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# Crown Copyright (c) 1997
# This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
# owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
# acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
# (DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
# royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
# to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
# product development provided that any such use et cetera
# shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
# (1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
# reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
# (2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
# show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
# for the relevant amendment or amendments;
# (3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
# party shall be deemed to be that party's acceptance of
# these conditions;
# (4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
# quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
# no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
# it may be put.
# Main Xlib header
+USE "x5/lib", "X11/X.h" ; # see 1.3
+USE "x5/lib", "X11/Xproto.h" (!?) ;
+USE "x5/lib", "X11/Xresource.h" (!?) ;
+USE "x5/lib", "X11/Xutil.h" (!?) ;
# Specification version (1.3)
+DEFINE XlibSpecificationRelease 5 ;
# Miscellaneous types
+SUBSET "types" := {
+USE "x5/lib", "X11/X.h" ;
# Miscellaneous types
+TYPE ( struct ) Display ; # see 2.1
+TYPE ( struct ) Visual ; # see 3.1
+TYPE ( struct ) Screen ; # see 2.1
+TYPEDEF char *XPointer ; # see 1.4 (generic?)
# Transfering Images between Client and Server (8.7)
+TYPE ( struct ) XImage ;
+FIELD struct funcs := {
XImage *( *create_image ) () ;
int ( *destroy_image ) () ;
unsigned long ( *get_pixel ) () ;
int ( *put_pixel ) () ;
XImage *( *sub_image ) () ;
int ( *add_pixel ) () ;
} ;
+FIELD XImage := {
int width, height ;
int xoffset ;
int format ;
char *data ;
int byte_order ;
int bitmap_unit ;
int bitmap_bit_order ;
int bitmap_pad ;
int depth ;
int bytes_per_line ;
int bits_per_pixel ;
unsigned long red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask ;
XPointer obdata ;
struct funcs f ;
} ;
} ;
+TYPE ~GCRec ;
+TYPEDEF ~GCRec *GC ; # RCA : not specified
+TYPE ( struct ) XExtData ; # see below
+FIELD ( struct ) XColor := { # see 6.1
unsigned long pixel ;
unsigned short red, green, blue ;
char flags ;
char pad ;
} ;
# Opening the Display (2.1)
+FUNC Display *XOpenDisplay ( char * ) ;
# Display macros (2.2.1)
+FUNC unsigned long XAllPlanes ( void ) ;
+FUNC unsigned long XBlackPixel ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC unsigned long XWhitePixel ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XConnectionNumber ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC Colormap XDefaultColormap ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDefaultDepth ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int *XListDepths ( Display *, int, int * ) ;
+FUNC GC XDefaultGC ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC Window XDefaultRootWindow ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC Screen *XDefaultScreenOfDisplay ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC Screen *XScreenOfDisplay ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDefaultScreen ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC Visual *XDefaultVisual ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayCells ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayPlanes ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC char *XDisplayString ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC long XMaxRequestSize ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC unsigned long XLastKnownRequestProcessed ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC unsigned long XNextRequest ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XProtocolVersion ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XProtocolRevision ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XQLength ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC Window XRootWindow ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XScreenCount ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC char *XServerVendor ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XVendorRelease ( Display * ) ;
+CONST unsigned long AllPlanes ;
+MACRO unsigned long BlackPixel ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO unsigned long WhitePixel ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int ConnectionNumber ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO Colormap DefaultColormap ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DefaultDepth ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO GC DefaultGC ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO Window DefaultRootWindow ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO Screen *DefaultScreenOfDisplay ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO Screen *ScreenOfDisplay ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DefaultScreen ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO Visual *DefaultVisual ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayCells ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayPlanes ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO char *DisplayString ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO unsigned long LastKnownRequestProcessed ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO unsigned long NextRequest ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int ProtocolVersion ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int ProtocolRevision ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int QLength ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO Window RootWindow ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int ScreenCount ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO char *ServerVendor ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int VendorRelease ( Display * ) ;
# Image format functions (2.2.2)
+FIELD ( struct ) XPixmapFormatValues := {
int depth ;
int bits_per_pixel ;
int scanline_pad ;
} ;
+FUNC XPixmapFormatValues *XListPixmapFormats ( Display *, int * ) ;
+FUNC int XImageByteOrder ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XBitmapUnit ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XBitmapBitOrder ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XBitmapPad ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayHeight ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayHeightMM ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayWidth ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XDisplayWidthMM ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int ImageByteOrder ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int BitmapUnit ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int BitmapBitOrder ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int BitmapPad ( Display * ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayHeight ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayHeightMM ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayWidth ( Display *, int ) ;
+MACRO int DisplayWidthMM ( Display *, int ) ;
