont     boldital_font;      /* Bold-Italic font */
    int         font_can_bold;      /* Whether norm_font supports bold weight.
                                     * The styled font variants are not used. */

#if defined(FEAT_MENU) && !defined(HAVE_GTK2)
    GuiFontset  menu_fontset;       /* set of fonts for multi-byte chars */
# else
    GuiFont     menu_font;          /* menu item font */
# endif
    GuiFont     wide_font;          /* 'guifontwide' font */
    GuiFontset  fontset;            /* set of fonts for multi-byte chars */
    guicolor_T  back_pixel;         /* Color of background */
    guicolor_T  norm_pixel;         /* Color of normal text */
    guicolor_T  def_back_pixel;     /* default Color of background */
    guicolor_T  def_norm_pixel;     /* default Color of normal text */

#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
    char        *rsrc_menu_fg_name;     /* Color of menu & dialog foreground */
    guicolor_T  menu_fg_pixel;          /* Same in Pixel format */
    char        *rsrc_menu_bg_name;     /* Color of menu & dialog background */
    guicolor_T  menu_bg_pixel;          /* Same in Pixel format */
    char        *rsrc_scroll_fg_name;   /* Color of scrollbar foreground */
    guicolor_T  scroll_fg_pixel;        /* Same in Pixel format */
    char        *rsrc_scroll_bg_name;   /* Color of scrollbar background */
    guicolor_T  scroll_bg_pixel;        /* Same in Pixel format */

    guicolor_T  menu_def_fg_pixel;  /* Default menu foreground */
    guicolor_T  menu_def_bg_pixel;  /* Default menu background */
    guicolor_T  scroll_def_fg_pixel;  /* Default scrollbar foreground */
    guicolor_T  scroll_def_bg_pixel;  /* Default scrollbar background */
# endif
    Display     *dpy;               /* X display */
    Window      wid;                /* Window id of text area */
    int         visibility;         /* Is shell partially/fully obscured? */
    GC          text_gc;
    GC          back_gc;
    GC          invert_gc;
    Cursor      blank_pointer;      /* Blank pointer */

    /* X Resources */
    char_u      *rsrc_font_name;    /* Resource font name, used if 'guifont'
                                       not set */
    char_u      *rsrc_bold_font_name; /* Resource bold font name */
    char_u      *rsrc_ital_font_name; /* Resource italic font name */
    char_u      *rsrc_boldital_font_name;  /* Resource bold-italic font name */
    char_u      *rsrc_menu_font_name;    /* Resource menu Font name */
    Bool        rsrc_rev_video;     /* Use reverse video? */

    char_u      *geom;              /* Geometry, eg "80x24" */
    Bool        color_approx;       /* Some color was approximated */

    int         visibility;         /* Is shell partially/fully obscured? */
    GdkCursor   *blank_pointer;     /* Blank pointer */

    /* X Resources */
    char_u      *geom;              /* Geometry, eg "80x24" */

    GtkWidget   *mainwin;           /* top level GTK window */
    GtkWidget   *formwin;           /* manages all the windows below */
    GtkWidget   *drawarea;          /* the "text" area */
# ifdef FEAT_MENU
    GtkWidget   *menubar;           /* menubar */
# endif
    GtkWidget   *toolbar;           /* toolbar */
# endif
    GtkWidget   *menubar_h;         /* menubar handle */
    GtkWidget   *toolbar_h;         /* toolbar handle */
# endif
    GdkColor    *fgcolor;           /* GDK-styled foreground color */
    GdkColor    *bgcolor;           /* GDK-styled background color */
    GdkColor    *spcolor;           /* GDK-styled special color */
# ifndef HAVE_GTK2
    GuiFont     current_font;
# endif
    GdkGC       *text_gc;           /* cached GC for normal text */
# ifdef HAVE_GTK2
    PangoContext     *text_context; /* the context used for all text */
    PangoFont        *ascii_font;   /* cached font for ASCII strings */
    PangoGlyphString *ascii_glyphs; /* cached code point -> glyph map */
# endif
    GtkWidget   *tabline;           /* tab pages line handle */
# endif

    GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;
# ifndef HAVE_GTK2
    GtkWidget   *fontdlg;           /* font selection dialog window */
    char_u      *fontname;          /* font name from font selection dialog */
# endif
    GtkWidget   *filedlg;           /* file selection dialog */
    char_u      *browse_fname;      /* file name from filedlg */
#endif  /* FEAT_GUI_GTK */

#if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) \
        && (defined(FEAT_GUI_W32) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) \
                 || defined(FEAT_GUI_MAC))
    int         tabline_height;

    int         footer_height;      /* height of the message footer */

#if defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR) \
        && (defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF))
    int         toolbar_height;     /* height of the toolbar */

