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/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
 * VIM - Vi IMproved    by Bram Moolenaar
 * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
 * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.

 * syntax.c: code for syntax highlighting

#include "vim.h"

 * Structure that stores information about a highlight group.
 * The ID of a highlight group is also called group ID.  It is the index in
 * the highlight_ga array PLUS ONE.
struct hl_group
    char_u      *sg_name;       /* highlight group name */
    char_u      *sg_name_u;     /* uppercase of sg_name */
/* for normal terminals */
    int         sg_term;        /* "term=" highlighting attributes */
    char_u      *sg_start;      /* terminal string for start highl */
    char_u      *sg_stop;       /* terminal string for stop highl */
    int         sg_term_attr;   /* Screen attr for term mode */
/* for color terminals */
    int         sg_cterm;       /* "cterm=" highlighting attr */
    int         sg_cterm_bold;  /* bold attr was set for light color */
    int         sg_cterm_fg;    /* terminal fg color number + 1 */
    int         sg_cterm_bg;    /* terminal bg color number + 1 */
    int         sg_cterm_attr;  /* Screen attr for color term mode */
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
/* for when using the GUI */
    int         sg_gui;         /* "gui=" highlighting attributes */
    guicolor_T  sg_gui_fg;      /* GUI foreground color handle */
    char_u      *sg_gui_fg_name;/* GUI foreground color name */
    guicolor_T  sg_gui_bg;      /* GUI background color handle */
    char_u      *sg_gui_bg_name;/* GUI background color name */
    guicolor_T  sg_gui_sp;      /* GUI special color handle */
    char_u      *sg_gui_sp_name;/* GUI special color name */
    GuiFont     sg_font;        /* GUI font handle */
    GuiFontset  sg_fontset;     /* GUI fontset handle */
    char_u      *sg_font_name;  /* GUI font or fontset name */
    int         sg_gui_attr;    /* Screen attr for GUI mode */
    int         sg_link;        /* link to this highlight group ID */
    int         sg_set;         /* combination of SG_* flags */
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    scid_T      sg_scriptID;    /* script in which the group was last set */

#define SG_TERM         1       /* term has been set */
#define SG_CTERM        2       /* cterm has been set */
#define SG_GUI          4       /* gui has been set */
#define SG_LINK         8       /* link has been set */

static garray_T highlight_ga;   /* highlight groups for 'highlight' option */

#define HL_TABLE() ((struct hl_group *)((highlight_ga.ga_data)))

static int include_default = FALSE;     /* include "default" for expansion */
static int include_link = FALSE;        /* include "link" for expansion */

 * The "term", "cterm" and "gui" arguments can be any combination of the
 * following names, separated by commas (but no spaces!).
static char *(hl_name_table[]) =
    {"bold", "standout", "underline", "undercurl",
                                      "italic", "reverse", "inverse", "NONE"};
static int hl_attr_table[] =

static int get_attr_entry  __ARGS((garray_T *table, attrentry_T *aep));
static void syn_unadd_group __ARGS((void));
static void set_hl_attr __ARGS((int idx));
static void highlight_list_one __ARGS((int id));
static int highlight_list_arg __ARGS((int id, int didh, int type, int iarg, char_u *sarg, char *name));
static int syn_add_group __ARGS((char_u *name));
static int syn_list_header __ARGS((int did_header, int outlen, int id));
static int hl_has_settings __ARGS((int idx, int check_link));
static void highlight_clear __ARGS((int idx));

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
static void gui_do_one_color __ARGS((int idx, int do_menu, int do_tooltip));
static int  set_group_colors __ARGS((char_u *name, guicolor_T *fgp, guicolor_T *bgp, int do_menu, int use_norm, int do_tooltip));
static guicolor_T color_name2handle __ARGS((char_u *name));
static GuiFont font_name2handle __ARGS((char_u *name));
static GuiFontset fontset_name2handle __ARGS((char_u *name, int fixed_width));
# endif
static void hl_do_font __ARGS((int idx, char_u *arg, int do_normal, int do_menu, int do_tooltip));

 * An attribute number is the index in attr_table plus ATTR_OFF.
#define ATTR_OFF (HL_ALL + 1)

#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(PROTO)

#define SYN_NAMELEN     50              /* maximum length of a syntax name */

/* different types of offsets that are possible */
#define SPO_MS_OFF      0        /* match  start offset */
#define SPO_ME_OFF      1       /* match  end   offset */
#define SPO_HS_OFF      2       /* highl. start offset */
#define SPO_HE_OFF      3       /* highl. end   offset */
#define SPO_RS_OFF      4       /* region start offset */
#define SPO_RE_OFF      5       /* region end   offset */
#define SPO_LC_OFF      6       /* leading context offset */
#define SPO_COUNT       7

static char *(spo_name_tab[SPO_COUNT]) =
            {"ms=", "me=", "hs=", "he=", "rs=", "re=", "lc="};

 * The patterns that are being searched for are stored in a syn_pattern.
 * A match item consists of one pattern.
 * A start/end item consists of n start patterns and m end patterns.
 * A start/skip/end item consists of n start patterns, one skip pattern and m
 * end patterns.
 * For the latter two, the patterns are always consecutive: start-skip-end.
 * A character offset can be given for the matched text (_m_start and _m_end)
 * and for the actually highlighted text (_h_start and _h_end).
typedef struct syn_pattern
    char         sp_type;               /* see SPTYPE_ defines below */
    char         sp_syncing;            /* this item used for syncing */
    short        sp_flags;              /* see HL_ defines below */
    struct sp_syn sp_syn;               /* struct passed to in_id_list() */
    short        sp_syn_match_id;       /* highlight group ID of pattern */
    char_u      *sp_pattern;            /* regexp to match, pattern */
    regprog_T   *sp_prog;               /* regexp to match, program */
    int          sp_ic;                 /* ignore-case flag for sp_prog */
    short        sp_off_flags;          /* see below */
    int          sp_offsets[SPO_COUNT]; /* offsets */
    short       *sp_cont_list;          /* cont. group IDs, if non-zero */
    short       *sp_next_list;          /* next group IDs, if non-zero */
    int          sp_sync_idx;           /* sync item index (syncing only) */
    int          sp_line_id;            /* ID of last line where tried */
    int          sp_startcol;           /* next match in sp_line_id line */
} synpat_T;

/* The sp_off_flags are computed like this:
 * offset from the start of the matched text: (1 << SPO_XX_OFF)
 * offset from the end   of the matched text: (1 << (SPO_XX_OFF + SPO_COUNT))
 * When both are present, only one is used.

#define SPTYPE_MATCH    1       /* match keyword with this group ID */
#define SPTYPE_START    2       /* match a regexp, start of item */
#define SPTYPE_END      3       /* match a regexp, end of item */
#define SPTYPE_SKIP     4       /* match a regexp, skip within item */

#define HL_CONTAINED    0x01    /* not used on toplevel */
#define HL_TRANSP       0x02    /* has no highlighting  */
#define HL_ONELINE      0x04    /* match within one line only */
#define HL_HAS_EOL      0x08    /* end pattern that matches with $ */
#define HL_SYNC_HERE    0x10    /* sync point after this item (syncing only) */
#define HL_SYNC_THERE   0x20    /* sync point at current line (syncing only) */
#define HL_MATCH        0x40    /* use match ID instead of item ID */
#define HL_SKIPNL       0x80    /* nextgroup can skip newlines */
#define HL_SKIPWHITE    0x100   /* nextgroup can skip white space */
#define HL_SKIPEMPTY    0x200   /* nextgroup can skip empty lines */
#define HL_KEEPEND      0x400   /* end match always kept */
#define HL_EXCLUDENL    0x800   /* exclude NL from match */
#define HL_DISPLAY      0x1000  /* only used for displaying, not syncing */
#define HL_FOLD         0x2000  /* define fold */
#define HL_EXTEND       0x4000  /* ignore a keepend */
/* These don't fit in a short, thus can't be used for syntax items, only for
 * si_flags and bs_flags. */
#define HL_MATCHCONT    0x8000  /* match continued from previous line */
#define HL_TRANS_CONT   0x10000L /* transparent item without contains arg */

#define SYN_ITEMS(buf)  ((synpat_T *)((buf)->b_syn_patterns.ga_data))

#define NONE_IDX        -2      /* value of sp_sync_idx for "NONE" */

 * Flags for b_syn_sync_flags:
#define SF_CCOMMENT     0x01    /* sync on a C-style comment */
#define SF_MATCH        0x02    /* sync by matching a pattern */

#define SYN_STATE_P(ssp)    ((bufstate_T *)((ssp)->ga_data))

#define MAXKEYWLEN      80          /* maximum length of a keyword */

 * The attributes of the syntax item that has been recognized.
static int current_attr = 0;        /* attr of current syntax word */
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
static int current_id = 0;          /* ID of current char for syn_get_id() */
static int current_trans_id = 0;    /* idem, transparancy removed */

typedef struct syn_cluster_S
    char_u          *scl_name;      /* syntax cluster name */
    char_u          *scl_name_u;    /* uppercase of scl_name */
    short           *scl_list;      /* IDs in this syntax cluster */
} syn_cluster_T;

 * Methods of combining two clusters
#define CLUSTER_REPLACE     1   /* replace first list with second */
#define CLUSTER_ADD         2   /* add second list to first */
#define CLUSTER_SUBTRACT    3   /* subtract second list from first */

#define SYN_CLSTR(buf)  ((syn_cluster_T *)((buf)->b_syn_clusters.ga_data))

 * Syntax group IDs have different types:
 *     0 -  9999  normal syntax groups
 * 10000 - 14999  ALLBUT indicator (current_syn_inc_tag added)
 * 15000 - 19999  TOP indicator (current_syn_inc_tag added)
 * 20000 - 24999  CONTAINED indicator (current_syn_inc_tag added)
 * >= 25000       cluster IDs (subtract SYNID_CLUSTER for the cluster ID)
#define SYNID_ALLBUT    10000       /* syntax group ID for contains=ALLBUT */
#define SYNID_TOP       15000       /* syntax group ID for contains=TOP */
#define SYNID_CONTAINED 20000       /* syntax group ID for contains=CONTAINED */
#define SYNID_CLUSTER   25000       /* first syntax group ID for clusters */

 * Annoying Hack(TM):  ":syn include" needs this pointer to pass to
 * expand_filename().  Most of the other syntax commands don't need it, so
 * instead of passing it to them, we stow it here.
static char_u **syn_cmdlinep;

 * Another Annoying Hack(TM):  To prevent rules from other ":syn include"'d
 * files from from leaking into ALLBUT lists, we assign a unique ID to the
 * rules in each ":syn include"'d file.
static int current_syn_inc_tag = 0;
static int running_syn_inc_tag = 0;

 * In a hashtable item "hi_key" points to "keyword" in a keyentry.
 * This avoids adding a pointer to the hashtable item.
 * KE2HIKEY() converts a var pointer to a hashitem key pointer.
 * HIKEY2KE() converts a hashitem key pointer to a var pointer.
 * HI2KE() converts a hashitem pointer to a var pointer.
static keyentry_T dumkey;
#define KE2HIKEY(kp)  ((kp)->keyword)
#define HIKEY2KE(p)   ((keyentry_T *)((p) - (dumkey.keyword - (char_u *)&dumkey)))
#define HI2KE(hi)      HIKEY2KE((hi)->hi_key)

 * To reduce the time spent in keepend(), remember at which level in the state
 * stack the first item with "keepend" is present.  When "-1", there is no
 * "keepend" on the stack.
static int keepend_level = -1;

 * For the current state we need to remember more than just the idx.
 * When si_m_endpos.lnum is 0, the items other than si_idx are unknown.
 * (The end positions have the column number of the next char)
typedef struct state_item
    int         si_idx;                 /* index of syntax pattern */
    int         si_id;                  /* highlight group ID for keywords */
    int         si_trans_id;            /* idem, transparancy removed */
    int         si_m_lnum;              /* lnum of the match */
    int         si_m_startcol;          /* starting column of the match */
    lpos_T      si_m_endpos;            /* just after end posn of the match */
    lpos_T      si_h_startpos;          /* start position of the highlighting */
    lpos_T      si_h_endpos;            /* end position of the highlighting */
    lpos_T      si_eoe_pos;             /* end position of end pattern */
    int         si_end_idx;             /* group ID for end pattern or zero */
    int         si_ends;                /* if match ends before si_m_endpos */
    int         si_attr;                /* attributes in this state */
    long        si_flags;               /* HL_HAS_EOL flag in this state, and
                                         * HL_SKIP* for si_next_list */
    short       *si_cont_list;          /* list of contained groups */
    short       *si_next_list;          /* nextgroup IDs after this item ends */
    reg_extmatch_T *si_extmatch;        /* \z(...\) matches from start
                                         * pattern */
} stateitem_T;

#define KEYWORD_IDX     -1          /* value of si_idx for keywords */
#define ID_LIST_ALL     (short *)-1 /* valid of si_cont_list for containing all
                                       but contained groups */

 * Struct to reduce the number of arguments to get_syn_options(), it's used
 * very often.
typedef struct
    int         flags;          /* flags for contained and transparent */
    int         keyword;        /* TRUE for ":syn keyword" */
    int         *sync_idx;      /* syntax item for "grouphere" argument, NULL
                                   if not allowed */
    char        has_cont_list;  /* TRUE if "cont_list" can be used */
    short       *cont_list;     /* group IDs for "contains" argument */
    short       *cont_in_list;  /* group IDs for "containedin" argument */
    short       *next_list;     /* group IDs for "nextgroup" argument */
} syn_opt_arg_T;

 * The next possible match in the current line for any pattern is remembered,
 * to avoid having to try for a match in each column.
 * If next_match_idx == -1, not tried (in this line) yet.
 * If next_match_col == MAXCOL, no match found in this line.
 * (All end positions have the column of the char after the end)
static int next_match_col;              /* column for start of next match */
static lpos_T next_match_m_endpos;      /* position for end of next match */
static lpos_T next_match_h_startpos;  /* pos. for highl. start of next match */
static lpos_T next_match_h_endpos;      /* pos. for highl. end of next match */
static int next_match_idx;              /* index of matched item */
static long next_match_flags;           /* flags for next match */
static lpos_T next_match_eos_pos;       /* end of start pattn (start region) */
static lpos_T next_match_eoe_pos;       /* pos. for end of end pattern */
static int next_match_end_idx;          /* ID of group for end pattn or zero */
static reg_extmatch_T *next_match_extmatch = NULL;

 * A state stack is an array of integers or stateitem_T, stored in a
 * garray_T.  A state stack is invalid if it's itemsize entry is zero.
#define INVALID_STATE(ssp)  ((ssp)->ga_itemsize == 0)
#define VALID_STATE(ssp)    ((ssp)->ga_itemsize != 0)

 * The current state (within the line) of the recognition engine.
 * When current_state.ga_itemsize is 0 the current state is invalid.
static win_T    *syn_win;               /* current window for highlighting */
static buf_T    *syn_buf;               /* current buffer for highlighting */
static linenr_T current_lnum = 0;       /* lnum of current state */
static colnr_T  current_col = 0;        /* column of current state */
static int      current_state_stored = 0; /* TRUE if stored current state
                                           * after setting current_finished */
static int      current_finished = 0;   /* current line has been finished */
static garray_T current_state           /* current stack of state_items */
                = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};
static short    *current_next_list = NULL; /* when non-zero, nextgroup list */
static int      current_next_flags = 0; /* flags for current_next_list */
static int      current_line_id = 0;    /* unique number for current line */

#define CUR_STATE(idx)  ((stateitem_T *)(current_state.ga_data))[idx]

static void syn_sync __ARGS((win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, synstate_T *last_valid));
static int syn_match_linecont __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
static void syn_start_line __ARGS((void));
static void syn_update_ends __ARGS((int startofline));
static void syn_stack_alloc __ARGS((void));
static int syn_stack_cleanup __ARGS((void));
static void syn_stack_free_entry __ARGS((buf_T *buf, synstate_T *p));
static synstate_T *syn_stack_find_entry __ARGS((linenr_T lnum));
static synstate_T *store_current_state __ARGS((synstate_T *sp));
static void load_current_state __ARGS((synstate_T *from));
static void invalidate_current_state __ARGS((void));
static int syn_stack_equal __ARGS((synstate_T *sp));
static void validate_current_state __ARGS((void));
static int syn_finish_line __ARGS((int syncing));
static int syn_current_attr __ARGS((int syncing, int displaying, int *can_spell));
static int did_match_already __ARGS((int idx, garray_T *gap));
static stateitem_T *push_next_match __ARGS((stateitem_T *cur_si));
static void check_state_ends __ARGS((void));
static void update_si_attr __ARGS((int idx));
static void check_keepend __ARGS((void));
static void update_si_end __ARGS((stateitem_T *sip, int startcol, int force));
static short *copy_id_list __ARGS((short *list));
static int in_id_list __ARGS((stateitem_T *item, short *cont_list, struct sp_syn *ssp, int contained));
static int push_current_state __ARGS((int idx));
static void pop_current_state __ARGS((void));

static void find_endpos __ARGS((int idx, lpos_T *startpos, lpos_T *m_endpos, lpos_T *hl_endpos, long *flagsp, lpos_T *end_endpos, int *end_idx, reg_extmatch_T *start_ext));
static void clear_syn_state __ARGS((synstate_T *p));
static void clear_current_state __ARGS((void));

static void limit_pos __ARGS((lpos_T *pos, lpos_T *limit));
static void limit_pos_zero __ARGS((lpos_T *pos, lpos_T *limit));
static void syn_add_end_off __ARGS((lpos_T *result, regmmatch_T *regmatch, synpat_T *spp, int idx, int extra));
static void syn_add_start_off __ARGS((lpos_T *result, regmmatch_T *regmatch, synpat_T *spp, int idx, int extra));
static char_u *syn_getcurline __ARGS((void));
static int syn_regexec __ARGS((regmmatch_T *rmp, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col));
static int check_keyword_id __ARGS((char_u *line, int startcol, int *endcol, long *flags, short **next_list, stateitem_T *cur_si));
static void syn_cmd_case __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_spell __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syntax_sync_clear __ARGS((void));
static void syn_remove_pattern __ARGS((buf_T *buf, int idx));
static void syn_clear_pattern __ARGS((buf_T *buf, int i));
static void syn_clear_cluster __ARGS((buf_T *buf, int i));
static void syn_cmd_clear __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_clear_one __ARGS((int id, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_on __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_enable __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_reset __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_manual __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_off __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_onoff __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, char *name));
static void syn_cmd_list __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_lines_msg __ARGS((void));
static void syn_match_msg __ARGS((void));
static void syn_list_one __ARGS((int id, int syncing, int link_only));
static void syn_list_cluster __ARGS((int id));
static void put_id_list __ARGS((char_u *name, short *list, int attr));
static void put_pattern __ARGS((char *s, int c, synpat_T *spp, int attr));
static int syn_list_keywords __ARGS((int id, hashtab_T *ht, int did_header, int attr));
static void syn_clear_keyword __ARGS((int id, hashtab_T *ht));
static void clear_keywtab __ARGS((hashtab_T *ht));
static void add_keyword __ARGS((char_u *name, int id, int flags, short *cont_in_list, short *next_list));
static char_u *get_group_name __ARGS((char_u *arg, char_u **name_end));
static char_u *get_syn_options __ARGS((char_u *arg, syn_opt_arg_T *opt));
static void syn_cmd_include __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_keyword __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_match __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static void syn_cmd_region __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
static int _RTLENTRYF syn_compare_stub __ARGS((const void *v1, const void *v2));
static int syn_compare_stub __ARGS((const void *v1, const void *v2));
static void syn_cmd_cluster __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static int syn_scl_name2id __ARGS((char_u *name));
static int syn_scl_namen2id __ARGS((char_u *linep, int len));
static int syn_check_cluster __ARGS((char_u *pp, int len));
static int syn_add_cluster __ARGS((char_u *name));
static void init_syn_patterns __ARGS((void));
static char_u *get_syn_pattern __ARGS((char_u *arg, synpat_T *ci));
static void syn_cmd_sync __ARGS((exarg_T *eap, int syncing));
static int get_id_list __ARGS((char_u **arg, int keylen, short **list));
static void syn_combine_list __ARGS((short **clstr1, short **clstr2, int list_op));
static void syn_incl_toplevel __ARGS((int id, int *flagsp));

 * Start the syntax recognition for a line.  This function is normally called
 * from the screen updating, once for each displayed line.
 * The buffer is remembered in syn_buf, because get_syntax_attr() doesn't get
 * it.  Careful: curbuf and curwin are likely to point to another buffer and
 * window.
syntax_start(wp, lnum)
    win_T       *wp;
    linenr_T    lnum;
    synstate_T  *p;
    synstate_T  *last_valid = NULL;
    synstate_T  *last_min_valid = NULL;
    synstate_T  *sp, *prev;
    linenr_T    parsed_lnum;
    linenr_T    first_stored;
    int         dist;
    static int  changedtick = 0;        /* remember the last change ID */

     * After switching buffers, invalidate current_state.
     * Also do this when a change was made, the current state may be invalid
     * then.
    if (syn_buf != wp->w_buffer || changedtick != syn_buf->b_changedtick)
        syn_buf = wp->w_buffer;
    changedtick = syn_buf->b_changedtick;
    syn_win = wp;

     * Allocate syntax stack when needed.
    if (syn_buf->b_sst_array == NULL)
        return;         /* out of memory */
    syn_buf->b_sst_lasttick = display_tick;

     * If the state of the end of the previous line is useful, store it.
    if (VALID_STATE(&current_state)
            && current_lnum < lnum
            && current_lnum < syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
        if (!current_state_stored)

         * If the current_lnum is now the same as "lnum", keep the current
         * state (this happens very often!).  Otherwise invalidate
         * current_state and figure it out below.
        if (current_lnum != lnum)

     * Try to synchronize from a saved state in b_sst_array[].
     * Only do this if lnum is not before and not to far beyond a saved state.
    if (INVALID_STATE(&current_state) && syn_buf->b_sst_array != NULL)
        /* Find last valid saved state before start_lnum. */
        for (p = syn_buf->b_sst_first; p != NULL; p = p->sst_next)
            if (p->sst_lnum > lnum)
            if (p->sst_lnum <= lnum && p->sst_change_lnum == 0)
                last_valid = p;
                if (p->sst_lnum >= lnum - syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines)
                    last_min_valid = p;
        if (last_min_valid != NULL)

     * If "lnum" is before or far beyond a line with a saved state, need to
     * re-synchronize.
    if (INVALID_STATE(&current_state))
        syn_sync(wp, lnum, last_valid);
        first_stored = current_lnum + syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines;
        first_stored = current_lnum;

     * Advance from the sync point or saved state until the current line.
     * Save some entries for syncing with later on.
    if (syn_buf->b_sst_len <= Rows)
        dist = 999999;
        dist = syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count / (syn_buf->b_sst_len - Rows) + 1;
    prev = syn_stack_find_entry(current_lnum);
    while (current_lnum < lnum)

        /* If we parsed at least "minlines" lines or started at a valid
         * state, the current state is considered valid. */
        if (current_lnum >= first_stored)
            /* Check if the saved state entry is for the current line and is
             * equal to the current state.  If so, then validate all saved
             * states that depended on a change before the parsed line. */
            if (prev == NULL)
                sp = syn_buf->b_sst_first;
                sp = prev->sst_next;
            if (sp != NULL
                    && sp->sst_lnum == current_lnum
                    && syn_stack_equal(sp))
                parsed_lnum = current_lnum;
                prev = sp;
                while (sp != NULL && sp->sst_change_lnum <= parsed_lnum)
                    if (sp->sst_lnum <= lnum)
                        /* valid state before desired line, use this one */
                        prev = sp;
                    else if (sp->sst_change_lnum == 0)
                        /* past saved states depending on change, break here. */
                    sp->sst_change_lnum = 0;
                    sp = sp->sst_next;
            /* Store the state at this line when it's the first one, the line
             * where we start parsing, or some distance from the previously
             * saved state.  But only when parsed at least 'minlines'. */
            else if (prev == NULL
                        || current_lnum == lnum
                        || current_lnum >= prev->sst_lnum + dist)
                prev = store_current_state(prev);

        /* This can take a long time: break when CTRL-C pressed.  The current
         * state will be wrong then. */
        if (got_int)
            current_lnum = lnum;


 * We cannot simply discard growarrays full of state_items or buf_states; we
 * have to manually release their extmatch pointers first.
    static void
    synstate_T *p;
    int         i;
    garray_T    *gap;

    if (p->sst_stacksize > SST_FIX_STATES)
        gap = &(p->sst_union.sst_ga);
        for (i = 0; i < gap->ga_len; i++)
        for (i = 0; i < p->sst_stacksize; i++)

 * Cleanup the current_state stack.
    static void
    int         i;
    stateitem_T *sip;

    sip = (stateitem_T *)(current_state.ga_data);
    for (i = 0; i < current_state.ga_len; i++)

 * Try to find a synchronisation point for line "lnum".
 * This sets current_lnum and the current state.  One of three methods is
 * used:
 * 1. Search backwards for the end of a C-comment.
 * 2. Search backwards for given sync patterns.
 * 3. Simply start on a given number of lines above "lnum".
    static void
syn_sync(wp, start_lnum, last_valid)
    win_T       *wp;
    linenr_T    start_lnum;
    synstate_T  *last_valid;
    buf_T       *curbuf_save;
    win_T       *curwin_save;
    pos_T       cursor_save;
    int         idx;
    linenr_T    lnum;
    linenr_T    end_lnum;
    linenr_T    break_lnum;
    int         had_sync_point;
    stateitem_T *cur_si;
    synpat_T    *spp;
    char_u      *line;
    int         found_flags = 0;
    int         found_match_idx = 0;
    linenr_T    found_current_lnum = 0;
    int         found_current_col= 0;
    lpos_T      found_m_endpos;
    colnr_T     prev_current_col;

     * Clear any current state that might be hanging around.