# Screen Information Macros (2.2.3)
+FUNC unsigned long XBlackPixelOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC unsigned long XWhitePixelOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XCellsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC Colormap XDefaultColormapOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XDefaultDepthOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC GC XDefaultGCOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC Visual *XDefaultVisualOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XDoesBackingStore ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XDoesSaveUnders ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC Display *XDisplayOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XScreenNumberOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC long XEventMaskOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XWidthOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XHeightOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XWidthMMOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XHeightMMOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XMaxCmapsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XMinCmapsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC int XPlanesOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+FUNC Window XRootWindowOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO unsigned long BlackPixelOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO unsigned long WhitePixelOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int CellsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO Colormap DefaultColormapOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int DefaultDepthOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO GC DefaultGCOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO Visual *DefaultVisualOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int DoesBackingStore ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO Bool DoesSaveUnders ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO Display *DisplayOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO long EventMaskOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int WidthOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int HeightOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int WidthMMOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int HeightMMOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int MaxCmapsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int MinCmapsOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO int PlanesOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
+MACRO Window RootWindowOfScreen ( Screen * ) ;
# NoOperation Protocol Request (2.3)
+FUNC void XNoOp ( Display * ) ;
# Freeing data (2.4)
+FUNC void XFree ( void * ) ;
# Closing the display (2.5)
+FUNC void XCloseDisplay ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetCloseDownMode ( Display *, int ) ;
# Visual types (3.1)
+FUNC VisualID XVisualIDFromVisual ( Visual * ) ;
# Window attributes (3.2)
+FIELD ( struct ) XSetWindowAttributes := {
Pixmap background_pixmap ;
unsigned long background_pixel ;
Pixmap border_pixmap ;
unsigned long border_pixel ;
int bit_gravity ;
int win_gravity ;
int backing_store ;
unsigned long backing_planes ;
unsigned long backing_pixel ;
Bool save_under ;
long event_mask ;
long do_not_propagate_mask ;
Bool override_redirect ;
Colormap colormap ;
Cursor cursor ;
} ;
# Creating Windows (3.3)
+FUNC Window XCreateWindow ( Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, Visual *, unsigned long,
XSetWindowAttributes * ) ;
+FUNC Window XCreateSimpleWindow ( Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long ) ;
# Destroying Windows (3.4)
+FUNC void XDestroyWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XDestroySubwindows ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Mapping Windows (3.5)
+FUNC void XMapWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XMapRaised ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XMapSubwindows ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Unmapping Windows (3.6)
+FUNC void XUnmapWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XUnmapSubwindows ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Configuring Windows (3.7)
+FIELD ( struct ) XWindowChanges := {
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int border_width ;
Window sibling ;
int stack_mode ;
} ;
+FUNC void XConfigureWindow ( Display *, Window, unsigned int,
XWindowChanges * ) ;
+FUNC void XMoveWindow ( Display *, Window, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XResizeWindow ( Display *, Window, unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC void XMoveResizeWindow ( Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowBorderWidth ( Display *, Window, unsigned int ) ;
# Changing Window Stacking Order (3.8)
+FUNC void XRaiseWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XLowerWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XCirculateSubwindows ( Display *, Window, int ) ;
+FUNC void XCirculateSubwindowsUp ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XCirculateSubwindowsDown ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XRestackWindows ( Display *, Window [], int ) ;
# Changing Window Attributes (3.9)
+FUNC void XChangeWindowAttributes ( Display *, Window, unsigned long,
XSetWindowAttributes * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowBackground ( Display *, Window, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap ( Display *, Window, Pixmap ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowBorder ( Display *, Window, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowBorderPixmap ( Display *, Window, Pixmap ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWindowColormap ( Display *, Window, Colormap ) ;
+FUNC void XDefineCursor ( Display *, Window, Cursor ) ;
+FUNC void XUndefineCursor ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Obtaining Window Information (4.1)
+FIELD ( struct ) XWindowAttributes := {
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int border_width ;
int depth ;
Visual *visual ;
Window root ;
int class ;
int bit_gravity ;
int win_gravity ;
int backing_store ;
unsigned long backing_planes ;
unsigned long backing_pixels ;
Bool save_under ;
Colormap colormap ;
Bool map_installed ;
int map_state ;
long all_event_masks ;
long your_event_mask ;
long do_not_propagate_mask ;
Bool override_redirect ;
Screen *screen ;
} ;
+FUNC Status XQueryTree ( Display *, Window, Window *, Window *,
Window **, unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWindowAttributes ( Display *, Window, XWindowAttributes * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetGeometry ( Display *, Drawable, Window *, int *, int *,
unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int *, unsigned int * ) ;
# Translating Screen Coordinates (4.2)
+FUNC Bool XTranslateCoordinates ( Display *, Window, Window, int, int,
int *, int *, Window * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XQueryPointer ( Display *, Window, Window *, Window *, int *,
int *, int *, int *, unsigned int * ) ;
# Properties and Atoms (4.3)
+FUNC Atom XInternAtom ( Display *, char *, Bool ) ;
+FUNC char *XGetAtomName ( Display *, Atom ) ;
# Obtaining and Changing Window Properties (4.4)
+FUNC int XGetWindowProperty ( Display *, Window, Atom, long, long, Bool,
Atom, Atom *, int *, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned char ** ) ;
+FUNC Atom *XListProperties ( Display *, Window, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XChangeProperty ( Display *, Window, Atom, Atom, int, int,
