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<TITLE>Use of the PL_TDF compiler</TITLE>
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<H1>PL_TDF Definition</H1>
<H3>January 1998</H3>
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<H1>5 Use of the PL_TDF compiler</H1>
Conventionally, PL_TDF programs are held in normal text files with
suffix .pl. The PL_TDF compiler is invoked by:<P>
pl [-v] [-Iinclude_path ...] [-g] [-V ] outfile.j
This compiles to TDF in outfile.j. This file can be linked
and loaded just as any other .j file using tcc.<P>
The -v option will produce a cut-down pretty print of the TDF for
the definitions and declarations of the tags, tokens and al_tags of
the program on the standard output.<P>
The -I options will defines the paths for any #include pre-processing
directives in the text.<P>
The -g option will put line number information into the TDF.<P>
The -V option will print version information of both pl and the TDF
it produces.<P>
Compile-time error reporting is rather rudimentary and error recovery
non-existent. Only the first error found will be reported on the standard
error channel. This will give some indication of the type of error,
together with the text line number and a print-out of the line, marking
the place within the line where the error was detected.<P>
Errors which can only be detected at translate-time are much more
difficult to correct. These are usually shape or alignment errors,
particularly in the construction of offsets. Try compiling and translating
with the -g option. On the error, the translator will output the source
filename and an approximate line-number corresponding to the position
of the error in the PL_TDF.<P>
Translating with the -g option may sometimes give warning messages
from the system assembler being used; some assemblers object to being
given line number information in anything else but the .text segment
of the program. The main intention of the -g option is to detect and
correct errors errors thrown up by the translators and not for run-time
de-bugging, so do not regard a warning like this as a bug in the system.<P>
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