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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
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acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
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/* $Id: operators.c,v 1998/01/17 15:56:01 release Exp $ */
#ifndef lint
static char vcid[] = "$Id: operators.c,v 1998/01/17 15:56:01 release Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
produces code for common operations
to do : add support for VAX floating types.
$Log: operators.c,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:56:01 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.6 1996/06/19 15:15:03 john
* Fix for discarded operations
* Revision 1.5 1995/09/29 07:55:05 john
* Fixed condition for setting Has_no_vcallers
* Revision 1.4 1995/08/21 08:46:01 john
* Changed include files
* Revision 1.3 1995/06/21 14:25:32 john
* Reformatting
* Revision 1.2 1995/05/16 10:54:12 john
* Cosmetic change
* Revision 1995/03/23 10:39:15 john
* Entered into CVS
* Revision 1.9 1995/01/26 13:45:57 john
* Removed unused variable
* Revision 1.8 1995/01/12 15:12:36 john
* Removed dead code
#include "config.h"
#include "code_here.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "addresstypes.h"
#include "inst_fmt.h"
#include "move.h"
#include "maxminmacs.h"
#include "getregs.h"
#include "guard.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "bitsmacs.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "alpha_ins.h"
#include "f64.h"
#include "reg_defs.h"
#include "cross.h"
#include "operators.h"
bool testover = 0; /* always 0 for C */
void tidyshort
PROTO_N ( ( r, s ) )
PROTO_T ( int r X shape s )
/* corrects possible overflows of chars
and shorts in reg r */
if (name (s) == ucharhd) {
operate_fmt_immediate (i_and, r,255,r);
if (name (s) == uwordhd) {
operate_fmt_immediate (i_and, r,0xffff,r);
given a list of expressions seq which
contains one whose value is in
register reg, removes that exp from seq
and delivers 1; otherwise delivers 0
bool regremoved
PROTO_N ( ( seq, reg ) )
PROTO_T ( exp *seq X int reg )
exp s = *seq;
exp t = bro (s);
if (abs (regofval (s)) == reg) {
(*seq) = t;
return 1;
for (;;) {
if (abs (regofval (t)) == reg) {
bro (s) = bro (t);
if (last (t))
setlast (s);
return 1;
if (last (t)) {
return 0;
s = t;
t = bro (t);
void do_comm
PROTO_N ( ( seq, sp, final, rins ) )
PROTO_T ( exp seq X space sp X int final X instruction rins )
int r = 0;
space nsp;
int a1;
int a2;
a1 = reg_operand (seq, sp);
/* evaluate 1st operand into a1 */
for (;;) {
nsp = guardreg (a1, sp);
seq = bro (seq);
if (name (seq) == val_tag) {/* next operand is a constant */
if (last (seq)) {
int ov;
flt64 res;
INT64 ires;
res = flt_to_f64(no(seq),is_signed(sh(seq)),&ov);
ires = flt64_to_INT64(res);
operate_fmt_immediate (rins,a1,no(seq),final);
else {
if (r == 0)
r = getreg (sp.fixed);
int ov;
flt64 res;
INT64 ires;
res = flt_to_f64(no(seq),is_signed(sh(seq)),&ov);
ires = flt64_to_INT64(res);
else {
exp sq = seq;
instruction ins = rins;
a2 = reg_operand (sq, nsp);
/* evaluate next operand */
if (last (seq)) {
else {
if (r == 0)
r = getreg (sp.fixed);
operate_fmt (ins,a1, a2,r);
a1 = r;
evaluate commutative operation rrins given by e into d, using
sp to get t-regs
int comm_op
PROTO_N ( ( e, sp, d, rrins ) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X space sp X where d X instruction rrins )
instruction rins = rrins;
switch (d.answhere.discrim) {
case inreg: {
int dest = regalt (d.answhere);
bool usesdest = regremoved (&son (e), dest);
exp seq = son (e);
if(dest == NO_REG) {
dest = getreg(sp.fixed);
/* the destination is in a register; take care that
we dont alter it before possible use as an operand .... */
if (usesdest && last (seq)) {
/* was used, but there is only one
other operand */
if (name (seq) == val_tag) {
operate_fmt_immediate (rins, dest, no (seq),dest);
else {
operate_fmt (rins, dest,reg_operand (seq, sp),dest);
tidyshort (dest, sh (e));
return dest;
else if (usesdest) { /* ... it was used so ... */
int r = getreg (sp.fixed);
do_comm (seq, sp, r, rins);
/* ... evaluate the remainder of the expression into r... */
operate_fmt (rins, dest, r,dest);
/* ... and do dest = dest rins r */
tidyshort (dest, sh (e));
return dest;
else { /* ... it wasn't used */
do_comm (seq, sp, dest, rins);
tidyshort (dest, sh (e));
return dest;
} /* end inreg */
ans a;
int r = getreg (sp.fixed);
space nsp;
setregalt (a, r);
do_comm (son (e), sp, r, rins);
/* evaluate the expression into r ... */
tidyshort (r, sh (e));
nsp = guardreg (r, sp);
move (a, d, nsp, 1);
/* ... and move into a */
return r;
} /* notinreg */
} /* end switch */
int non_comm_op
PROTO_N ( ( e, sp, dest, rins ) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X space sp X where dest X instruction rins )
/* evalate binary operation e with rins
into dest */
exp l = son (e);
exp r = bro (l);
int a1 = reg_operand (l, sp);
space nsp;
int a2;
instruction ins = rins;
nsp = guardreg (a1, sp);
a2 = reg_operand (r, nsp);
/* regs a1 and a2 contain the operands */
switch (dest.answhere.discrim) {
case inreg: {
int d = regalt (dest.answhere);
tidyshort (d, sh (e));
return d;
ans a;
int r1 = getreg (nsp.fixed);
setregalt (a, r1);
operate_fmt (ins, a1,a2,r1);
tidyshort (r1, sh (e));
nsp = guardreg (r1, sp);
move (a, dest, nsp, 1);
return r1;
/* evaluate floating dyadic operation e using ins into dest */
int fop
PROTO_N ( ( e, sp, dest, ins ) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X space sp X where dest X instruction ins )
exp l = son (e);
exp r = bro (l);
int a1;
space nsp;
int a2;
if (IsRev(e)) {
a2 = freg_operand (r, sp);
nsp = guardfreg (a2, sp);
a1 = freg_operand(l, nsp);
else {
a1 = freg_operand (l, sp);
nsp = guardfreg (a1, sp);
a2 = freg_operand(r, nsp);
switch (dest.answhere.discrim) {
case infreg:{ /* dest in register */
freg fr;
fr = fregalt (dest.answhere);
default:{ /* destination elsewhere */
ans a;
freg fr;
int r1 = getfreg (nsp.flt); = r1;
setfregalt (a, fr);
#if 1
if(dest.answhere.discrim == insomefreg){
* = r1;
dest.answhere.val.somefregans.type = fr.type;
move (a, dest, sp, 1);
#if 1
return ((fr.type==IEEE_double)?-(;