unsigned char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XRotateWindowProperties ( Display *, Window, Atom [], int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDeleteProperty ( Display *, Window, Atom ) ;
# Selections (4.5)
+FUNC void XSetSelectionOwner ( Display *, Atom, Window, Time ) ;
+FUNC Window XGetSelectionOwner ( Display *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC void XConvertSelection ( Display *, Atom, Atom, Atom, Window, Time ) ;
# Creating and Freeing Pixmaps (5.1)
+FUNC Pixmap XCreatePixmap ( Display *, Drawable, unsigned int, unsigned int,
unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC void XFreePixmap ( Display *, Pixmap ) ;
# Creating and Freeing Cursors (5.2)
+FUNC Cursor XCreateFontCursor ( Display *, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC Cursor XCreateGlyphCursor ( Display *, Font, Font, unsigned int,
unsigned int, XColor *, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC Cursor XCreatePixmapCursor ( Display *, Pixmap, Pixmap, XColor *,
XColor *, unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC Status XQueryBestCursor ( Display *, Drawable, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int *, unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC void XRecolorCursor ( Display *, Cursor, XColor *, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeCursor ( Display *, Cursor ) ;
# Creating, Copying and Destroying Colormaps (6.4)
+FUNC Colormap XCreateColormap ( Display *, Window, Visual *, int ) ;
+FUNC Colormap XCopyColormapAndFree ( Display *, Colormap ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeColormap ( Display *, Colormap ) ;
# Mapping colour names to values (6.5)
+FUNC Status XLookupColor ( Display *, Colormap, char *, XColor *, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC Status XParseColor ( Display *, Colormap, char *, XColor * ) ;
# Allocating and Freeing Colour cells (6.6)
+FUNC Status XAllocColor ( Display *, Colormap, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC Status XAllocNamedColor ( Display *, Colormap, char *, XColor *,
XColor * ) ;
+FUNC Status XAllocColorCells ( Display *, Colormap, Bool, unsigned long [],
unsigned int, unsigned long [], unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC Status XAllocColorPlanes ( Display *, Colormap, Bool, unsigned long [],
int, int, int, int, unsigned long *, unsigned long *, unsigned long * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeColors ( Display *, Colormap, unsigned long [], int,
unsigned long ) ;
# Modifying and Querying Colormap Cells (6.7)
+FUNC void XStoreColor ( Display *, Colormap, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC void XStoreColors ( Display *, Colormap, XColor [], int ) ;
+FUNC void XStoreNamedColor ( Display *, Colormap, char *, unsigned long,
int ) ;
+FUNC void XQueryColor ( Display *, Colormap, XColor * ) ;
+FUNC void XQueryColors ( Display *, Colormap, XColor [], int ) ;
# Manipulating GCs (7.1)
+FIELD ( struct ) XGCValues := {
int function ;
unsigned long plane_mask ;
unsigned long foreground ;
unsigned long background ;
int line_width ;
int line_style ;
int cap_style ;
int join_style ;
int fill_style ;
int fill_rule ;
int arc_mode ;
Pixmap tile ;
Pixmap stipple ;
int ts_x_origin ;
int ts_y_origin ;
Font font ;
int subwindow_mode ;
Bool graphics_exposures ;
int clip_x_origin ;
int clip_y_origin ;
Pixmap clip_mask ;
int dash_offset ;
char dashes ;
} ;
+FUNC GC XCreateGC ( Display *, Drawable, unsigned long, XGCValues * ) ;
+FUNC void XCopyGC ( Display *, GC, unsigned long, GC ) ;
+FUNC void XChangeGC ( Display *, GC, unsigned long, XGCValues * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetGCValues ( Display *, GC, unsigned long, XGCValues * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeGC ( Display *, GC ) ;
+FUNC GContext XGContextFromGC ( GC ) ;
+FUNC void XFlushGC ( Display *, GC ) ;
# Drawing Points, Lines, Rectangles and Arcs (8.3)
+FIELD ( struct ) XSegment := {
short x1, y1, x2, y2 ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XPoint := {
short x, y ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XRectangle := {
short x, y ;
unsigned short width, height ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XArc := {
short x, y ;
unsigned short width, height ;
short angle1, angle2 ;
} ;
# Setting the Foreground etc of a GC (7.2.1 to 7.2.7)
+FUNC void XSetState ( Display *, GC, unsigned long, unsigned long,
int, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetForeground ( Display *, GC, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetBackground ( Display *, GC, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetFunction ( Display *, GC, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetPlaneMask ( Display *, GC, unsigned long ) ;
+FUNC void XSetLineAttributes ( Display *, GC, unsigned int, int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetDashes ( Display *, GC, int, char [], int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetFillStyle ( Display *, GC, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetFillRule ( Display *, GC, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XQueryBestSize ( Display *, int, Drawable, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int *, unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC Status XQueryBestTile ( Display *, Drawable, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int *, unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC Status XQueryBestStipple ( Display *, Drawable, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int *, unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetTile ( Display *, GC, Pixmap ) ;
+FUNC void XSetStipple ( Display *, GC, Pixmap ) ;
+FUNC void XSetTSOrigin ( Display *, GC, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetFont ( Display *, GC, Font ) ;
+FUNC void XSetClipOrigin ( Display *, GC, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetClipMask ( Display *, GC, Pixmap ) ;
+FUNC void XSetClipRectangles ( Display *, GC, int, int, XRectangle [],
int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetArcMode ( Display *, GC, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetSubwindowMode ( Display *, GC, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetGraphicsExposures ( Display *, GC, Bool ) ;
# Clearing Areas (8.1)
+FUNC void XClearArea ( Display *, Window, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, Bool ) ;
+FUNC void XClearWindow ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Copying Areas (8.2)
+FUNC void XCopyArea ( Display *, Drawable, Drawable, GC, int, int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XCopyPlane ( Display *, Drawable, Drawable, GC, int, int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned long ) ;
# Drawing Single and Multiple Points etc (8.3.1 to 8.3.4)
+FUNC void XDrawPoint ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawPoints ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XPoint *, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawLine ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawLines ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XPoint *, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawSegments ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XSegment *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawRectangle ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int,
unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawRectangles ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XRectangle [], int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawArc ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawArcs ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XArc *, int ) ;
