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                 Crown Copyright (c) 1997
    This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
    owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
    acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
    (DERA).  It is made available to Recipients with a
    royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
    to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
    product development provided that any such use et cetera
    shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
        (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
        reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
        (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
        show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
        for the relevant amendment or amendments;
        (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
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        (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
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                            VERSION INFORMATION

$Header: /u/g/release/CVSROOT/Source/src/installers/680x0/sunos/config.h,v 1.2 1998/03/16 11:25:19 release Exp $
$Log: config.h,v $
 * Revision 1.2  1998/03/16  11:25:19  release
 * Modifications prior to version 4.1.2.
 * Revision  1998/01/17  15:55:50  release
 * First version to be checked into rolling release.
Revision 1.2  1997/10/29 10:22:11  ma
Replaced use_alloca with has_alloca.

Revision  1997/10/13 12:42:49  ma
First version.

Revision 1.5  1997/10/13 08:49:21  ma
Made all pl_tests for general proc & exception handling pass.

Revision 1.4  1997/06/18 12:04:51  ma
Merged with Input Baseline changes.

Revision 1.3  1997/04/20 11:30:22  ma
Introduced gcproc.c & general_proc.[ch].
Added cases for apply_general_proc next to apply_proc in all files.

Revision 1.2  1997/03/20 12:50:00  ma
Removed #if 0 and #endif around used definitions.

Revision  1997/03/14 07:50:11  ma
Imported from DRA

 * Revision  1996/09/20  10:56:53  john
 * Revision 1.2  1996/07/05  14:19:05  john
 * Changes for spec 3.1
 * Revision  1996/03/26  15:45:10  john
 * Revision 1.7  94/11/16  10:36:26  10:36:26  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Added support for complex numbers.
 * Revision 1.6  94/11/08  11:22:40  11:22:40  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Added constants for cases optimisation.
 * Revision 1.5  94/06/29  14:19:50  14:19:50  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Added flags for common installer section options.
 * Revision 1.4  94/02/21  15:57:45  15:57:45  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Move prototype information to compiler.h.
 * Revision 1.3  93/11/19  16:17:44  16:17:44  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Now never use alloca.  Added has64bits (false).
 * Revision 1.2  93/05/24  15:55:49  15:55:49  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Declare check_anyway.
 * Revision 1.1  93/02/22  17:15:29  17:15:29  ra (Robert Andrews)
 * Initial revision


    This file contains the basic information required by all files and
    the macros controlling the selection of target-dependent optimizations.



#include "ossg_api.h"
#include "ossg.h"


typedef unsigned long bitpattern ;

#define null NULL


#define NO_ALLOCA


    These functions are defined in utility.c.

extern void error PROTO_W ( ( char *, ... ) ) ;
extern void warning PROTO_W ( ( char *, ... ) ) ;

#ifdef EBUG
#define  debug_warning( X )     warning ( X )
#define  debug_warning( X )

   It's a 68000, it isn't anything else.

#define  SUN
#define  is68000                1
#define  is80x86                0
#define  ismips                 0
#define  ispower                0
#define  issco                  0
#define  issparc                0
#define  isvax                  0
#define  isAlpha                0


#define  check_shape            1       /* Check shape-correctness */
#define  convert_floats         1       /* Convert floating constants */
#define  dont_unpad_apply       1       /* Careful with procedure results */
#define  dynamic_diag_test      1       /* Test diagnostics format */
#define  has_byte_ops           1       /* Do have byte opertions */
#define  has_byte_regs          1       /* Do have byte registers */
#define  has_neg_shift          0        /* Don't have negative shifts */
#define  has_setcc              0        /* Don't use scc */
#define  has64bits              0        /* Doesn't have 64 bits */
#define  have_diagnostics       0        /* Have diagnostics */
#define  little_end             0        /* Big endian */
#define  load_ptr_pars          1       /* Inline ptr parameters */
#define  no_bitfield_ops        1       /* Do have bitfield operations */
#define  only_inline_static     1       /* Only inline static procedures */
#define  only_lengthen_ops      0        /* Don't avoid byte registers */
#ifdef SUN
#define  promote_pars           1       /* Parameters are 32 bit */
#define  no_trap_on_nil_contents 1      /* Let common code detect nil access */
#define  remove_zero_offsets    1       /* Do remove zero offsets */
#define  replace_compound       1       /* Replace compounds by externals */
#define  shift_is_byte          0        /* Shift count is not 8-bit */
#define  special_fns            1       /* Do look for special functions */
#define  substitute_params      1       /* Do substitute parameters */
#define  temp_mips              0        /* Don't need a mips hack */
#define  use_long_double        0        /* Not yet anyway */
#define  div0_implemented       1       /* div0 and rem0 implemented */
#define  remove_unused_counters 0        /* for foralls optimisation */
#define  remove_unused_index_counters\
                                0        /* for foralls optimisation */
#define  good_index_factor( f ) 0        /* for foralls optimisation */
#define  good_pointer_factor( f )\
                                ( ( f ) != 1 && ( f ) != 2 &&\
                                  ( f ) != 4 && ( f ) != 8 )
#define  jump_table_density     10      /* for cases optimisation */
#define  non_default_entries    4       /* for cases optimisation */
#define  non_default_destinations\
                                2       /* for cases optimisation */
#define  substitute_complex     1       /* don't have native complex numbers */


    Some routines are target-dependent and may not work properly when
    cross-compiling.  This section should take care of this.

#undef   convert_floats
#define  convert_floats         0        /* Just to be on the safe side */

#ifdef SUN /* The SunOS 68k assembler whinges about align directives */
#define no_align_directives


    These are target-specific tags.  Strictly speaking they belong in

#define  dummy_tag              100
#define  internal_tag           101
#define  regpair_tag            102


    Some compilers don't understand 0L etc.

#ifdef __STDC__
#define  L0                     0L
#define  L1                     1L
#define  L2                     2L
#define  L3                     3L
#define  L4                     4L
#define  L5                     5L
#define  L6                     6L
#define  L7                     7L
#define  L8                     8L
#define  L9                     9L
#define  L10                    10L
#define  L16                    16L
#define  L32                    32L
#define  L64                    64L
#define  L65536                 65536L
#define  L21474836478           21474836478L
#define  L_1                    -1L
#define  L0                     ( ( long ) 0 )
#define  L1                     ( ( long ) 1 )
#define  L2                     ( ( long ) 2 )
#define  L3                     ( ( long ) 3 )
#define  L4                     ( ( long ) 4 )
#define  L5                     ( ( long ) 5 )
#define  L6                     ( ( long ) 6 )
#define  L7                     ( ( long ) 7 )
#define  L8                     ( ( long ) 8 )
#define  L9                     ( ( long ) 9 )
#define  L10                    ( ( long ) 10 )
#define  L16                    ( ( long ) 16 )
#define  L32                    ( ( long ) 32 )
#define  L64                    ( ( long ) 64 )
#define  L65536                 ( ( long ) 65536 )
#define  L21474836478           ( ( long ) 21474836478 )
#define  L_1                    ( ( long ) -1 )

#define HAS_MAGIC               1
#define substitute_complex      1