     * Start at least "minlines" back.  Default starting point for parsing is
     * there.
     * Start further back, to avoid that scrolling backwards will result in
     * resyncing for every line.  Now it resyncs only one out of N lines,
     * where N is minlines * 1.5, or minlines * 2 if minlines is small.
     * Watch out for overflow when minlines is MAXLNUM.
    if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines > start_lnum)
        start_lnum = 1;
        if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines == 1)
            lnum = 1;
        else if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines < 10)
            lnum = syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines * 2;
            lnum = syn_buf->b_syn_sync_minlines * 3 / 2;
        if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines != 0
                                       && lnum > syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines)
            lnum = syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines;
        if (lnum >= start_lnum)
            start_lnum = 1;
            start_lnum -= lnum;
    current_lnum = start_lnum;

     * 1. Search backwards for the end of a C-style comment.
    if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_flags & SF_CCOMMENT)
        /* Need to make syn_buf the current buffer for a moment, to be able to
         * use find_start_comment(). */
        curwin_save = curwin;
        curwin = wp;
        curbuf_save = curbuf;
        curbuf = syn_buf;

         * Skip lines that end in a backslash.
        for ( ; start_lnum > 1; --start_lnum)
            line = ml_get(start_lnum - 1);
            if (*line == NUL || *(line + STRLEN(line) - 1) != '\\')
        current_lnum = start_lnum;

        /* set cursor to start of search */
        cursor_save = wp->w_cursor;
        wp->w_cursor.lnum = start_lnum;
        wp->w_cursor.col = 0;

         * If the line is inside a comment, need to find the syntax item that
         * defines the comment.
         * Restrict the search for the end of a comment to b_syn_sync_maxlines.
        if (find_start_comment((int)syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines) != NULL)
            for (idx = syn_buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --idx >= 0; )
                if (SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx] == syn_buf->b_syn_sync_id
                        && SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx].sp_type == SPTYPE_START)
                    if (push_current_state(idx) == OK)
                        update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

        /* restore cursor and buffer */
        wp->w_cursor = cursor_save;
        curwin = curwin_save;
        curbuf = curbuf_save;

     * 2. Search backwards for given sync patterns.
    else if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_flags & SF_MATCH)
        if (syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines != 0
                                 && start_lnum > syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines)
            break_lnum = start_lnum - syn_buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines;
            break_lnum = 0;

        found_m_endpos.lnum = 0;
        found_m_endpos.col = 0;
        end_lnum = start_lnum;
        lnum = start_lnum;
        while (--lnum > break_lnum)
            /* This can take a long time: break when CTRL-C pressed. */
            if (got_int)
                current_lnum = start_lnum;

            /* Check if we have run into a valid saved state stack now. */
            if (last_valid != NULL && lnum == last_valid->sst_lnum)

             * Check if the previous line has the line-continuation pattern.
            if (lnum > 1 && syn_match_linecont(lnum - 1))

             * Start with nothing on the state stack

            for (current_lnum = lnum; current_lnum < end_lnum; ++current_lnum)
                for (;;)
                    had_sync_point = syn_finish_line(TRUE);
                     * When a sync point has been found, remember where, and
                     * continue to look for another one, further on in the line.
                    if (had_sync_point && current_state.ga_len)
                        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
                        if (cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum > start_lnum)
                            /* ignore match that goes to after where started */
                            current_lnum = end_lnum;
                        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx]);
                        found_flags = spp->sp_flags;
                        found_match_idx = spp->sp_sync_idx;
                        found_current_lnum = current_lnum;
                        found_current_col = current_col;
                        found_m_endpos = cur_si->si_m_endpos;
                         * Continue after the match (be aware of a zero-length
                         * match).
                        if (found_m_endpos.lnum > current_lnum)
                            current_lnum = found_m_endpos.lnum;
                            current_col = found_m_endpos.col;
                            if (current_lnum >= end_lnum)
                        else if (found_m_endpos.col > current_col)
                            current_col = found_m_endpos.col;

                        /* syn_current_attr() will have skipped the check for
                         * an item that ends here, need to do that now.  Be
                         * careful not to go past the NUL. */
                        prev_current_col = current_col;
                        if (syn_getcurline()[current_col] != NUL)
                        current_col = prev_current_col;

             * If a sync point was encountered, break here.
            if (found_flags)
                 * Put the item that was specified by the sync point on the
                 * state stack.  If there was no item specified, make the
                 * state stack empty.
                if (found_match_idx >= 0
                        && push_current_state(found_match_idx) == OK)
                    update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

                 * When using "grouphere", continue from the sync point
                 * match, until the end of the line.  Parsing starts at
                 * the next line.
                 * For "groupthere" the parsing starts at start_lnum.
                if (found_flags & HL_SYNC_HERE)
                    if (current_state.ga_len)
                        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
                        cur_si->si_h_startpos.lnum = found_current_lnum;
                        cur_si->si_h_startpos.col = found_current_col;
                        update_si_end(cur_si, (int)current_col, TRUE);
                    current_col = found_m_endpos.col;
                    current_lnum = found_m_endpos.lnum;
                    current_lnum = start_lnum;


            end_lnum = lnum;

        /* Ran into start of the file or exceeded maximum number of lines */
        if (lnum <= break_lnum)
            current_lnum = break_lnum + 1;


 * Return TRUE if the line-continuation pattern matches in line "lnum".
    static int
    linenr_T    lnum;
    regmmatch_T regmatch;

    if (syn_buf->b_syn_linecont_prog != NULL)
        regmatch.rmm_ic = syn_buf->b_syn_linecont_ic;
        regmatch.regprog = syn_buf->b_syn_linecont_prog;
        return syn_regexec(&regmatch, lnum, (colnr_T)0);
    return FALSE;

 * Prepare the current state for the start of a line.
    static void
    current_finished = FALSE;
    current_col = 0;

     * Need to update the end of a start/skip/end that continues from the
     * previous line and regions that have "keepend".
    if (current_state.ga_len > 0)

    next_match_idx = -1;

 * Check for items in the stack that need their end updated.
 * When "startofline" is TRUE the last item is always updated.
 * When "startofline" is FALSE the item with "keepend" is forcefully updated.
    static void
    int         startofline;
    stateitem_T *cur_si;
    int         i;
    int         seen_keepend;

    if (startofline)
        /* Check for a match carried over from a previous line with a
         * contained region.  The match ends as soon as the region ends. */
        for (i = 0; i < current_state.ga_len; ++i)
            cur_si = &CUR_STATE(i);
            if (cur_si->si_idx >= 0
                    && (SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx]).sp_type
                                                               == SPTYPE_MATCH
                    && cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum < current_lnum)
                cur_si->si_flags |= HL_MATCHCONT;
                cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum = 0;
                cur_si->si_m_endpos.col = 0;
                cur_si->si_h_endpos = cur_si->si_m_endpos;
                cur_si->si_ends = TRUE;

     * Need to update the end of a start/skip/end that continues from the
     * previous line.  And regions that have "keepend", because they may
     * influence contained items.  If we've just removed "extend"
     * (startofline == 0) then we should update ends of normal regions
     * contained inside "keepend" because "extend" could have extended
     * these "keepend" regions as well as contained normal regions.
     * Then check for items ending in column 0.
    i = current_state.ga_len - 1;
    if (keepend_level >= 0)
        for ( ; i > keepend_level; --i)
            if (CUR_STATE(i).si_flags & HL_EXTEND)

    seen_keepend = FALSE;
    for ( ; i < current_state.ga_len; ++i)
        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(i);
        if ((cur_si->si_flags & HL_KEEPEND)
                            || (seen_keepend && !startofline)
                            || (i == current_state.ga_len - 1 && startofline))
            cur_si->si_h_startpos.col = 0;      /* start highl. in col 0 */
            cur_si->si_h_startpos.lnum = current_lnum;

            if (!(cur_si->si_flags & HL_MATCHCONT))
                update_si_end(cur_si, (int)current_col, !startofline);

            if (!startofline && (cur_si->si_flags & HL_KEEPEND))
                seen_keepend = TRUE;

 * Handling of the state stack cache.

 * To speed up syntax highlighting, the state stack for the start of some
 * lines is cached.  These entries can be used to start parsing at that point.
 * The stack is kept in b_sst_array[] for each buffer.  There is a list of
 * valid entries.  b_sst_first points to the first one, then follow sst_next.
 * The entries are sorted on line number.  The first entry is often for line 2
 * (line 1 always starts with an empty stack).
 * There is also a list for free entries.  This construction is used to avoid
 * having to allocate and free memory blocks too often.
 * When making changes to the buffer, this is logged in b_mod_*.  When calling
 * update_screen() to update the display, it will call
 * syn_stack_apply_changes() for each displayed buffer to adjust the cached
 * entries.  The entries which are inside the changed area are removed,
 * because they must be recomputed.  Entries below the changed have their line
 * number adjusted for deleted/inserted lines, and have their sst_change_lnum
 * set to indicate that a check must be made if the changed lines would change
 * the cached entry.
 * When later displaying lines, an entry is stored for each line.  Displayed
 * lines are likely to be displayed again, in which case the state at the
 * start of the line is needed.
 * For not displayed lines, an entry is stored for every so many lines.  These
 * entries will be used e.g., when scrolling backwards.  The distance between
 * entries depends on the number of lines in the buffer.  For small buffers
 * the distance is fixed at SST_DIST, for large buffers there is a fixed
 * number of entries SST_MAX_ENTRIES, and the distance is computed.

 * Free b_sst_array[] for buffer "buf".
 * Used when syntax items changed to force resyncing everywhere.
    buf_T       *buf;
    synstate_T  *p;
    win_T       *wp;

    if (buf->b_sst_array != NULL)
        for (p = buf->b_sst_first; p != NULL; p = p->sst_next)
        buf->b_sst_array = NULL;
        buf->b_sst_len = 0;
    /* When using "syntax" fold method, must update all folds. */
        if (wp->w_buffer == buf && foldmethodIsSyntax(wp))

 * Allocate the syntax state stack for syn_buf when needed.
 * If the number of entries in b_sst_array[] is much too big or a bit too
 * small, reallocate it.
 * Also used to allocate b_sst_array[] for the first time.
    static void
    long        len;
    synstate_T  *to, *from;
    synstate_T  *sstp;

    len = syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count / SST_DIST + Rows * 2;
    if (len < SST_MIN_ENTRIES)
        len = SST_MIN_ENTRIES;
    else if (len > SST_MAX_ENTRIES)
        len = SST_MAX_ENTRIES;
    if (syn_buf->b_sst_len > len * 2 || syn_buf->b_sst_len < len)
        /* Allocate 50% too much, to avoid reallocating too often. */
        len = syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
        len = (len + len / 2) / SST_DIST + Rows * 2;
        if (len < SST_MIN_ENTRIES)
            len = SST_MIN_ENTRIES;
        else if (len > SST_MAX_ENTRIES)
            len = SST_MAX_ENTRIES;

        if (syn_buf->b_sst_array != NULL)
            /* When shrinking the array, cleanup the existing stack.
             * Make sure that all valid entries fit in the new array. */
            while (syn_buf->b_sst_len - syn_buf->b_sst_freecount + 2 > len
                    && syn_stack_cleanup())
            if (len < syn_buf->b_sst_len - syn_buf->b_sst_freecount + 2)
                len = syn_buf->b_sst_len - syn_buf->b_sst_freecount + 2;

        sstp = (synstate_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)(len * sizeof(synstate_T)));
        if (sstp == NULL)       /* out of memory! */

        to = sstp - 1;
        if (syn_buf->b_sst_array != NULL)
            /* Move the states from the old array to the new one. */
            for (from = syn_buf->b_sst_first; from != NULL;
                                                        from = from->sst_next)
                *to = *from;
                to->sst_next = to + 1;
        if (to != sstp - 1)
            to->sst_next = NULL;
            syn_buf->b_sst_first = sstp;
            syn_buf->b_sst_freecount = len - (int)(to - sstp) - 1;
            syn_buf->b_sst_first = NULL;
            syn_buf->b_sst_freecount = len;

        /* Create the list of free entries. */
        syn_buf->b_sst_firstfree = to + 1;
        while (++to < sstp + len)
            to->sst_next = to + 1;
        (sstp + len - 1)->sst_next = NULL;

        syn_buf->b_sst_array = sstp;
        syn_buf->b_sst_len = len;

 * Check for changes in a buffer to affect stored syntax states.  Uses the
 * b_mod_* fields.
 * Called from update_screen(), before screen is being updated, once for each
 * displayed buffer.
    buf_T       *buf;
    synstate_T  *p, *prev, *np;
    linenr_T    n;

    if (buf->b_sst_array == NULL)       /* nothing to do */

    prev = NULL;
    for (p = buf->b_sst_first; p != NULL; )
        if (p->sst_lnum + buf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks > buf->b_mod_top)
            n = p->sst_lnum + buf->b_mod_xlines;
            if (n <= buf->b_mod_bot)
                /* this state is inside the changed area, remove it */
                np = p->sst_next;
                if (prev == NULL)
                    buf->b_sst_first = np;
                    prev->sst_next = np;
                syn_stack_free_entry(buf, p);
                p = np;
            /* This state is below the changed area.  Remember the line
             * that needs to be parsed before this entry can be made valid
             * again. */
            if (p->sst_change_lnum != 0 && p->sst_change_lnum > buf->b_mod_top)
                if (p->sst_change_lnum + buf->b_mod_xlines > buf->b_mod_top)
                    p->sst_change_lnum += buf->b_mod_xlines;
                    p->sst_change_lnum = buf->b_mod_top;
            if (p->sst_change_lnum == 0
                    || p->sst_change_lnum < buf->b_mod_bot)
                p->sst_change_lnum = buf->b_mod_bot;

            p->sst_lnum = n;
        prev = p;
        p = p->sst_next;

 * Reduce the number of entries in the state stack for syn_buf.
 * Returns TRUE if at least one entry was freed.
    static int
    synstate_T  *p, *prev;
    disptick_T  tick;
    int         above;
    int         dist;
    int         retval = FALSE;

    if (syn_buf->b_sst_array == NULL || syn_buf->b_sst_first == NULL)
        return retval;

    /* Compute normal distance between non-displayed entries. */
    if (syn_buf->b_sst_len <= Rows)
        dist = 999999;
        dist = syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count / (syn_buf->b_sst_len - Rows) + 1;

     * Go throught the list to find the "tick" for the oldest entry that can
     * be removed.  Set "above" when the "tick" for the oldest entry is above
     * "b_sst_lasttick" (the display tick wraps around).
    tick = syn_buf->b_sst_lasttick;
    above = FALSE;
    prev = syn_buf->b_sst_first;
    for (p = prev->sst_next; p != NULL; prev = p, p = p->sst_next)
        if (prev->sst_lnum + dist > p->sst_lnum)
            if (p->sst_tick > syn_buf->b_sst_lasttick)
                if (!above || p->sst_tick < tick)
                    tick = p->sst_tick;
                above = TRUE;
            else if (!above && p->sst_tick < tick)
                tick = p->sst_tick;

     * Go through the list to make the entries for the oldest tick at an
     * interval of several lines.
    prev = syn_buf->b_sst_first;
    for (p = prev->sst_next; p != NULL; prev = p, p = p->sst_next)
        if (p->sst_tick == tick && prev->sst_lnum + dist > p->sst_lnum)
            /* Move this entry from used list to free list */
            prev->sst_next = p->sst_next;
            syn_stack_free_entry(syn_buf, p);
            p = prev;
            retval = TRUE;
    return retval;

 * Free the allocated memory for a syn_state item.
 * Move the entry into the free list.
    static void
syn_stack_free_entry(buf, p)
    buf_T       *buf;
    synstate_T  *p;
    p->sst_next = buf->b_sst_firstfree;
    buf->b_sst_firstfree = p;

 * Find an entry in the list of state stacks at or before "lnum".
 * Returns NULL when there is no entry or the first entry is after "lnum".
    static synstate_T *
    linenr_T    lnum;
    synstate_T  *p, *prev;

    prev = NULL;
    for (p = syn_buf->b_sst_first; p != NULL; prev = p, p = p->sst_next)
        if (p->sst_lnum == lnum)
            return p;
        if (p->sst_lnum > lnum)
    return prev;

 * Try saving the current state in b_sst_array[].
 * The current state must be valid for the start of the current_lnum line!
    static synstate_T *
    synstate_T  *sp;    /* at or before where state is to be saved or
                                   NULL */
    int         i;
    synstate_T  *p;
    bufstate_T  *bp;
    stateitem_T *cur_si;

    if (sp == NULL)
        sp = syn_stack_find_entry(current_lnum);

     * If the current state contains a start or end pattern that continues
     * from the previous line, we can't use it.  Don't store it then.
    for (i = current_state.ga_len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(i);
        if (cur_si->si_h_startpos.lnum >= current_lnum
                || cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum >= current_lnum
                || cur_si->si_h_endpos.lnum >= current_lnum
                || (cur_si->si_end_idx
                    && cur_si->si_eoe_pos.lnum >= current_lnum))
    if (i >= 0)
        if (sp != NULL)
            /* find "sp" in the list and remove it */
            if (syn_buf->b_sst_first == sp)
                /* it's the first entry */
                syn_buf->b_sst_first = sp->sst_next;
                /* find the entry just before this one to adjust sst_next */
                for (p = syn_buf->b_sst_first; p != NULL; p = p->sst_next)
                    if (p->sst_next == sp)
                if (p != NULL)  /* just in case */
                    p->sst_next = sp->sst_next;
            syn_stack_free_entry(syn_buf, sp);
            sp = NULL;
    else if (sp == NULL || sp->sst_lnum != current_lnum)
         * Add a new entry
        /* If no free items, cleanup the array first. */
        if (syn_buf->b_sst_freecount == 0)
            /* "sp" may have been moved to the freelist now */
            sp = syn_stack_find_entry(current_lnum);
        /* Still no free items?  Must be a strange problem... */
        if (syn_buf->b_sst_freecount == 0)
            sp = NULL;
            /* Take the first item from the free list and put it in the used
             * list, after *sp */
            p = syn_buf->b_sst_firstfree;
            syn_buf->b_sst_firstfree = p->sst_next;
            if (sp == NULL)
                /* Insert in front of the list */
                p->sst_next = syn_buf->b_sst_first;
                syn_buf->b_sst_first = p;
                /* insert in list after *sp */
                p->sst_next = sp->sst_next;
                sp->sst_next = p;
            sp = p;
            sp->sst_stacksize = 0;
            sp->sst_lnum = current_lnum;
    if (sp != NULL)
        /* When overwriting an existing state stack, clear it first */
        sp->sst_stacksize = current_state.ga_len;
        if (current_state.ga_len > SST_FIX_STATES)
            /* Need to clear it, might be something remaining from when the
             * length was less than SST_FIX_STATES. */
            ga_init2(&sp->sst_union.sst_ga, (int)sizeof(bufstate_T), 1);
            if (ga_grow(&sp->sst_union.sst_ga, current_state.ga_len) == FAIL)
                sp->sst_stacksize = 0;
                sp->sst_union.sst_ga.ga_len = current_state.ga_len;
            bp = SYN_STATE_P(&(sp->sst_union.sst_ga));
            bp = sp->sst_union.sst_stack;
        for (i = 0; i < sp->sst_stacksize; ++i)
            bp[i].bs_idx = CUR_STATE(i).si_idx;
            bp[i].bs_flags = CUR_STATE(i).si_flags;
            bp[i].bs_extmatch = ref_extmatch(CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch);
        sp->sst_next_flags = current_next_flags;
        sp->sst_next_list = current_next_list;
        sp->sst_tick = display_tick;
        sp->sst_change_lnum = 0;
    current_state_stored = TRUE;
    return sp;

 * Copy a state stack from "from" in b_sst_array[] to current_state;
    static void
    synstate_T  *from;
    int         i;
    bufstate_T  *bp;

    keepend_level = -1;
    if (from->sst_stacksize
            && ga_grow(&current_state, from->sst_stacksize) != FAIL)
        if (from->sst_stacksize > SST_FIX_STATES)
            bp = SYN_STATE_P(&(from->sst_union.sst_ga));
            bp = from->sst_union.sst_stack;
        for (i = 0; i < from->sst_stacksize; ++i)
            CUR_STATE(i).si_idx = bp[i].bs_idx;
            CUR_STATE(i).si_flags = bp[i].bs_flags;
            CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch = ref_extmatch(bp[i].bs_extmatch);
            if (keepend_level < 0 && (CUR_STATE(i).si_flags & HL_KEEPEND))
                keepend_level = i;
            CUR_STATE(i).si_ends = FALSE;
            CUR_STATE(i).si_m_lnum = 0;
            if (CUR_STATE(i).si_idx >= 0)
                CUR_STATE(i).si_next_list =
                CUR_STATE(i).si_next_list = NULL;
        current_state.ga_len = from->sst_stacksize;
    current_next_list = from->sst_next_list;
    current_next_flags = from->sst_next_flags;
    current_lnum = from->sst_lnum;

 * Compare saved state stack "*sp" with the current state.
 * Return TRUE when they are equal.
    static int
    synstate_T *sp;
    int         i, j;
    bufstate_T  *bp;
    reg_extmatch_T      *six, *bsx;

    /* First a quick check if the stacks have the same size end nextlist. */
    if (sp->sst_stacksize == current_state.ga_len
            && sp->sst_next_list == current_next_list)
        /* Need to compare all states on both stacks. */
        if (sp->sst_stacksize > SST_FIX_STATES)
            bp = SYN_STATE_P(&(sp->sst_union.sst_ga));
            bp = sp->sst_union.sst_stack;

        for (i = current_state.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
            /* If the item has another index the state is different. */
            if (bp[i].bs_idx != CUR_STATE(i).si_idx)
            if (bp[i].bs_extmatch != CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch)
                /* When the extmatch pointers are different, the strings in
                 * them can still be the same.  Check if the extmatch
                 * references are equal. */
                bsx = bp[i].bs_extmatch;
                six = CUR_STATE(i).si_extmatch;
                /* If one of the extmatch pointers is NULL the states are
                 * different. */
                if (bsx == NULL || six == NULL)
                for (j = 0; j < NSUBEXP; ++j)
                    /* Check each referenced match string. They must all be
                     * equal. */
                    if (bsx->matches[j] != six->matches[j])
                        /* If the pointer is different it can still be the
                         * same text.  Compare the strings, ignore case when
                         * the start item has the sp_ic flag set. */
                        if (bsx->matches[j] == NULL
                                || six->matches[j] == NULL)
                        if ((SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[CUR_STATE(i).si_idx]).sp_ic
                                ? MB_STRICMP(bsx->matches[j],
                                                         six->matches[j]) != 0
                                : STRCMP(bsx->matches[j], six->matches[j]) != 0)
                if (j != NSUBEXP)
        if (i < 0)
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * We stop parsing syntax above line "lnum".  If the stored state at or below
 * this line depended on a change before it, it now depends on the line below
 * the last parsed line.
 * The window looks like this:
 *          line which changed
 *          displayed line
 *          displayed line
 * lnum ->  line below window
    linenr_T    lnum;
    synstate_T  *sp;

    sp = syn_stack_find_entry(lnum);
    if (sp != NULL && sp->sst_lnum < lnum)
        sp = sp->sst_next;

    if (sp != NULL && sp->sst_change_lnum != 0)
        sp->sst_change_lnum = lnum;

 * End of handling of the state stack.

    static void
    current_state.ga_itemsize = 0;      /* mark current_state invalid */
    current_next_list = NULL;
    keepend_level = -1;

    static void
    current_state.ga_itemsize = sizeof(stateitem_T);
    current_state.ga_growsize = 3;

 * Return TRUE if the syntax at start of lnum changed since last time.
 * This will only be called just after get_syntax_attr() for the previous
 * line, to check if the next line needs to be redrawn too.
    linenr_T    lnum;
    int         retval = TRUE;
    synstate_T  *sp;

     * Check the state stack when:
     * - lnum is just below the previously syntaxed line.
     * - lnum is not before the lines with saved states.
     * - lnum is not past the lines with saved states.
     * - lnum is at or before the last changed line.
    if (VALID_STATE(&current_state) && lnum == current_lnum + 1)
        sp = syn_stack_find_entry(lnum);
        if (sp != NULL && sp->sst_lnum == lnum)
             * finish the previous line (needed when not all of the line was
             * drawn)

             * Compare the current state with the previously saved state of
             * the line.
            if (syn_stack_equal(sp))
                retval = FALSE;

             * Store the current state in b_sst_array[] for later use.

    return retval;

 * Finish the current line.
 * This doesn't return any attributes, it only gets the state at the end of
 * the line.  It can start anywhere in the line, as long as the current state
 * is valid.
    static int
    int     syncing;            /* called for syncing */
    stateitem_T *cur_si;
    colnr_T     prev_current_col;

    if (!current_finished)
        while (!current_finished)
            (void)syn_current_attr(syncing, FALSE, NULL);
             * When syncing, and found some item, need to check the item.
            if (syncing && current_state.ga_len)
                 * Check for match with sync item.
                cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
                if (cur_si->si_idx >= 0
                        && (SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx].sp_flags
                                              & (HL_SYNC_HERE|HL_SYNC_THERE)))
                    return TRUE;

                /* syn_current_attr() will have skipped the check for an item
                 * that ends here, need to do that now.  Be careful not to go
                 * past the NUL. */
                prev_current_col = current_col;
                if (syn_getcurline()[current_col] != NUL)
                current_col = prev_current_col;
    return FALSE;

 * Return highlight attributes for next character.
 * Must first call syntax_start() once for the line.
 * "col" is normally 0 for the first use in a line, and increments by one each
 * time.  It's allowed to skip characters and to stop before the end of the
 * line.  But only a "col" after a previously used column is allowed.
 * When "can_spell" is not NULL set it to TRUE when spell-checking should be
 * done.
get_syntax_attr(col, can_spell)
    colnr_T     col;
    int         *can_spell;
    int     attr = 0;

    /* check for out of memory situation */
    if (syn_buf->b_sst_array == NULL)
        return 0;

    /* After 'synmaxcol' the attribute is always zero. */
    if (syn_buf->b_p_smc > 0 && col >= (colnr_T)syn_buf->b_p_smc)
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
        current_id = 0;
        current_trans_id = 0;
        return 0;

    /* Make sure current_state is valid */
    if (INVALID_STATE(&current_state))

     * Skip from the current column to "col", get the attributes for "col".
    while (current_col <= col)
        attr = syn_current_attr(FALSE, TRUE, can_spell);

    return attr;

 * Get syntax attributes for current_lnum, current_col.
    static int
syn_current_attr(syncing, displaying, can_spell)
    int         syncing;                /* When 1: called for syncing */
    int         displaying;             /* result will be displayed */
    int         *can_spell;             /* return: do spell checking */
    int         syn_id;
    lpos_T      endpos;         /* was: char_u *endp; */
    lpos_T      hl_startpos;    /* was: int hl_startcol; */
    lpos_T      hl_endpos;
    lpos_T      eos_pos;        /* end-of-start match (start region) */
    lpos_T      eoe_pos;        /* end-of-end pattern */
    int         end_idx;        /* group ID for end pattern */
    int         idx;
    synpat_T    *spp;
    stateitem_T *cur_si, *sip = NULL;
    int         startcol;
    int         endcol;
    long        flags;
    short       *next_list;
    int         found_match;                /* found usable match */
    static int  try_next_column = FALSE;    /* must try in next col */
    int         do_keywords;
    regmmatch_T regmatch;
    lpos_T      pos;
    int         lc_col;
    reg_extmatch_T *cur_extmatch = NULL;
    char_u      *line;          /* current line.  NOTE: becomes invalid after
                                   looking for a pattern match! */

    /* variables for zero-width matches that have a "nextgroup" argument */
    int         keep_next_list;
    int         zero_width_next_list = FALSE;
    garray_T    zero_width_next_ga;

     * No character, no attributes!  Past end of line?
     * Do try matching with an empty line (could be the start of a region).
    line = syn_getcurline();
    if (line[current_col] == NUL && current_col != 0)
         * If we found a match after the last column, use it.
        if (next_match_idx >= 0 && next_match_col >= (int)current_col
                                                  && next_match_col != MAXCOL)

        current_finished = TRUE;
        current_state_stored = FALSE;
        return 0;

    /* if the current or next character is NUL, we will finish the line now */
    if (line[current_col] == NUL || line[current_col + 1] == NUL)
        current_finished = TRUE;
        current_state_stored = FALSE;

     * When in the previous column there was a match but it could not be used
     * (empty match or already matched in this column) need to try again in
     * the next column.
    if (try_next_column)
        next_match_idx = -1;
        try_next_column = FALSE;

    /* Only check for keywords when not syncing and there are some. */
    do_keywords = !syncing
                    && (syn_buf->b_keywtab.ht_used > 0
                            || syn_buf->b_keywtab_ic.ht_used > 0);

    /* Init the list of zero-width matches with a nextlist.  This is used to
     * avoid matching the same item in the same position twice. */
    ga_init2(&zero_width_next_ga, (int)sizeof(int), 10);

     * Repeat matching keywords and patterns, to find contained items at the
     * same column.  This stops when there are no extra matches at the current
     * column.
        found_match = FALSE;
        keep_next_list = FALSE;
        syn_id = 0;

         * 1. Check for a current state.
         *    Only when there is no current state, or if the current state may
         *    contain other things, we need to check for keywords and patterns.
         *    Always need to check for contained items if some item has the
         *    "containedin" argument (takes extra time!).
        if (current_state.ga_len)
            cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
            cur_si = NULL;

        if (syn_buf->b_syn_containedin || cur_si == NULL
                                              || cur_si->si_cont_list != NULL)
             * 2. Check for keywords, if on a keyword char after a non-keyword
             *    char.  Don't do this when syncing.
            if (do_keywords)
              line = syn_getcurline();
              if (vim_iswordc_buf(line + current_col, syn_buf)
                      && (current_col == 0
                          || !vim_iswordc_buf(line + current_col - 1
                              - (has_mbyte
                                  ? (*mb_head_off)(line, line + current_col - 1)
                                  : 0)
                               , syn_buf)))
                syn_id = check_keyword_id(line, (int)current_col,
                                         &endcol, &flags, &next_list, cur_si);
                if (syn_id != 0)
                    if (push_current_state(KEYWORD_IDX) == OK)
                        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
                        cur_si->si_m_startcol = current_col;
                        cur_si->si_h_startpos.lnum = current_lnum;
                        cur_si->si_h_startpos.col = 0;  /* starts right away */
                        cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum = current_lnum;
                        cur_si->si_m_endpos.col = endcol;
                        cur_si->si_h_endpos.lnum = current_lnum;
                        cur_si->si_h_endpos.col = endcol;
                        cur_si->si_ends = TRUE;
                        cur_si->si_end_idx = 0;
                        cur_si->si_flags = flags;
                        cur_si->si_id = syn_id;
                        cur_si->si_trans_id = syn_id;
                        if (flags & HL_TRANSP)
                            if (current_state.ga_len < 2)
                                cur_si->si_attr = 0;
                                cur_si->si_trans_id = 0;
                                cur_si->si_attr = CUR_STATE(
                                        current_state.ga_len - 2).si_attr;
                                cur_si->si_trans_id = CUR_STATE(
                                        current_state.ga_len - 2).si_trans_id;
                            cur_si->si_attr = syn_id2attr(syn_id);
                        cur_si->si_cont_list = NULL;
                        cur_si->si_next_list = next_list;