    /* Tooltip properties; also used for balloon evaluation */
    char_u      *rsrc_tooltip_font_name; /* tooltip font name */
    char        *rsrc_tooltip_fg_name;  /* tooltip foreground color name */
    char        *rsrc_tooltip_bg_name;  /* tooltip background color name */
    guicolor_T  tooltip_fg_pixel;       /* tooltip foreground color */
    guicolor_T  tooltip_bg_pixel;       /* tooltip background color */
    XFontSet    tooltip_fontset;        /* tooltip fontset */

    GuiFont     currFont;           /* Current font */
    guicolor_T  currFgColor;        /* Current foreground text color */
    guicolor_T  currBgColor;        /* Current background text color */
    guicolor_T  currSpColor;        /* Current special text color */

    WindowPtr   VimWindow;
    MenuHandle  MacOSHelpMenu;      /* Help menu provided by the MacOS */
    int         MacOSHelpItems;     /* Nr of help-items supplied by MacOS */
    int         MacOSHaveCntxMenu;  /* Contextual menu available */
    WindowPtr   wid;                /* Window id of text area */
    int         visibility;         /* Is window partially/fully obscured? */

#ifdef RISCOS
    int         window_handle;
    char_u      *window_title;
    int         window_title_size;
    int         fg_colour;              /* in 0xBBGGRR format */
    int         bg_colour;

    PtWidget_t  *vimWindow;             /* PtWindow */
    PtWidget_t  *vimTextArea;           /* PtRaw */
    PtWidget_t  *vimContainer;          /* PtPanel */
# if defined(FEAT_MENU) || defined(FEAT_TOOLBAR)
    PtWidget_t  *vimToolBarGroup;
# endif
# ifdef FEAT_MENU
    PtWidget_t  *vimMenuBar;
# endif
    PtWidget_t  *vimToolBar;
    int         toolbar_height;
# endif
    PhEvent_t   *event_buffer;

#ifdef FEAT_XIM
    char        *rsrc_input_method;
    char        *rsrc_preedit_type_name;
} gui_T;

extern gui_T gui;                       /* this is defined in gui.c */

/* definitions of available window positionings for gui_*_position_in_parent()
typedef enum
} gui_win_pos_T;

 * Flags used to distinguish the different contexts in which the
 * find/replace callback may be called.
# define FRD_FINDNEXT   1       /* Find next in find dialog */
# define FRD_R_FINDNEXT 2       /* Find next in repl dialog */
# define FRD_REPLACE    3       /* Replace once */
# define FRD_REPLACEALL 4       /* Replace remaining matches */
# define FRD_UNDO       5       /* Undo replaced text */
# define FRD_TYPE_MASK   7      /* Mask for the callback type */
/* Flags which change the way searching is done. */
# define FRD_WHOLE_WORD 0x08    /* match whole word only */
# define FRD_MATCH_CASE 0x10    /* match case */

#ifdef HAVE_GTK2
 * Convenience macros to convert from 'encoding' to 'termencoding' and
 * vice versa.  If no conversion is necessary the passed-in pointer is
 * returned as is, without allocating any memory.  Thus additional _FREE()
 * macros are provided.  The _FREE() macros also set the pointer to NULL,
 * in order to avoid bugs due to illegal memory access only happening if
 * 'encoding' != utf-8...
 * Defining these macros as pure expressions looks a bit tricky but
 * avoids depending on the context of the macro expansion.  One of the
 * rare occasions where the comma operator comes in handy :)
 * Note: Do NOT keep the result around when handling control back to
 * the main Vim!  The user could change 'encoding' at any time.
# define CONVERT_TO_UTF8(String)                                \
    ((output_conv.vc_type == CONV_NONE || (String) == NULL)     \
            ? (String)                                          \
            : string_convert(&output_conv, (String), NULL))

# define CONVERT_TO_UTF8_FREE(String)                           \
    ((String) = ((output_conv.vc_type == CONV_NONE)             \
                        ? (char_u *)NULL                        \
                        : (vim_free(String), (char_u *)NULL)))

# define CONVERT_FROM_UTF8(String)                              \
    ((input_conv.vc_type == CONV_NONE || (String) == NULL)      \
            ? (String)                                          \
            : string_convert(&input_conv, (String), NULL))

# define CONVERT_FROM_UTF8_FREE(String)                         \
    ((String) = ((input_conv.vc_type == CONV_NONE)              \
                        ? (char_u *)NULL                        \
                        : (vim_free(String), (char_u *)NULL)))

# define CONVERT_TO_UTF8(String) (String)
# define CONVERT_TO_UTF8_FREE(String) ((String) = (char_u *)NULL)
# define CONVERT_FROM_UTF8(String) (String)
# define CONVERT_FROM_UTF8_FREE(String) ((String) = (char_u *)NULL)
#endif /* HAVE_GTK2 */