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/* 80x86/operand.c */
$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/02/18 11:22:05 $
$Revision: 1.2 $
$Log: operand.c,v $
* Revision 1.2 1998/02/18 11:22:05 pwe
* test corrections
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:52 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.12 1996/04/19 16:14:05 pwe
* simplified use of global id = id, correcting linux call problem
* Revision 1.11 1995/08/30 16:06:50 pwe
* prepare exception trapping
* Revision 1.10 1995/08/23 09:42:58 pwe
* track fpu control word for trap etc
* Revision 1.9 1995/08/04 08:29:41 pwe
* 4.0 general procs implemented
* Revision 1.8 1995/04/05 12:35:18 pwe
* operator precedence in eq_where_exp
* Revision 1.7 1995/04/03 08:30:24 pwe
* invalidate regs if overlap, eg if bitfield on byte boundaries
* Revision 1.6 1995/03/24 09:21:39 pwe
* global proc renaming avoided for SCO
* Revision 1.5 1995/03/03 10:12:36 pwe
* makeval is legal but arbitrary operand (for C)
* Revision 1.4 1995/02/24 16:11:12 pwe
* dynamic offsets, including mixed bit/byte representations
* Revision 1.3 1995/02/21 11:47:59 pwe
* Corrected move(offset) for movecont
* Revision 1.2 1995/01/30 12:56:36 pwe
* Ownership -> PWE, tidy banners
* Revision 1.1 1994/10/27 14:15:22 jmf
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1994/07/12 14:38:12 jmf
* Initial revision
operand outputs a 80386 operand, given a "where" and the number of
bits the operand occupies.
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "basicread.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "flpt.h"
#include "coder.h"
#include "instr.h"
#include "out.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "codermacs.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "install_fns.h"
#include "table_fns.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "instr386.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "localflags.h"
#include "assembler.h"
#include "messages_8.h"
#include "diag_fns.h"
#include "operand.h"
/* All variables initialised */
int crt_proc_id; /* init by cproc */
int stack_dec; /* init by cproc */
/* current stack decrement */
exp const_list; /* init by init_all */
/* list of constants belonging to current
procedure */
/* turns an exp and an offset (in bits)
into a where */
where mw
PROTO_N ( (e, off) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X int off )
where w;
w.where_exp = e;
w.where_off = off;
return (w);
/* compares wheres for equality of operand.
This is also used by equiv_reg to detect
invalidity of register copy, in which case
we need to detect overlaps, this case
determined by 'overlap' */
int eq_where_exp
PROTO_N ( (a, b, first, overlap) )
PROTO_T ( exp a X exp b X int first X int overlap )
unsigned char na;
unsigned char nb;
na = name(a);
nb = name(b);
if (a == b)
return (1);
if (na == nb) { /* same kind of operation "equal names" */
if (na == val_tag && !isbigval(a) && !isbigval(b))
return (no (a) == no (b));
if (na == ident_tag) {
int good = son(a) != nilexp && son(b) != nilexp &&
bro(son(a)) != nilexp && bro(son(b)) != nilexp;
if (good) {
exp bsa = bro(son(a));
exp bsb = bro(son(b));
if (name (bsa) == name_tag && son (bsa) == a &&
name (bsb) == name_tag && son (bsb) == b) {
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (name (bsa) == reff_tag &&
name (bsb) == reff_tag &&
(overlap ? (no (bsa) & -32) == (no (bsb) & -32) : no (bsa) == no (bsb)) &&