             * 3. Check for patterns (only if no keyword found).
            if (syn_id == 0 && syn_buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len)
                 * If we didn't check for a match yet, or we are past it, check
                 * for any match with a pattern.
                if (next_match_idx < 0 || next_match_col < (int)current_col)
                     * Check all relevant patterns for a match at this
                     * position.  This is complicated, because matching with a
                     * pattern takes quite a bit of time, thus we want to
                     * avoid doing it when it's not needed.
                    next_match_idx = 0;         /* no match in this line yet */
                    next_match_col = MAXCOL;
                    for (idx = syn_buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --idx >= 0; )
                        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx]);
                        if (       spp->sp_syncing == syncing
                                && (displaying || !(spp->sp_flags & HL_DISPLAY))
                                && (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_MATCH
                                    || spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_START)
                                && (current_next_list != NULL
                                    ? in_id_list(NULL, current_next_list,
                                                              &spp->sp_syn, 0)
                                    : (cur_si == NULL
                                        ? !(spp->sp_flags & HL_CONTAINED)
                                        : in_id_list(cur_si,
                                            cur_si->si_cont_list, &spp->sp_syn,
                                            spp->sp_flags & HL_CONTAINED))))
                            /* If we already tried matching in this line, and
                             * there isn't a match before next_match_col, skip
                             * this item. */
                            if (spp->sp_line_id == current_line_id
                                    && spp->sp_startcol >= next_match_col)
                            spp->sp_line_id = current_line_id;

                            lc_col = current_col - spp->sp_offsets[SPO_LC_OFF];
                            if (lc_col < 0)
                                lc_col = 0;

                            regmatch.rmm_ic = spp->sp_ic;
                            regmatch.regprog = spp->sp_prog;
                            if (!syn_regexec(&regmatch, current_lnum,
                                /* no match in this line, try another one */
                                spp->sp_startcol = MAXCOL;

                             * Compute the first column of the match.
                            syn_add_start_off(&pos, &regmatch,
                                                         spp, SPO_MS_OFF, -1);
                            if (pos.lnum > current_lnum)
                                /* must have used end of match in a next line,
                                 * we can't handle that */
                                spp->sp_startcol = MAXCOL;
                            startcol = pos.col;

                            /* remember the next column where this pattern
                             * matches in the current line */
                            spp->sp_startcol = startcol;

                             * If a previously found match starts at a lower
                             * column number, don't use this one.
                            if (startcol >= next_match_col)

                             * If we matched this pattern at this position
                             * before, skip it.  Must retry in the next
                             * column, because it may match from there.
                            if (did_match_already(idx, &zero_width_next_ga))
                                try_next_column = TRUE;

                            endpos.lnum = regmatch.endpos[0].lnum;
                            endpos.col = regmatch.endpos[0].col;

                            /* Compute the highlight start. */
                            syn_add_start_off(&hl_startpos, &regmatch,
                                                         spp, SPO_HS_OFF, -1);

                            /* Compute the region start. */
                            /* Default is to use the end of the match. */
                            syn_add_end_off(&eos_pos, &regmatch,
                                                         spp, SPO_RS_OFF, 0);

                             * Grab the external submatches before they get
                             * overwritten.  Reference count doesn't change.
                            cur_extmatch = re_extmatch_out;
                            re_extmatch_out = NULL;

                            flags = 0;
                            eoe_pos.lnum = 0;   /* avoid warning */
                            eoe_pos.col = 0;
                            end_idx = 0;
                            hl_endpos.lnum = 0;

                             * For a "oneline" the end must be found in the
                             * same line too.  Search for it after the end of
                             * the match with the start pattern.  Set the
                             * resulting end positions at the same time.
                            if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_START
                                              && (spp->sp_flags & HL_ONELINE))
                                lpos_T  startpos;

                                startpos = endpos;
                                find_endpos(idx, &startpos, &endpos, &hl_endpos,
                                    &flags, &eoe_pos, &end_idx, cur_extmatch);
                                if (endpos.lnum == 0)
                                    continue;       /* not found */

                             * For a "match" the size must be > 0 after the
                             * end offset needs has been added.  Except when
                             * syncing.
                            else if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_MATCH)
                                syn_add_end_off(&hl_endpos, &regmatch, spp,
                                                               SPO_HE_OFF, 0);
                                syn_add_end_off(&endpos, &regmatch, spp,
                                                               SPO_ME_OFF, 0);
                                if (endpos.lnum == current_lnum
                                      && (int)endpos.col + syncing < startcol)
                                     * If an empty string is matched, may need
                                     * to try matching again at next column.
                                    if (regmatch.startpos[0].col
                                                    == regmatch.endpos[0].col)
                                        try_next_column = TRUE;

                             * keep the best match so far in next_match_*
                            /* Highlighting must start after startpos and end
                             * before endpos. */
                            if (hl_startpos.lnum == current_lnum
                                           && (int)hl_startpos.col < startcol)
                                hl_startpos.col = startcol;
                            limit_pos_zero(&hl_endpos, &endpos);

                            next_match_idx = idx;
                            next_match_col = startcol;
                            next_match_m_endpos = endpos;
                            next_match_h_endpos = hl_endpos;
                            next_match_h_startpos = hl_startpos;
                            next_match_flags = flags;
                            next_match_eos_pos = eos_pos;
                            next_match_eoe_pos = eoe_pos;
                            next_match_end_idx = end_idx;
                            next_match_extmatch = cur_extmatch;
                            cur_extmatch = NULL;

                 * If we found a match at the current column, use it.
                if (next_match_idx >= 0 && next_match_col == (int)current_col)
                    synpat_T    *lspp;

                    /* When a zero-width item matched which has a nextgroup,
                     * don't push the item but set nextgroup. */
                    lspp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[next_match_idx]);
                    if (next_match_m_endpos.lnum == current_lnum
                            && next_match_m_endpos.col == current_col
                            && lspp->sp_next_list != NULL)
                        current_next_list = lspp->sp_next_list;
                        current_next_flags = lspp->sp_flags;
                        keep_next_list = TRUE;
                        zero_width_next_list = TRUE;

                        /* Add the index to a list, so that we can check
                         * later that we don't match it again (and cause an
                         * endless loop). */
                        if (ga_grow(&zero_width_next_ga, 1) == OK)
                            ((int *)(zero_width_next_ga.ga_data))
                                [zero_width_next_ga.ga_len++] = next_match_idx;
                        next_match_idx = -1;
                        cur_si = push_next_match(cur_si);
                    found_match = TRUE;

         * Handle searching for nextgroup match.
        if (current_next_list != NULL && !keep_next_list)
             * If a nextgroup was not found, continue looking for one if:
             * - this is an empty line and the "skipempty" option was given
             * - we are on white space and the "skipwhite" option was given
            if (!found_match)
                line = syn_getcurline();
                if (((current_next_flags & HL_SKIPWHITE)
                            && vim_iswhite(line[current_col]))
                        || ((current_next_flags & HL_SKIPEMPTY)
                            && *line == NUL))

             * If a nextgroup was found: Use it, and continue looking for
             * contained matches.
             * If a nextgroup was not found: Continue looking for a normal
             * match.
             * When did set current_next_list for a zero-width item and no
             * match was found don't loop (would get stuck).
            current_next_list = NULL;
            next_match_idx = -1;
            if (!zero_width_next_list)
                found_match = TRUE;

    } while (found_match);

     * Use attributes from the current state, if within its highlighting.
     * If not, use attributes from the current-but-one state, etc.
    current_attr = 0;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    current_id = 0;
    current_trans_id = 0;
    if (cur_si != NULL)
#ifndef FEAT_EVAL
        int     current_trans_id = 0;
        for (idx = current_state.ga_len - 1; idx >= 0; --idx)
            sip = &CUR_STATE(idx);
            if ((current_lnum > sip->si_h_startpos.lnum
                        || (current_lnum == sip->si_h_startpos.lnum
                            && current_col >= sip->si_h_startpos.col))
                    && (sip->si_h_endpos.lnum == 0
                        || current_lnum < sip->si_h_endpos.lnum
                        || (current_lnum == sip->si_h_endpos.lnum
                            && current_col < sip->si_h_endpos.col)))
                current_attr = sip->si_attr;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
                current_id = sip->si_id;
                current_trans_id = sip->si_trans_id;

        if (can_spell != NULL)
            struct sp_syn   sps;

             * set "can_spell" to TRUE if spell checking is supposed to be
             * done in the current item.
            if (syn_buf->b_spell_cluster_id == 0)
                /* There is no @Spell cluster: Do spelling for items without
                 * @NoSpell cluster. */
                if (syn_buf->b_nospell_cluster_id == 0 || current_trans_id == 0)
                    *can_spell = (syn_buf->b_syn_spell != SYNSPL_NOTOP);
                    sps.inc_tag = 0;
           = syn_buf->b_nospell_cluster_id;
                    sps.cont_in_list = NULL;
                    *can_spell = !in_id_list(sip, sip->si_cont_list, &sps, 0);
                /* The @Spell cluster is defined: Do spelling in items with
                 * the @Spell cluster.  But not when @NoSpell is also there.
                 * At the toplevel only spell check when ":syn spell toplevel"
                 * was used. */
                if (current_trans_id == 0)
                    *can_spell = (syn_buf->b_syn_spell == SYNSPL_TOP);
                    sps.inc_tag = 0;
           = syn_buf->b_spell_cluster_id;
                    sps.cont_in_list = NULL;
                    *can_spell = in_id_list(sip, sip->si_cont_list, &sps, 0);

                    if (syn_buf->b_nospell_cluster_id != 0)
               = syn_buf->b_nospell_cluster_id;
                        if (in_id_list(sip, sip->si_cont_list, &sps, 0))
                            *can_spell = FALSE;

         * Check for end of current state (and the states before it) at the
         * next column.  Don't do this for syncing, because we would miss a
         * single character match.
         * First check if the current state ends at the current column.  It
         * may be for an empty match and a containing item might end in the
         * current column.
        if (!syncing)
            if (current_state.ga_len > 0
                                      && syn_getcurline()[current_col] != NUL)
    else if (can_spell != NULL)
        /* Default: Only do spelling when there is no @Spell cluster or when
         * ":syn spell toplevel" was used. */
        *can_spell = syn_buf->b_syn_spell == SYNSPL_DEFAULT
                    ? (syn_buf->b_spell_cluster_id == 0)
                    : (syn_buf->b_syn_spell == SYNSPL_TOP);

    /* nextgroup ends at end of line, unless "skipnl" or "skipemtpy" present */
    if (current_next_list != NULL
            && syn_getcurline()[current_col + 1] == NUL
            && !(current_next_flags & (HL_SKIPNL | HL_SKIPEMPTY)))
        current_next_list = NULL;

    if (zero_width_next_ga.ga_len > 0)

    /* No longer need external matches.  But keep next_match_extmatch. */
    re_extmatch_out = NULL;

    return current_attr;

 * Check if we already matched pattern "idx" at the current column.
    static int
did_match_already(idx, gap)
    int         idx;
    garray_T    *gap;
    int         i;

    for (i = current_state.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        if (CUR_STATE(i).si_m_startcol == (int)current_col
                && CUR_STATE(i).si_m_lnum == (int)current_lnum
                && CUR_STATE(i).si_idx == idx)
            return TRUE;

    /* Zero-width matches with a nextgroup argument are not put on the syntax
     * stack, and can only be matched once anyway. */
    for (i = gap->ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        if (((int *)(gap->ga_data))[i] == idx)
            return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * Push the next match onto the stack.
    static stateitem_T *
    stateitem_T *cur_si;
    synpat_T    *spp;

    spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[next_match_idx]);

     * Push the item in current_state stack;
    if (push_current_state(next_match_idx) == OK)
         * If it's a start-skip-end type that crosses lines, figure out how
         * much it continues in this line.  Otherwise just fill in the length.
        cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
        cur_si->si_h_startpos = next_match_h_startpos;
        cur_si->si_m_startcol = current_col;
        cur_si->si_m_lnum = current_lnum;
        cur_si->si_flags = spp->sp_flags;
        cur_si->si_next_list = spp->sp_next_list;
        cur_si->si_extmatch = ref_extmatch(next_match_extmatch);
        if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_START && !(spp->sp_flags & HL_ONELINE))
            /* Try to find the end pattern in the current line */
            update_si_end(cur_si, (int)(next_match_m_endpos.col), TRUE);
            cur_si->si_m_endpos = next_match_m_endpos;
            cur_si->si_h_endpos = next_match_h_endpos;
            cur_si->si_ends = TRUE;
            cur_si->si_flags |= next_match_flags;
            cur_si->si_eoe_pos = next_match_eoe_pos;
            cur_si->si_end_idx = next_match_end_idx;
        if (keepend_level < 0 && (cur_si->si_flags & HL_KEEPEND))
            keepend_level = current_state.ga_len - 1;
        update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

         * If the start pattern has another highlight group, push another item
         * on the stack for the start pattern.
        if (       spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_START
                && spp->sp_syn_match_id != 0
                && push_current_state(next_match_idx) == OK)
            cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
            cur_si->si_h_startpos = next_match_h_startpos;
            cur_si->si_m_startcol = current_col;
            cur_si->si_m_lnum = current_lnum;
            cur_si->si_m_endpos = next_match_eos_pos;
            cur_si->si_h_endpos = next_match_eos_pos;
            cur_si->si_ends = TRUE;
            cur_si->si_end_idx = 0;
            cur_si->si_flags = HL_MATCH;
            cur_si->si_next_list = NULL;
            update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

    next_match_idx = -1;        /* try other match next time */

    return cur_si;

 * Check for end of current state (and the states before it).
    static void
    stateitem_T *cur_si;
    int         had_extend = FALSE;

    cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);
    for (;;)
        if (cur_si->si_ends
                && (cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum < current_lnum
                    || (cur_si->si_m_endpos.lnum == current_lnum
                        && cur_si->si_m_endpos.col <= current_col)))
             * If there is an end pattern group ID, highlight the end pattern
             * now.  No need to pop the current item from the stack.
             * Only do this if the end pattern continues beyond the current
             * position.
            if (cur_si->si_end_idx
                    && (cur_si->si_eoe_pos.lnum > current_lnum
                        || (cur_si->si_eoe_pos.lnum == current_lnum
                            && cur_si->si_eoe_pos.col > current_col)))
                cur_si->si_idx = cur_si->si_end_idx;
                cur_si->si_end_idx = 0;
                cur_si->si_m_endpos = cur_si->si_eoe_pos;
                cur_si->si_h_endpos = cur_si->si_eoe_pos;
                cur_si->si_flags |= HL_MATCH;
                update_si_attr(current_state.ga_len - 1);

                /* what matches next may be different now, clear it */
                next_match_idx = 0;
                next_match_col = MAXCOL;
                /* handle next_list, unless at end of line and no "skipnl" or
                 * "skipempty" */
                current_next_list = cur_si->si_next_list;
                current_next_flags = cur_si->si_flags;
                if (!(current_next_flags & (HL_SKIPNL | HL_SKIPEMPTY))
                        && syn_getcurline()[current_col] == NUL)
                    current_next_list = NULL;

                /* When the ended item has "extend", another item with
                 * "keepend" now needs to check for its end. */
                 if (cur_si->si_flags & HL_EXTEND)
                     had_extend = TRUE;


                if (current_state.ga_len == 0)

                if (had_extend)
                    if (current_state.ga_len == 0)

                cur_si = &CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1);

                 * Only for a region the search for the end continues after
                 * the end of the contained item.  If the contained match
                 * included the end-of-line, break here, the region continues.
                 * Don't do this when:
                 * - "keepend" is used for the contained item
                 * - not at the end of the line (could be end="x$"me=e-1).
                 * - "excludenl" is used (HL_HAS_EOL won't be set)
                if (cur_si->si_idx >= 0
                        && SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx].sp_type
                                                               == SPTYPE_START
                        && !(cur_si->si_flags & (HL_MATCH | HL_KEEPEND)))
                    update_si_end(cur_si, (int)current_col, TRUE);
                    if ((current_next_flags & HL_HAS_EOL)
                            && keepend_level < 0
                            && syn_getcurline()[current_col] == NUL)

 * Update an entry in the current_state stack for a match or region.  This
 * fills in si_attr, si_next_list and si_cont_list.
    static void
    int     idx;
    stateitem_T *sip = &CUR_STATE(idx);
    synpat_T    *spp;

    spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[sip->si_idx]);
    if (sip->si_flags & HL_MATCH)
        sip->si_id = spp->sp_syn_match_id;
        sip->si_id = spp->;
    sip->si_attr = syn_id2attr(sip->si_id);
    sip->si_trans_id = sip->si_id;
    if (sip->si_flags & HL_MATCH)
        sip->si_cont_list = NULL;
        sip->si_cont_list = spp->sp_cont_list;

     * For transparent items, take attr from outer item.
     * Also take cont_list, if there is none.
     * Don't do this for the matchgroup of a start or end pattern.
    if ((spp->sp_flags & HL_TRANSP) && !(sip->si_flags & HL_MATCH))
        if (idx == 0)
            sip->si_attr = 0;
            sip->si_trans_id = 0;
            if (sip->si_cont_list == NULL)
                sip->si_cont_list = ID_LIST_ALL;
            sip->si_attr = CUR_STATE(idx - 1).si_attr;
            sip->si_trans_id = CUR_STATE(idx - 1).si_trans_id;
            sip->si_h_startpos = CUR_STATE(idx - 1).si_h_startpos;
            sip->si_h_endpos = CUR_STATE(idx - 1).si_h_endpos;
            if (sip->si_cont_list == NULL)
                sip->si_flags |= HL_TRANS_CONT;
                sip->si_cont_list = CUR_STATE(idx - 1).si_cont_list;

 * Check the current stack for patterns with "keepend" flag.
 * Propagate the match-end to contained items, until a "skipend" item is found.
    static void
    int         i;
    lpos_T      maxpos;
    lpos_T      maxpos_h;
    stateitem_T *sip;

     * This check can consume a lot of time; only do it from the level where
     * there really is a keepend.
    if (keepend_level < 0)

     * Find the last index of an "extend" item.  "keepend" items before that
     * won't do anything.  If there is no "extend" item "i" will be
     * "keepend_level" and all "keepend" items will work normally.
    for (i = current_state.ga_len - 1; i > keepend_level; --i)
        if (CUR_STATE(i).si_flags & HL_EXTEND)

    maxpos.lnum = 0;
    maxpos_h.lnum = 0;
    for ( ; i < current_state.ga_len; ++i)
        sip = &CUR_STATE(i);
        if (maxpos.lnum != 0)
            limit_pos_zero(&sip->si_m_endpos, &maxpos);
            limit_pos_zero(&sip->si_h_endpos, &maxpos_h);
            limit_pos_zero(&sip->si_eoe_pos, &maxpos);
            sip->si_ends = TRUE;
        if (sip->si_ends && (sip->si_flags & HL_KEEPEND))
            if (maxpos.lnum == 0
                    || maxpos.lnum > sip->si_m_endpos.lnum
                    || (maxpos.lnum == sip->si_m_endpos.lnum
                        && maxpos.col > sip->si_m_endpos.col))
                maxpos = sip->si_m_endpos;
            if (maxpos_h.lnum == 0
                    || maxpos_h.lnum > sip->si_h_endpos.lnum
                    || (maxpos_h.lnum == sip->si_h_endpos.lnum
                        && maxpos_h.col > sip->si_h_endpos.col))
                maxpos_h = sip->si_h_endpos;

 * Update an entry in the current_state stack for a start-skip-end pattern.
 * This finds the end of the current item, if it's in the current line.
 * Return the flags for the matched END.
    static void
update_si_end(sip, startcol, force)
    stateitem_T *sip;
    int         startcol;   /* where to start searching for the end */
    int         force;      /* when TRUE overrule a previous end */
    lpos_T      startpos;
    lpos_T      endpos;
    lpos_T      hl_endpos;
    lpos_T      end_endpos;
    int         end_idx;

    /* Don't update when it's already done.  Can be a match of an end pattern
     * that started in a previous line.  Watch out: can also be a "keepend"
     * from a containing item. */
    if (!force && sip->si_m_endpos.lnum >= current_lnum)

     * We need to find the end of the region.  It may continue in the next
     * line.
    end_idx = 0;
    startpos.lnum = current_lnum;
    startpos.col = startcol;
    find_endpos(sip->si_idx, &startpos, &endpos, &hl_endpos,
                   &(sip->si_flags), &end_endpos, &end_idx, sip->si_extmatch);

    if (endpos.lnum == 0)
        /* No end pattern matched. */
        if (SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[sip->si_idx].sp_flags & HL_ONELINE)
            /* a "oneline" never continues in the next line */
            sip->si_ends = TRUE;
            sip->si_m_endpos.lnum = current_lnum;
            sip->si_m_endpos.col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(syn_getcurline());
            /* continues in the next line */
            sip->si_ends = FALSE;
            sip->si_m_endpos.lnum = 0;
        sip->si_h_endpos = sip->si_m_endpos;
        /* match within this line */
        sip->si_m_endpos = endpos;
        sip->si_h_endpos = hl_endpos;
        sip->si_eoe_pos = end_endpos;
        sip->si_ends = TRUE;
        sip->si_end_idx = end_idx;

 * Add a new state to the current state stack.
 * It is cleared and the index set to "idx".
 * Return FAIL if it's not possible (out of memory).
    static int
    int     idx;
    if (ga_grow(&current_state, 1) == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
    vim_memset(&CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len), 0, sizeof(stateitem_T));
    CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len).si_idx = idx;
    return OK;

 * Remove a state from the current_state stack.
    static void
    if (current_state.ga_len)
        unref_extmatch(CUR_STATE(current_state.ga_len - 1).si_extmatch);
    /* after the end of a pattern, try matching a keyword or pattern */
    next_match_idx = -1;

    /* if first state with "keepend" is popped, reset keepend_level */
    if (keepend_level >= current_state.ga_len)
        keepend_level = -1;

 * Find the end of a start/skip/end syntax region after "startpos".
 * Only checks one line.
 * Also handles a match item that continued from a previous line.
 * If not found, the syntax item continues in the next line.  m_endpos->lnum
 * will be 0.
 * If found, the end of the region and the end of the highlighting is
 * computed.
    static void
find_endpos(idx, startpos, m_endpos, hl_endpos, flagsp, end_endpos,
                                                           end_idx, start_ext)
    int         idx;            /* index of the pattern */
    lpos_T      *startpos;      /* where to start looking for an END match */
    lpos_T      *m_endpos;      /* return: end of match */
    lpos_T      *hl_endpos;     /* return: end of highlighting */
    long        *flagsp;        /* return: flags of matching END */
    lpos_T      *end_endpos;    /* return: end of end pattern match */
    int         *end_idx;       /* return: group ID for end pat. match, or 0 */
    reg_extmatch_T *start_ext;  /* submatches from the start pattern */
    colnr_T     matchcol;
    synpat_T    *spp, *spp_skip;
    int         start_idx;
    int         best_idx;
    regmmatch_T regmatch;
    regmmatch_T best_regmatch;      /* startpos/endpos of best match */
    lpos_T      pos;
    char_u      *line;
    int         had_match = FALSE;

     * Check for being called with a START pattern.
     * Can happen with a match that continues to the next line, because it
     * contained a region.
    spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx]);
    if (spp->sp_type != SPTYPE_START)
        *hl_endpos = *startpos;

     * Find the SKIP or first END pattern after the last START pattern.
    for (;;)
        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx]);
        if (spp->sp_type != SPTYPE_START)

     *  Lookup the SKIP pattern (if present)
    if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_SKIP)
        spp_skip = spp;
        spp_skip = NULL;

    /* Setup external matches for syn_regexec(). */
    re_extmatch_in = ref_extmatch(start_ext);

    matchcol = startpos->col;   /* start looking for a match at sstart */
    start_idx = idx;            /* remember the first END pattern. */
    best_regmatch.startpos[0].col = 0;          /* avoid compiler warning */
    for (;;)
         * Find end pattern that matches first after "matchcol".
        best_idx = -1;
        for (idx = start_idx; idx < syn_buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; ++idx)
            int lc_col = matchcol;

            spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[idx]);
            if (spp->sp_type != SPTYPE_END)     /* past last END pattern */
            lc_col -= spp->sp_offsets[SPO_LC_OFF];
            if (lc_col < 0)
                lc_col = 0;

            regmatch.rmm_ic = spp->sp_ic;
            regmatch.regprog = spp->sp_prog;
            if (syn_regexec(&regmatch, startpos->lnum, lc_col))
                if (best_idx == -1 || regmatch.startpos[0].col
                                              < best_regmatch.startpos[0].col)
                    best_idx = idx;
                    best_regmatch.startpos[0] = regmatch.startpos[0];
                    best_regmatch.endpos[0] = regmatch.endpos[0];

         * If all end patterns have been tried, and there is no match, the
         * item continues until end-of-line.
        if (best_idx == -1)

         * If the skip pattern matches before the end pattern,
         * continue searching after the skip pattern.
        if (spp_skip != NULL)
            int lc_col = matchcol - spp_skip->sp_offsets[SPO_LC_OFF];

            if (lc_col < 0)
                lc_col = 0;
            regmatch.rmm_ic = spp_skip->sp_ic;
            regmatch.regprog = spp_skip->sp_prog;
            if (syn_regexec(&regmatch, startpos->lnum, lc_col)
                    && regmatch.startpos[0].col
                                             <= best_regmatch.startpos[0].col)
                /* Add offset to skip pattern match */
                syn_add_end_off(&pos, &regmatch, spp_skip, SPO_ME_OFF, 1);

                /* If the skip pattern goes on to the next line, there is no
                 * match with an end pattern in this line. */
                if (pos.lnum > startpos->lnum)

                line = ml_get_buf(syn_buf, startpos->lnum, FALSE);

                /* take care of an empty match or negative offset */
                if (pos.col <= matchcol)
                else if (pos.col <= regmatch.endpos[0].col)
                    matchcol = pos.col;
                    /* Be careful not to jump over the NUL at the end-of-line */
                    for (matchcol = regmatch.endpos[0].col;
                            line[matchcol] != NUL && matchcol < pos.col;

                /* if the skip pattern includes end-of-line, break here */
                if (line[matchcol] == NUL)

                continue;           /* start with first end pattern again */

         * Match from start pattern to end pattern.
         * Correct for match and highlight offset of end pattern.
        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[best_idx]);
        syn_add_end_off(m_endpos, &best_regmatch, spp, SPO_ME_OFF, 1);
        /* can't end before the start */
        if (m_endpos->lnum == startpos->lnum && m_endpos->col < startpos->col)
            m_endpos->col = startpos->col;

        syn_add_end_off(end_endpos, &best_regmatch, spp, SPO_HE_OFF, 1);
        /* can't end before the start */
        if (end_endpos->lnum == startpos->lnum
                                           && end_endpos->col < startpos->col)
            end_endpos->col = startpos->col;
        /* can't end after the match */
        limit_pos(end_endpos, m_endpos);

         * If the end group is highlighted differently, adjust the pointers.
        if (spp->sp_syn_match_id != spp-> && spp->sp_syn_match_id != 0)
            *end_idx = best_idx;
            if (spp->sp_off_flags & (1 << (SPO_RE_OFF + SPO_COUNT)))
                hl_endpos->lnum = best_regmatch.endpos[0].lnum;
                hl_endpos->col = best_regmatch.endpos[0].col;
                hl_endpos->lnum = best_regmatch.startpos[0].lnum;
                hl_endpos->col = best_regmatch.startpos[0].col;
            hl_endpos->col += spp->sp_offsets[SPO_RE_OFF];

            /* can't end before the start */
            if (hl_endpos->lnum == startpos->lnum
                                            && hl_endpos->col < startpos->col)
                hl_endpos->col = startpos->col;
            limit_pos(hl_endpos, m_endpos);

            /* now the match ends where the highlighting ends, it is turned
             * into the matchgroup for the end */
            *m_endpos = *hl_endpos;
            *end_idx = 0;
            *hl_endpos = *end_endpos;

        *flagsp = spp->sp_flags;

        had_match = TRUE;

    /* no match for an END pattern in this line */
    if (!had_match)
        m_endpos->lnum = 0;

    /* Remove external matches. */
    re_extmatch_in = NULL;

 * Limit "pos" not to be after "limit".
    static void
limit_pos(pos, limit)
    lpos_T      *pos;
    lpos_T      *limit;
    if (pos->lnum > limit->lnum)
        *pos = *limit;
    else if (pos->lnum == limit->lnum && pos->col > limit->col)
        pos->col = limit->col;