# Filling Areas (8.4)
+FUNC void XFillRectangle ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int,
unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC void XFillRectangles ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XRectangle *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XFillPolygon ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XPoint *, int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XFillArc ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XFillArcs ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XArc *, int ) ;
# Font Metrics (8.5)
+FIELD ( struct ) XCharStruct := {
short lbearing ;
short rbearing ;
short width ;
short ascent ;
short descent ;
unsigned short attributes ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XFontProp := {
Atom name ;
unsigned long card32 ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XChar2b := {
unsigned char byte1 ;
unsigned char byte2 ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XFontStruct := {
XExtData *ext_data ;
Font fid ;
unsigned direction ;
unsigned min_char_or_byte2 ;
unsigned max_char_or_byte2 ;
unsigned min_byte1 ;
unsigned max_byte1 ;
Bool all_chars_exist ;
unsigned default_char ;
int n_properties ;
XFontProp *properties ;
XCharStruct min_bounds ;
XCharStruct max_bounds ;
XCharStruct *per_char ;
int ascent ;
int descent ;
} ;
# Loading and Freeing Fonts (8.5.1)
+FUNC Font XLoadFont ( Display *, char * ) ;
+FUNC XFontStruct *XQueryFont ( Display *, XID ) ;
+FUNC XFontStruct *XLoadQueryFont ( Display *, char * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeFont ( Display *, XFontStruct * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XGetFontProperty ( XFontStruct *, Atom, unsigned long * ) ;
+FUNC void XUnloadFont ( Display *, Font ) ;
# Obtaining and Freeing Font Names (8.5.2)
+FUNC char **XListFonts ( Display *, char *, int, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeFontNames ( char * [] ) ;
+FUNC char **XListFontsWithInfo ( Display *, char *, int, int *,
XFontStruct ** ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeFontInfo ( char **, XFontStruct *, int ) ;
# Computing Character String Sizes (8.5.3)
+FUNC int XTextWidth ( XFontStruct *, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XTextWidth16 ( XFontStruct *, XChar2b *, int ) ;
# Computing Logical Extents (8.5.4)
+FUNC void XTextExtents ( XFontStruct *, char *, int, int *, int *,
int *, XCharStruct * ) ;
+FUNC void XTextExtents16 ( XFontStruct *, XChar2b *, int, int *, int *,
int *, XCharStruct * ) ;
# Querying Character String Sizes (8.5.5)
+FUNC void XQueryTextExtents ( Display *, XID, char *, int, int *,
int *, int *, XCharStruct * ) ;
+FUNC void XQueryTextExtents16 ( Display *, XID, XChar2b *, int, int *,
int *, int *, XCharStruct * ) ;
# Drawing Text (8.6)
+FIELD ( struct ) XTextItem := {
char *chars ;
int nchars ;
int delta ;
Font font ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XTextItem16 := {
XChar2b *chars ;
int nchars ;
int delta ;
Font font ;
} ;
# Drawing Complex Text (8.6.1)
+FUNC void XDrawText ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, XTextItem *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawText16 ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, XTextItem16 *,
int ) ;
# Drawing Text Characters (8.6.2)
+FUNC void XDrawString ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawString16 ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, XChar2b *,
int ) ;
# Drawing Image Text Characters (8.6.3)
+FUNC void XDrawImageString ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int,
char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDrawImageString16 ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int,
XChar2b *, int ) ;
# Transfering Images between Client and Server (8.7)
+FUNC void XPutImage ( Display *, Drawable, GC, XImage *, int, int,
int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC XImage *XGetImage ( Display *, Drawable, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned long, int ) ;
+FUNC XImage *XGetSubImage ( Display *, Drawable, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned long, int, XImage *, int, int ) ;
# Changing the Parent of a Window (9.1)
+FUNC void XReparentWindow ( Display *, Window, Window, int, int ) ;
# Controlling the Lifetime of a Window (9.2)
+FUNC void XChangeSaveSet ( Display *, Window, int ) ;
+FUNC void XAddToSaveSet ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC void XRemoveFromSaveSet ( Display *, Window ) ;
# Managing Installer Colormaps (9.3)
+FUNC void XInstallColormap ( Display *, Colormap ) ;
+FUNC void XUninstallColormap ( Display *, Colormap ) ;
+FUNC Colormap *XListInstalledColormaps ( Display *, Window, int * ) ;
# Setting and Retrieving Font Search Paths (9.4)
+FUNC void XSetFontPath ( Display *, char **, int ) ;
+FUNC char **XGetFontPath ( Display *, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeFontPath ( char ** ) ;
# Server Grabbing (9.5)
+FUNC void XGrabServer ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XUngrabServer ( Display * ) ;
# Killing Clients (9.6)
+FUNC void XKillClient ( Display *, XID ) ;
# Screen Saver Control (9.7)
+FUNC void XSetScreenSaver ( Display *, int, int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XForceScreenSaver ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XActivateScreenSaver ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XResetScreenSaver ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XGetScreenSaver ( Display *, int *, int *, int *, int * ) ;
# Adding, Getting and Removing Hosts (9.8.1)
+FIELD ( struct ) XHostAddress := {
int family ;
int length ;
char *address ;
} ;
+FUNC void XAddHost ( Display *, XHostAddress * ) ;
+FUNC void XAddHosts ( Display *, XHostAddress *, int ) ;
+FUNC XHostAddress *XListHosts ( Display *, int *, Bool * ) ;
+FUNC void XRemoveHost ( Display *, XHostAddress * ) ;
+FUNC void XRemoveHosts ( Display *, XHostAddress *, int ) ;
# Changing, Enabling or Disabling Access Control (9.8.2)
+FUNC void XSetAccessControl ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XEnableAccessControl ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XDisableAccessControl ( Display * ) ;
# Event Structures (10.2)
+FIELD ( struct ) XAnyEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
} ;
# Keyboard and Pointer Events (10.5.2)
+FIELD ( struct ) XButtonEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Window root ;
Window subwindow ;
Time time ;
int x, y ;
int x_root, y_root ;
unsigned int state ;
unsigned int button ;
Bool same_screen ;
} ;
+TYPEDEF XButtonEvent XButtonPressedEvent ;
+TYPEDEF XButtonEvent XButtonReleasedEvent ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XKeyEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Window root ;
Window subwindow ;
Time time ;
int x, y ;
int x_root, y_root ;
unsigned int state ;
unsigned int keycode ;
Bool same_screen ;
} ;
+TYPEDEF XKeyEvent XKeyPressedEvent ;
+TYPEDEF XKeyEvent XKeyReleasedEvent ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XMotionEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Window root ;
Window subwindow ;
Time time ;
int x, y ;
int x_root, y_root ;
unsigned int state ;
char is_hint ;
Bool same_screen ;
} ;
+TYPEDEF XMotionEvent XPointerMovedEvent ;
# Window Entry/Exit Events (10.6)
+FIELD ( struct ) XCrossingEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Window root ;
Window subwindow ;
Time time ;
int x, y ;