name (son (bsa)) == name_tag &&
son (son (bsa)) == a &&
name (son (bsb)) == name_tag &&
son (son (bsb)) == b) {
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (isglob(a) || isglob(b))
return 0;
return (pt (a) == pt (b) &&
(overlap ? (no (a) & -32) == (no (b) & -32) : no (a) == no (b)));
if (na == name_tag) {
if ((overlap ? (no (a) & -32) != (no (b) & -32) : no (a) != no (b)) ||
(isvar (son (a)) != isvar (son (b))))
return (0);
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == cont_tag || na == ass_tag) {
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == field_tag || na == reff_tag) {
if (overlap ? (no (a) & -32) != (no (b) & -32) : no (a) != no (b))
return (0);
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == real_tag && name (sh (a)) == name (sh (b))) {
flt fa, fb;
int i;
int is_zero = 1;
fa = flptnos[no (a)];
fb = flptnos[no (b)];
for (i = 0; i < MANT_SIZE && (fa.mant)[i] == (fb.mant)[i];
i++) {
if ((fa.mant)[i] != 0)
is_zero = 0;
return (i == MANT_SIZE &&
(is_zero || (fa.exp == fb.exp &&
fa.sign == fb.sign)));
return (0);
}; /* end equal names */
if (na == name_tag && nb == ident_tag && first) {
if (overlap ? (no (a) & -32) != 0 : no (a) != 0)
return (0);
a = son(a);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == ident_tag && nb == name_tag && first) {
if (overlap ? (no (b) & -32) != 0 : no (b) != 0)
return (0);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == cont_tag && name(son(a)) == name_tag &&
isvar(son(son(a))) && nb == ident_tag && first) {
if (overlap ? (no (son(a)) & -32) != 0 : no (son(a)) != 0)
return (0);
a = son(son(a));
first = 0;
goto rept;
if (na == ident_tag && nb == cont_tag && name(son(b)) == name_tag
&& isvar(son(son(b))) && first) {
if (overlap ? (no (son(b)) & -32) != 0 : no (son(b)) != 0)
return (0);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if ((na == cont_tag || na == ass_tag) &&
name (son (a)) == name_tag &&
isvar (son (son (a))) && nb == name_tag && !isvar (son (b))) {
if (overlap ? (no (son(a)) & -32) != (no (b) & -32) : no (son(a)) != no (b))
return (0);
a = son (son (a));
b = son (b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
if ((nb == cont_tag || nb == ass_tag) &&
name (son (b)) == name_tag &&
isvar (son (son (b))) && na == name_tag && !isvar (son (a))) {
if (overlap ? (no (son(b)) & -32) != (no (a) & -32) : no (son(b)) != no (a))
return (0);
a = son (a);
b = son (son (b));
first = 0;
goto rept;
if ((na == ass_tag && nb == cont_tag) ||
(nb == ass_tag && na == cont_tag)) {
a = son(a);
b = son(b);
first = 0;
goto rept;
return (0);
/* compares wheres for equality of operand */
int eq_where
PROTO_N ( (wa, wb) )
PROTO_T ( where wa X where wb )
exp a = wa.where_exp;
exp b = wb.where_exp;
if (a == nilexp || b == nilexp)
return 0;
if (wa.where_off != wb.where_off)
return (0);
return eq_where_exp (a, b, 1, 0);
/* find the first register in the register bit pattern r */
frr first_reg
PROTO_N ( (r) )
PROTO_T ( int r )
frr t;
t.regno = 1;
t.fr_no = 0;
if (r == 0)
failer (BAD_REGISTER);
else {
while (!(t.regno & r)) {
t.regno = t.regno << 1;
return (t);
/* output operand, wh is a where Note
that the pt field of a declaration now
hold a code for the position of the
value (eg. reg_pl for in a register,
local_pl for relative to sp etc.). The
no field hold the location, bit pattern
for register, offset (in bits) for
local etc. stack_dec hold the amount
the stack is decremented from its