 * Limit "pos" not to be after "limit", unless pos->lnum is zero.
    static void
limit_pos_zero(pos, limit)
    lpos_T      *pos;
    lpos_T      *limit;
    if (pos->lnum == 0)
        *pos = *limit;
        limit_pos(pos, limit);

 * Add offset to matched text for end of match or highlight.
    static void
syn_add_end_off(result, regmatch, spp, idx, extra)
    lpos_T      *result;        /* returned position */
    regmmatch_T *regmatch;      /* start/end of match */
    synpat_T    *spp;           /* matched pattern */
    int         idx;            /* index of offset */
    int         extra;          /* extra chars for offset to start */
    int         col;
    int         len;

    if (spp->sp_off_flags & (1 << idx))
        result->lnum = regmatch->startpos[0].lnum;
        col = regmatch->startpos[0].col + extra;
        result->lnum = regmatch->endpos[0].lnum;
        col = regmatch->endpos[0].col;
    col += spp->sp_offsets[idx];
    if (col < 0)
        result->col = 0;
        /* Don't go past the end of the line.  Matters for "rs=e+2" when there
         * is a matchgroup. Watch out for match with last NL in the buffer. */
        if (result->lnum > syn_buf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
            len = 0;
            len = (int)STRLEN(ml_get_buf(syn_buf, result->lnum, FALSE));
        if (col > len)
            result->col = len;
            result->col = col;

 * Add offset to matched text for start of match or highlight.
 * Avoid resulting column to become negative.
    static void
syn_add_start_off(result, regmatch, spp, idx, extra)
    lpos_T      *result;        /* returned position */
    regmmatch_T *regmatch;      /* start/end of match */
    synpat_T    *spp;
    int         idx;
    int         extra;      /* extra chars for offset to end */
    int         col;

    if (spp->sp_off_flags & (1 << (idx + SPO_COUNT)))
        result->lnum = regmatch->endpos[0].lnum;
        col = regmatch->endpos[0].col + extra;
        result->lnum = regmatch->startpos[0].lnum;
        col = regmatch->startpos[0].col;
    col += spp->sp_offsets[idx];
    if (col < 0)
        result->col = 0;
        result->col = col;

 * Get current line in syntax buffer.
    static char_u *
    return ml_get_buf(syn_buf, current_lnum, FALSE);

 * Call vim_regexec() to find a match with "rmp" in "syn_buf".
 * Returns TRUE when there is a match.
    static int
syn_regexec(rmp, lnum, col)
    regmmatch_T *rmp;
    linenr_T    lnum;
    colnr_T     col;
    rmp->rmm_maxcol = syn_buf->b_p_smc;
    if (vim_regexec_multi(rmp, syn_win, syn_buf, lnum, col) > 0)
        rmp->startpos[0].lnum += lnum;
        rmp->endpos[0].lnum += lnum;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Check one position in a line for a matching keyword.
 * The caller must check if a keyword can start at startcol.
 * Return it's ID if found, 0 otherwise.
    static int
check_keyword_id(line, startcol, endcolp, flagsp, next_listp, cur_si)
    char_u      *line;
    int         startcol;       /* position in line to check for keyword */
    int         *endcolp;       /* return: character after found keyword */
    long        *flagsp;        /* return: flags of matching keyword */
    short       **next_listp;   /* return: next_list of matching keyword */
    stateitem_T *cur_si;        /* item at the top of the stack */
    keyentry_T  *kp;
    char_u      *kwp;
    int         round;
    int         kwlen;
    char_u      keyword[MAXKEYWLEN + 1]; /* assume max. keyword len is 80 */
    hashtab_T   *ht;
    hashitem_T  *hi;

    /* Find first character after the keyword.  First character was already
     * checked. */
    kwp = line + startcol;
    kwlen = 0;
        if (has_mbyte)
            kwlen += (*mb_ptr2len)(kwp + kwlen);
    while (vim_iswordc_buf(kwp + kwlen, syn_buf));

    if (kwlen > MAXKEYWLEN)
        return 0;

     * Must make a copy of the keyword, so we can add a NUL and make it
     * lowercase.
    vim_strncpy(keyword, kwp, kwlen);

     * Try twice:
     * 1. matching case
     * 2. ignoring case
    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
        ht = round == 1 ? &syn_buf->b_keywtab : &syn_buf->b_keywtab_ic;
        if (ht->ht_used == 0)
        if (round == 2) /* ignore case */
            (void)str_foldcase(kwp, kwlen, keyword, MAXKEYWLEN + 1);

         * Find keywords that match.  There can be several with different
         * attributes.
         * When current_next_list is non-zero accept only that group, otherwise:
         *  Accept a not-contained keyword at toplevel.
         *  Accept a keyword at other levels only if it is in the contains list.
        hi = hash_find(ht, keyword);
        if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
            for (kp = HI2KE(hi); kp != NULL; kp = kp->ke_next)
                if (current_next_list != 0
                        ? in_id_list(NULL, current_next_list, &kp->k_syn, 0)
                        : (cur_si == NULL
                            ? !(kp->flags & HL_CONTAINED)
                            : in_id_list(cur_si, cur_si->si_cont_list,
                                      &kp->k_syn, kp->flags & HL_CONTAINED)))
                    *endcolp = startcol + kwlen;
                    *flagsp = kp->flags;
                    *next_listp = kp->next_list;
                    return kp->;
    return 0;

 * Handle ":syntax case" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_case(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *next;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

    next = skiptowhite(arg);
    if (STRNICMP(arg, "match", 5) == 0 && next - arg == 5)
        curbuf->b_syn_ic = FALSE;
    else if (STRNICMP(arg, "ignore", 6) == 0 && next - arg == 6)
        curbuf->b_syn_ic = TRUE;
        EMSG2(_("E390: Illegal argument: %s"), arg);

 * Handle ":syntax spell" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_spell(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *next;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

    next = skiptowhite(arg);
    if (STRNICMP(arg, "toplevel", 8) == 0 && next - arg == 8)
        curbuf->b_syn_spell = SYNSPL_TOP;
    else if (STRNICMP(arg, "notoplevel", 10) == 0 && next - arg == 10)
        curbuf->b_syn_spell = SYNSPL_NOTOP;
    else if (STRNICMP(arg, "default", 7) == 0 && next - arg == 7)
        curbuf->b_syn_spell = SYNSPL_DEFAULT;
        EMSG2(_("E390: Illegal argument: %s"), arg);

 * Clear all syntax info for one buffer.
    buf_T       *buf;
    int i;

    buf->b_syn_error = FALSE;       /* clear previous error */
    buf->b_syn_ic = FALSE;          /* Use case, by default */
    buf->b_syn_spell = SYNSPL_DEFAULT; /* default spell checking */
    buf->b_syn_containedin = FALSE;

    /* free the keywords */

    /* free the syntax patterns */
    for (i = buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        syn_clear_pattern(buf, i);

    /* free the syntax clusters */
    for (i = buf->b_syn_clusters.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        syn_clear_cluster(buf, i);
    buf->b_spell_cluster_id = 0;
    buf->b_nospell_cluster_id = 0;

    buf->b_syn_sync_flags = 0;
    buf->b_syn_sync_minlines = 0;
    buf->b_syn_sync_maxlines = 0;
    buf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks = 0;

    buf->b_syn_linecont_prog = NULL;
    buf->b_syn_linecont_pat = NULL;
    buf->b_syn_folditems = 0;

    /* free the stored states */

 * Clear syncing info for one buffer.
    static void
    int i;

    /* free the syntax patterns */
    for (i = curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        if (SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[i].sp_syncing)
            syn_remove_pattern(curbuf, i);

    curbuf->b_syn_sync_flags = 0;
    curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines = 0;
    curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines = 0;
    curbuf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks = 0;

    curbuf->b_syn_linecont_prog = NULL;
    curbuf->b_syn_linecont_pat = NULL;

    syn_stack_free_all(curbuf);         /* Need to recompute all syntax. */

 * Remove one pattern from the buffer's pattern list.
    static void
syn_remove_pattern(buf, idx)
    buf_T       *buf;
    int         idx;
    synpat_T    *spp;

    spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(buf)[idx]);
    if (spp->sp_flags & HL_FOLD)
    syn_clear_pattern(buf, idx);
    mch_memmove(spp, spp + 1,
                   sizeof(synpat_T) * (buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len - idx - 1));

 * Clear and free one syntax pattern.  When clearing all, must be called from
 * last to first!
    static void
syn_clear_pattern(buf, i)
    buf_T       *buf;
    int         i;
    /* Only free sp_cont_list and sp_next_list of first start pattern */
    if (i == 0 || SYN_ITEMS(buf)[i - 1].sp_type != SPTYPE_START)

 * Clear and free one syntax cluster.
    static void
syn_clear_cluster(buf, i)
    buf_T       *buf;
    int         i;

 * Handle ":syntax clear" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_clear(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *arg_end;
    int         id;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

     * We have to disable this within ":syn include @group filename",
     * because otherwise @group would get deleted.
     * Only required for Vim 5.x syntax files, 6.0 ones don't contain ":syn
     * clear".
    if (curbuf->b_syn_topgrp != 0)

    if (ends_excmd(*arg))
         * No argument: Clear all syntax items.
        if (syncing)
            do_unlet((char_u *)"b:current_syntax", TRUE);
         * Clear the group IDs that are in the argument.
        while (!ends_excmd(*arg))
            arg_end = skiptowhite(arg);
            if (*arg == '@')
                id = syn_scl_namen2id(arg + 1, (int)(arg_end - arg - 1));
                if (id == 0)
                    EMSG2(_("E391: No such syntax cluster: %s"), arg);
                     * We can't physically delete a cluster without changing
                     * the IDs of other clusters, so we do the next best thing
                     * and make it empty.
                    short scl_id = id - SYNID_CLUSTER;

                    SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[scl_id].scl_list = NULL;
                id = syn_namen2id(arg, (int)(arg_end - arg));
                if (id == 0)
                    EMSG2(_(e_nogroup), arg);
                    syn_clear_one(id, syncing);
            arg = skipwhite(arg_end);
    syn_stack_free_all(curbuf);         /* Need to recompute all syntax. */

 * Clear one syntax group for the current buffer.
    static void
syn_clear_one(id, syncing)
    int         id;
    int         syncing;
    synpat_T    *spp;
    int         idx;

    /* Clear keywords only when not ":syn sync clear group-name" */
    if (!syncing)
        (void)syn_clear_keyword(id, &curbuf->b_keywtab);
        (void)syn_clear_keyword(id, &curbuf->b_keywtab_ic);

    /* clear the patterns for "id" */
    for (idx = curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --idx >= 0; )
        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx]);
        if (spp-> != id || spp->sp_syncing != syncing)
        syn_remove_pattern(curbuf, idx);

 * Handle ":syntax on" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_on(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;        /* not used */
    syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax");

 * Handle ":syntax enable" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_enable(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;        /* not used */
    set_internal_string_var((char_u *)"syntax_cmd", (char_u *)"enable");
    syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "syntax");
    do_unlet((char_u *)"g:syntax_cmd", TRUE);

 * Handle ":syntax reset" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_reset(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;        /* not used */
    eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(eap->arg);
    if (!eap->skip)
        set_internal_string_var((char_u *)"syntax_cmd", (char_u *)"reset");
        do_cmdline_cmd((char_u *)"runtime! syntax/syncolor.vim");
        do_unlet((char_u *)"g:syntax_cmd", TRUE);

 * Handle ":syntax manual" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_manual(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;        /* not used */
    syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "manual");

 * Handle ":syntax off" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_off(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;        /* not used */
    syn_cmd_onoff(eap, "nosyntax");

    static void
syn_cmd_onoff(eap, name)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    char        *name;
    char_u      buf[100];

    eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(eap->arg);
    if (!eap->skip)
        STRCPY(buf, "so ");
        vim_snprintf((char *)buf + 3, sizeof(buf) - 3, SYNTAX_FNAME, name);

 * Handle ":syntax [list]" command: list current syntax words.
    static void
syn_cmd_list(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* when TRUE: list syncing items */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    int         id;
    char_u      *arg_end;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

    if (!syntax_present(curbuf))
        MSG(_("No Syntax items defined for this buffer"));

    if (syncing)
        if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_flags & SF_CCOMMENT)
            MSG_PUTS(_("syncing on C-style comments"));
        else if (!(curbuf->b_syn_sync_flags & SF_MATCH))
            if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines == 0)
                MSG_PUTS(_("no syncing"));
                MSG_PUTS(_("syncing starts "));
                MSG_PUTS(_(" lines before top line"));
        MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Syntax sync items ---"));
        if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines > 0
                || curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines > 0
                || curbuf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks > 0)
            MSG_PUTS(_("\nsyncing on items"));
        MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Syntax items ---"));
    if (ends_excmd(*arg))
         * No argument: List all group IDs and all syntax clusters.
        for (id = 1; id <= highlight_ga.ga_len && !got_int; ++id)
            syn_list_one(id, syncing, FALSE);
        for (id = 0; id < curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_len && !got_int; ++id)
         * List the group IDs and syntax clusters that are in the argument.
        while (!ends_excmd(*arg) && !got_int)
            arg_end = skiptowhite(arg);
            if (*arg == '@')
                id = syn_scl_namen2id(arg + 1, (int)(arg_end - arg - 1));
                if (id == 0)
                    EMSG2(_("E392: No such syntax cluster: %s"), arg);
                    syn_list_cluster(id - SYNID_CLUSTER);
                id = syn_namen2id(arg, (int)(arg_end - arg));
                if (id == 0)
                    EMSG2(_(e_nogroup), arg);
                    syn_list_one(id, syncing, TRUE);
            arg = skipwhite(arg_end);
    eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(arg);

    static void
    if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines > 0 || curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines > 0)
        MSG_PUTS("; ");
        if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines > 0)
            MSG_PUTS(_("minimal "));
            if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines)
                MSG_PUTS(", ");
        if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines > 0)
            MSG_PUTS(_("maximal "));
        MSG_PUTS(_(" lines before top line"));

    static void
    if (curbuf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks > 0)
        MSG_PUTS(_("; match "));
        MSG_PUTS(_(" line breaks"));

static int  last_matchgroup;

struct name_list
    int         flag;
    char        *name;

static void syn_list_flags __ARGS((struct name_list *nl, int flags, int attr));

 * List one syntax item, for ":syntax" or "syntax list syntax_name".
    static void
syn_list_one(id, syncing, link_only)
    int         id;
    int         syncing;            /* when TRUE: list syncing items */
    int         link_only;          /* when TRUE; list link-only too */
    int         attr;
    int         idx;
    int         did_header = FALSE;
    synpat_T    *spp;
    static struct name_list namelist1[] =
                    {HL_DISPLAY, "display"},
                    {HL_CONTAINED, "contained"},
                    {HL_ONELINE, "oneline"},
                    {HL_KEEPEND, "keepend"},
                    {HL_EXTEND, "extend"},
                    {HL_EXCLUDENL, "excludenl"},
                    {HL_TRANSP, "transparent"},
                    {HL_FOLD, "fold"},
                    {0, NULL}
    static struct name_list namelist2[] =
                    {HL_SKIPWHITE, "skipwhite"},
                    {HL_SKIPNL, "skipnl"},
                    {HL_SKIPEMPTY, "skipempty"},
                    {0, NULL}

    attr = hl_attr(HLF_D);              /* highlight like directories */

    /* list the keywords for "id" */
    if (!syncing)
        did_header = syn_list_keywords(id, &curbuf->b_keywtab, FALSE, attr);
        did_header = syn_list_keywords(id, &curbuf->b_keywtab_ic,
                                                            did_header, attr);

    /* list the patterns for "id" */
    for (idx = 0; idx < curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len && !got_int; ++idx)
        spp = &(SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx]);
        if (spp-> != id || spp->sp_syncing != syncing)

        (void)syn_list_header(did_header, 999, id);
        did_header = TRUE;
        last_matchgroup = 0;
        if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_MATCH)
            put_pattern("match", ' ', spp, attr);
            msg_putchar(' ');
        else if (spp->sp_type == SPTYPE_START)
            while (SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_type == SPTYPE_START)
                put_pattern("start", '=', &SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx++], attr);
            if (SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_type == SPTYPE_SKIP)
                put_pattern("skip", '=', &SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx++], attr);
            while (idx < curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len
                              && SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_type == SPTYPE_END)
                put_pattern("end", '=', &SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx++], attr);
            msg_putchar(' ');
        syn_list_flags(namelist1, spp->sp_flags, attr);

        if (spp->sp_cont_list != NULL)
            put_id_list((char_u *)"contains", spp->sp_cont_list, attr);

        if (spp->sp_syn.cont_in_list != NULL)
            put_id_list((char_u *)"containedin",
                                              spp->sp_syn.cont_in_list, attr);

        if (spp->sp_next_list != NULL)
            put_id_list((char_u *)"nextgroup", spp->sp_next_list, attr);
            syn_list_flags(namelist2, spp->sp_flags, attr);
        if (spp->sp_flags & (HL_SYNC_HERE|HL_SYNC_THERE))
            if (spp->sp_flags & HL_SYNC_HERE)
                msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"grouphere", attr);
                msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"groupthere", attr);
            msg_putchar(' ');
            if (spp->sp_sync_idx >= 0)
                                   [spp->sp_sync_idx] - 1].sg_name);
            msg_putchar(' ');

    /* list the link, if there is one */
    if (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_link && (did_header || link_only) && !got_int)
        (void)syn_list_header(did_header, 999, id);
        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"links to", attr);
        msg_putchar(' ');
        msg_outtrans(HL_TABLE()[HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_link - 1].sg_name);

    static void
syn_list_flags(nl, flags, attr)
    struct name_list    *nl;
    int                 flags;
    int                 attr;
    int         i;

    for (i = 0; nl[i].flag != 0; ++i)
        if (flags & nl[i].flag)
            msg_puts_attr((char_u *)nl[i].name, attr);
            msg_putchar(' ');

 * List one syntax cluster, for ":syntax" or "syntax list syntax_name".
    static void
    int id;
    int     endcol = 15;

    /* slight hack:  roughly duplicate the guts of syn_list_header() */

    if (msg_col >= endcol)      /* output at least one space */
        endcol = msg_col + 1;
    if (Columns <= endcol)      /* avoid hang for tiny window */
        endcol = Columns - 1;

    if (SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[id].scl_list != NULL)
        put_id_list((char_u *)"cluster", SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[id].scl_list,
        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"cluster", hl_attr(HLF_D));
        msg_puts((char_u *)"=NONE");

    static void
put_id_list(name, list, attr)
    char_u      *name;
    short       *list;
    int         attr;
    short               *p;

    msg_puts_attr(name, attr);
    for (p = list; *p; ++p)
        if (*p >= SYNID_ALLBUT && *p < SYNID_TOP)
            if (p[1])
        else if (*p >= SYNID_TOP && *p < SYNID_CONTAINED)
        else if (*p >= SYNID_CONTAINED && *p < SYNID_CLUSTER)
        else if (*p >= SYNID_CLUSTER)
            short scl_id = *p - SYNID_CLUSTER;

            msg_outtrans(HL_TABLE()[*p - 1].sg_name);
        if (p[1])
    msg_putchar(' ');

    static void
put_pattern(s, c, spp, attr)
    char        *s;
    int         c;
    synpat_T    *spp;
    int         attr;
    long        n;
    int         mask;
    int         first;
    static char *sepchars = "/+=-#@\"|'^&";
    int         i;

    /* May have to write "matchgroup=group" */
    if (last_matchgroup != spp->sp_syn_match_id)
        last_matchgroup = spp->sp_syn_match_id;
        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"matchgroup", attr);
        if (last_matchgroup == 0)
            msg_outtrans((char_u *)"NONE");
            msg_outtrans(HL_TABLE()[last_matchgroup - 1].sg_name);
        msg_putchar(' ');

    /* output the name of the pattern and an '=' or ' ' */
    msg_puts_attr((char_u *)s, attr);

    /* output the pattern, in between a char that is not in the pattern */
    for (i = 0; vim_strchr(spp->sp_pattern, sepchars[i]) != NULL; )
        if (sepchars[++i] == NUL)
            i = 0;      /* no good char found, just use the first one */

    /* output any pattern options */
    first = TRUE;
    for (i = 0; i < SPO_COUNT; ++i)
        mask = (1 << i);
        if (spp->sp_off_flags & (mask + (mask << SPO_COUNT)))
            if (!first)
                msg_putchar(',');       /* separate with commas */
            msg_puts((char_u *)spo_name_tab[i]);
            n = spp->sp_offsets[i];
            if (i != SPO_LC_OFF)
                if (spp->sp_off_flags & mask)
                if (n > 0)
            if (n || i == SPO_LC_OFF)
            first = FALSE;
    msg_putchar(' ');

 * List or clear the keywords for one syntax group.
 * Return TRUE if the header has been printed.
    static int
syn_list_keywords(id, ht, did_header, attr)
    int         id;
    hashtab_T   *ht;
    int         did_header;             /* header has already been printed */
    int         attr;
    int         outlen;
    hashitem_T  *hi;
    keyentry_T  *kp;
    int         todo;
    int         prev_contained = 0;
    short       *prev_next_list = NULL;
    short       *prev_cont_in_list = NULL;
    int         prev_skipnl = 0;
    int         prev_skipwhite = 0;
    int         prev_skipempty = 0;

     * Unfortunately, this list of keywords is not sorted on alphabet but on
     * hash value...
    todo = (int)ht->ht_used;
    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0 && !got_int; ++hi)
        if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
            for (kp = HI2KE(hi); kp != NULL && !got_int; kp = kp->ke_next)
                if (kp-> == id)
                    if (prev_contained != (kp->flags & HL_CONTAINED)
                            || prev_skipnl != (kp->flags & HL_SKIPNL)
                            || prev_skipwhite != (kp->flags & HL_SKIPWHITE)
                            || prev_skipempty != (kp->flags & HL_SKIPEMPTY)
                            || prev_cont_in_list != kp->k_syn.cont_in_list
                            || prev_next_list != kp->next_list)
                        outlen = 9999;
                        outlen = (int)STRLEN(kp->keyword);
                    /* output "contained" and "nextgroup" on each line */
                    if (syn_list_header(did_header, outlen, id))
                        prev_contained = 0;
                        prev_next_list = NULL;
                        prev_cont_in_list = NULL;
                        prev_skipnl = 0;
                        prev_skipwhite = 0;
                        prev_skipempty = 0;
                    did_header = TRUE;
                    if (prev_contained != (kp->flags & HL_CONTAINED))
                        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"contained", attr);
                        msg_putchar(' ');
                        prev_contained = (kp->flags & HL_CONTAINED);
                    if (kp->k_syn.cont_in_list != prev_cont_in_list)
                        put_id_list((char_u *)"containedin",
                                                kp->k_syn.cont_in_list, attr);
                        msg_putchar(' ');
                        prev_cont_in_list = kp->k_syn.cont_in_list;
                    if (kp->next_list != prev_next_list)
                        put_id_list((char_u *)"nextgroup", kp->next_list, attr);
                        msg_putchar(' ');
                        prev_next_list = kp->next_list;
                        if (kp->flags & HL_SKIPNL)
                            msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"skipnl", attr);
                            msg_putchar(' ');
                            prev_skipnl = (kp->flags & HL_SKIPNL);
                        if (kp->flags & HL_SKIPWHITE)
                            msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"skipwhite", attr);
                            msg_putchar(' ');
                            prev_skipwhite = (kp->flags & HL_SKIPWHITE);
                        if (kp->flags & HL_SKIPEMPTY)
                            msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"skipempty", attr);
                            msg_putchar(' ');
                            prev_skipempty = (kp->flags & HL_SKIPEMPTY);

    return did_header;

    static void
syn_clear_keyword(id, ht)
    int         id;
    hashtab_T   *ht;
    hashitem_T  *hi;
    keyentry_T  *kp;
    keyentry_T  *kp_prev;
    keyentry_T  *kp_next;
    int         todo;

    todo = (int)ht->ht_used;
    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
        if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
            kp_prev = NULL;
            for (kp = HI2KE(hi); kp != NULL; )
                if (kp-> == id)
                    kp_next = kp->ke_next;
                    if (kp_prev == NULL)
                        if (kp_next == NULL)
                            hash_remove(ht, hi);
                            hi->hi_key = KE2HIKEY(kp_next);
                        kp_prev->ke_next = kp_next;
                    kp = kp_next;
                    kp_prev = kp;
                    kp = kp->ke_next;

 * Clear a whole keyword table.
    static void
    hashtab_T   *ht;
    hashitem_T  *hi;
    int         todo;
    keyentry_T  *kp;
    keyentry_T  *kp_next;

    todo = (int)ht->ht_used;
    for (hi = ht->ht_array; todo > 0; ++hi)
        if (!HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
            kp = HI2KE(hi);
            for (kp = HI2KE(hi); kp != NULL; kp = kp_next)
                kp_next = kp->ke_next;

 * Add a keyword to the list of keywords.
    static void
add_keyword(name, id, flags, cont_in_list, next_list)
    char_u      *name;      /* name of keyword */
    int         id;         /* group ID for this keyword */
    int         flags;      /* flags for this keyword */
    short       *cont_in_list; /* containedin for this keyword */
    short       *next_list; /* nextgroup for this keyword */
    keyentry_T  *kp;
    hashtab_T   *ht;
    hashitem_T  *hi;
    char_u      *name_ic;
    long_u      hash;
    char_u      name_folded[MAXKEYWLEN + 1];

    if (curbuf->b_syn_ic)
        name_ic = str_foldcase(name, (int)STRLEN(name),
                                                 name_folded, MAXKEYWLEN + 1);
        name_ic = name;
    kp = (keyentry_T *)alloc((int)(sizeof(keyentry_T) + STRLEN(name_ic)));
    if (kp == NULL)
    STRCPY(kp->keyword, name_ic);
    kp-> = id;
    kp->k_syn.inc_tag = current_syn_inc_tag;
    kp->flags = flags;
    kp->k_syn.cont_in_list = copy_id_list(cont_in_list);
    if (cont_in_list != NULL)
        curbuf->b_syn_containedin = TRUE;
    kp->next_list = copy_id_list(next_list);

    if (curbuf->b_syn_ic)
        ht = &curbuf->b_keywtab_ic;
        ht = &curbuf->b_keywtab;

    hash = hash_hash(kp->keyword);
    hi = hash_lookup(ht, kp->keyword, hash);
    if (HASHITEM_EMPTY(hi))
        /* new keyword, add to hashtable */
        kp->ke_next = NULL;
        hash_add_item(ht, hi, kp->keyword, hash);
        /* keyword already exists, prepend to list */
        kp->ke_next = HI2KE(hi);
        hi->hi_key = KE2HIKEY(kp);

 * Get the start and end of the group name argument.
 * Return a pointer to the first argument.
 * Return NULL if the end of the command was found instead of further args.
    static char_u *
get_group_name(arg, name_end)
    char_u      *arg;           /* start of the argument */
    char_u      **name_end;     /* pointer to end of the name */
    char_u      *rest;

    *name_end = skiptowhite(arg);
    rest = skipwhite(*name_end);

     * Check if there are enough arguments.  The first argument may be a
     * pattern, where '|' is allowed, so only check for NUL.
    if (ends_excmd(*arg) || *rest == NUL)
        return NULL;
    return rest;