int x_root, y_root ;
int mode ;
int detail ;
Bool same_screen ;
Bool focus ;
unsigned int state ;
} ;
+TYPEDEF XCrossingEvent XEnterWindowEvent ;
+TYPEDEF XCrossingEvent XLeaveWindowEvent ;
# Input Focus Events (10.7)
+FIELD ( struct ) XFocusChangeEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
int mode ;
int detail ;
} ;
+TYPEDEF XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent ;
+TYPEDEF XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent ;
# Keymap State Notification Events (10.8)
+FIELD ( struct ) XKeymapEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
char key_vector [32] ;
} ;
# Exposure Events (10.9)
+FIELD ( struct ) XExposeEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int count ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XGraphicsExposeEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Drawable drawable ;
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int count ;
int major_code ;
int minor_code ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XNoExposeEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Drawable drawable ;
int major_code ;
int minor_code ;
} ;
# Window State Change Events (10.10)
+FIELD ( struct ) XCirculateEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
int place ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XConfigureEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int border_width ;
Window above ;
Bool override_redirect ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XCreateWindowEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window parent ;
Window window ;
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int border_width ;
Bool override_redirect ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XDestroyWindowEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XGravityEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
int x, y ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XMapEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
Bool override_redirect ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XMappingEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
int request ;
int first_keycode ;
int count ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XReparentEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
Window parent ;
int x, y ;
Bool override_redirect ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XUnmapEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window event ;
Window window ;
Bool from_configure ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XVisibilityEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
int state ;
} ;
# Structure Control Events (10.11)
+FIELD ( struct ) XCirculateRequestEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window parent ;
Window window ;
int place ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XConfigureRequestEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window parent ;
Window window ;
int x, y ;
int width, height ;
int border_width ;
Window above ;
int detail ;
unsigned long value_mask ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XMapRequestEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window parent ;
Window window ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XResizeRequestEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
int width, height ;
} ;
# Colormap State Change Events (10.12)
+FIELD ( struct ) XColormapEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Colormap colormap ;
Bool new ;
int state ;
} ;
# Client Communication Events (10.13)
+FIELD union ~XClientMessageData := {
char b [20] ;
short s [10] ;
long l [5] ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XClientMessageEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Atom message_type ;
int format ;
union ~XClientMessageData data ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XPropertyEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Atom atom ;
Time time ;
int state ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XSelectionClearEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window window ;
Atom selection ;
Time time ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XSelectionRequestEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window owner ;
Window requestor ;
Atom selection ;
Atom target ;
Atom property ;
Time time ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XSelectionEvent := {
int type ;
unsigned long serial ;
Bool send_event ;
Display *display ;
Window requestor ;
Atom selection ;
Atom target ;
Atom property ;
Time time ;
} ;
# Handing Protocol Errors (11.8): "contains" taken to mean inexact definition
+FIELD ( struct ) XErrorEvent {
int type ;
Display *display ;
XID resourceid ; # Moved from end to reflect implementations
unsigned long serial ;
unsigned char error_code ;
unsigned char request_code ;
unsigned char minor_code ;
} ;
# Event Structures (10.2)
+FIELD ( union ) XEvent := {
int type ;
XAnyEvent xany ;
XKeyEvent xkey ;
XButtonEvent xbutton ;
XMotionEvent xmotion ;
XCrossingEvent xcrossing ;
XFocusChangeEvent xfocus ;
XExposeEvent xexpose ;
XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose ;
XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose ;
XVisibilityEvent xvisibility ;
XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow ;
XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow ;
XUnmapEvent xunmap ;
XMapEvent xmap ;
XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest ;
XReparentEvent xreparent ;
XConfigureEvent xconfigure ;
XGravityEvent xgravity ;
XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest ;
XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest ;
XCirculateEvent xcirculate ;
XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest ;
XPropertyEvent xproperty ;
XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear ;
XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest ;
XSelectionEvent xselection ;
XColormapEvent xcolormap ;
XClientMessageEvent xclient ;
XMappingEvent xmapping ;
XErrorEvent xerror ;
XKeymapEvent xkeymap ;
long pad [24] ;
} ;
# Selecting Events (11.1)
+FUNC void XSelectInput ( Display *, Window, long ) ;
# Handling the Output Buffer (11.2)
+FUNC void XFlush ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XSync ( Display *, Bool ) ;
# Event Queue Management (11.3)
+FUNC int XEventsQueued ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XPending ( Display * ) ;
# Manipulating the Event Queue (11.4)
+FUNC void XNextEvent ( Display *, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC void XPeekEvent ( Display *, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC void XIfEvent ( Display *, XEvent *, Bool (*) (), XPointer ) ;
+FUNC Bool XCheckIfEvent ( Display *, XEvent *, Bool (*) (), XPointer ) ;
+FUNC void XPeekIfEvent ( Display *, XEvent *, Bool (*) (), XPointer ) ;
+FUNC void XWindowEvent ( Display *, Window, long, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XCheckWindowEvent ( Display *, Window, long, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC void XMaskEvent ( Display *, long, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XCheckMaskEvent ( Display *, long, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XCheckTypedEvent ( Display *, int, XEvent * ) ;
+FUNC Bool XCheckTypedWindowEvent ( Display *, Window, int, XEvent * ) ;
# Putting an Event back into the Queue (11.5)
+FUNC void XPutBackEvent ( Display *, XEvent * ) ;
# Sending Events to other Applications (11.6)
+FUNC Status XSendEvent ( Display *, Window, Bool, long, XEvent * ) ;