position at the start of the procedure
(ie the place where no is measured
from). This is to allow for push
operations. b is passed to extn to
control whether a bracket is output
(index instructions). addr is true if
we need a literal address. */
void operand
PROTO_N ( (le, wh, b, addr) )
PROTO_T ( int le X where wh X int b X int addr )
exp w = wh.where_exp;
int off = wh.where_off;
unsigned char n = name (w);
if (n == val_tag && !isbigval(w)) { /* integer constant */
int k = no (w) + off;
if (name(sh(w)) == offsethd && al2(sh(w)) != 1)
k = k / 8;
int_operand (k, le);
if (n == ident_tag || n == labst_tag) {/* can only be dest */
switch (ptno (w)) {
case local_pl: {
rel_sp ((no (w) + off - stack_dec) / 8, b);
case reg_pl: {
regn (no (w), off, w, le);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
if (n == name_tag) {
exp ident = son (w);
int noff = no (w) + off;
int ni = no (ident);
if (isglob (ident)) {
if (name (sh (w)) == prokhd) /* special treatment for procedures */
const_extn (ident, noff);
if (isvar (ident))
const_extn (ident, noff);
extn (ident, noff, b);
switch (ptno (ident)) {
case local_pl: { /* local so relative to stack pointer or fp */
rel_sp ((ni + noff - stack_dec) / 8, b);
case callstack_pl: { /* caller arg so relative to stack pointer */
rel_cp ((ni + noff - stack_dec) / 8, b);
case par_pl: { /* parameter so relative to fp */
rel_ap ((ni + noff + 32) / 8, b);
case reg_pl: { /* in a register */
regn (ni, noff, w, le);
case ferr_pl: { /* relative to fp, depending on push space */
rel_ap1 ((ni + noff) / 8, b);
default: { /* doesnt happen */
failer (BAD_OPND);
if (n == cont_tag || n == ass_tag) {
exp ref = son (w);
unsigned char s = name (ref);
if (addr) {
operand (le, mw (son (w), 0), b, 0);
if (s == name_tag) { /* content of id */
if (!isvar (son (ref))) {
exp ident = son (ref);
if (ptno (ident) != reg_pl && off != 0) {
failer (BAD_OPND);
if (isglob (ident)) {
if (name (sh (w)) != prokhd)
failer (BAD_OPND);
if (PIC_code)
proc_extn (ident, no(ref));
extn (ident, no (ref), b);
switch (ptno (ident)) {
case reg_pl: { /* indirect from register */
ind_reg (no (ident), no (ref), off, ref, b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
else { /* variable */
exp ident = son (ref);
int noff = no (ref) + off;
int ni = no (ident);
if (isglob (ident)) {
extn (ident, noff, b);
switch (ptno (ident)) {
case local_pl: {
/* local so relative to stack pointer or fp */
rel_sp ((ni + noff - stack_dec) / 8, b);
case callstack_pl: {
/* caller arg so relative to stack pointer */
rel_cp ((ni + noff - stack_dec) / 8, b);
case par_pl: { /* parameter so relative to fp */
rel_ap ((ni + noff + 32) / 8, b);
case reg_pl: { /* in a register */
regn (ni, noff, ref, le);
default: { /* doesnt happen */
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of cont(name) */
if (s == cont_tag && name (son (ref)) == name_tag &&
isvar (son (son (ref)))) {
exp ident = son (son (ref));
if (ptno (ident) != reg_pl && off != 0) {
failer (BAD_OPND);
if (isglob (ident)) {
if (name (sh (w)) != prokhd)
failer (BAD_OPND);
extn (ident, no (son (ref)), b);
switch (ptno (ident)) {
case reg_pl: { /* indirect from register */
ind_reg (no (ident), no (son (ref)), off, ref, b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of cont(cont(var)) */
if (s == reff_tag) {
exp et = son (ref);
unsigned char t = name (et);
if (t == name_tag) {
if (isglob (son (et))) {
extn (son (et), no (ref), b);