 * Check for syntax command option arguments.
 * This can be called at any place in the list of arguments, and just picks
 * out the arguments that are known.  Can be called several times in a row to
 * collect all options in between other arguments.
 * Return a pointer to the next argument (which isn't an option).
 * Return NULL for any error;
    static char_u *
get_syn_options(arg, opt)
    char_u          *arg;               /* next argument to be checked */
    syn_opt_arg_T   *opt;               /* various things */
    char_u      *gname_start, *gname;
    int         syn_id;
    int         len;
    char        *p;
    int         i;
    int         fidx;
    static struct flag
        char    *name;
        int     argtype;
        int     flags;
    } flagtab[] = { {"cCoOnNtTaAiInNeEdD",      0,      HL_CONTAINED},
                    {"oOnNeElLiInNeE",          0,      HL_ONELINE},
                    {"kKeEeEpPeEnNdD",          0,      HL_KEEPEND},
                    {"eExXtTeEnNdD",            0,      HL_EXTEND},
                    {"eExXcClLuUdDeEnNlL",      0,      HL_EXCLUDENL},
                    {"tTrRaAnNsSpPaArReEnNtT",  0,      HL_TRANSP},
                    {"sSkKiIpPnNlL",            0,      HL_SKIPNL},
                    {"sSkKiIpPwWhHiItTeE",      0,      HL_SKIPWHITE},
                    {"sSkKiIpPeEmMpPtTyY",      0,      HL_SKIPEMPTY},
                    {"gGrRoOuUpPhHeErReE",      0,      HL_SYNC_HERE},
                    {"gGrRoOuUpPtThHeErReE",    0,      HL_SYNC_THERE},
                    {"dDiIsSpPlLaAyY",          0,      HL_DISPLAY},
                    {"fFoOlLdD",                0,      HL_FOLD},
                    {"cCoOnNtTaAiInNsS",        1,      0},
                    {"cCoOnNtTaAiInNeEdDiInN",  2,      0},
                    {"nNeExXtTgGrRoOuUpP",      3,      0},
    static char *first_letters = "cCoOkKeEtTsSgGdDfFnN";

    if (arg == NULL)            /* already detected error */
        return NULL;

    for (;;)
         * This is used very often when a large number of keywords is defined.
         * Need to skip quickly when no option name is found.
         * Also avoid tolower(), it's slow.
        if (strchr(first_letters, *arg) == NULL)

        for (fidx = sizeof(flagtab) / sizeof(struct flag); --fidx >= 0; )
            p = flagtab[fidx].name;
            for (i = 0, len = 0; p[i] != NUL; i += 2, ++len)
                if (arg[len] != p[i] && arg[len] != p[i + 1])
            if (p[i] == NUL && (vim_iswhite(arg[len])
                                    || (flagtab[fidx].argtype > 0
                                         ? arg[len] == '='
                                         : ends_excmd(arg[len]))))
                if (opt->keyword
                        && (flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_DISPLAY
                            || flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_FOLD
                            || flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_EXTEND))
                    /* treat "display", "fold" and "extend" as a keyword */
                    fidx = -1;
        if (fidx < 0)       /* no match found */

        if (flagtab[fidx].argtype == 1)
            if (!opt->has_cont_list)
                EMSG(_("E395: contains argument not accepted here"));
                return NULL;
            if (get_id_list(&arg, 8, &opt->cont_list) == FAIL)
                return NULL;
        else if (flagtab[fidx].argtype == 2)
#if 0       /* cannot happen */
            if (opt->cont_in_list == NULL)
                EMSG(_("E396: containedin argument not accepted here"));
                return NULL;
            if (get_id_list(&arg, 11, &opt->cont_in_list) == FAIL)
                return NULL;
        else if (flagtab[fidx].argtype == 3)
            if (get_id_list(&arg, 9, &opt->next_list) == FAIL)
                return NULL;
            opt->flags |= flagtab[fidx].flags;
            arg = skipwhite(arg + len);

            if (flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_SYNC_HERE
                    || flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_SYNC_THERE)
                if (opt->sync_idx == NULL)
                    EMSG(_("E393: group[t]here not accepted here"));
                    return NULL;
                gname_start = arg;
                arg = skiptowhite(arg);
                if (gname_start == arg)
                    return NULL;
                gname = vim_strnsave(gname_start, (int)(arg - gname_start));
                if (gname == NULL)
                    return NULL;
                if (STRCMP(gname, "NONE") == 0)
                    *opt->sync_idx = NONE_IDX;
                    syn_id = syn_name2id(gname);
                    for (i = curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
                        if (SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[i] == syn_id
                              && SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[i].sp_type == SPTYPE_START)
                            *opt->sync_idx = i;
                    if (i < 0)
                        EMSG2(_("E394: Didn't find region item for %s"), gname);
                        return NULL;

                arg = skipwhite(arg);
            else if (flagtab[fidx].flags == HL_FOLD
                                                && foldmethodIsSyntax(curwin))
                /* Need to update folds later. */

    return arg;

 * Adjustments to syntax item when declared in a ":syn include"'d file.
 * Set the contained flag, and if the item is not already contained, add it
 * to the specified top-level group, if any.
    static void
syn_incl_toplevel(id, flagsp)
    int         id;
    int         *flagsp;
    if ((*flagsp & HL_CONTAINED) || curbuf->b_syn_topgrp == 0)
    *flagsp |= HL_CONTAINED;
    if (curbuf->b_syn_topgrp >= SYNID_CLUSTER)
        /* We have to alloc this, because syn_combine_list() will free it. */
        short       *grp_list = (short *)alloc((unsigned)(2 * sizeof(short)));
        int         tlg_id = curbuf->b_syn_topgrp - SYNID_CLUSTER;

        if (grp_list != NULL)
            grp_list[0] = id;
            grp_list[1] = 0;
            syn_combine_list(&SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[tlg_id].scl_list, &grp_list,

 * Handle ":syntax include [@{group-name}] filename" command.
    static void
syn_cmd_include(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    int         sgl_id = 1;
    char_u      *group_name_end;
    char_u      *rest;
    char_u      *errormsg = NULL;
    int         prev_toplvl_grp;
    int         prev_syn_inc_tag;
    int         source = FALSE;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

    if (arg[0] == '@')
        rest = get_group_name(arg, &group_name_end);
        if (rest == NULL)
            EMSG((char_u *)_("E397: Filename required"));
        sgl_id = syn_check_cluster(arg, (int)(group_name_end - arg));
        /* separate_nextcmd() and expand_filename() depend on this */
        eap->arg = rest;

     * Everything that's left, up to the next command, should be the
     * filename to include.
    eap->argt |= (XFILE | NOSPC);
    if (*eap->arg == '<' || *eap->arg == '$' || mch_isFullName(eap->arg))
        /* For an absolute path, "$VIM/..." or "<sfile>.." we ":source" the
         * file.  Need to expand the file name first.  In other cases
         * ":runtime!" is used. */
        source = TRUE;
        if (expand_filename(eap, syn_cmdlinep, &errormsg) == FAIL)
            if (errormsg != NULL)

     * Save and restore the existing top-level grouplist id and ":syn
     * include" tag around the actual inclusion.
    prev_syn_inc_tag = current_syn_inc_tag;
    current_syn_inc_tag = ++running_syn_inc_tag;
    prev_toplvl_grp = curbuf->b_syn_topgrp;
    curbuf->b_syn_topgrp = sgl_id;
    if (source ? do_source(eap->arg, FALSE, FALSE) == FAIL
                                : source_runtime(eap->arg, DOSO_NONE) == FAIL)
        EMSG2(_(e_notopen), eap->arg);
    curbuf->b_syn_topgrp = prev_toplvl_grp;
    current_syn_inc_tag = prev_syn_inc_tag;

 * Handle ":syntax keyword {group-name} [{option}] keyword .." command.
    static void
syn_cmd_keyword(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *group_name_end;
    int         syn_id;
    char_u      *rest;
    char_u      *keyword_copy;
    char_u      *p;
    char_u      *kw;
    syn_opt_arg_T syn_opt_arg;
    int         cnt;

    rest = get_group_name(arg, &group_name_end);

    if (rest != NULL)
        syn_id = syn_check_group(arg, (int)(group_name_end - arg));

        /* allocate a buffer, for removing the backslashes in the keyword */
        keyword_copy = alloc((unsigned)STRLEN(rest) + 1);
        if (keyword_copy != NULL)
            syn_opt_arg.flags = 0;
            syn_opt_arg.keyword = TRUE;
            syn_opt_arg.sync_idx = NULL;
            syn_opt_arg.has_cont_list = FALSE;
            syn_opt_arg.cont_in_list = NULL;
            syn_opt_arg.next_list = NULL;

             * The options given apply to ALL keywords, so all options must be
             * found before keywords can be created.
             * 1: collect the options and copy the keywords to keyword_copy.
            cnt = 0;
            p = keyword_copy;
            for ( ; rest != NULL && !ends_excmd(*rest); rest = skipwhite(rest))
                rest = get_syn_options(rest, &syn_opt_arg);
                if (rest == NULL || ends_excmd(*rest))
                /* Copy the keyword, removing backslashes, and add a NUL. */
                while (*rest != NUL && !vim_iswhite(*rest))
                    if (*rest == '\\' && rest[1] != NUL)
                    *p++ = *rest++;
                *p++ = NUL;

            if (!eap->skip)
                /* Adjust flags for use of ":syn include". */
                syn_incl_toplevel(syn_id, &syn_opt_arg.flags);

                 * 2: Add an entry for each keyword.
                for (kw = keyword_copy; --cnt >= 0; kw += STRLEN(kw) + 1)
                    for (p = vim_strchr(kw, '['); ; )
                        if (p != NULL)
                            *p = NUL;
                        add_keyword(kw, syn_id, syn_opt_arg.flags,
                        if (p == NULL)
                        if (p[1] == NUL)
                            EMSG2(_("E789: Missing ']': %s"), kw);
                            kw = p + 2;         /* skip over the NUL */
                        if (p[1] == ']')
                            kw = p + 1;         /* skip over the "]" */
                        if (has_mbyte)
                            int l = (*mb_ptr2len)(p + 1);

                            mch_memmove(p, p + 1, l);
                            p += l;
                            p[0] = p[1];


    if (rest != NULL)
        eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(rest);
        EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), arg);

    syn_stack_free_all(curbuf);         /* Need to recompute all syntax. */

 * Handle ":syntax match {name} [{options}] {pattern} [{options}]".
 * Also ":syntax sync match {name} [[grouphere | groupthere] {group-name}] .."
    static void
syn_cmd_match(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* TRUE for ":syntax sync match .. " */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *group_name_end;
    char_u      *rest;
    synpat_T    item;           /* the item found in the line */
    int         syn_id;
    int         idx;
    syn_opt_arg_T syn_opt_arg;
    int         sync_idx = 0;

    /* Isolate the group name, check for validity */
    rest = get_group_name(arg, &group_name_end);

    /* Get options before the pattern */
    syn_opt_arg.flags = 0;
    syn_opt_arg.keyword = FALSE;
    syn_opt_arg.sync_idx = syncing ? &sync_idx : NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.has_cont_list = TRUE;
    syn_opt_arg.cont_list = NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.cont_in_list = NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.next_list = NULL;
    rest = get_syn_options(rest, &syn_opt_arg);

    /* get the pattern. */
    vim_memset(&item, 0, sizeof(item));
    rest = get_syn_pattern(rest, &item);
    if (vim_regcomp_had_eol() && !(syn_opt_arg.flags & HL_EXCLUDENL))
        syn_opt_arg.flags |= HL_HAS_EOL;

    /* Get options after the pattern */
    rest = get_syn_options(rest, &syn_opt_arg);

    if (rest != NULL)           /* all arguments are valid */
         * Check for trailing command and illegal trailing arguments.
        eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(rest);
        if (!ends_excmd(*rest) || eap->skip)
            rest = NULL;
        else if (ga_grow(&curbuf->b_syn_patterns, 1) != FAIL
                && (syn_id = syn_check_group(arg,
                                           (int)(group_name_end - arg))) != 0)
            syn_incl_toplevel(syn_id, &syn_opt_arg.flags);
             * Store the pattern in the syn_items list
            idx = curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx] = item;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syncing = syncing;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_type = SPTYPE_MATCH;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx] = syn_id;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syn.inc_tag = current_syn_inc_tag;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_flags = syn_opt_arg.flags;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_sync_idx = sync_idx;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_cont_list = syn_opt_arg.cont_list;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syn.cont_in_list =
            if (syn_opt_arg.cont_in_list != NULL)
                curbuf->b_syn_containedin = TRUE;
            SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_next_list = syn_opt_arg.next_list;

            /* remember that we found a match for syncing on */
            if (syn_opt_arg.flags & (HL_SYNC_HERE|HL_SYNC_THERE))
                curbuf->b_syn_sync_flags |= SF_MATCH;
            if (syn_opt_arg.flags & HL_FOLD)

            syn_stack_free_all(curbuf); /* Need to recompute all syntax. */
            return;     /* don't free the progs and patterns now */

     * Something failed, free the allocated memory.

    if (rest == NULL)
        EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), arg);

 * Handle ":syntax region {group-name} [matchgroup={group-name}]
 *              start {start} .. [skip {skip}] end {end} .. [{options}]".
    static void
syn_cmd_region(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* TRUE for ":syntax sync region .." */
    char_u              *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u              *group_name_end;
    char_u              *rest;                  /* next arg, NULL on error */
    char_u              *key_end;
    char_u              *key = NULL;
    char_u              *p;
    int                 item;
#define ITEM_START          0
#define ITEM_SKIP           1
#define ITEM_END            2
#define ITEM_MATCHGROUP     3
    struct pat_ptr
        synpat_T        *pp_synp;               /* pointer to syn_pattern */
        int             pp_matchgroup_id;       /* matchgroup ID */
        struct pat_ptr  *pp_next;               /* pointer to next pat_ptr */
    }                   *(pat_ptrs[3]);
                                        /* patterns found in the line */
    struct pat_ptr      *ppp;
    struct pat_ptr      *ppp_next;
    int                 pat_count = 0;          /* nr of syn_patterns found */
    int                 syn_id;
    int                 matchgroup_id = 0;
    int                 not_enough = FALSE;     /* not enough arguments */
    int                 illegal = FALSE;        /* illegal arguments */
    int                 success = FALSE;
    int                 idx;
    syn_opt_arg_T       syn_opt_arg;

    /* Isolate the group name, check for validity */
    rest = get_group_name(arg, &group_name_end);

    pat_ptrs[0] = NULL;
    pat_ptrs[1] = NULL;
    pat_ptrs[2] = NULL;


    syn_opt_arg.flags = 0;
    syn_opt_arg.keyword = FALSE;
    syn_opt_arg.sync_idx = NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.has_cont_list = TRUE;
    syn_opt_arg.cont_list = NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.cont_in_list = NULL;
    syn_opt_arg.next_list = NULL;

     * get the options, patterns and matchgroup.
    while (rest != NULL && !ends_excmd(*rest))
        /* Check for option arguments */
        rest = get_syn_options(rest, &syn_opt_arg);
        if (rest == NULL || ends_excmd(*rest))

        /* must be a pattern or matchgroup then */
        key_end = rest;
        while (*key_end && !vim_iswhite(*key_end) && *key_end != '=')
        key = vim_strnsave_up(rest, (int)(key_end - rest));
        if (key == NULL)                        /* out of memory */
            rest = NULL;
        if (STRCMP(key, "MATCHGROUP") == 0)
            item = ITEM_MATCHGROUP;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "START") == 0)
            item = ITEM_START;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "END") == 0)
            item = ITEM_END;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "SKIP") == 0)
            if (pat_ptrs[ITEM_SKIP] != NULL)    /* one skip pattern allowed */
                illegal = TRUE;
            item = ITEM_SKIP;
        rest = skipwhite(key_end);
        if (*rest != '=')
            rest = NULL;
            EMSG2(_("E398: Missing '=': %s"), arg);
        rest = skipwhite(rest + 1);
        if (*rest == NUL)
            not_enough = TRUE;

        if (item == ITEM_MATCHGROUP)
            p = skiptowhite(rest);
            if ((p - rest == 4 && STRNCMP(rest, "NONE", 4) == 0) || eap->skip)
                matchgroup_id = 0;
                matchgroup_id = syn_check_group(rest, (int)(p - rest));
                if (matchgroup_id == 0)
                    illegal = TRUE;
            rest = skipwhite(p);
             * Allocate room for a syn_pattern, and link it in the list of
             * syn_patterns for this item, at the start (because the list is
             * used from end to start).
            ppp = (struct pat_ptr *)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct pat_ptr));
            if (ppp == NULL)
                rest = NULL;
            ppp->pp_next = pat_ptrs[item];
            pat_ptrs[item] = ppp;
            ppp->pp_synp = (synpat_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(synpat_T));
            if (ppp->pp_synp == NULL)
                rest = NULL;

             * Get the syntax pattern and the following offset(s).
            /* Enable the appropriate \z specials. */
            if (item == ITEM_START)
                reg_do_extmatch = REX_SET;
            else if (item == ITEM_SKIP || item == ITEM_END)
                reg_do_extmatch = REX_USE;
            rest = get_syn_pattern(rest, ppp->pp_synp);
            reg_do_extmatch = 0;
            if (item == ITEM_END && vim_regcomp_had_eol()
                                       && !(syn_opt_arg.flags & HL_EXCLUDENL))
                ppp->pp_synp->sp_flags |= HL_HAS_EOL;
            ppp->pp_matchgroup_id = matchgroup_id;
    if (illegal || not_enough)
        rest = NULL;

     * Must have a "start" and "end" pattern.
    if (rest != NULL && (pat_ptrs[ITEM_START] == NULL ||
                                                  pat_ptrs[ITEM_END] == NULL))
        not_enough = TRUE;
        rest = NULL;

    if (rest != NULL)
         * Check for trailing garbage or command.
         * If OK, add the item.
        eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(rest);
        if (!ends_excmd(*rest) || eap->skip)
            rest = NULL;
        else if (ga_grow(&(curbuf->b_syn_patterns), pat_count) != FAIL
                && (syn_id = syn_check_group(arg,
                                           (int)(group_name_end - arg))) != 0)
            syn_incl_toplevel(syn_id, &syn_opt_arg.flags);
             * Store the start/skip/end in the syn_items list
            idx = curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len;
            for (item = ITEM_START; item <= ITEM_END; ++item)
                for (ppp = pat_ptrs[item]; ppp != NULL; ppp = ppp->pp_next)
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx] = *(ppp->pp_synp);
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syncing = syncing;
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_type =
                            (item == ITEM_START) ? SPTYPE_START :
                            (item == ITEM_SKIP) ? SPTYPE_SKIP : SPTYPE_END;
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_flags |= syn_opt_arg.flags;
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx] = syn_id;
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syn.inc_tag = current_syn_inc_tag;
                    SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syn_match_id =
                    if (item == ITEM_START)
                        SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_cont_list =
                        SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_syn.cont_in_list =
                        if (syn_opt_arg.cont_in_list != NULL)
                            curbuf->b_syn_containedin = TRUE;
                        SYN_ITEMS(curbuf)[idx].sp_next_list =
                    if (syn_opt_arg.flags & HL_FOLD)

            syn_stack_free_all(curbuf); /* Need to recompute all syntax. */
            success = TRUE;         /* don't free the progs and patterns now */

     * Free the allocated memory.
    for (item = ITEM_START; item <= ITEM_END; ++item)
        for (ppp = pat_ptrs[item]; ppp != NULL; ppp = ppp_next)
            if (!success)
            ppp_next = ppp->pp_next;

    if (!success)
        if (not_enough)
            EMSG2(_("E399: Not enough arguments: syntax region %s"), arg);
        else if (illegal || rest == NULL)
            EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), arg);

 * A simple syntax group ID comparison function suitable for use in qsort()
    static int
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
syn_compare_stub(v1, v2)
    const void  *v1;
    const void  *v2;
    const short *s1 = v1;
    const short *s2 = v2;

    return (*s1 > *s2 ? 1 : *s1 < *s2 ? -1 : 0);

 * Combines lists of syntax clusters.
 * *clstr1 and *clstr2 must both be allocated memory; they will be consumed.
    static void
syn_combine_list(clstr1, clstr2, list_op)
    short       **clstr1;
    short       **clstr2;
    int         list_op;
    int         count1 = 0;
    int         count2 = 0;
    short       *g1;
    short       *g2;
    short       *clstr = NULL;
    int         count;
    int         round;

     * Handle degenerate cases.
    if (*clstr2 == NULL)
    if (*clstr1 == NULL || list_op == CLUSTER_REPLACE)
        if (list_op == CLUSTER_REPLACE)
        if (list_op == CLUSTER_REPLACE || list_op == CLUSTER_ADD)
            *clstr1 = *clstr2;

    for (g1 = *clstr1; *g1; g1++)
    for (g2 = *clstr2; *g2; g2++)

     * For speed purposes, sort both lists.
    qsort(*clstr1, (size_t)count1, sizeof(short), syn_compare_stub);
    qsort(*clstr2, (size_t)count2, sizeof(short), syn_compare_stub);

     * We proceed in two passes; in round 1, we count the elements to place
     * in the new list, and in round 2, we allocate and populate the new
     * list.  For speed, we use a mergesort-like method, adding the smaller
     * of the current elements in each list to the new list.
    for (round = 1; round <= 2; round++)
        g1 = *clstr1;
        g2 = *clstr2;
        count = 0;

         * First, loop through the lists until one of them is empty.
        while (*g1 && *g2)
             * We always want to add from the first list.
            if (*g1 < *g2)
                if (round == 2)
                    clstr[count] = *g1;
             * We only want to add from the second list if we're adding the
             * lists.
            if (list_op == CLUSTER_ADD)
                if (round == 2)
                    clstr[count] = *g2;
            if (*g1 == *g2)

         * Now add the leftovers from whichever list didn't get finished
         * first.  As before, we only want to add from the second list if
         * we're adding the lists.
        for (; *g1; g1++, count++)
            if (round == 2)
                clstr[count] = *g1;
        if (list_op == CLUSTER_ADD)
            for (; *g2; g2++, count++)
                if (round == 2)
                    clstr[count] = *g2;

        if (round == 1)
             * If the group ended up empty, we don't need to allocate any
             * space for it.
            if (count == 0)
                clstr = NULL;
            clstr = (short *)alloc((unsigned)((count + 1) * sizeof(short)));
            if (clstr == NULL)
            clstr[count] = 0;

     * Finally, put the new list in place.
    *clstr1 = clstr;

 * Lookup a syntax cluster name and return it's ID.
 * If it is not found, 0 is returned.
    static int
    char_u      *name;
    int         i;
    char_u      *name_u;

    /* Avoid using stricmp() too much, it's slow on some systems */
    name_u = vim_strsave_up(name);
    if (name_u == NULL)
        return 0;
    for (i = curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        if (SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[i].scl_name_u != NULL
                && STRCMP(name_u, SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[i].scl_name_u) == 0)
    return (i < 0 ? 0 : i + SYNID_CLUSTER);

 * Like syn_scl_name2id(), but take a pointer + length argument.
    static int
syn_scl_namen2id(linep, len)
    char_u  *linep;
    int     len;
    char_u  *name;
    int     id = 0;

    name = vim_strnsave(linep, len);
    if (name != NULL)
        id = syn_scl_name2id(name);
    return id;

 * Find syntax cluster name in the table and return it's ID.
 * The argument is a pointer to the name and the length of the name.
 * If it doesn't exist yet, a new entry is created.
 * Return 0 for failure.
    static int
syn_check_cluster(pp, len)
    char_u      *pp;
    int         len;
    int         id;
    char_u      *name;

    name = vim_strnsave(pp, len);
    if (name == NULL)
        return 0;

    id = syn_scl_name2id(name);
    if (id == 0)                        /* doesn't exist yet */
        id = syn_add_cluster(name);
    return id;

 * Add new syntax cluster and return it's ID.
 * "name" must be an allocated string, it will be consumed.
 * Return 0 for failure.
    static int
    char_u      *name;
    int         len;

     * First call for this growarray: init growing array.
    if (curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_data == NULL)
        curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_itemsize = sizeof(syn_cluster_T);
        curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_growsize = 10;

     * Make room for at least one other cluster entry.
    if (ga_grow(&curbuf->b_syn_clusters, 1) == FAIL)
        return 0;
    len = curbuf->b_syn_clusters.ga_len;

    vim_memset(&(SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[len]), 0, sizeof(syn_cluster_T));
    SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[len].scl_name = name;
    SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[len].scl_name_u = vim_strsave_up(name);
    SYN_CLSTR(curbuf)[len].scl_list = NULL;

    if (STRICMP(name, "Spell") == 0)
        curbuf->b_spell_cluster_id = len + SYNID_CLUSTER;
    if (STRICMP(name, "NoSpell") == 0)
        curbuf->b_nospell_cluster_id = len + SYNID_CLUSTER;

    return len + SYNID_CLUSTER;

 * Handle ":syntax cluster {cluster-name} [contains={groupname},..]
 *              [add={groupname},..] [remove={groupname},..]".
    static void
syn_cmd_cluster(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *group_name_end;
    char_u      *rest;
    int         scl_id;
    short       *clstr_list;
    int         got_clstr = FALSE;
    int         opt_len;
    int         list_op;

    eap->nextcmd = find_nextcmd(arg);
    if (eap->skip)

    rest = get_group_name(arg, &group_name_end);

    if (rest != NULL)
        scl_id = syn_check_cluster(arg, (int)(group_name_end - arg))
                                                              - SYNID_CLUSTER;

        for (;;)
            if (STRNICMP(rest, "add", 3) == 0
                    && (vim_iswhite(rest[3]) || rest[3] == '='))
                opt_len = 3;
                list_op = CLUSTER_ADD;
            else if (STRNICMP(rest, "remove", 6) == 0
                    && (vim_iswhite(rest[6]) || rest[6] == '='))
                opt_len = 6;
                list_op = CLUSTER_SUBTRACT;
            else if (STRNICMP(rest, "contains", 8) == 0
                        && (vim_iswhite(rest[8]) || rest[8] == '='))
                opt_len = 8;
                list_op = CLUSTER_REPLACE;

            clstr_list = NULL;
            if (get_id_list(&rest, opt_len, &clstr_list) == FAIL)
                EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), rest);
                             &clstr_list, list_op);
            got_clstr = TRUE;

        if (got_clstr)
            syn_stack_free_all(curbuf); /* Need to recompute all syntax. */

    if (!got_clstr)
        EMSG(_("E400: No cluster specified"));
    if (rest == NULL || !ends_excmd(*rest))
        EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), arg);

 * On first call for current buffer: Init growing array.
    static void
    curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_itemsize = sizeof(synpat_T);
    curbuf->b_syn_patterns.ga_growsize = 10;

 * Get one pattern for a ":syntax match" or ":syntax region" command.
 * Stores the pattern and program in a synpat_T.
 * Returns a pointer to the next argument, or NULL in case of an error.
    static char_u *
get_syn_pattern(arg, ci)
    char_u      *arg;
    synpat_T    *ci;
    char_u      *end;
    int         *p;
    int         idx;
    char_u      *cpo_save;

    /* need at least three chars */
    if (arg == NULL || arg[1] == NUL || arg[2] == NUL)
        return NULL;

    end = skip_regexp(arg + 1, *arg, TRUE, NULL);
    if (*end != *arg)                       /* end delimiter not found */
        EMSG2(_("E401: Pattern delimiter not found: %s"), arg);
        return NULL;
    /* store the pattern and compiled regexp program */
    if ((ci->sp_pattern = vim_strnsave(arg + 1, (int)(end - arg - 1))) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* Make 'cpoptions' empty, to avoid the 'l' flag */
    cpo_save = p_cpo;
    p_cpo = (char_u *)"";
    ci->sp_prog = vim_regcomp(ci->sp_pattern, RE_MAGIC);
    p_cpo = cpo_save;

    if (ci->sp_prog == NULL)
        return NULL;
    ci->sp_ic = curbuf->b_syn_ic;

     * Check for a match, highlight or region offset.
        for (idx = SPO_COUNT; --idx >= 0; )
            if (STRNCMP(end, spo_name_tab[idx], 3) == 0)
        if (idx >= 0)
            p = &(ci->sp_offsets[idx]);
            if (idx != SPO_LC_OFF)
                switch (end[3])
                    case 's':   break;
                    case 'b':   break;
                    case 'e':   idx += SPO_COUNT; break;
                    default:    idx = -1; break;
            if (idx >= 0)
                ci->sp_off_flags |= (1 << idx);
                if (idx == SPO_LC_OFF)      /* lc=99 */
                    end += 3;
                    *p = getdigits(&end);

                    /* "lc=" offset automatically sets "ms=" offset */
                    if (!(ci->sp_off_flags & (1 << SPO_MS_OFF)))
                        ci->sp_off_flags |= (1 << SPO_MS_OFF);
                        ci->sp_offsets[SPO_MS_OFF] = *p;
                else                        /* yy=x+99 */
                    end += 4;
                    if (*end == '+')
                        *p = getdigits(&end);           /* positive offset */
                    else if (*end == '-')
                        *p = -getdigits(&end);          /* negative offset */
                if (*end != ',')
    } while (idx >= 0);

    if (!ends_excmd(*end) && !vim_iswhite(*end))
        EMSG2(_("E402: Garbage after pattern: %s"), arg);
        return NULL;
    return skipwhite(end);

