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Crown Copyright (c) 1997
This TenDRA(r) Computer Program is subject to Copyright
owned by the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence
acting through the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
(DERA). It is made available to Recipients with a
royalty-free licence for its use, reproduction, transfer
to other parties and amendment for any purpose not excluding
product development provided that any such use et cetera
shall be deemed to be acceptance of the following conditions:-
(1) Its Recipients shall ensure that this Notice is
reproduced upon any copies or amended versions of it;
(2) Any amended version of it shall be clearly marked to
show both the nature of and the organisation responsible
for the relevant amendment or amendments;
(3) Its onward transfer from a recipient to another
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these conditions;
(4) DERA gives no warranty or assurance as to its
quality or suitability for any purpose and DERA accepts
no liability whatsoever in relation to any use to which
it may be put.
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "basic.h"
#include "binding.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "sort.h"
#include "tdf.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "utility.h"
The flag dumb_mode determines whether the pretty-printer will
attempt to rationalize its input, or whether it will just blindly
output what it reads. If show_stuff is true information on the
number of tags and tokens etc will be output.
int dumb_mode = 0 ;
int show_stuff = 0 ;
Tokens may be defined recursively without the necessary previous
declarations to make this simple. Thus the token definitions are
given a preliminary pass to extract the declaration information.
This feature can be switch on and off using the skip_pass flag.
If show_skip is true the information read on the skip pass is
displayed. skipping is true iff we are in the skip pass.
int skip_pass = 1 ;
int show_skip = 0 ;
int skipping = 0 ;
These arrays store the names of the types of equations (e.g. tokdefs)
and the types of variables these equations are in (e.g. tags and tokens).
The number of types of variables is given by no_variables.
string *eqn_types = null ;
string *var_types = null ;
char *var_letters = "" ;
long *var_count = null ;
long no_variables = 0 ;
The current binding table is given by crt_binding.
binding *crt_binding ;
An external name is decoded and associated with a variable of type v.
r gives the order information.
static void de_linkextern
PROTO_N ( ( v, r ) )
PROTO_T ( long v X long r )
object *p ;
external ext ;
long n = tdf_int () ;
ext = de_extern_name () ;
p = new_object ( v ) ;
set_binding ( crt_binding, v, n, p ) ;
p->named = 1 ;
p->name = ext ;
p->order = r ;
if ( v == var_token && ext.simple ) {
/* Look for special tokens */
char *nm = ext.val.str ;
if ( nm [0] == '~' && diagnostics ) {
if ( streq ( nm, "~dg_exp" ) ) {
token_sort ( p, sort_exp, "xG", n ) ;
} else if ( streq ( nm, "~exp_to_source" ) ) {
token_sort ( p, sort_exp, "xMM", n ) ;
} else if ( streq ( nm, "~diag_id_scope" ) ) {
token_sort ( p, sort_exp, "x$xd", n ) ;
} else if ( streq ( nm, "~diag_type_scope" ) ) {
token_sort ( p, sort_exp, "x$d", n ) ;
} else if ( streq ( nm, "~diag_tag_scope" ) ) {
token_sort ( p, sort_exp, "x$d", n ) ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
word *w1, *w2 ;
w1 = new_word ( HORIZ_NONE ) ;
out_string ( var_types [v] ) ;
w2 = new_word ( HORIZ_BRACKETS ) ;
out_int ( n ) ;
end_word ( w2 ) ;
out_string ( "represents " ) ;
if ( ext.simple ) {
out ( ext.val.str ) ;
} else {
out_unique ( ext.val.uniq ) ;
end_word ( w1 ) ;
return ;
This should be increased appropriately by each unit decoding function.
long total = 0 ;
long blank_lines = 0 ;
A set of equations is decoded. f gives the procedure which is to be
used to decode the equation body.
static void de_equation
PROTO_N ( ( f ) )
PROTO_T ( equation_func f )
long i, n ;
long no_var ;
int needs_it = 0 ;
static long unitno = 1 ;
/* Record old bindings */
binding *old_binding = crt_binding ;
/* Read the number of each type of variable */
no_var = tdf_int () ;
if ( no_var ) {
if ( no_var != no_variables ) {
input_error ( "Number of local variables wrong" ) ;
crt_binding = new_binding_table () ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
long sz = tdf_int () ;
set_binding_size ( crt_binding, i, sz ) ;
if ( show_stuff ) {
out_string ( var_types [i] ) ;
out_string ( " x " ) ;
out_int ( sz ) ;
if ( show_stuff ) blank_line () ;
/* Read linkage for each type of variable */
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_var ) input_error ( "Number of linkage units wrong" ) ;
if ( no_var ) {
if ( dumb_mode ) {
word *w = new_word ( HORIZ_NONE ) ;
out_string ( "Bindings for Unit " ) ;
out_int ( unitno ) ;
out ( "(inner->outer)" ) ;
end_word ( w ) ;
blank_line () ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
long j, no_links = tdf_int () ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_links ; j++ ) {
object *p ;
long inner = tdf_int () ;
long outer = tdf_int () ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
/* Output the linkage information */
word *w1, *w2 ;
w1 = new_word ( HORIZ_NONE ) ;
out_string ( var_types [i] ) ;
w2 = new_word ( HORIZ_BRACKETS ) ;
out_int ( inner ) ;
end_word ( w2 ) ;
out_string ( "is bound to " ) ;
out_string ( var_types [i] ) ;
w2 = new_word ( HORIZ_BRACKETS ) ;
out_int ( outer ) ;
end_word ( w2 ) ;
end_word ( w1 ) ;
needs_it = 1 ;
p = find_binding ( old_binding, i, outer ) ;
set_binding ( crt_binding, i, inner, p ) ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
if ( needs_it ) blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 1 ;
/* Complete the bindings */
complete_binding ( crt_binding ) ;
/* Read the unit body */
n = BYTESIZE * tdf_int () ;
byte_align () ;
if ( f == null ) {
skip_bits ( n ) ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
out ( "(skipped)" ) ;
blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 1 ;
total++ ;
} else {
long end = posn ( here ) + n ;
( *f ) () ;
byte_align () ;
if ( posn ( here ) != end ) input_error ( "Unit length wrong" ) ;
/* Restore old bindings */
if ( no_var ) {
free_binding_table ( crt_binding ) ;
crt_binding = old_binding ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
for ( i = blank_lines ; i < 2 ; i++ ) blank_line () ;
out_string ( "End of Bindings for Unit " ) ;
out_int ( unitno++ ) ;
blank_line () ;
blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 2 ;
return ;
A capsule consists of a number of equation types, a number of variable
sorts, a number of external names for variables and a number of
equations of certain types.