# Getting Pointer Motion History (11.7)
+FIELD ( struct ) XTimeCoord := {
Time time ;
short x, y ;
} ;
+FUNC unsigned long XDisplayMotionBufferSize ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC XTimeCoord *XGetMotionEvents ( Display *, Window, Time, Time, int * ) ;
# Handing Protocol Errors (11.8)
+FUNC int ( *XSetAfterFunction ( Display *, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XSynchronize ( Display *, Bool ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XSetErrorHandler ( int (*) ( Display *, XErrorEvent * ) ) ) () ;
+FUNC void XGetErrorText ( Display *, int, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XGetErrorDatabaseText ( Display *, char *, char *, char *,
char *, int ) ;
+FUNC char *XDisplayName ( char * ) ;
+FUNC int ( *XSetIOErrorHandler ( int (*) ( Display * ) ) ) () ;
# Pointer Grabbing (12.1)
+FUNC int XGrabPointer ( Display *, Window, Bool, unsigned int, int,
int, Window, Cursor, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XUngrabPointer ( Display *, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XChangeActivePointerGrab ( Display *, unsigned int, Cursor, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XGrabButton ( Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int, Window,
Bool, unsigned int, int, int, Window, Cursor ) ;
+FUNC void XUngrabButton ( Display *, unsigned int, unsigned int, Window ) ;
# Keyboard Grabbing (12.2)
+FUNC int XGrabKeyboard ( Display *, Window, Bool, int, int, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XUngrabKeyboard ( Display *, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XGrabKey ( Display *, int, unsigned int, Window, Bool, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XUngrabKey ( Display *, int, unsigned int, Window ) ;
# Resuming Event Processing (12.3)
+FUNC void XAllowEvents ( Display *, int, Time ) ;
# Moving the Pointer (12.4)
+FUNC void XWarpPointer ( Display *, Window, Window, int, int, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int, int ) ;
# Controlling Input Focus (12.5)
+FUNC void XSetInputFocus ( Display *, Window, int, Time ) ;
+FUNC void XGetInputFocus ( Display *, Window *, int * ) ;
# Keyboard and Pointer Settings (12.6)
+FIELD ( struct ) XKeyboardControl := {
int key_click_percent ;
int bell_percent ;
int bell_pitch ;
int bell_duration ;
int led ;
int led_mode ;
int key ;
int auto_repeat_mode ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XKeyboardState := {
int key_click_percent ;
int bell_percent ;
unsigned int bell_pitch ;
unsigned int bell_duration ;
unsigned long led_mask ;
int global_auto_repeat ;
char auto_repeats [32] ;
} ;
+FUNC void XChangeKeyboardControl ( Display *, unsigned long,
XKeyboardControl * ) ;
+FUNC void XGetKeyboardControl ( Display *, XKeyboardState * ) ;
+FUNC void XAutoRepeatOn ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XAutoRepeatOff ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC void XBell ( Display *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XQueryKeymap ( Display *, char [32] ) ;
+FUNC int XSetPointerMapping ( Display *, unsigned char [], int ) ;
+FUNC int XGetPointerMapping ( Display *, unsigned char [], int ) ;
+FUNC void XChangePointerControl ( Display *, Bool, Bool, int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XGetPointerControl ( Display *, int *, int *, int * ) ;
# Keyboard Encoding (12.7)
+FIELD ( struct ) XModifierKeymap := {
int max_keypermod ;
KeyCode *modifiermap ;
} ;
+FUNC void XDisplayKeycodes ( Display *, int *, int * ) ;
+FUNC KeySym *XGetKeyboardMapping ( Display *, KeyCode, int, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XChangeKeyboardMapping ( Display *, int, int, KeySym *, int ) ;
+FUNC XModifierKeymap *XNewModifiermap ( int ) ;
+FUNC XModifierKeymap *XInsertModifiermapEntry ( XModifierKeymap *,
KeyCode, int ) ;
+FUNC XModifierKeymap *XDeleteModifiermapEntry ( XModifierKeymap *,
KeyCode, int ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeModifiermap ( XModifierKeymap * ) ;
+FUNC int XSetModifierMapping ( Display *, XModifierKeymap * ) ;
+FUNC XModifierKeymap *XGetModifierMapping ( Display * ) ;
# X Locale Management (13.1)
+FUNC Bool XSupportsLocale ( void ) ;
+FUNC char *XSetLocaleModifiers ( char * ) ;
# Creating and Freeing a Font Set (13.3)
+TYPE XFontSet ;
+FUNC XFontSet XCreateFontSet ( Display *, char *, char ***, int *,
char ** ) ;
+FUNC int XFontsOfFontSet ( XFontSet, XFontStruct ***, char *** ) ;
+FUNC char *XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet ( XFontSet ) ;
+FUNC char *XLocaleOfFontSet ( XFontSet ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeFontSet ( Display *, XFontSet ) ;
# Obtaining Font Set Metrics (13.4)
+FIELD ( struct ) XFontSetExtents := {
XRectangle max_ink_extent ;
XRectangle max_logical_extent ;
} ;
+FUNC Bool XContextDependentDrawing ( XFontSet ) ;
+FUNC XFontSetExtents *XExtentsOfFontSet ( XFontSet ) ;
+FUNC int XmbTextEscapement ( XFontSet, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XwcTextEscapement ( XFontSet, wchar_t *, int ) ;
+FUNC int XmbTextExtents ( XFontSet, char *, int, XRectangle *,
XRectangle * ) ;
+FUNC int XwcTextExtents ( XFontSet, wchar_t *, int, XRectangle *,
XRectangle * ) ;
+FUNC Status XmbTextPerCharExtents ( XFontSet, char *, int, XRectangle *,
XRectangle *, int, int *, XRectangle *, XRectangle * ) ;
+FUNC Status XwcTextPerCharExtents ( XFontSet, wchar_t *, int, XRectangle *,
XRectangle *, int, int *, XRectangle *, XRectangle * ) ;
# Drawing Text Using Font Sets (13.5)
+FIELD ( struct ) XmbTextItem := {
char *chars ;
int nchars ;
int delta ;
XFontSet font_set ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XwcTextItem := {
wchar_t *chars ;
int nchars ;
int delta ;
XFontSet font_set ;
} ;
+FUNC void XmbDrawText ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, XmbTextItem *,
int ) ;
+FUNC void XwcDrawText ( Display *, Drawable, GC, int, int, XwcTextItem *,
int ) ;
+FUNC void XmbDrawString ( Display *, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, int, int,
char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XwcDrawString ( Display *, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, int, int,
wchar_t *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XmbDrawImageString ( Display *, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, int,
int, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XwcDrawImageString ( Display *, Drawable, XFontSet, GC, int,
int, wchar_t *, int ) ;
# Input Methods (13.6)
# Variable Argument Lists (13.7)
+TYPEDEF void *XVaNestedList ;
+FUNC XVaNestedList XVaCreateNestedList ( int, ... ) ;
# Input Method Functions (13.8)
+FUNC XIM XOpenIM ( Display *, XrmDatabase, char *, char * ) ;
+FUNC Status XCloseIM ( XIM ) ;
+FUNC char *XGetIMValues ( XIM, ... ) ;
+TYPEDEF unsigned long XIMStyle ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMStyles := {
unsigned short count_styles ;
XIMStyle *supported_styles ;
} ;
+DEFINE XIMPreeditArea %% 0x0001L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMPreeditCallbacks %% 0x0002L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMPreeditPosition %% 0x0004L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMPreeditNothing %% 0x0008L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMPreeditNone %% 0x0010L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMStatusArea %% 0x0100L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMStatusCallbacks %% 0x0200L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMStatusNothing %% 0x0400L %% ;
+DEFINE XIMStatusNone %% 0x0800L %% ;