 * Handle ":syntax sync .." command.
    static void
syn_cmd_sync(eap, syncing)
    exarg_T     *eap;
    int         syncing;            /* not used */
    char_u      *arg_start = eap->arg;
    char_u      *arg_end;
    char_u      *key = NULL;
    char_u      *next_arg;
    int         illegal = FALSE;
    int         finished = FALSE;
    long        n;
    char_u      *cpo_save;

    if (ends_excmd(*arg_start))
        syn_cmd_list(eap, TRUE);

    while (!ends_excmd(*arg_start))
        arg_end = skiptowhite(arg_start);
        next_arg = skipwhite(arg_end);
        key = vim_strnsave_up(arg_start, (int)(arg_end - arg_start));
        if (STRCMP(key, "CCOMMENT") == 0)
            if (!eap->skip)
                curbuf->b_syn_sync_flags |= SF_CCOMMENT;
            if (!ends_excmd(*next_arg))
                arg_end = skiptowhite(next_arg);
                if (!eap->skip)
                    curbuf->b_syn_sync_id = syn_check_group(next_arg,
                                                   (int)(arg_end - next_arg));
                next_arg = skipwhite(arg_end);
            else if (!eap->skip)
                curbuf->b_syn_sync_id = syn_name2id((char_u *)"Comment");
        else if (  STRNCMP(key, "LINES", 5) == 0
                || STRNCMP(key, "MINLINES", 8) == 0
                || STRNCMP(key, "MAXLINES", 8) == 0
                || STRNCMP(key, "LINEBREAKS", 10) == 0)
            if (key[4] == 'S')
                arg_end = key + 6;
            else if (key[0] == 'L')
                arg_end = key + 11;
                arg_end = key + 9;
            if (arg_end[-1] != '=' || !VIM_ISDIGIT(*arg_end))
                illegal = TRUE;
            n = getdigits(&arg_end);
            if (!eap->skip)
                if (key[4] == 'B')
                    curbuf->b_syn_sync_linebreaks = n;
                else if (key[1] == 'A')
                    curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines = n;
                    curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines = n;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "FROMSTART") == 0)
            if (!eap->skip)
                curbuf->b_syn_sync_minlines = MAXLNUM;
                curbuf->b_syn_sync_maxlines = 0;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "LINECONT") == 0)
            if (curbuf->b_syn_linecont_pat != NULL)
                EMSG(_("E403: syntax sync: line continuations pattern specified twice"));
                finished = TRUE;
            arg_end = skip_regexp(next_arg + 1, *next_arg, TRUE, NULL);
            if (*arg_end != *next_arg)      /* end delimiter not found */
                illegal = TRUE;

            if (!eap->skip)
                /* store the pattern and compiled regexp program */
                if ((curbuf->b_syn_linecont_pat = vim_strnsave(next_arg + 1,
                                      (int)(arg_end - next_arg - 1))) == NULL)
                    finished = TRUE;
                curbuf->b_syn_linecont_ic = curbuf->b_syn_ic;

                /* Make 'cpoptions' empty, to avoid the 'l' flag */
                cpo_save = p_cpo;
                p_cpo = (char_u *)"";
                curbuf->b_syn_linecont_prog =
                            vim_regcomp(curbuf->b_syn_linecont_pat, RE_MAGIC);
                p_cpo = cpo_save;

                if (curbuf->b_syn_linecont_prog == NULL)
                    curbuf->b_syn_linecont_pat = NULL;
                    finished = TRUE;
            next_arg = skipwhite(arg_end + 1);
            eap->arg = next_arg;
            if (STRCMP(key, "MATCH") == 0)
                syn_cmd_match(eap, TRUE);
            else if (STRCMP(key, "REGION") == 0)
                syn_cmd_region(eap, TRUE);
            else if (STRCMP(key, "CLEAR") == 0)
                syn_cmd_clear(eap, TRUE);
                illegal = TRUE;
            finished = TRUE;
        arg_start = next_arg;
    if (illegal)
        EMSG2(_("E404: Illegal arguments: %s"), arg_start);
    else if (!finished)
        eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(arg_start);
        syn_stack_free_all(curbuf);     /* Need to recompute all syntax. */

 * Convert a line of highlight group names into a list of group ID numbers.
 * "arg" should point to the "contains" or "nextgroup" keyword.
 * "arg" is advanced to after the last group name.
 * Careful: the argument is modified (NULs added).
 * returns FAIL for some error, OK for success.
    static int
get_id_list(arg, keylen, list)
    char_u      **arg;
    int         keylen;         /* length of keyword */
    short       **list;         /* where to store the resulting list, if not
                                   NULL, the list is silently skipped! */
    char_u      *p = NULL;
    char_u      *end;
    int         round;
    int         count;
    int         total_count = 0;
    short       *retval = NULL;
    char_u      *name;
    regmatch_T  regmatch;
    int         id;
    int         i;
    int         failed = FALSE;

     * We parse the list twice:
     * round == 1: count the number of items, allocate the array.
     * round == 2: fill the array with the items.
     * In round 1 new groups may be added, causing the number of items to
     * grow when a regexp is used.  In that case round 1 is done once again.
    for (round = 1; round <= 2; ++round)
         * skip "contains"
        p = skipwhite(*arg + keylen);
        if (*p != '=')
            EMSG2(_("E405: Missing equal sign: %s"), *arg);
        p = skipwhite(p + 1);
        if (ends_excmd(*p))
            EMSG2(_("E406: Empty argument: %s"), *arg);

         * parse the arguments after "contains"
        count = 0;
        while (!ends_excmd(*p))
            for (end = p; *end && !vim_iswhite(*end) && *end != ','; ++end)
            name = alloc((int)(end - p + 3));       /* leave room for "^$" */
            if (name == NULL)
                failed = TRUE;
            vim_strncpy(name + 1, p, end - p);
            if (       STRCMP(name + 1, "ALLBUT") == 0
                    || STRCMP(name + 1, "ALL") == 0
                    || STRCMP(name + 1, "TOP") == 0
                    || STRCMP(name + 1, "CONTAINED") == 0)
                if (TOUPPER_ASC(**arg) != 'C')
                    EMSG2(_("E407: %s not allowed here"), name + 1);
                    failed = TRUE;
                if (count != 0)
                    EMSG2(_("E408: %s must be first in contains list"), name + 1);
                    failed = TRUE;
                if (name[1] == 'A')
                    id = SYNID_ALLBUT;
                else if (name[1] == 'T')
                    id = SYNID_TOP;
                    id = SYNID_CONTAINED;
                id += current_syn_inc_tag;
            else if (name[1] == '@')
                id = syn_check_cluster(name + 2, (int)(end - p - 1));
                 * Handle full group name.
                if (vim_strpbrk(name + 1, (char_u *)"\\.*^$~[") == NULL)
                    id = syn_check_group(name + 1, (int)(end - p));
                     * Handle match of regexp with group names.
                    *name = '^';
                    STRCAT(name, "$");
                    regmatch.regprog = vim_regcomp(name, RE_MAGIC);
                    if (regmatch.regprog == NULL)
                        failed = TRUE;

                    regmatch.rm_ic = TRUE;
                    id = 0;
                    for (i = highlight_ga.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
                        if (vim_regexec(&regmatch, HL_TABLE()[i].sg_name,
                            if (round == 2)
                                /* Got more items than expected; can happen
                                 * when adding items that match:
                                 * "contains=a.*b,axb".
                                 * Go back to first round */
                                if (count >= total_count)
                                    round = 1;
                                    retval[count] = i + 1;
                            id = -1;        /* remember that we found one */
            if (id == 0)
                EMSG2(_("E409: Unknown group name: %s"), p);
                failed = TRUE;
            if (id > 0)
                if (round == 2)
                    /* Got more items than expected, go back to first round */
                    if (count >= total_count)
                        round = 1;
                        retval[count] = id;
            p = skipwhite(end);
            if (*p != ',')
            p = skipwhite(p + 1);       /* skip comma in between arguments */
        if (failed)
        if (round == 1)
            retval = (short *)alloc((unsigned)((count + 1) * sizeof(short)));
            if (retval == NULL)
            retval[count] = 0;      /* zero means end of the list */
            total_count = count;

    *arg = p;
    if (failed || retval == NULL)
        return FAIL;

    if (*list == NULL)
        *list = retval;
        vim_free(retval);       /* list already found, don't overwrite it */

    return OK;

 * Make a copy of an ID list.
    static short *
    short   *list;
    int     len;
    int     count;
    short   *retval;

    if (list == NULL)
        return NULL;

    for (count = 0; list[count]; ++count)
    len = (count + 1) * sizeof(short);
    retval = (short *)alloc((unsigned)len);
    if (retval != NULL)
        mch_memmove(retval, list, (size_t)len);

    return retval;

 * Check if syntax group "ssp" is in the ID list "list" of "cur_si".
 * "cur_si" can be NULL if not checking the "containedin" list.
 * Used to check if a syntax item is in the "contains" or "nextgroup" list of
 * the current item.
 * This function is called very often, keep it fast!!
    static int
in_id_list(cur_si, list, ssp, contained)
    stateitem_T *cur_si;        /* current item or NULL */
    short       *list;          /* id list */
    struct sp_syn *ssp;         /* group id and ":syn include" tag of group */
    int         contained;      /* group id is contained */
    int         retval;
    short       *scl_list;
    short       item;
    short       id = ssp->id;
    static int  depth = 0;
    int         r;

    /* If spp has a "containedin" list and "cur_si" is in it, return TRUE. */
    if (cur_si != NULL && ssp->cont_in_list != NULL
                                            && !(cur_si->si_flags & HL_MATCH))
        /* Ignore transparent items without a contains argument.  Double check
         * that we don't go back past the first one. */
        while ((cur_si->si_flags & HL_TRANS_CONT)
                && cur_si > (stateitem_T *)(current_state.ga_data))
        /* cur_si->si_idx is -1 for keywords, these never contain anything. */
        if (cur_si->si_idx >= 0 && in_id_list(NULL, ssp->cont_in_list,
                  SYN_ITEMS(syn_buf)[cur_si->si_idx].sp_flags & HL_CONTAINED))
            return TRUE;

    if (list == NULL)
        return FALSE;

     * If list is ID_LIST_ALL, we are in a transparent item that isn't
     * inside anything.  Only allow not-contained groups.
    if (list == ID_LIST_ALL)
        return !contained;

     * If the first item is "ALLBUT", return TRUE if "id" is NOT in the
     * contains list.  We also require that "id" is at the same ":syn include"
     * level as the list.
    item = *list;
    if (item >= SYNID_ALLBUT && item < SYNID_CLUSTER)
        if (item < SYNID_TOP)
            /* ALL or ALLBUT: accept all groups in the same file */
            if (item - SYNID_ALLBUT != ssp->inc_tag)
                return FALSE;
        else if (item < SYNID_CONTAINED)
            /* TOP: accept all not-contained groups in the same file */
            if (item - SYNID_TOP != ssp->inc_tag || contained)
                return FALSE;
            /* CONTAINED: accept all contained groups in the same file */
            if (item - SYNID_CONTAINED != ssp->inc_tag || !contained)
                return FALSE;
        item = *++list;
        retval = FALSE;
        retval = TRUE;

     * Return "retval" if id is in the contains list.
    while (item != 0)
        if (item == id)
            return retval;
        if (item >= SYNID_CLUSTER)
            scl_list = SYN_CLSTR(syn_buf)[item - SYNID_CLUSTER].scl_list;
            /* restrict recursiveness to 30 to avoid an endless loop for a
             * cluster that includes itself (indirectly) */
            if (scl_list != NULL && depth < 30)
                r = in_id_list(NULL, scl_list, ssp, contained);
                if (r)
                    return retval;
        item = *++list;
    return !retval;

struct subcommand
    char    *name;                              /* subcommand name */
    void    (*func)__ARGS((exarg_T *, int));    /* function to call */

static struct subcommand subcommands[] =
    {"case",            syn_cmd_case},
    {"clear",           syn_cmd_clear},
    {"cluster",         syn_cmd_cluster},
    {"enable",          syn_cmd_enable},
    {"include",         syn_cmd_include},
    {"keyword",         syn_cmd_keyword},
    {"list",            syn_cmd_list},
    {"manual",          syn_cmd_manual},
    {"match",           syn_cmd_match},
    {"on",              syn_cmd_on},
    {"off",             syn_cmd_off},
    {"region",          syn_cmd_region},
    {"reset",           syn_cmd_reset},
    {"spell",           syn_cmd_spell},
    {"sync",            syn_cmd_sync},
    {"",                syn_cmd_list},
    {NULL, NULL}

 * ":syntax".
 * This searches the subcommands[] table for the subcommand name, and calls a
 * syntax_subcommand() function to do the rest.
    exarg_T     *eap;
    char_u      *arg = eap->arg;
    char_u      *subcmd_end;
    char_u      *subcmd_name;
    int         i;

    syn_cmdlinep = eap->cmdlinep;

    /* isolate subcommand name */
    for (subcmd_end = arg; ASCII_ISALPHA(*subcmd_end); ++subcmd_end)
    subcmd_name = vim_strnsave(arg, (int)(subcmd_end - arg));
    if (subcmd_name != NULL)
        if (eap->skip)          /* skip error messages for all subcommands */
        for (i = 0; ; ++i)
            if (subcommands[i].name == NULL)
                EMSG2(_("E410: Invalid :syntax subcommand: %s"), subcmd_name);
            if (STRCMP(subcmd_name, (char_u *)subcommands[i].name) == 0)
                eap->arg = skipwhite(subcmd_end);
                (subcommands[i].func)(eap, FALSE);
        if (eap->skip)

    buf_T       *buf;
    return (buf->b_syn_patterns.ga_len != 0
            || buf->b_syn_clusters.ga_len != 0
            || curbuf->b_keywtab.ht_used > 0
            || curbuf->b_keywtab_ic.ht_used > 0);

#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || defined(PROTO)

static enum
    EXP_SUBCMD,     /* expand ":syn" sub-commands */
    EXP_CASE        /* expand ":syn case" arguments */
} expand_what;

 * Handle command line completion for :syntax command.
set_context_in_syntax_cmd(xp, arg)
    expand_T    *xp;
    char_u      *arg;
    char_u      *p;

    /* Default: expand subcommands */
    xp->xp_context = EXPAND_SYNTAX;
    expand_what = EXP_SUBCMD;
    xp->xp_pattern = arg;
    include_link = FALSE;
    include_default = FALSE;

    /* (part of) subcommand already typed */
    if (*arg != NUL)
        p = skiptowhite(arg);
        if (*p != NUL)              /* past first word */
            xp->xp_pattern = skipwhite(p);
            if (*skiptowhite(xp->xp_pattern) != NUL)
                xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;
            else if (STRNICMP(arg, "case", p - arg) == 0)
                expand_what = EXP_CASE;
            else if (  STRNICMP(arg, "keyword", p - arg) == 0
                    || STRNICMP(arg, "region", p - arg) == 0
                    || STRNICMP(arg, "match", p - arg) == 0
                    || STRNICMP(arg, "list", p - arg) == 0)
                xp->xp_context = EXPAND_HIGHLIGHT;
                xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;

static char *(case_args[]) = {"match", "ignore", NULL};

 * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list syntax names for
 * expansion.
    char_u *
get_syntax_name(xp, idx)
    expand_T    *xp;
    int         idx;
    if (expand_what == EXP_SUBCMD)
        return (char_u *)subcommands[idx].name;
    return (char_u *)case_args[idx];

#endif /* FEAT_CMDL_COMPL */

 * Function called for expression evaluation: get syntax ID at file position.
syn_get_id(wp, lnum, col, trans, spellp)
    win_T       *wp;
    long        lnum;
    colnr_T     col;
    int         trans;      /* remove transparancy */
    int         *spellp;    /* return: can do spell checking */
    /* When the position is not after the current position and in the same
     * line of the same buffer, need to restart parsing. */
    if (wp->w_buffer != syn_buf
            || lnum != current_lnum
            || col < current_col)
        syntax_start(wp, lnum);

    (void)get_syntax_attr(col, spellp);

    return (trans ? current_trans_id : current_id);

#if defined(FEAT_FOLDING) || defined(PROTO)
 * Function called to get folding level for line "lnum" in window "wp".
syn_get_foldlevel(wp, lnum)
    win_T       *wp;
    long        lnum;
    int         level = 0;
    int         i;

    /* Return quickly when there are no fold items at all. */
    if (wp->w_buffer->b_syn_folditems != 0)
        syntax_start(wp, lnum);

        for (i = 0; i < current_state.ga_len; ++i)
            if (CUR_STATE(i).si_flags & HL_FOLD)
    if (level > wp->w_p_fdn)
        level = wp->w_p_fdn;
        if (level < 0)
            level = 0;
    return level;

#endif /* FEAT_SYN_HL */

 *  Highlighting stuff                *

 * The default highlight groups.  These are compiled-in for fast startup and
 * they still work when the runtime files can't be found.
 * When making changes here, also change runtime/colors/default.vim!
 * The #ifdefs are needed to reduce the amount of static data.  Helps to make
 * the 16 bit DOS (museum) version compile.
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
# define CENT(a, b) b
# define CENT(a, b) a
static char *(highlight_init_both[]) =
        CENT("ErrorMsg term=standout ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=White",
             "ErrorMsg term=standout ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=White guibg=Red guifg=White"),
        CENT("IncSearch term=reverse cterm=reverse",
             "IncSearch term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse"),
        CENT("ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold",
             "ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold"),
        CENT("NonText term=bold ctermfg=Blue",
             "NonText term=bold ctermfg=Blue gui=bold guifg=Blue"),
        CENT("StatusLine term=reverse,bold cterm=reverse,bold",
             "StatusLine term=reverse,bold cterm=reverse,bold gui=reverse,bold"),
        CENT("StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse",
             "StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse"),
        CENT("VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse",
             "VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse"),
        CENT("VisualNOS term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold",
             "VisualNOS term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold"),
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
        CENT("DiffText term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=Red",
             "DiffText term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=Red gui=bold guibg=Red"),
        CENT("PmenuThumb cterm=reverse",
             "PmenuThumb cterm=reverse gui=reverse"),
        CENT("PmenuSbar ctermbg=Grey",
             "PmenuSbar ctermbg=Grey guibg=Grey"),
        CENT("TabLineSel term=bold cterm=bold",
             "TabLineSel term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold"),
        CENT("TabLineFill term=reverse cterm=reverse",
             "TabLineFill term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse"),
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
        "Cursor guibg=fg guifg=bg",
        "lCursor guibg=fg guifg=bg", /* should be different, but what? */

static char *(highlight_init_light[]) =
        CENT("Directory term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue",
             "Directory term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue"),
        CENT("LineNr term=underline ctermfg=Brown",
             "LineNr term=underline ctermfg=Brown guifg=Brown"),
        CENT("MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=DarkGreen",
             "MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen"),
        CENT("Question term=standout ctermfg=DarkGreen",
             "Question term=standout ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen"),
        CENT("Search term=reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=NONE",
             "Search term=reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=NONE guibg=Yellow guifg=NONE"),
        CENT("SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=LightRed",
             "SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=LightRed guisp=Red gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellCap term=reverse ctermbg=LightBlue",
             "SpellCap term=reverse ctermbg=LightBlue guisp=Blue gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellRare term=reverse ctermbg=LightMagenta",
             "SpellRare term=reverse ctermbg=LightMagenta guisp=Magenta gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellLocal term=underline ctermbg=Cyan",
             "SpellLocal term=underline ctermbg=Cyan guisp=DarkCyan gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("Pmenu ctermbg=LightMagenta",
             "Pmenu ctermbg=LightMagenta guibg=LightMagenta"),
        CENT("PmenuSel ctermbg=LightGrey",
             "PmenuSel ctermbg=LightGrey guibg=Grey"),
        CENT("SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue",
             "SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue"),
        CENT("Title term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta",
             "Title term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta gui=bold guifg=Magenta"),
        CENT("WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=DarkRed",
             "WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=Red"),
        CENT("WildMenu term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black",
             "WildMenu term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guibg=Yellow guifg=Black"),
        CENT("Folded term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue",
             "Folded term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=LightGrey guifg=DarkBlue"),
        CENT("FoldColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue",
             "FoldColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue"),
        CENT("SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue",
             "SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue"),
        CENT("Visual term=reverse",
             "Visual term=reverse guibg=LightGrey"),
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
        CENT("DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=LightBlue",
             "DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=LightBlue guibg=LightBlue"),
        CENT("DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=LightMagenta",
             "DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=LightMagenta guibg=LightMagenta"),
        CENT("DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=LightCyan",
             "DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=LightCyan gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan"),
        CENT("TabLine term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=black ctermbg=LightGrey",
             "TabLine term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=black ctermbg=LightGrey gui=underline guibg=LightGrey"),
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
        CENT("CursorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=LightGrey",
             "CursorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=LightGrey guibg=Grey90"),
        CENT("CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline",
             "CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline guibg=Grey90"),
        CENT("MatchParen term=reverse ctermbg=Cyan",
             "MatchParen term=reverse ctermbg=Cyan guibg=Cyan"),
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
        "Normal gui=NONE",

static char *(highlight_init_dark[]) =
        CENT("Directory term=bold ctermfg=LightCyan",
             "Directory term=bold ctermfg=LightCyan guifg=Cyan"),
        CENT("LineNr term=underline ctermfg=Yellow",
             "LineNr term=underline ctermfg=Yellow guifg=Yellow"),
        CENT("MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=LightGreen",
             "MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=LightGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen"),
        CENT("Question term=standout ctermfg=LightGreen",
             "Question term=standout ctermfg=LightGreen gui=bold guifg=Green"),
        CENT("Search term=reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black",
             "Search term=reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guibg=Yellow guifg=Black"),
        CENT("SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=LightBlue",
             "SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=Cyan"),
        CENT("SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=Red",
             "SpellBad term=reverse ctermbg=Red guisp=Red gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellCap term=reverse ctermbg=Blue",
             "SpellCap term=reverse ctermbg=Blue guisp=Blue gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellRare term=reverse ctermbg=Magenta",
             "SpellRare term=reverse ctermbg=Magenta guisp=Magenta gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("SpellLocal term=underline ctermbg=Cyan",
             "SpellLocal term=underline ctermbg=Cyan guisp=Cyan gui=undercurl"),
        CENT("Pmenu ctermbg=Magenta",
             "Pmenu ctermbg=Magenta guibg=Magenta"),
        CENT("PmenuSel ctermbg=DarkGrey",
             "PmenuSel ctermbg=DarkGrey guibg=DarkGrey"),
        CENT("Title term=bold ctermfg=LightMagenta",
             "Title term=bold ctermfg=LightMagenta gui=bold guifg=Magenta"),
        CENT("WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=LightRed",
             "WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=LightRed guifg=Red"),
        CENT("WildMenu term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black",
             "WildMenu term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guibg=Yellow guifg=Black"),
        CENT("Folded term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan",
             "Folded term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan guibg=DarkGrey guifg=Cyan"),
        CENT("FoldColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan",
             "FoldColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan guibg=Grey guifg=Cyan"),
        CENT("SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan",
             "SignColumn term=standout ctermbg=DarkGrey ctermfg=Cyan guibg=Grey guifg=Cyan"),
        CENT("Visual term=reverse",
             "Visual term=reverse guibg=DarkGrey"),
#ifdef FEAT_DIFF
        CENT("DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=DarkBlue",
             "DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=DarkBlue guibg=DarkBlue"),
        CENT("DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=DarkMagenta",
             "DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=DarkMagenta guibg=DarkMagenta"),
        CENT("DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=DarkCyan",
             "DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=DarkCyan gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=DarkCyan"),
        CENT("TabLine term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=white ctermbg=DarkGrey",
             "TabLine term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=white ctermbg=DarkGrey gui=underline guibg=DarkGrey"),
#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
        CENT("CursorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=DarkGrey",
             "CursorColumn term=reverse ctermbg=DarkGrey guibg=Grey40"),
        CENT("CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline",
             "CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline guibg=Grey40"),
        CENT("MatchParen term=reverse ctermbg=DarkCyan",
             "MatchParen term=reverse ctermbg=DarkCyan guibg=DarkCyan"),
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
        "Normal gui=NONE",

init_highlight(both, reset)
    int         both;       /* include groups where 'bg' doesn't matter */
    int         reset;      /* clear group first */
    int         i;
    char        **pp;
    static int  had_both = FALSE;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    char_u      *p;

     * Try finding the color scheme file.  Used when a color file was loaded
     * and 'background' or 't_Co' is changed.
    p = get_var_value((char_u *)"g:colors_name");
    if (p != NULL && load_colors(p) == OK)

     * Didn't use a color file, use the compiled-in colors.
    if (both)
        had_both = TRUE;
        pp = highlight_init_both;
        for (i = 0; pp[i] != NULL; ++i)
            do_highlight((char_u *)pp[i], reset, TRUE);
    else if (!had_both)
        /* Don't do anything before the call with both == TRUE from main().
         * Not everything has been setup then, and that call will overrule
         * everything anyway. */

    if (*p_bg == 'l')
        pp = highlight_init_light;
        pp = highlight_init_dark;
    for (i = 0; pp[i] != NULL; ++i)
        do_highlight((char_u *)pp[i], reset, TRUE);

    /* Reverse looks ugly, but grey may not work for 8 colors.  Thus let it
     * depend on the number of colors available.
     * With 8 colors brown is equal to yellow, need to use black for Search fg
     * to avoid Statement highlighted text disappears. */
    if (t_colors > 8)
        do_highlight((char_u *)(*p_bg == 'l' ? "Visual ctermbg=LightGrey"
                                   : "Visual ctermbg=DarkGrey"), FALSE, TRUE);
        do_highlight((char_u *)"Visual cterm=reverse", FALSE, TRUE);
        if (*p_bg == 'l')
            do_highlight((char_u *)"Search ctermfg=black", FALSE, TRUE);

#ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
     * If syntax highlighting is enabled load the highlighting for it.
    if (get_var_value((char_u *)"g:syntax_on") != NULL)
        static int      recursive = 0;

        if (recursive >= 5)
            EMSG(_("E679: recursive loop loading syncolor.vim"));
            (void)source_runtime((char_u *)"syntax/syncolor.vim", TRUE);

 * Load color file "name".
 * Return OK for success, FAIL for failure.
    char_u      *name;
    char_u      *buf;
    int         retval = FAIL;
    static int  recursive = FALSE;

    /* When being called recursively, this is probably because setting
     * 'background' caused the highlighting to be reloaded.  This means it is
     * working, thus we should return OK. */
    if (recursive)
        return OK;

    recursive = TRUE;
    buf = alloc((unsigned)(STRLEN(name) + 12));
    if (buf != NULL)
        sprintf((char *)buf, "colors/%s.vim", name);
        retval = source_runtime(buf, FALSE);
        apply_autocmds(EVENT_COLORSCHEME, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
    recursive = FALSE;

    return retval;

 * Handle the ":highlight .." command.
 * When using ":hi clear" this is called recursively for each group with
 * "forceit" and "init" both TRUE.
do_highlight(line, forceit, init)
    char_u      *line;
    int         forceit;
    int         init;       /* TRUE when called for initializing */
    char_u      *name_end;
    char_u      *p;
    char_u      *linep;
    char_u      *key_start;
    char_u      *arg_start;
    char_u      *key = NULL, *arg = NULL;
    long        i;
    int         off;
    int         len;
    int         attr;
    int         id;
    int         idx;
    int         dodefault = FALSE;
    int         doclear = FALSE;
    int         dolink = FALSE;
    int         error = FALSE;
    int         color;
    int         is_normal_group = FALSE;        /* "Normal" group */
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
    int         is_menu_group = FALSE;          /* "Menu" group */
    int         is_scrollbar_group = FALSE;     /* "Scrollbar" group */
    int         is_tooltip_group = FALSE;       /* "Tooltip" group */
    int         do_colors = FALSE;              /* need to update colors? */
# define is_menu_group 0
# define is_tooltip_group 0

     * If no argument, list current highlighting.
    if (ends_excmd(*line))
        for (i = 1; i <= highlight_ga.ga_len && !got_int; ++i)
            /* TODO: only call when the group has attributes set */

     * Isolate the name.
    name_end = skiptowhite(line);
    linep = skipwhite(name_end);

     * Check for "default" argument.
    if (STRNCMP(line, "default", name_end - line) == 0)
        dodefault = TRUE;
        line = linep;
        name_end = skiptowhite(line);
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);

     * Check for "clear" or "link" argument.
    if (STRNCMP(line, "clear", name_end - line) == 0)
        doclear = TRUE;
    if (STRNCMP(line, "link", name_end - line) == 0)
        dolink = TRUE;

     * ":highlight {group-name}": list highlighting for one group.
    if (!doclear && !dolink && ends_excmd(*linep))
        id = syn_namen2id(line, (int)(name_end - line));
        if (id == 0)
            EMSG2(_("E411: highlight group not found: %s"), line);

