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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
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to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
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$Author: pwe $
$Date: 1998/03/11 11:03:24 $
$Revision: 1.4 $
$Log: inline.c,v $
* Revision 1.4 1998/03/11 11:03:24 pwe
* DWARF optimisation info
* Revision 1.3 1998/02/18 11:22:11 pwe
* test corrections
* Revision 1.2 1998/01/20 17:14:23 release
* Parameter named 'formal' confused SCO cc.
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:47 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.5 1997/10/23 09:24:25 pwe
* extra diags
* Revision 1.4 1997/08/23 13:24:09 pwe
* no invert order, and NEWDIAGS inlining
Revision 1.3 1997/03/20 17:05:12 currie
Dwarf2 diags
Revision 1.2 1997/02/18 12:56:28 currie
Revision 1.1 1995/04/06 10:44:05 currie
Initial revision
#include "config.h"
#include "common_types.h"
#include "exp.h"
#include "expmacs.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "tags.h"
#include "shapemacs.h"
#include "me_fns.h"
#include "externs.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include "dg_globs.h"
#include "dg_aux.h"
#include "inline.h"
static exp last_action
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
if (e == nilexp)
return e;
if (name(e) == ident_tag || name(e) == seq_tag) {
return last_action(bro(son(e)));
return e;
static void change_last_shapes
PROTO_N ( (e, sha) )
PROTO_T ( exp e X shape sha )
if (e == nilexp)
if (name(e) == ident_tag || name(e) == seq_tag) {
sh(e) = sha;
change_last_shapes(bro(son(e)), sha);
/* replaces a formal paramter by an actual parameter */
static void replace_pars
PROTO_N ( (actual, formal_par) )
PROTO_T ( exp actual X exp formal_par )
exp def;
if (!last(actual))
replace_pars(bro(actual), bro(son(formal_par)));
def = son(formal_par);
if (no(formal_par) == 1 &&
shape_size(sh(pt(formal_par))) == 8)
replace(def, actual, formal_par);
/* inlines the procedure application e */
void inline_exp
PROTO_N ( (e) )
PROTO_T ( exp e )
exp fn = son(e); /* the name_tag for the function */
exp pars = bro(fn); /* the first actual parameter */
exp body = son(son(son(fn))); /* the proc_tag exp */
exp bc, t, q;
exp lab;
exp var; /* the destination to which the result is to
be assigned */
exp new_var = nilexp;
exp new_dec; /* a new variable declaration if we make one */
shape sha = sh(e); /* the shape delivered by the application */
exp cond_alt;
exp res;
exp last_act;
if (name(sha) == tophd) { /* not returning a result, no ass needed */
var = nilexp;
cond_alt = f_make_top();
else {
if (last(e) && name(bro(e)) == ass_tag &&
name(son(bro(e))) == name_tag) {
/* the result of the application is being assigned to
a name_tag */
var = son(bro(e));/* the destination of the ass */
cond_alt = f_make_top(); /* the result is being assigned in the
body - no need for a delivered result */
e = bro(e); /* NOTE e CHANGED to ass_tag */
if (diagnose) { /* bro(son(e)) is now the call */
dg_whole_comp (e, bro(son(e)));
dgf(e) = dgf(bro(son(e)));
else {
new_dec = me_start_clearvar(sha, sha);
/* make a new variable to assign to at each res_tag */
setinlined(new_dec); /* mark the declaration */
new_var = me_obtain(new_dec);
var = new_var; /* the destination of assignments
new_var is killed at end */
cond_alt = f_contents(sha, copy(new_var));
/* delivers the contents of the variable - hence the value */
lab = me_b3(sh(cond_alt), me_shint(sha, 0), cond_alt, labst_tag);
/* the labst for the new cond_tag we are making up */
name(son(lab)) = clear_tag;
t = fn; /* start t so that its bro is the first actual parameter */
q = body; /* start q so that its son is the first formal parameter */
while (!last(t)) /* check actual and formal shapes */
if (name(q) != ident_tag || !isparam(q))
return; /* no inline if more actuals than formals */
if (shape_size(sh(bro(t))) != shape_size(sh(son(q))))
return; /* no inlining if shapes do not match. */
t = bro(t); /* next actual */
q = bro(son(q)); /* next formal */
if (name(q) == ident_tag && isparam(q))
return; /* no inline if more formals than actuals */
doing_inlining = 1;
bc = copy_res(body, var, lab);
/* copy the body, making res_tag into assignment to var and
jump to lab */
doing_inlining = 0;
bc = hold(bc);
if (!last(fn)) { /* if there are any parameters */
replace_pars(pars, son(bc)); /* replace formals by actuals */
IGNORE check(son(bc), son(bc)); /* check the result (proc_tag ?)*/
res = son(bc); /* remove the proc_tag */
retcell(bc); /* and retcell it */
last_act = last_action(res);
if (no(son(lab)) == 1 && name(last_act) == goto_tag &&
pt(last_act) == lab) {
/* there is only one (final) goto replacement for return */
if (name(res) == goto_tag) {
res = (name(sha)==tophd)?f_make_top():f_make_value(sha);
else {
change_last_shapes(res, sh(bro(son(lab))));
if (diagnose)
dg_whole_comp (last_act, bro(son(lab)));
replace(last_act, bro(son(lab)), res);
res = me_b3(sh(lab), res, lab, cond_tag);
/* make up the cond out of the substituted exp and lab */
if (var != nilexp)
kill_exp(var, var);
if (new_var != nilexp) { /* we made up a new variable */
if (no(new_dec) != 1) {
res = me_complete_id(new_dec, res); /* complete the variable def */
else {
exp r = f_make_top();
if (diagnose)
dgf(r) = dgf(bro(son(lab)));
replace(bro(son(lab)), r, r);
if (diagnose)
dg_complete_inline (e, res);
replace(e, res, nilexp); /* replace the call by the inlined stuff */
kill_exp(fn, fn); /* kill off the function name_tag */