+FUNC Display *XDisplayOfIM ( XIM ) ;
+FUNC char *XLocaleOfIM ( XIM ) ;
# Input Context Functions (13.9)
+FUNC XIC XCreateIC ( XIM, ... ) ;
+FUNC void XDestroyIC ( XIC ) ;
+FUNC void XSetICFocus ( XIC ) ;
+FUNC void XUnsetICFocus ( XIC ) ;
+FUNC char *XmbResetIC ( XIC ) ;
+FUNC wchar_t *XwcResetIC ( XIC ) ;
+FUNC char *XSetICValues ( XIC, ... ) ;
+FUNC char *XGetICValues ( XIC, ... ) ;
# XIC Value Arguments (13.10)
+TYPEDEF void ( *XIMProc ) () ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMCallback := {
XPointer client_data ;
XIMProc callback ;
} ;
# Callback Semantic (13.11)
+TYPEDEF unsigned long XIMFeedback ;
+FIELD union ~XIMTextString := {
char *multi_byte ;
wchar_t *wide_char ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMText := {
unsigned short length ;
XIMFeedback *feedback ;
Bool encoding_is_wchar ;
union ~XIMTextString string ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMPreeditDrawCallbackStruct := {
int caret ;
int chg_first ;
int chg_length ;
XIMText *text ;
} ;
+DEFINE XIMReverse %% 1 %% ;
+DEFINE XIMUnderline %% (1L<<1) %% ;
+DEFINE XIMHighlight %% (1L<<2) %% ;
+DEFINE XIMPrimary %% (1L<<3) %% ;
+DEFINE XIMSecondary %% (1L<<4) %% ;
+DEFINE XIMTertiary %% (1L<<5) %% ;
+ENUM XIMCaretStyle := {
} ;
+ENUM XIMCaretDirection := {
XIMForwardChar, XIMBackwardChar,
XIMForwardWord, XIMBackwardWord,
XIMCaretUp, XIMCaretDown,
XIMNextLine, XIMPreviousLine,
XIMLineStart, XIMLineEnd,
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMPreeditCaretCallbackStruct := {
int position ;
XIMCaretDirection direction ;
XIMCaretStyle style ;
} ;
+ENUM XIMStatusDataType := {
} ;
+FIELD union ~XIMStatusDrawCallbackData := {
XIMText *text ;
Pixmap bitmap ;
} ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XIMStatusDrawCallbackStruct := {
XIMStatusDataType type ;
union ~XIMStatusDrawCallbackData data ;
} ;
# Event Filtering (13.12)
+FUNC Bool XFilterEvent ( XEvent *, Window ) ;
# Getting Keyboard Input (13.13)
+FUNC int XmbLookupString ( XIC, XKeyPressedEvent *, char *, int,
KeySym *, Status * ) ;
+FUNC int XwcLookupString ( XIC, XKeyPressedEvent *, wchar_t *, int,
KeySym *, Status * ) ;
+CONST Status XBufferOverflow, XLookupNone, XLookupChars ;
+CONST Status XLookupKeySym, XLookupBoth ;
# String Constants (13.15)
+EXP char *XNVaNestedList ;
+EXP char *XNQueryInputStyle ;
+EXP char *XNClientWindow ;
+EXP char *XNInputStyle ;
+EXP char *XNFocusWindow ;
+EXP char *XNResourceName ;
+EXP char *XNResourceClass ;
+EXP char *XNGeometryCallback ;
+EXP char *XNFilterEvents ;
+EXP char *XNPreeditStartCallback ;
+EXP char *XNPreeditDoneCallback ;
+EXP char *XNPreeditDrawCallback ;
+EXP char *XNPreeditCaretCallback ;
+EXP char *XNPreeditAttributes ;
+EXP char *XNStatusStartCallback ;
+EXP char *XNStatusDoneCallback ;
+EXP char *XNStatusDrawCallback ;
+EXP char *XNStatusAttributes ;
+EXP char *XNArea ;
+EXP char *XNAreaNeeded ;
+EXP char *XNSpotLocation ;
+EXP char *XNColormap ;
+EXP char *XNStdColormap ;
+EXP char *XNForeground ;
+EXP char *XNBackground ;
+EXP char *XNBackgroundPixmap ;
+EXP char *XNFontSet ;
+EXP char *XNLineSpace ;
+EXP char *XNCursor ;
# Client to Window Manager Communication (14.1)
+FUNC Status XIconifyWindow ( Display *, Window, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XWithdrawWindow ( Display *, Window, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XReconfigureWMWindow ( Display *, Window, int, unsigned int,
XWindowChanges * ) ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XTextProperty := {
unsigned char *value ;
Atom encoding ;
int format ;
unsigned long nitems ;
} ;
+DEFINE XNoMemory %% -1 %% ;
+DEFINE XLocaleNotSupported %% -2 %% ;
+DEFINE XConverterNotFound %% -3 %% ;
+ENUM XICCEncodingStyle := {
} ;
+FUNC int XmbTextListToTextProperty ( Display *, char **, int,
XICCEncodingStyle, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC int XwcTextListToTextProperty ( Display *, wchar_t **, int,
XICCEncodingStyle, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC int XmbTextPropertyToTextList ( Display *, XTextProperty *,
char ***, int * ) ;
+FUNC int XwcTextPropertyToTextList ( Display *, XTextProperty *,
wchar_t ***, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XwcFreeStringList ( wchar_t ** ) ;
+FUNC char *XDefaultString ( void ) ;
+FUNC Status XStringListToTextProperty ( char **, int, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC Status XTextPropertyToStringList ( XTextProperty *, char ***, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeStringList ( char ** ) ;
+FUNC void XSetTextProperty ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetTextProperty ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMName ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMName ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC void XStoreName ( Display *, Window, char * ) ;
+FUNC Status XFetchName ( Display *, Window, char ** ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMIconName ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMIconName ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetIconName ( Display *, Window, char * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetIconName ( Display *, Window, char ** ) ;
+FUNC XWMHints *XAllocWMHints ( void ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMHints ( Display *, Window, XWMHints * ) ;
+FUNC XWMHints *XGetWMHints ( Display *, Window ) ;
+FUNC XSizeHints *XAllocSizeHints ( void ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMNormalHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMNormalHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, long * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMSizeHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMSizeHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, long *,
Atom ) ;
+FUNC XClassHint *XAllocClassHint ( void ) ;
+FUNC void XSetClassHint ( Display *, Window, XClassHint * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetClassHint ( Display *, Window, XClassHint * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetTransientForHint ( Display *, Window, Window ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetTransientForHint ( Display *, Window, Window * ) ;
+FUNC Status XSetWMProtocols ( Display *, Window, Atom *, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMProtocols ( Display *, Window, Atom **, int * ) ;
+FUNC Status XSetWMColormapWindows ( Display *, Window, Window *, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMColormapWindows ( Display *, Window, Window **, int * ) ;
+FUNC XIconSize *XAllocIconSize ( void ) ;
+FUNC void XSetIconSizes ( Display *, Window, XIconSize *, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetIconSizes ( Display *, Window, XIconSize **, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XmbSetWMProperties ( Display *, Window, char *, char *,
char * [], int, XSizeHints *, XWMHints *, XClassHint * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMProperties ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty *,
XTextProperty *, char **, int, XSizeHints *, XWMHints *, XClassHint * ) ;
# Client to Session Manager Communication (14.2)
+FUNC void XSetCommand ( Display *, Window, char **, int ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetCommand ( Display *, Window, char ***, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetWMClientMachine ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetWMClientMachine ( Display *, Window, XTextProperty * ) ;
# Standard Colormaps (14.3)
+DEFINE ReleaseByFreeingColormap %% ((XID)1L) %% ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XStandardColormap := {