     * Handle ":highlight link {from} {to}" command.
    if (dolink)
        char_u      *from_start = linep;
        char_u      *from_end;
        char_u      *to_start;
        char_u      *to_end;
        int         from_id;
        int         to_id;

        from_end = skiptowhite(from_start);
        to_start = skipwhite(from_end);
        to_end   = skiptowhite(to_start);

        if (ends_excmd(*from_start) || ends_excmd(*to_start))
            EMSG2(_("E412: Not enough arguments: \":highlight link %s\""),

        if (!ends_excmd(*skipwhite(to_end)))
            EMSG2(_("E413: Too many arguments: \":highlight link %s\""), from_start);

        from_id = syn_check_group(from_start, (int)(from_end - from_start));
        if (STRNCMP(to_start, "NONE", 4) == 0)
            to_id = 0;
            to_id = syn_check_group(to_start, (int)(to_end - to_start));

        if (from_id > 0 && (!init || HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1].sg_set == 0))
             * Don't allow a link when there already is some highlighting
             * for the group, unless '!' is used
            if (to_id > 0 && !forceit && !init
                                   && hl_has_settings(from_id - 1, dodefault))
                if (sourcing_name == NULL && !dodefault)
                    EMSG(_("E414: group has settings, highlight link ignored"));
                if (!init)
                    HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1].sg_set |= SG_LINK;
                HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1].sg_link = to_id;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
                HL_TABLE()[from_id - 1].sg_scriptID = current_SID;

        /* Only call highlight_changed() once, after sourcing a syntax file */
        need_highlight_changed = TRUE;


    if (doclear)
         * ":highlight clear [group]" command.
        line = linep;
        if (ends_excmd(*line))
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
            /* First, we do not destroy the old values, but allocate the new
             * ones and update the display. THEN we destroy the old values.
             * If we destroy the old values first, then the old values
             * (such as GuiFont's or GuiFontset's) will still be displayed but
             * invalid because they were free'd.
            if (gui.in_use)
# endif
# if defined(FEAT_MENU) && (defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA) || defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF))
# endif
# if defined(FEAT_GUI_MSWIN) || defined(FEAT_GUI_X11)
# endif
# ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
#  ifdef FEAT_MENU

            /* This only needs to be done when there is no Menu highlight
             * group defined by default, which IS currently the case.
#  endif
            if (gui.in_use)
#  ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
#  endif
#  ifdef FEAT_MENU
#  endif
# endif

            /* Ok, we're done allocating the new default graphics items.
             * The screen should already be refreshed at this point.
             * It is now Ok to clear out the old data.
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
            do_unlet((char_u *)"colors_name", TRUE);

             * Clear all default highlight groups and load the defaults.
            for (idx = 0; idx < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++idx)
            init_highlight(TRUE, TRUE);
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
            if (gui.in_use)
        name_end = skiptowhite(line);
        linep = skipwhite(name_end);

     * Find the group name in the table.  If it does not exist yet, add it.
    id = syn_check_group(line, (int)(name_end - line));
    if (id == 0)                        /* failed (out of memory) */
    idx = id - 1;                       /* index is ID minus one */

    /* Return if "default" was used and the group already has settings. */
    if (dodefault && hl_has_settings(idx, TRUE))

    if (STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_name_u, "NORMAL") == 0)
        is_normal_group = TRUE;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
    else if (STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_name_u, "MENU") == 0)
        is_menu_group = TRUE;
    else if (STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_name_u, "SCROLLBAR") == 0)
        is_scrollbar_group = TRUE;
    else if (STRCMP(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_name_u, "TOOLTIP") == 0)
        is_tooltip_group = TRUE;

    /* Clear the highlighting for ":hi clear {group}" and ":hi clear". */
    if (doclear || (forceit && init))
        if (!doclear)
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set = 0;

    if (!doclear)
      while (!ends_excmd(*linep))
        key_start = linep;
        if (*linep == '=')
            EMSG2(_("E415: unexpected equal sign: %s"), key_start);
            error = TRUE;

         * Isolate the key ("term", "ctermfg", "ctermbg", "font", "guifg" or
         * "guibg").
        while (*linep && !vim_iswhite(*linep) && *linep != '=')
        key = vim_strnsave_up(key_start, (int)(linep - key_start));
        if (key == NULL)
            error = TRUE;
        linep = skipwhite(linep);

        if (STRCMP(key, "NONE") == 0)
            if (!init || HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set == 0)
                if (!init)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM+SG_CTERM+SG_GUI;

         * Check for the equal sign.
        if (*linep != '=')
            EMSG2(_("E416: missing equal sign: %s"), key_start);
            error = TRUE;

         * Isolate the argument.
        linep = skipwhite(linep);
        if (*linep == '\'')             /* guifg='color name' */
            arg_start = ++linep;
            linep = vim_strchr(linep, '\'');
            if (linep == NULL)
                EMSG2(_(e_invarg2), key_start);
                error = TRUE;
            arg_start = linep;
            linep = skiptowhite(linep);
        if (linep == arg_start)
            EMSG2(_("E417: missing argument: %s"), key_start);
            error = TRUE;
        arg = vim_strnsave(arg_start, (int)(linep - arg_start));
        if (arg == NULL)
            error = TRUE;
        if (*linep == '\'')

         * Store the argument.
        if (  STRCMP(key, "TERM") == 0
                || STRCMP(key, "CTERM") == 0
                || STRCMP(key, "GUI") == 0)
            attr = 0;
            off = 0;
            while (arg[off] != NUL)
                for (i = sizeof(hl_attr_table) / sizeof(int); --i >= 0; )
                    len = (int)STRLEN(hl_name_table[i]);
                    if (STRNICMP(arg + off, hl_name_table[i], len) == 0)
                        attr |= hl_attr_table[i];
                        off += len;
                if (i < 0)
                    EMSG2(_("E418: Illegal value: %s"), arg);
                    error = TRUE;
                if (arg[off] == ',')            /* another one follows */
            if (error)
            if (*key == 'T')
                if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_TERM))
                    if (!init)
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term = attr;
            else if (*key == 'C')
                if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
                    if (!init)
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm = attr;
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
                if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
                    if (!init)
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui = attr;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "FONT") == 0)
            /* in non-GUI fonts are simply ignored */
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
            if (!gui.shell_created)
                /* GUI not started yet, always accept the name. */
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                GuiFont temp_sg_font = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font;
                GuiFontset temp_sg_fontset = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
# endif
                /* First, save the current font/fontset.
                 * Then try to allocate the font/fontset.
                 * If the allocation fails, HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font OR
                 * sg_fontset will be set to NOFONT or NOFONTSET respectively.

                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = NOFONT;
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = NOFONTSET;
# endif
                hl_do_font(idx, arg, is_normal_group, is_menu_group,

                if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset != NOFONTSET)
                    /* New fontset was accepted. Free the old one, if there was
                     * one.
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = temp_sg_fontset;
# endif
                if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font != NOFONT)
                    /* New font was accepted. Free the old one, if there was
                     * one.
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = temp_sg_font;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "CTERMFG") == 0 || STRCMP(key, "CTERMBG") == 0)
          if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_CTERM))
            if (!init)
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_CTERM;

            /* When setting the foreground color, and previously the "bold"
             * flag was set for a light color, reset it now */
            if (key[5] == 'F' && HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold)
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;

            if (VIM_ISDIGIT(*arg))
                color = atoi((char *)arg);
            else if (STRICMP(arg, "fg") == 0)
                if (cterm_normal_fg_color)
                    color = cterm_normal_fg_color - 1;
                    EMSG(_("E419: FG color unknown"));
                    error = TRUE;
            else if (STRICMP(arg, "bg") == 0)
                if (cterm_normal_bg_color > 0)
                    color = cterm_normal_bg_color - 1;
                    EMSG(_("E420: BG color unknown"));
                    error = TRUE;
                static char *(color_names[28]) = {
                            "Black", "DarkBlue", "DarkGreen", "DarkCyan",
                            "DarkRed", "DarkMagenta", "Brown", "DarkYellow",
                            "Gray", "Grey",
                            "LightGray", "LightGrey", "DarkGray", "DarkGrey",
                            "Blue", "LightBlue", "Green", "LightGreen",
                            "Cyan", "LightCyan", "Red", "LightRed", "Magenta",
                            "LightMagenta", "Yellow", "LightYellow", "White", "NONE"};
                static int color_numbers_16[28] = {0, 1, 2, 3,
                                                 4, 5, 6, 6,
                                                 7, 7,
                                                 7, 7, 8, 8,
                                                 9, 9, 10, 10,
                                                 11, 11, 12, 12, 13,
                                                 13, 14, 14, 15, -1};
                /* for xterm with 88 colors... */
                static int color_numbers_88[28] = {0, 4, 2, 6,
                                                 1, 5, 32, 72,
                                                 84, 84,
                                                 7, 7, 82, 82,
                                                 12, 43, 10, 61,
                                                 14, 63, 9, 74, 13,
                                                 75, 11, 78, 15, -1};
                /* for xterm with 256 colors... */
                static int color_numbers_256[28] = {0, 4, 2, 6,
                                                 1, 5, 130, 130,
                                                 248, 248,
                                                 7, 7, 242, 242,
                                                 12, 81, 10, 121,
                                                 14, 159, 9, 224, 13,
                                                 225, 11, 229, 15, -1};
                /* for terminals with less than 16 colors... */
                static int color_numbers_8[28] = {0, 4, 2, 6,
                                                 1, 5, 3, 3,
                                                 7, 7,
                                                 7, 7, 0+8, 0+8,
                                                 4+8, 4+8, 2+8, 2+8,
                                                 6+8, 6+8, 1+8, 1+8, 5+8,
                                                 5+8, 3+8, 3+8, 7+8, -1};
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
                static int *color_numbers_8_qansi = color_numbers_8;
                /* On qnx, the 8 & 16 color arrays are the same */
                if (STRNCMP(T_NAME, "qansi", 5) == 0)
                    color_numbers_8_qansi = color_numbers_16;

                /* reduce calls to STRICMP a bit, it can be slow */
                off = TOUPPER_ASC(*arg);
                for (i = (sizeof(color_names) / sizeof(char *)); --i >= 0; )
                    if (off == color_names[i][0]
                                 && STRICMP(arg + 1, color_names[i] + 1) == 0)
                if (i < 0)
                    EMSG2(_("E421: Color name or number not recognized: %s"), key_start);
                    error = TRUE;

                /* Use the _16 table to check if its a valid color name. */
                color = color_numbers_16[i];
                if (color >= 0)
                    if (t_colors == 8)
                        /* t_Co is 8: use the 8 colors table */
#if defined(__QNXNTO__)
                        color = color_numbers_8_qansi[i];
                        color = color_numbers_8[i];
                        if (key[5] == 'F')
                            /* set/reset bold attribute to get light foreground
                             * colors (on some terminals, e.g. "linux") */
                            if (color & 8)
                                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm |= HL_BOLD;
                                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = TRUE;
                                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm &= ~HL_BOLD;
                        color &= 7;     /* truncate to 8 colors */
                    else if (t_colors == 16 || t_colors == 88
                                                           || t_colors == 256)
                         * Guess: if the termcap entry ends in 'm', it is
                         * probably an xterm-like terminal.  Use the changed
                         * order for colors.
                        if (*T_CAF != NUL)
                            p = T_CAF;
                            p = T_CSF;
                        if (*p != NUL && *(p + STRLEN(p) - 1) == 'm')
                            switch (t_colors)
                                case 16:
                                    color = color_numbers_8[i];
                                case 88:
                                    color = color_numbers_88[i];
                                case 256:
                                    color = color_numbers_256[i];
            /* Add one to the argument, to avoid zero */
            if (key[5] == 'F')
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = color + 1;
                if (is_normal_group)
                    cterm_normal_fg_color = color + 1;
                    cterm_normal_fg_bold = (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm & HL_BOLD);
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
                    /* Don't do this if the GUI is used. */
                    if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
                        must_redraw = CLEAR;
                        if (termcap_active)
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bg = color + 1;
                if (is_normal_group)
                    cterm_normal_bg_color = color + 1;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
                    /* Don't mess with 'background' if the GUI is used. */
                    if (!gui.in_use && !gui.starting)
                        must_redraw = CLEAR;
                        if (termcap_active)
                        if (t_colors < 16)
                            i = (color == 0 || color == 4);
                            i = (color < 7 || color == 8);
                        /* Set the 'background' option if the value is wrong. */
                        if (i != (*p_bg == 'd'))
                            set_option_value((char_u *)"bg", 0L,
                                 i ? (char_u *)"dark" : (char_u *)"light", 0);
        else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIFG") == 0)
#ifdef FEAT_GUI     /* in non-GUI guifg colors are simply ignored */
            if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
                if (!init)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;

                i = color_name2handle(arg);
                if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !gui.in_use)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg = i;
                    if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE"))
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name = NULL;
# ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
                    if (is_menu_group)
                        gui.menu_fg_pixel = i;
                    if (is_scrollbar_group)
                        gui.scroll_fg_pixel = i;
#  ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
                    if (is_tooltip_group)
                        gui.tooltip_fg_pixel = i;
#  endif
                    do_colors = TRUE;
# endif
        else if (STRCMP(key, "GUIBG") == 0)
#ifdef FEAT_GUI     /* in non-GUI guibg colors are simply ignored */
            if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
                if (!init)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;

                i = color_name2handle(arg);
                if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !gui.in_use)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg = i;
                    if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name = NULL;
# ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
                    if (is_menu_group)
                        gui.menu_bg_pixel = i;
                    if (is_scrollbar_group)
                        gui.scroll_bg_pixel = i;
#  ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
                    if (is_tooltip_group)
                        gui.tooltip_bg_pixel = i;
#  endif
                    do_colors = TRUE;
# endif
        else if (STRCMP(key, "GUISP") == 0)
#ifdef FEAT_GUI     /* in non-GUI guisp colors are simply ignored */
            if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_GUI))
                if (!init)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_GUI;

                i = color_name2handle(arg);
                if (i != INVALCOLOR || STRCMP(arg, "NONE") == 0 || !gui.in_use)
                    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp = i;
                    if (STRCMP(arg, "NONE") != 0)
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name = vim_strsave(arg);
                        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name = NULL;
        else if (STRCMP(key, "START") == 0 || STRCMP(key, "STOP") == 0)
            char_u      buf[100];
            char_u      *tname;

            if (!init)
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set |= SG_TERM;

             * The "start" and "stop"  arguments can be a literal escape
             * sequence, or a comma separated list of terminal codes.
            if (STRNCMP(arg, "t_", 2) == 0)
                off = 0;
                buf[0] = 0;
                while (arg[off] != NUL)
                    /* Isolate one termcap name */
                    for (len = 0; arg[off + len] &&
                                                 arg[off + len] != ','; ++len)
                    tname = vim_strnsave(arg + off, len);
                    if (tname == NULL)          /* out of memory */
                        error = TRUE;
                    /* lookup the escape sequence for the item */
                    p = get_term_code(tname);
                    if (p == NULL)          /* ignore non-existing things */
                        p = (char_u *)"";

                    /* Append it to the already found stuff */
                    if ((int)(STRLEN(buf) + STRLEN(p)) >= 99)
                        EMSG2(_("E422: terminal code too long: %s"), arg);
                        error = TRUE;
                    STRCAT(buf, p);

                    /* Advance to the next item */
                    off += len;
                    if (arg[off] == ',')            /* another one follows */
                 * Copy characters from arg[] to buf[], translating <> codes.
                for (p = arg, off = 0; off < 100 && *p; )
                    len = trans_special(&p, buf + off, FALSE);
                    if (len)                /* recognized special char */
                        off += len;
                    else                    /* copy as normal char */
                        buf[off++] = *p++;
                buf[off] = NUL;
            if (error)

            if (STRCMP(buf, "NONE") == 0)       /* resetting the value */
                p = NULL;
                p = vim_strsave(buf);
            if (key[2] == 'A')
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start = p;
                HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop = p;
            EMSG2(_("E423: Illegal argument: %s"), key_start);
            error = TRUE;

         * When highlighting has been given for a group, don't link it.
        if (!init || !(HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_LINK))
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_link = 0;

         * Continue with next argument.
        linep = skipwhite(linep);

     * If there is an error, and it's a new entry, remove it from the table.
    if (error && idx == highlight_ga.ga_len)
        if (is_normal_group)
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term_attr = 0;
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_attr = 0;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
            HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_attr = 0;
             * Need to update all groups, because they might be using "bg"
             * and/or "fg", which have been changed now.
            if (gui.in_use)
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
# ifdef FEAT_MENU
        else if (is_menu_group)
            if (gui.in_use && do_colors)
# endif
        else if (is_scrollbar_group)
            if (gui.in_use && do_colors)
# ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
        else if (is_tooltip_group)
            if (gui.in_use && do_colors)
# endif
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_scriptID = current_SID;

    /* Only call highlight_changed() once, after sourcing a syntax file */
    need_highlight_changed = TRUE;

#if defined(EXITFREE) || defined(PROTO)
    int     i;

    for (i = 0; i < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++i)

 * Reset the cterm colors to what they were before Vim was started, if
 * possible.  Otherwise reset them to zero.
#if defined(MSDOS) || (defined(WIN3264) && !defined(FEAT_GUI_W32)) || defined(PLAN9)
    /* Since t_me has been set, this probably means that the user
     * wants to use this as default colors.  Need to reset default
     * background/foreground colors. */
    cterm_normal_fg_color = 0;
    cterm_normal_fg_bold = 0;
    cterm_normal_bg_color = 0;

 * Return TRUE if highlight group "idx" has any settings.
 * When "check_link" is TRUE also check for an existing link.
    static int
hl_has_settings(idx, check_link)
    int         idx;
    int         check_link;
    return (   HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term_attr != 0
            || HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_attr != 0
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
            || HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_attr != 0
            || (check_link && (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_set & SG_LINK)));

 * Clear highlighting for one group.
    static void
    int idx;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_start = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_stop = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_term_attr = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bold = FALSE;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_fg = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_bg = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_cterm_attr = 0;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI     /* in non-GUI fonts are simply ignored */
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui = 0;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg = INVALCOLOR;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg = INVALCOLOR;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp = INVALCOLOR;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = NOFONT;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = NOFONTSET;
# endif
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name = NULL;
    HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_attr = 0;
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    /* Clear the script ID only when there is no link, since that is not
     * cleared. */
    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_link == 0)
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_scriptID = 0;

#if defined(FEAT_GUI) || defined(PROTO)
 * Set the normal foreground and background colors according to the "Normal"
 * highlighighting group.  For X11 also set "Menu", "Scrollbar", and
 * "Tooltip" colors.
    if (set_group_colors((char_u *)"Normal",
                             &gui.norm_pixel, &gui.back_pixel,
                             FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
        must_redraw = CLEAR;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI_X11
    if (set_group_colors((char_u *)"Menu",
                         &gui.menu_fg_pixel, &gui.menu_bg_pixel,
                         TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
# ifdef FEAT_MENU
# endif
        must_redraw = CLEAR;
# ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
    if (set_group_colors((char_u *)"Tooltip",
                         &gui.tooltip_fg_pixel, &gui.tooltip_bg_pixel,
                         FALSE, FALSE, TRUE))
# endif
        must_redraw = CLEAR;
    if (set_group_colors((char_u *)"Scrollbar",
                    &gui.scroll_fg_pixel, &gui.scroll_bg_pixel,
                    FALSE, FALSE, FALSE))
        must_redraw = CLEAR;

 * Set the colors for "Normal", "Menu", "Tooltip" or "Scrollbar".
    static int
set_group_colors(name, fgp, bgp, do_menu, use_norm, do_tooltip)
    char_u      *name;
    guicolor_T  *fgp;
    guicolor_T  *bgp;
    int         do_menu;
    int         use_norm;
    int         do_tooltip;
    int         idx;

    idx = syn_name2id(name) - 1;
    if (idx >= 0)
        gui_do_one_color(idx, do_menu, do_tooltip);

        if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg != INVALCOLOR)
            *fgp = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg;
        else if (use_norm)
            *fgp = gui.def_norm_pixel;
        if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg != INVALCOLOR)
            *bgp = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg;
        else if (use_norm)
            *bgp = gui.def_back_pixel;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

 * Get the font of the "Normal" group.
 * Returns "" when it's not found or not set.
    char_u *
    int         id;
    char_u      *s;

    id = syn_name2id((char_u *)"Normal");
    if (id > 0)
        s = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_font_name;
        if (s != NULL)
            return s;
    return (char_u *)"";

 * Set font for "Normal" group.  Called by gui_mch_init_font() when a font has
 * actually chosen to be used.
    char_u      *font_name;
    int     id;

    id = syn_name2id((char_u *)"Normal");
    if (id > 0)
        vim_free(HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_font_name);
        HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_font_name = vim_strsave(font_name);

 * Set background color for "Normal" group.  Called by gui_set_bg_color()
 * when the color is known.
    char_u  *name;          /* must have been allocated */
    int     id;

    if (name != NULL)
        id = syn_name2id((char_u *)"Normal");
        if (id > 0)
            vim_free(HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg_name);
            HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg_name = name;

 * Set foreground color for "Normal" group.  Called by gui_set_fg_color()
 * when the color is known.
    char_u  *name;          /* must have been allocated */
    int     id;

    if (name != NULL)
        id = syn_name2id((char_u *)"Normal");
        if (id > 0)
            vim_free(HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_fg_name);
            HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_fg_name = name;

 * Return the handle for a color name.
 * Returns INVALCOLOR when failed.
    static guicolor_T
    char_u  *name;
    if (STRCMP(name, "NONE") == 0)
        return INVALCOLOR;

    if (STRICMP(name, "fg") == 0 || STRICMP(name, "foreground") == 0)
        return gui.norm_pixel;
    if (STRICMP(name, "bg") == 0 || STRICMP(name, "background") == 0)
        return gui.back_pixel;

    return gui_get_color(name);

 * Return the handle for a font name.
 * Returns NOFONT when failed.
    static GuiFont
    char_u  *name;
    if (STRCMP(name, "NONE") == 0)
        return NOFONT;

    return gui_mch_get_font(name, TRUE);

 * Return the handle for a fontset name.
 * Returns NOFONTSET when failed.
    static GuiFontset
fontset_name2handle(name, fixed_width)
    char_u      *name;
    int         fixed_width;
    if (STRCMP(name, "NONE") == 0)
        return NOFONTSET;

    return gui_mch_get_fontset(name, TRUE, fixed_width);
# endif

 * Get the font or fontset for one highlight group.
    static void
hl_do_font(idx, arg, do_normal, do_menu, do_tooltip)
    int         idx;
    char_u      *arg;
    int         do_normal;      /* set normal font */
    int         do_menu;        /* set menu font */
    int         do_tooltip;     /* set tooltip font */
    /* If 'guifontset' is not empty, first try using the name as a
     * fontset.  If that doesn't work, use it as a font name. */
    if (*p_guifontset != NUL
        || do_menu
#  endif
        /* In Athena & Motif, the Tooltip highlight group is always a fontset */
        || do_tooltip
#  endif
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = fontset_name2handle(arg, 0
                || do_menu
#  endif
                || do_tooltip
#  endif
    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset != NOFONTSET)
        /* If it worked and it's the Normal group, use it as the
         * normal fontset.  Same for the Menu group. */
        if (do_normal)
            gui_init_font(arg, TRUE);
#   if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) && defined(FEAT_MENU)
        if (do_menu)
            gui.menu_fontset = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
#    else
            /* YIKES!  This is a bug waiting to crash the program */
            gui.menu_font = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
#    endif
#    ifdef FEAT_BEVAL
        if (do_tooltip)
            /* The Athena widget set cannot currently handle switching between
             * displaying a single font and a fontset.
             * If the XtNinternational resource is set to True at widget
             * creation, then a fontset is always used, otherwise an
             * XFontStruct is used.
            gui.tooltip_fontset = (XFontSet)HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset;
#    endif
#   endif
# endif
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = font_name2handle(arg);
        /* If it worked and it's the Normal group, use it as the
         * normal font.  Same for the Menu group. */
        if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font != NOFONT)
            if (do_normal)
                gui_init_font(arg, FALSE);
# if (defined(FEAT_GUI_MOTIF) || defined(FEAT_GUI_ATHENA)) && defined(FEAT_MENU)
            if (do_menu)
                gui.menu_font = HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font;
# endif

#endif /* FEAT_GUI */

 * Table with the specifications for an attribute number.
 * Note that this table is used by ALL buffers.  This is required because the
 * GUI can redraw at any time for any buffer.
static garray_T term_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};

#define TERM_ATTR_ENTRY(idx) ((attrentry_T *)term_attr_table.ga_data)[idx]

static garray_T cterm_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};

#define CTERM_ATTR_ENTRY(idx) ((attrentry_T *)cterm_attr_table.ga_data)[idx]

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
static garray_T gui_attr_table = {0, 0, 0, 0, NULL};

#define GUI_ATTR_ENTRY(idx) ((attrentry_T *)gui_attr_table.ga_data)[idx]

 * Return the attr number for a set of colors and font.
 * Add a new entry to the term_attr_table, cterm_attr_table or gui_attr_table
 * if the combination is new.
 * Return 0 for error (no more room).
    static int
get_attr_entry(table, aep)
    garray_T    *table;
    attrentry_T *aep;
    int         i;
    attrentry_T *taep;
    static int  recursive = FALSE;

     * Init the table, in case it wasn't done yet.
    table->ga_itemsize = sizeof(attrentry_T);
    table->ga_growsize = 7;

     * Try to find an entry with the same specifications.
    for (i = 0; i < table->ga_len; ++i)
        taep = &(((attrentry_T *)table->ga_data)[i]);
        if (       aep->ae_attr == taep->ae_attr
                && (
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
                       (table == &gui_attr_table
                        && (aep->ae_u.gui.fg_color == taep->ae_u.gui.fg_color
                            && aep->ae_u.gui.bg_color
                                                    == taep->ae_u.gui.bg_color
                            && aep->ae_u.gui.sp_color
                                                    == taep->ae_u.gui.sp_color
                            && aep->ae_u.gui.font == taep->ae_u.gui.font
                            && aep->ae_u.gui.fontset == taep->ae_u.gui.fontset
#  endif
                       (table == &term_attr_table
                        && (aep->ae_u.term.start == NULL)
                                            == (taep->ae_u.term.start == NULL)
                        && (aep->ae_u.term.start == NULL
                            || STRCMP(aep->ae_u.term.start,
                                                  taep->ae_u.term.start) == 0)
                        && (aep->ae_u.term.stop == NULL)
                                             == (taep->ae_u.term.stop == NULL)
                        && (aep->ae_u.term.stop == NULL
                            || STRCMP(aep->ae_u.term.stop,
                                                  taep->ae_u.term.stop) == 0))
                    || (table == &cterm_attr_table
                            && aep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color
                                                  == taep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color
                            && aep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color
                                                 == taep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color)

        return i + ATTR_OFF;

    if (table->ga_len + ATTR_OFF > MAX_TYPENR)
         * Running out of attribute entries!  remove all attributes, and
         * compute new ones for all groups.
         * When called recursively, we are really out of numbers.
        if (recursive)
            EMSG(_("E424: Too many different highlighting attributes in use"));
            return 0;
        recursive = TRUE;


        must_redraw = CLEAR;

        for (i = 0; i < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++i)

        recursive = FALSE;

     * This is a new combination of colors and font, add an entry.
    if (ga_grow(table, 1) == FAIL)
        return 0;

    taep = &(((attrentry_T *)table->ga_data)[table->ga_len]);
    vim_memset(taep, 0, sizeof(attrentry_T));
    taep->ae_attr = aep->ae_attr;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    if (table == &gui_attr_table)
        taep->ae_u.gui.fg_color = aep->ae_u.gui.fg_color;
        taep->ae_u.gui.bg_color = aep->ae_u.gui.bg_color;
        taep->ae_u.gui.sp_color = aep->ae_u.gui.sp_color;
        taep->ae_u.gui.font = aep->ae_u.gui.font;
        taep->ae_u.gui.fontset = aep->ae_u.gui.fontset;
# endif
    if (table == &term_attr_table)
        if (aep->ae_u.term.start == NULL)
            taep->ae_u.term.start = NULL;
            taep->ae_u.term.start = vim_strsave(aep->ae_u.term.start);
        if (aep->ae_u.term.stop == NULL)
            taep->ae_u.term.stop = NULL;
            taep->ae_u.term.stop = vim_strsave(aep->ae_u.term.stop);
    else if (table == &cterm_attr_table)
        taep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color = aep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color;
        taep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color = aep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color;
    return (table->ga_len - 1 + ATTR_OFF);

