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$Author: release $
$Date: 1998/01/17 15:55:45 $
$Revision: $
$Log: toktypes.h,v $
* Revision 1998/01/17 15:55:45 release
* First version to be checked into rolling release.
* Revision 1.3 1997/08/23 13:31:10 pwe
* no invert order, and initial ANDF-DE
* Revision 1.2 1995/06/22 09:21:11 currie
* Signatures on tokens
* Revision 1.1 1995/04/06 10:43:34 currie
* Initial revision
#ifndef toktypes_key
#define toktypes_key 1
/* definitions of types used in read_fns.c */
struct place_t {
int flag; /* false if reading from stream, true if reading from pl_mem */
char *pl_mem; /* pointer to the characters */
int bits_on; /* bit_index displacement of the start */
typedef struct place_t place;
typedef place bitstream;
typedef place bytestream;
typedef struct sortname_t
{int code; /* code number for the sort - see sortmacs.h */
int result; /* if code is TOKEN this is the code for the result */
struct sortname_list_t {struct sortname_t * elems;
int number;
} pars;
/* pars.elems is an array of pars.number parameter sorts
if the code is TOKEN */
} sortname;
typedef struct sortname_list_t sortname_list;
/* dummy definition types */
typedef int token_defn;
typedef int capsule;
typedef int tokextern_list;
typedef int tagextern_list;
typedef int tokdef_list;
typedef int tagdec_list;
typedef int tagdef_list;
typedef int al_tagdef_list;
typedef int unit;
typedef int info;
typedef int info_list;
typedef int linkunit;
typedef int linkunit_list;
typedef int toklink_list;
typedef int taglink_list;
typedef int allink_list;
typedef int tokdec_list;
typedef int tokdec_unit;
typedef int tokdef_unit;
typedef int tagdec_unit;
typedef int tagdef_unit;
typedef int aldef_unit;
typedef int tokdec_unit_list;
typedef int tokdef_unit_list;
typedef int tagdec_unit_list;
typedef int tagdef_unit_list;
typedef int linkinfo_props;
typedef char usage;
struct tok_define_t;
#include "sort_union.h"
#define LOCAL_TOKS 4
typedef struct t_tag_con {
dec * namet;
exp e;
struct t_tag_con * rest;
} tag_con;
typedef struct t_lab_con {
label namel;
exp e;
struct t_lab_con * rest;
} lab_con;
typedef union tokval_u tokval;
struct tok_define_t {
dec * * my_tagtab; /* the tagtab current at the definition */
aldef * * my_altab; /* the altab current at the definition */
exp * my_labtab; /* the labtab current at the definition */
struct tok_define_t * * my_toktab;
/* the toktab current at the definition */
diag_tagdef * * my_diagtab; /* OLD DIAGS */
/* the diagtab current at the definition */
dgtag_struct * * my_dgtab; /* NEW DIAGS */
/* the dgtab current at the definition */
char * tok_name; /* the identifier (if any) for the token */
struct tokformals_list_t /* description of formal parameters */
sortname * par_sorts; /* sorts of parameters */
int * par_names; /* token index for parameters */
int number; /* total number of parameters */
} params;
sortname tdsort; /* sort of token result */
place tdplace; /* place to read definition from */
int unit_number; /* number of unit in which defined */
union tokval_u tdvalue; /* preserved value if valpresent */
int tok_index; /* index number of this token */
int tdtoken; /* the token */
struct t_context * tok_context; /* the context at the token definition */
char * signature;
unsigned int re_evaluate :1; /* needs to be reevaluated */
unsigned int defined : 1;
/* for diagnostic purposes, remove later */
unsigned int is_capsule_token :1; /* it is a capsule level token */
unsigned int recursive :1; /* used to check against recursion */
unsigned int valpresent :1;/* the value is constant and has been
computed already */
unsigned int tok_special :1; /* locally defined token */
/* struct holding a token definition */
typedef struct tok_define_t tok_define;
typedef tok_define * token;
typedef struct t_context{
tok_define loctoks[LOCAL_TOKS];
tok_define * othertoks; /* most tokens have <=LOCAL_TOKS parameters and
are not recursive so use of local space in
apply_tok for 'tok_context' to avoid lots of
mallocs ....*/
short no_toks;
short recursive;
tag_con * tags; /* ... don't know how many tag & labs defined in token
so have to keep list; NB used only if recursive */
lab_con * labs;
struct t_context * outer;
} context;
extern context * crt_context;
/* dummy definitions */
typedef int taglink;
typedef int allink;
typedef int toklink;
typedef int tokextern;
typedef int tagextern;
typedef int alextern;
typedef int tokdec;
typedef struct tokformals_t
{sortname sn;
int tk;
} tokformals; /* formal parameter during reading */
typedef struct tokformals_list_t tokformals_list;
typedef int tokdef;
typedef struct tagdec_t
{tag tg; /* identifying tag */
shape sha; /* the shape of the tag */
access_option acc; /* its access_options */
bool is_variable; /* 1 for variable, 0 for identity */
bool is_common; /* 1 for common_tagdec */
} tagdec;
typedef struct tagdef_t
tag tg; /* identifying tag */
exp def; /* the associated exp definition */
bool var; /* 1 for variable, 0 for identity */
bool is_common; /* 1 for common_tagdef */
} tagdef;
typedef int al_tagdef;
typedef struct tdfstring_list_t
{int number;
tdfstring * elems;
} tdfstring_list; /* number tdfstrings */
typedef tdfstring tdfident;
typedef tdfstring_list tdfident_list;
typedef tdfident_list unique;
union external_u {unique u; tdfstring id;};
typedef struct external_t {union external_u ex; bool isstring;} external;
typedef struct capsule_link_t
char * id; /* name */
tdfint n; /* index */
} capsule_link;
typedef struct capsule_link_list_t
int number;
capsule_link * members;
} capsule_link_list; /* number capsule_links */
typedef struct tdfint_list_t
int number;
tdfint * members;
} tdfint_list; /* number tdfints */
/* dummy definitions */
typedef int group_list;
typedef int extern_link_list;
typedef int linkextern_list;
typedef int extern_link;
typedef int group;
typedef int unit_list;
typedef int link;
typedef int linkextern;
typedef int links;
typedef int link_list;
typedef int tokdec_props;
typedef int tokdef_props;
typedef int tagdec_props;
typedef int tagdef_props;
typedef int al_tagdef_props;
typedef int tokdef_bd;
typedef int links_list;
typedef struct capsule_frees_t
{void * ptr;
struct capsule_frees_t * next;
} capsule_frees;