Colormap colormap ;
unsigned long red_max, red_mult ;
unsigned long green_max, green_mult ;
unsigned long blue_max, blue_mult ;
unsigned long base_pixel ;
VisualID visualid ;
XID killid ;
} ;
+FUNC XStandardColormap *XAllocStandardColormap ( void ) ;
+FUNC void XSetRGBColormaps ( Display *, Window, XStandardColormap *,
int, Atom ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetRGBColormaps ( Display *, Window, XStandardColormap **,
int *, Atom ) ;
# Keyboard Utility Functions (16.1)
+FUNC KeySym XLookupKeysym ( XKeyEvent *, int ) ;
+FUNC KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym ( Display *, KeyCode, int ) ;
+FUNC KeyCode XKeysymToKeycode ( Display *, KeySym ) ;
+FUNC void XRefreshKeyboardMapping ( XMappingEvent * ) ;
+FUNC KeySym XStringToKeysym ( char * ) ;
+FUNC char *XKeysymToString ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsCursorKey ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsFunctionKey ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsKeypadKey ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsMiscFunctionKey ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsModifierKey ( KeySym ) ;
+MACRO Bool IsPFKey ( KeySym ) ;
# Latin-1 Keyboard Event Functions (16.2)
+TYPE ( struct ) XComposeStatus ;
+FUNC int XLookupString ( XKeyEvent *, char *, int, KeySym *,
XComposeStatus * ) ;
+FUNC void XRebindKeysym ( Display *, KeySym, KeySym [], int,
unsigned char *, int ) ;
# Allocating Permanent Storage (16.3)
+FUNC char *Xpermalloc ( unsigned int ) ;
# Parsing the Window Geometry (16.4)
+FUNC int XParseGeometry ( char *, int *, int *, unsigned int *,
unsigned int * ) ;
+FUNC int XWMGeometry ( Display *, int, char *, char *, unsigned int,
XSizeHints *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int * ) ;
# Manipulating Regions (16.5)
+FUNC Region XCreateRegion ( void ) ;
+FUNC Region XPolygonRegion ( XPoint [], int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XSetRegion ( Display *, GC, Region ) ;
+FUNC void XDestroyRegion ( Region ) ;
+FUNC void XOffsetRegion ( Region, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XShrinkRegion ( Region, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XClipBox ( Region, XRectangle * ) ;
+FUNC void XIntersectRegion ( Region, Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC void XUnionRegion ( Region, Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC void XUnionRectWithRegion ( XRectangle *, Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC void XSubtractRegion ( Region, Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC void XXorRegion ( Region, Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC Bool XEmptyRegion ( Region ) ;
+FUNC Bool XEqualRegion ( Region, Region ) ;
+FUNC Bool XPointInRegion ( Region, int, int ) ;
+FUNC Bool XRectInRegion ( Region, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
# Using Cut Buffers (16.6)
+FUNC void XStoreBytes ( Display *, char *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XStoreBuffer ( Display *, char *, int, int ) ;
+FUNC char *XFetchBytes ( Display *, int * ) ;
+FUNC char *XFetchBuffer ( Display *, int *, int ) ;
+FUNC void XRotateBuffers ( Display *, int ) ;
# Determining a Visual Type (16.7)
+FUNC XVisualInfo *XGetVisualInfo ( Display *, long, XVisualInfo *, int * ) ;
+FUNC Status XMatchVisualInfo ( Display *, int, int, int, XVisualInfo * ) ;
# Manipulating Images (16.8)
+FUNC XImage *XCreateImage ( Display *, Visual *, unsigned int, int,
int, char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC void XDestroyImage ( XImage * ) ;
# Manipulating Bitmaps (16.9)
+FUNC int XReadBitmapFile ( Display *, Drawable, char *, unsigned int *,
unsigned int *, Pixmap *, int *, int * ) ;
+FUNC int XWriteBitmapFile ( Display *, char *, Pixmap, unsigned int,
unsigned int, int, int ) ;
+FUNC Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData ( Display *, Drawable, char *,
unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned int ) ;
+FUNC Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromData ( Display *, Drawable, char *,
unsigned int, unsigned int ) ;
# Using the Context Manager (16.10)
+TYPE XContext ; # not actually specified
+FUNC int XSaveContext ( Display *, XID, XContext, XPointer ) ;
+FUNC int XFindContext ( Display *, XID, XContext, XPointer * ) ;
+FUNC int XDeleteContext ( Display *, XID, XContext ) ;
+FUNC XContext XUniqueContext ( void ) ;
# Extensions (Appendix C)
+FUNC Bool XQueryExtension ( Display *, char *, int *, int *, int * ) ;
+FUNC char **XListExtensions ( Display *, int * ) ;
+FUNC void XFreeExtensionList ( char ** ) ;
+FIELD ( struct ) XExtCodes := {
int extension ;
int major_opcode ;
int first_event ;
int first_error ;
} ;
+FUNC XExtCodes *XInitExtension ( Display *, char * ) ;
+FUNC XExtCodes *XAddExtension ( Display * ) ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetCloseDisplay ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetCreateGC ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetCopyGC ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetFreeGC ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetCreateFont ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetFreeFont ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetWireToEvent ( Display *, int, Status (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC unsigned long _XSetLastRequestRead ( Display *, xGenericReply * ) ;
+FUNC Status ( *XESetEventToWire ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC Bool ( *XESetWireToError ( Display *, int, Bool (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetError ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC char *( *XESetErrorString ( Display *, int, char *(*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC void ( *XESetPrintErrorValues ( Display *, int, void (*) () ) ) () ;
+FUNC int ( *XESetFlushGC ( Display *, int, int (*) () ) ) () ;
+FIELD XExtData := {
int number ;
XExtData *next ;
int ( *free_private ) () ;
XPointer private_data ;
} ;
+TYPE ScreenFormat ; # RCA : not specified
+FIELD ( union ) XEDataObject := {
Display *display ;
GC gc ;
Visual *visual ;
Screen *screen ;
ScreenFormat *pixmap_format ;
XFontStruct *font ;
} ;
+FUNC XExtData **XEHeadOfExtensionList ( XEDataObject ) ;
+FUNC void XAddToExtensionList ( XExtData **, XExtData * ) ;
+FUNC XExtData *XFindOnExtensionList ( XExtData **, int ) ;
+MACRO XID XAllocID ( Display * ) ;
+STATEMENT FlushGC ( Display *, GC ) ;
+FUNC void _XFlushGCCache ( Display *, GC ) ;
# X11 Compatibility Functions (Appendix D)
+FUNC void XSetStandardProperties ( Display *, Window, char *, char *,
Pixmap, char **, int, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetNormalHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetNormalHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetZoomHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetZoomHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints * ) ;
+FUNC void XSetSizeHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetSizeHints ( Display *, Window, XSizeHints *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC Status XGetStandardColormap ( Display *, Window,
XStandardColormap *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC void XSetStandardColormap ( Display *, Window,
XStandardColormap *, Atom ) ;
+FUNC int XGeometry ( Display *, int, char *, char *, unsigned int,
unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * ) ;
+FUNC char *XGetDefault ( Display *, char *, char * ) ;