 * Clear all highlight tables.
    int         i;
    attrentry_T *taep;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    for (i = 0; i < term_attr_table.ga_len; ++i)
        taep = &(((attrentry_T *)term_attr_table.ga_data)[i]);

#if defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) || defined(FEAT_SPELL) || defined(PROTO)
 * Combine special attributes (e.g., for spelling) with other attributes
 * (e.g., for syntax highlighting).
 * "prim_attr" overrules "char_attr".
 * This creates a new group when required.
 * Since we expect there to be few spelling mistakes we don't cache the
 * result.
 * Return the resulting attributes.
hl_combine_attr(char_attr, prim_attr)
    int     char_attr;
    int     prim_attr;
    attrentry_T *char_aep = NULL;
    attrentry_T *spell_aep;
    attrentry_T new_en;

    if (char_attr == 0)
        return prim_attr;
    if (char_attr <= HL_ALL && prim_attr <= HL_ALL)
        return char_attr | prim_attr;
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    if (gui.in_use)
        if (char_attr > HL_ALL)
            char_aep = syn_gui_attr2entry(char_attr);
        if (char_aep != NULL)
            new_en = *char_aep;
            vim_memset(&new_en, 0, sizeof(new_en));
            new_en.ae_u.gui.fg_color = INVALCOLOR;
            new_en.ae_u.gui.bg_color = INVALCOLOR;
            new_en.ae_u.gui.sp_color = INVALCOLOR;
            if (char_attr <= HL_ALL)
                new_en.ae_attr = char_attr;

        if (prim_attr <= HL_ALL)
            new_en.ae_attr |= prim_attr;
            spell_aep = syn_gui_attr2entry(prim_attr);
            if (spell_aep != NULL)
                new_en.ae_attr |= spell_aep->ae_attr;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.gui.fg_color != INVALCOLOR)
                    new_en.ae_u.gui.fg_color = spell_aep->ae_u.gui.fg_color;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.gui.bg_color != INVALCOLOR)
                    new_en.ae_u.gui.bg_color = spell_aep->ae_u.gui.bg_color;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.gui.sp_color != INVALCOLOR)
                    new_en.ae_u.gui.sp_color = spell_aep->ae_u.gui.sp_color;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.gui.font != NOFONT)
                    new_en.ae_u.gui.font = spell_aep->ae_u.gui.font;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.gui.fontset != NOFONTSET)
                    new_en.ae_u.gui.fontset = spell_aep->ae_u.gui.fontset;
# endif
        return get_attr_entry(&gui_attr_table, &new_en);

    if (t_colors > 1)
        if (char_attr > HL_ALL)
            char_aep = syn_cterm_attr2entry(char_attr);
        if (char_aep != NULL)
            new_en = *char_aep;
            vim_memset(&new_en, 0, sizeof(new_en));
            if (char_attr <= HL_ALL)
                new_en.ae_attr = char_attr;

        if (prim_attr <= HL_ALL)
            new_en.ae_attr |= prim_attr;
            spell_aep = syn_cterm_attr2entry(prim_attr);
            if (spell_aep != NULL)
                new_en.ae_attr |= spell_aep->ae_attr;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color > 0)
                    new_en.ae_u.cterm.fg_color = spell_aep->ae_u.cterm.fg_color;
                if (spell_aep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color > 0)
                    new_en.ae_u.cterm.bg_color = spell_aep->ae_u.cterm.bg_color;
        return get_attr_entry(&cterm_attr_table, &new_en);

    if (char_attr > HL_ALL)
        char_aep = syn_term_attr2entry(char_attr);
    if (char_aep != NULL)
        new_en = *char_aep;
        vim_memset(&new_en, 0, sizeof(new_en));
        if (char_attr <= HL_ALL)
            new_en.ae_attr = char_attr;

    if (prim_attr <= HL_ALL)
        new_en.ae_attr |= prim_attr;
        spell_aep = syn_term_attr2entry(prim_attr);
        if (spell_aep != NULL)
            new_en.ae_attr |= spell_aep->ae_attr;
            if (spell_aep->ae_u.term.start != NULL)
                new_en.ae_u.term.start = spell_aep->ae_u.term.start;
                new_en.ae_u.term.stop = spell_aep->ae_u.term.stop;
    return get_attr_entry(&term_attr_table, &new_en);

#ifdef FEAT_GUI

    attrentry_T *
    int             attr;
    attr -= ATTR_OFF;
    if (attr >= gui_attr_table.ga_len)      /* did ":syntax clear" */
        return NULL;
    return &(GUI_ATTR_ENTRY(attr));
#endif /* FEAT_GUI */

 * Get the highlight attributes (HL_BOLD etc.) from an attribute nr.
 * Only to be used when "attr" > HL_ALL.
    int     attr;
    attrentry_T *aep;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    if (gui.in_use)
        aep = syn_gui_attr2entry(attr);
        if (t_colors > 1)
        aep = syn_cterm_attr2entry(attr);
        aep = syn_term_attr2entry(attr);

    if (aep == NULL)        /* highlighting not set */
        return 0;
    return aep->ae_attr;

    attrentry_T *
    int             attr;
    attr -= ATTR_OFF;
    if (attr >= term_attr_table.ga_len)     /* did ":syntax clear" */
        return NULL;
    return &(TERM_ATTR_ENTRY(attr));

    attrentry_T *
    int             attr;
    attr -= ATTR_OFF;
    if (attr >= cterm_attr_table.ga_len)        /* did ":syntax clear" */
        return NULL;
    return &(CTERM_ATTR_ENTRY(attr));

#define LIST_ATTR   1
#define LIST_STRING 2
#define LIST_INT    3

    static void
    int         id;
    struct hl_group     *sgp;
    int                 didh = FALSE;

    sgp = &HL_TABLE()[id - 1];      /* index is ID minus one */

    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_ATTR,
                                    sgp->sg_term, NULL, "term");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_start, "start");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_stop, "stop");

    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_ATTR,
                                    sgp->sg_cterm, NULL, "cterm");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_INT,
                                    sgp->sg_cterm_fg, NULL, "ctermfg");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_INT,
                                    sgp->sg_cterm_bg, NULL, "ctermbg");

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_ATTR,
                                    sgp->sg_gui, NULL, "gui");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_gui_fg_name, "guifg");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_gui_bg_name, "guibg");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_gui_sp_name, "guisp");
    didh = highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING,
                                    0, sgp->sg_font_name, "font");

    if (sgp->sg_link && !got_int)
        (void)syn_list_header(didh, 9999, id);
        didh = TRUE;
        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"links to", hl_attr(HLF_D));
        msg_putchar(' ');
        msg_outtrans(HL_TABLE()[HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_link - 1].sg_name);

    if (!didh)
        highlight_list_arg(id, didh, LIST_STRING, 0, (char_u *)"cleared", "");
#ifdef FEAT_EVAL
    if (p_verbose > 0)

    static int
highlight_list_arg(id, didh, type, iarg, sarg, name)
    int         id;
    int         didh;
    int         type;
    int         iarg;
    char_u      *sarg;
    char        *name;
    char_u      buf[100];
    char_u      *ts;
    int         i;

    if (got_int)
        return FALSE;
    if (type == LIST_STRING ? (sarg != NULL) : (iarg != 0))
        ts = buf;
        if (type == LIST_INT)
            sprintf((char *)buf, "%d", iarg - 1);
        else if (type == LIST_STRING)
            ts = sarg;
        else /* type == LIST_ATTR */
            buf[0] = NUL;
            for (i = 0; hl_attr_table[i] != 0; ++i)
                if (iarg & hl_attr_table[i])
                    if (buf[0] != NUL)
                        STRCAT(buf, ",");
                    STRCAT(buf, hl_name_table[i]);
                    iarg &= ~hl_attr_table[i];      /* don't want "inverse" */

                               (int)(vim_strsize(ts) + STRLEN(name) + 1), id);
        didh = TRUE;
        if (!got_int)
            if (*name != NUL)
                MSG_PUTS_ATTR(name, hl_attr(HLF_D));
                MSG_PUTS_ATTR("=", hl_attr(HLF_D));
    return didh;

#if (((defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_PRINTER))) && defined(FEAT_SYN_HL)) || defined(PROTO)
 * Return "1" if highlight group "id" has attribute "flag".
 * Return NULL otherwise.
    char_u *
highlight_has_attr(id, flag, modec)
    int         id;
    int         flag;
    int         modec;  /* 'g' for GUI, 'c' for cterm, 't' for term */
    int         attr;

    if (id <= 0 || id > highlight_ga.ga_len)
        return NULL;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    if (modec == 'g')
        attr = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui;
         if (modec == 'c')
        attr = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_cterm;
        attr = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_term;

    if (attr & flag)
        return (char_u *)"1";
    return NULL;

#if (defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)) || defined(PROTO)
 * Return color name of highlight group "id".
    char_u *
highlight_color(id, what, modec)
    int         id;
    char_u      *what;  /* "fg", "bg", "sp", "fg#", "bg#" or "sp#" */
    int         modec;  /* 'g' for GUI, 'c' for cterm, 't' for term */
    static char_u       name[20];
    int                 n;
    int                 fg = FALSE;
# ifdef FEAT_GUI
    int                 sp = FALSE;
# endif

    if (id <= 0 || id > highlight_ga.ga_len)
        return NULL;

    if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 'f')
        fg = TRUE;
# ifdef FEAT_GUI
    else if (TOLOWER_ASC(what[0]) == 's')
        sp = TRUE;
    if (modec == 'g')
        /* return #RRGGBB form (only possible when GUI is running) */
        if (gui.in_use && what[1] && what[2] == '#')
            guicolor_T          color;
            long_u              rgb;
            static char_u       buf[10];

            if (fg)
                color = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_fg;
            else if (sp)
                color = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_sp;
                color = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg;
            if (color == INVALCOLOR)
                return NULL;
            rgb = gui_mch_get_rgb(color);
            sprintf((char *)buf, "#%02x%02x%02x",
                                      (unsigned)(rgb >> 16),
                                      (unsigned)(rgb >> 8) & 255,
                                      (unsigned)rgb & 255);
            return buf;
        if (fg)
            return (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_fg_name);
        if (sp)
            return (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_sp_name);
        return (HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg_name);
# endif
    if (modec == 'c')
        if (fg)
            n = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_cterm_fg - 1;
            n = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_cterm_bg - 1;
        sprintf((char *)name, "%d", n);
        return name;
    /* term doesn't have color */
    return NULL;

#if (defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) && defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_PRINTER)) \
        || defined(PROTO)
 * Return color name of highlight group "id" as RGB value.
highlight_gui_color_rgb(id, fg)
    int         id;
    int         fg;     /* TRUE = fg, FALSE = bg */
    guicolor_T  color;

    if (id <= 0 || id > highlight_ga.ga_len)
        return 0L;

    if (fg)
        color = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_fg;
        color = HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_gui_bg;

    if (color == INVALCOLOR)
        return 0L;

    return gui_mch_get_rgb(color);

 * Output the syntax list header.
 * Return TRUE when started a new line.
    static int
syn_list_header(did_header, outlen, id)
    int     did_header;         /* did header already */
    int     outlen;             /* length of string that comes */
    int     id;                 /* highlight group id */
    int     endcol = 19;
    int     newline = TRUE;

    if (!did_header)
        if (got_int)
            return TRUE;
        msg_outtrans(HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_name);
        endcol = 15;
    else if (msg_col + outlen + 1 >= Columns)
        if (got_int)
            return TRUE;
        if (msg_col >= endcol)  /* wrap around is like starting a new line */
            newline = FALSE;

    if (msg_col >= endcol)      /* output at least one space */
        endcol = msg_col + 1;
    if (Columns <= endcol)      /* avoid hang for tiny window */
        endcol = Columns - 1;


    /* Show "xxx" with the attributes. */
    if (!did_header)
        msg_puts_attr((char_u *)"xxx", syn_id2attr(id));
        msg_putchar(' ');

    return newline;

 * Set the attribute numbers for a highlight group.
 * Called after one of the attributes has changed.
    static void
    int         idx;        /* index in array */
    attrentry_T         at_en;
    struct hl_group     *sgp = HL_TABLE() + idx;

    /* The "Normal" group doesn't need an attribute number */
    if (sgp->sg_name_u != NULL && STRCMP(sgp->sg_name_u, "NORMAL") == 0)

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
     * For the GUI mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
     * attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
    if (sgp->sg_gui_fg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_bg == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_gui_sp == INVALCOLOR
            && sgp->sg_font == NOFONT
            && sgp->sg_fontset == NOFONTSET
# endif
        sgp->sg_gui_attr = sgp->sg_gui;
        at_en.ae_attr = sgp->sg_gui;
        at_en.ae_u.gui.fg_color = sgp->sg_gui_fg;
        at_en.ae_u.gui.bg_color = sgp->sg_gui_bg;
        at_en.ae_u.gui.sp_color = sgp->sg_gui_sp;
        at_en.ae_u.gui.font = sgp->sg_font;
        at_en.ae_u.gui.fontset = sgp->sg_fontset;
# endif
        sgp->sg_gui_attr = get_attr_entry(&gui_attr_table, &at_en);
     * For the term mode: If there are other than "normal" highlighting
     * attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
    if (sgp->sg_start == NULL && sgp->sg_stop == NULL)
        sgp->sg_term_attr = sgp->sg_term;
        at_en.ae_attr = sgp->sg_term;
        at_en.ae_u.term.start = sgp->sg_start;
        at_en.ae_u.term.stop = sgp->sg_stop;
        sgp->sg_term_attr = get_attr_entry(&term_attr_table, &at_en);

     * For the color term mode: If there are other than "normal"
     * highlighting attributes, need to allocate an attr number.
    if (sgp->sg_cterm_fg == 0 && sgp->sg_cterm_bg == 0)
        sgp->sg_cterm_attr = sgp->sg_cterm;
        at_en.ae_attr = sgp->sg_cterm;
        at_en.ae_u.cterm.fg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_fg;
        at_en.ae_u.cterm.bg_color = sgp->sg_cterm_bg;
        sgp->sg_cterm_attr = get_attr_entry(&cterm_attr_table, &at_en);

 * Lookup a highlight group name and return it's ID.
 * If it is not found, 0 is returned.
    char_u      *name;
    int         i;
    char_u      name_u[200];

    /* Avoid using stricmp() too much, it's slow on some systems */
    /* Avoid alloc()/free(), these are slow too.  ID names over 200 chars
     * don't deserve to be found! */
    vim_strncpy(name_u, name, 199);
    for (i = highlight_ga.ga_len; --i >= 0; )
        if (HL_TABLE()[i].sg_name_u != NULL
                && STRCMP(name_u, HL_TABLE()[i].sg_name_u) == 0)
    return i + 1;

#if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
 * Return TRUE if highlight group "name" exists.
    char_u      *name;
    return (syn_name2id(name) > 0);

# if defined(FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA) || defined(PROTO)
 * Return the name of highlight group "id".
 * When not a valid ID return an empty string.
    char_u *
    int         id;
    if (id <= 0 || id >= highlight_ga.ga_len)
        return (char_u *)"";
    return HL_TABLE()[id - 1].sg_name;
# endif

 * Like syn_name2id(), but take a pointer + length argument.
syn_namen2id(linep, len)
    char_u  *linep;
    int     len;
    char_u  *name;
    int     id = 0;

    name = vim_strnsave(linep, len);
    if (name != NULL)
        id = syn_name2id(name);
    return id;

 * Find highlight group name in the table and return it's ID.
 * The argument is a pointer to the name and the length of the name.
 * If it doesn't exist yet, a new entry is created.
 * Return 0 for failure.
syn_check_group(pp, len)
    char_u              *pp;
    int                 len;
    int     id;
    char_u  *name;

    name = vim_strnsave(pp, len);
    if (name == NULL)
        return 0;

    id = syn_name2id(name);
    if (id == 0)                        /* doesn't exist yet */
        id = syn_add_group(name);
    return id;

 * Add new highlight group and return it's ID.
 * "name" must be an allocated string, it will be consumed.
 * Return 0 for failure.
    static int
    char_u      *name;
    char_u      *p;

    /* Check that the name is ASCII letters, digits and underscore. */
    for (p = name; *p != NUL; ++p)
        if (!vim_isprintc(*p))
            EMSG(_("E669: Unprintable character in group name"));
            return 0;
        else if (!ASCII_ISALNUM(*p) && *p != '_')
            /* This is an error, but since there previously was no check only
             * give a warning. */
            MSG(_("W18: Invalid character in group name"));

     * First call for this growarray: init growing array.
    if (highlight_ga.ga_data == NULL)
        highlight_ga.ga_itemsize = sizeof(struct hl_group);
        highlight_ga.ga_growsize = 10;

     * Make room for at least one other syntax_highlight entry.
    if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 1) == FAIL)
        return 0;

    vim_memset(&(HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len]), 0, sizeof(struct hl_group));
    HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len].sg_name = name;
    HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len].sg_name_u = vim_strsave_up(name);
#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len].sg_gui_bg = INVALCOLOR;
    HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len].sg_gui_fg = INVALCOLOR;
    HL_TABLE()[highlight_ga.ga_len].sg_gui_sp = INVALCOLOR;

    return highlight_ga.ga_len;             /* ID is index plus one */

 * When, just after calling syn_add_group(), an error is discovered, this
 * function deletes the new name.
    static void

 * Translate a group ID to highlight attributes.
    int                 hl_id;
    int                 attr;
    struct hl_group     *sgp;

    hl_id = syn_get_final_id(hl_id);
    sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];           /* index is ID minus one */

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
     * Only use GUI attr when the GUI is being used.
    if (gui.in_use)
        attr = sgp->sg_gui_attr;
        if (t_colors > 1)
            attr = sgp->sg_cterm_attr;
            attr = sgp->sg_term_attr;

    return attr;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
 * Get the GUI colors and attributes for a group ID.
 * NOTE: the colors will be INVALCOLOR when not set, the color otherwise.
syn_id2colors(hl_id, fgp, bgp)
    int         hl_id;
    guicolor_T  *fgp;
    guicolor_T  *bgp;
    struct hl_group     *sgp;

    hl_id = syn_get_final_id(hl_id);
    sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];           /* index is ID minus one */

    *fgp = sgp->sg_gui_fg;
    *bgp = sgp->sg_gui_bg;
    return sgp->sg_gui;

 * Translate a group ID to the final group ID (following links).
    int                 hl_id;
    int                 count;
    struct hl_group     *sgp;

    if (hl_id > highlight_ga.ga_len || hl_id < 1)
        return 0;                       /* Can be called from eval!! */

     * Follow links until there is no more.
     * Look out for loops!  Break after 100 links.
    for (count = 100; --count >= 0; )
        sgp = &HL_TABLE()[hl_id - 1];       /* index is ID minus one */
        if (sgp->sg_link == 0 || sgp->sg_link > highlight_ga.ga_len)
        hl_id = sgp->sg_link;

    return hl_id;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
 * Call this function just after the GUI has started.
 * It finds the font and color handles for the highlighting groups.
    int     idx;

    /* First get the colors from the "Normal" and "Menu" group, if set */

    for (idx = 0; idx < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++idx)
        gui_do_one_color(idx, FALSE, FALSE);


    static void
gui_do_one_color(idx, do_menu, do_tooltip)
    int         idx;
    int         do_menu;        /* TRUE: might set the menu font */
    int         do_tooltip;     /* TRUE: might set the tooltip font */
    int         didit = FALSE;

    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name != NULL)
        hl_do_font(idx, HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font_name, FALSE, do_menu,
        didit = TRUE;
    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg_name != NULL)
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_fg =
        didit = TRUE;
    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg_name != NULL)
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_bg =
        didit = TRUE;
    if (HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp_name != NULL)
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_gui_sp =
        didit = TRUE;
    if (didit)  /* need to get a new attr number */


 * Translate the 'highlight' option into attributes in highlight_attr[] and
 * set up the user highlights User1..9.  If FEAT_STL_OPT is in use, a set of
 * corresponding highlights to use on top of HLF_SNC is computed.
 * Called only when the 'highlight' option has been changed and upon first
 * screen redraw after any :highlight command.
 * Return FAIL when an invalid flag is found in 'highlight'.  OK otherwise.
    int         hlf;
    int         i;
    char_u      *p;
    int         attr;
    char_u      *end;
    int         id;
    char_u      userhl[10];
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
    int         id_SNC = -1;
    int         id_S = -1;
    int         hlcnt;
# endif
    static int  hl_flags[HLF_COUNT] = HL_FLAGS;

    need_highlight_changed = FALSE;

     * Clear all attributes.
    for (hlf = 0; hlf < (int)HLF_COUNT; ++hlf)
        highlight_attr[hlf] = 0;

     * First set all attributes to their default value.
     * Then use the attributes from the 'highlight' option.
    for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        if (i)
            p = p_hl;
            p = get_highlight_default();
        if (p == NULL)      /* just in case */

        while (*p)
            for (hlf = 0; hlf < (int)HLF_COUNT; ++hlf)
                if (hl_flags[hlf] == *p)
            if (hlf == (int)HLF_COUNT || *p == NUL)
                return FAIL;

             * Allow several hl_flags to be combined, like "bu" for
             * bold-underlined.
            attr = 0;
            for ( ; *p && *p != ','; ++p)           /* parse upto comma */
                if (vim_iswhite(*p))                /* ignore white space */

                if (attr > HL_ALL)  /* Combination with ':' is not allowed. */
                    return FAIL;

                switch (*p)
                    case 'b':   attr |= HL_BOLD;
                    case 'i':   attr |= HL_ITALIC;
                    case '-':
                    case 'n':                       /* no highlighting */
                    case 'r':   attr |= HL_INVERSE;
                    case 's':   attr |= HL_STANDOUT;
                    case 'u':   attr |= HL_UNDERLINE;
                    case 'c':   attr |= HL_UNDERCURL;
                    case ':':   ++p;                /* highlight group name */
                                if (attr || *p == NUL)   /* no combinations */
                                    return FAIL;
                                end = vim_strchr(p, ',');
                                if (end == NULL)
                                    end = p + STRLEN(p);
                                id = syn_check_group(p, (int)(end - p));
                                if (id == 0)
                                    return FAIL;
                                attr = syn_id2attr(id);
                                p = end - 1;
#if defined(FEAT_STL_OPT) && defined(USER_HIGHLIGHT)
                                if (hlf == (int)HLF_SNC)
                                    id_SNC = syn_get_final_id(id);
                                else if (hlf == (int)HLF_S)
                                    id_S = syn_get_final_id(id);
                    default:    return FAIL;
            highlight_attr[hlf] = attr;

            p = skip_to_option_part(p);     /* skip comma and spaces */

    /* Setup the user highlights
     * Temporarily  utilize 10 more hl entries.  Have to be in there
     * simultaneously in case of table overflows in get_attr_entry()
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
    if (ga_grow(&highlight_ga, 10) == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
    hlcnt = highlight_ga.ga_len;
    if (id_S == 0)
    {               /* Make sure id_S is always valid to simplify code below */
        memset(&HL_TABLE()[hlcnt + 9], 0, sizeof(struct hl_group));
        HL_TABLE()[hlcnt + 9].sg_term = highlight_attr[HLF_S];
        id_S = hlcnt + 10;
# endif
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        sprintf((char *)userhl, "User%d", i + 1);
        id = syn_name2id(userhl);
        if (id == 0)
            highlight_user[i] = 0;
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
            highlight_stlnc[i] = 0;
# endif
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
            struct hl_group *hlt = HL_TABLE();
# endif

            highlight_user[i] = syn_id2attr(id);
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
            if (id_SNC == 0)
                memset(&hlt[hlcnt + i], 0, sizeof(struct hl_group));
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_term = highlight_attr[HLF_SNC];
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_cterm = highlight_attr[HLF_SNC];
#  ifdef FEAT_GUI
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_gui = highlight_attr[HLF_SNC];
#  endif
                mch_memmove(&hlt[hlcnt + i],
                            &hlt[id_SNC - 1],
                            sizeof(struct hl_group));
            hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_link = 0;

            /* Apply difference between UserX and HLF_S to HLF_SNC */
            hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_term ^=
                hlt[id - 1].sg_term ^ hlt[id_S - 1].sg_term;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_start != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_start)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_start = hlt[id - 1].sg_start;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_stop != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_stop)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_stop = hlt[id - 1].sg_stop;
            hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_cterm ^=
                hlt[id - 1].sg_cterm ^ hlt[id_S - 1].sg_cterm;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_cterm_fg != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_cterm_fg)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_cterm_fg = hlt[id - 1].sg_cterm_fg;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_cterm_bg != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_cterm_bg)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_cterm_bg = hlt[id - 1].sg_cterm_bg;
#  ifdef FEAT_GUI
            hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_gui ^=
                hlt[id - 1].sg_gui ^ hlt[id_S - 1].sg_gui;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_fg != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_gui_fg)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_gui_fg = hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_fg;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_bg != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_gui_bg)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_gui_bg = hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_bg;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_sp != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_gui_sp)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_gui_sp = hlt[id - 1].sg_gui_sp;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_font != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_font)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_font = hlt[id - 1].sg_font;
            if (hlt[id - 1].sg_fontset != hlt[id_S - 1].sg_fontset)
                hlt[hlcnt + i].sg_fontset = hlt[id - 1].sg_fontset;
#   endif
#  endif
            highlight_ga.ga_len = hlcnt + i + 1;
            set_hl_attr(hlcnt + i);     /* At long last we can apply */
            highlight_stlnc[i] = syn_id2attr(hlcnt + i + 1);
# endif
# ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT
    highlight_ga.ga_len = hlcnt;
# endif

#endif /* USER_HIGHLIGHT */

    return OK;


static void highlight_list __ARGS((void));
static void highlight_list_two __ARGS((int cnt, int attr));

 * Handle command line completion for :highlight command.
set_context_in_highlight_cmd(xp, arg)
    expand_T    *xp;
    char_u      *arg;
    char_u      *p;

    /* Default: expand group names */
    xp->xp_context = EXPAND_HIGHLIGHT;
    xp->xp_pattern = arg;
    include_link = TRUE;
    include_default = TRUE;

    /* (part of) subcommand already typed */
    if (*arg != NUL)
        p = skiptowhite(arg);
        if (*p != NUL)                  /* past "default" or group name */
            include_default = FALSE;
            if (STRNCMP("default", arg, p - arg) == 0)
                arg = skipwhite(p);
                xp->xp_pattern = arg;
                p = skiptowhite(arg);
            if (*p != NUL)                      /* past group name */
                include_link = FALSE;
                if (arg[1] == 'i' && arg[0] == 'N')
                if (STRNCMP("link", arg, p - arg) == 0
                        || STRNCMP("clear", arg, p - arg) == 0)
                    xp->xp_pattern = skipwhite(p);
                    p = skiptowhite(xp->xp_pattern);
                    if (*p != NUL)              /* past first group name */
                        xp->xp_pattern = skipwhite(p);
                        p = skiptowhite(xp->xp_pattern);
                if (*p != NUL)                  /* past group name(s) */
                    xp->xp_context = EXPAND_NOTHING;

 * List highlighting matches in a nice way.
    static void
    int         i;

    for (i = 10; --i >= 0; )
        highlight_list_two(i, hl_attr(HLF_D));
    for (i = 40; --i >= 0; )
        highlight_list_two(99, 0);

    static void
highlight_list_two(cnt, attr)
    int     cnt;
    int     attr;
    msg_puts_attr((char_u *)("N \bI \b!  \b" + cnt / 11), attr);
    ui_delay(cnt == 99 ? 40L : (long)cnt * 50L, FALSE);

#endif /* FEAT_CMDL_COMPL */

#if defined(FEAT_CMDL_COMPL) || (defined(FEAT_SYN_HL) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)) \
    || defined(FEAT_SIGNS) || defined(PROTO)
 * Function given to ExpandGeneric() to obtain the list of group names.
 * Also used for synIDattr() function.
    char_u *
get_highlight_name(xp, idx)
    expand_T    *xp;
    int         idx;
    if (idx == highlight_ga.ga_len
            && include_link
        return (char_u *)"link";
    if (idx == highlight_ga.ga_len + 1
            && include_link
        return (char_u *)"clear";
    if (idx == highlight_ga.ga_len + 2
            && include_default
        return (char_u *)"default";
    if (idx < 0 || idx >= highlight_ga.ga_len)
        return NULL;
    return HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_name;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
 * Free all the highlight group fonts.
 * Used when quitting for systems which need it.
    int     idx;

    for (idx = 0; idx < highlight_ga.ga_len; ++idx)
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_font = NOFONT;
        HL_TABLE()[idx].sg_fontset = NOFONTSET;
# endif

# endif
# ifndef HAVE_GTK2
# endif

 *  End of Highlighting stuff         *