switch (ptno (son (et))) {
case reg_pl: {
ind_reg (no (son (et)), no (et), (no (ref) + off), et, b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of cont(reff(name)) */
if (t == cont_tag) {
switch (ptno (son (son (et)))) {
case reg_pl: {
ind_reg (no (son (son (et))), no (son (et)),
(no (ref) + off), son (et), b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of cont(ref(cont())) */
if (t == addptr_tag) {
where new_w;
new_w.where_exp = et;
new_w.where_off = off + no (ref);
operand (le, new_w, b, 0);
}; /* end of cont(reff(addptr())) */
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of cont(reff()) */
if (s == addptr_tag) {
exp u = bro (son (ref));
exp c = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, 0, son (ref), nilexp,
0, 0, cont_tag);
where wc, wu;
wc.where_exp = c;
wc.where_off = off;
wu.where_exp = u;
wu.where_off = 0;
if (name (u) == name_tag || name (u) == cont_tag) {
index_opnd (wc, wu, 1);
}; /* end of cont(addptr(-, name)) */
if (name (u) == offset_mult_tag) {
int k = no (bro (son (u)))/8; /* cannot be bitfield */
wu.where_exp = son (u);
index_opnd (wc, wu, k);
}; /* end of cont(addptr(-, mult)) */
}; /* end of cont(addptr()) */
}; /* end of cont */
if (n == reff_tag) {
exp se = son (w);
unsigned char s = name (se);
if (s == name_tag) {
if (isglob (son (se))) {
extn (son (se), no (w), b);
switch (ptno (son (se))) {
case reg_pl: {
ind_reg (no (son (se)), no (son (se)), no (w), se, b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of reff(name) */
if (s == cont_tag) {
if (isglob (son (son (se)))) {
extn (son (son (se)), no (w), b);
switch (ptno (son (son (se)))) {
case reg_pl: {
ind_reg (no (son (son (se))), no (son (se)),
no (w), son (se), b);
default: {
failer (BAD_OPND);
}; /* end of reff(cont()) */
if (s == addptr_tag) {
where ww;
ww.where_exp = se;
ww.where_off = off + no (w);
operand (le, ww, b, 0);
}; /* end of reff(addptr()) */
}; /* end of reff() */
if (n == addptr_tag) {
exp u = bro (son (w));
exp c = getexp (f_bottom, nilexp, 0, son (w), nilexp, 0, 0, cont_tag);
where wc, wu;
wc.where_exp = c;
wc.where_off = off;
wu.where_exp = u;
wu.where_off = 0;
if (name (u) == name_tag || name (u) == cont_tag) {
index_opnd (wc, wu, 1);
}; /* end of addptr(-, name) */
if (name (u) == offset_mult_tag) {
int k = no (bro (son (u)))/8; /* cannot be bitfield */
wu.where_exp = son (u);
index_opnd (wc, wu, k);
}; /* end of addptr(-, mult) */
}; /* end of addptr() */
if (n == real_tag || n == val_tag || n == string_tag ||
n == proc_tag || n == general_proc_tag) {
int ln;
if (off == 0 || addr) {
ln = next_lab ();
const_list = getexp (f_bottom, const_list, 0, w, nilexp, 0, ln, 0);
const_intnl ((addr || n == proc_tag || n == general_proc_tag), ln, 0);
/* assumes this is only used just after using the first part of the
constant */
const_intnl (0, no (const_list), off);
if (n == res_tag) {
const_intnl (0, no (w), off);
if (n == null_tag) {
int_operand (no(w), le);
if (n == field_tag) {
operand (le, mw (son (w), off + no (w)), b, addr);
if (n == make_lv_tag) {
if (n == current_env_tag) {
if (n == env_offset_tag) {
if (name(son(w))==0) { /* must be caller arg with var_callees */
int_operand(no(son(w))/8, le);
envoff_operand(son(w), no(w));
if (n == env_size_tag) {
if (n == local_free_all_tag) {
if (n == clear_tag) {
/* any legal operand will do! */
if (name(sh(w)) >= shrealhd && name(sh(w)) <= doublehd) {
switch (shape_size(sh(w))) {
case 8:
case 16:
failer (BAD_OPND);