void de_capsule
long i, n ;
long no_eqn, no_var ;
if ( dumb_mode ) show_stuff = 1 ;
/* Read the magic number */
out ( "MAGIC NUMBER" ) ;
blank_line () ;
de_magic ( version_magic ) ;
blank_line () ;
blank_line () ;
/* Read the equation types */
no_eqn = tdf_int () ;
if ( no_eqn ) {
if ( show_stuff ) {
out ( "EQUATION TYPES" ) ;
blank_line () ;
eqn_types = alloc_nof ( string, no_eqn ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_eqn ; i++ ) {
string s = de_tdfstring_align () ;
eqn_types [i] = s ;
if ( show_stuff ) out ( s ) ;
if ( show_stuff ) {
blank_line () ;
blank_line () ;
/* Read the variable types and initialize the bindings */
no_var = tdf_int () ;
no_variables = no_var ;
crt_binding = new_binding_table () ;
if ( no_var ) {
if ( show_stuff ) {
out ( "VARIABLE TYPES" ) ;
blank_line () ;
var_types = alloc_nof ( string, no_var ) ;
var_letters = alloc_nof ( char, no_var + 1 ) ;
var_count = alloc_nof ( long, no_var ) ;
var_letters [ no_var ] = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
string sv = de_tdfstring_align () ;
long sz = tdf_int () ;
var_letters [i] = find_variable ( sv, i ) ;
var_types [i] = sv ;
var_count [i] = 0 ;
set_binding_size ( crt_binding, i, sz ) ;
if ( show_stuff ) {
out_string ( sv ) ;
out_string ( " x " ) ;
out_int ( sz ) ;
if ( show_stuff ) {
blank_line () ;
blank_line () ;
/* Read the external variable names */
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_var ) input_error ( "Number of variables wrong" ) ;
if ( no_var ) {
if ( dumb_mode ) {
out ( "EXTERNAL NAMES" ) ;
blank_line () ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_var ; i++ ) {
long j, no_links = tdf_int () ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_links ; j++ ) de_linkextern ( i, j ) ;
if ( dumb_mode ) {
blank_line () ;
blank_line () ;
/* Complete the bindings */
complete_binding ( crt_binding ) ;
/* Read the equations */
n = tdf_int () ;
if ( n != no_eqn ) input_error ( "Number of equations wrong" ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < no_eqn ; i++ ) {
int used = 0 ;
char *title = null ;
long j, no_units = tdf_int () ;
string se = eqn_types [i] ;
equation_func f = find_equation ( se, &title, &used ) ;
if ( !used ) {
title = null ;
f = null ;
total = 0 ;
if ( f == de_tokdef_props && no_units ) {
/* Skip pass */
place pl ;
int old_pf = printflag ;
if ( !show_skip ) printflag = 0 ;
skipping = 1 ;
pl.byte = here.byte ;
pl.bit = here.bit ;
if ( printflag && ( dumb_mode || f ) ) {
if ( title && !show_stuff ) {
out_string ( title ) ;
} else {
out_string ( "EQUATIONS OF TYPE " ) ;
out_string ( se ) ;
out ( " (SKIP PASS)" ) ;
blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 1 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_units ; j++ ) de_equation ( f ) ;
if ( printflag && ( dumb_mode || f ) ) {
if ( total == 0 ) {
out ( "(none)" ) ;
blank_lines = 0 ;
for ( j = blank_lines ; j < 2 ; j++ ) blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 2 ;
total = 0 ;
set_place ( &pl ) ;
skipping = 0 ;
printflag = old_pf ;
/* Main pass */
if ( dumb_mode || f ) {
if ( title && !show_stuff ) {
out ( title ) ;
} else {
out_string ( "EQUATIONS OF TYPE " ) ;
out ( se ) ;
blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 1 ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < no_units ; j++ ) de_equation ( f ) ;
if ( dumb_mode || f ) {
if ( total == 0 ) {
out ( "(none)" ) ;
blank_lines = 0 ;
for ( j = blank_lines ; j < 2 ; j++ ) blank_line () ;
blank_lines = 2 ;
return ;